i'm running GW2 with no issues on an old machine, AMD Dual core 5600+ (2.9ghz), 4gb ram with a GeForce 8600 GT 2gb card (total cost including 19" monitor was €50)
if you have a small budget its well worth going for something cheap but something that you can upgrade a little later with maybe a new gfx card and some RAM
i'm running a 2.2 core2duo E6600 or something with 6gig ram, 640mb 8800gts ..
it runs medium settings with 25-30fps in pve, but as soon as there comes 15+ people on my screen the fps drops between 5-10.
I have vacummed years of dust from my graphics card, and formatted prior to GW release which both seemed to help. Also i noticed teamspeak gave me some graphics problems, especially overlay which helped not running that on the PC aswell.
If anyone can help with this idea it would be nice;
I'm half tempted to get a new graphics card and hope it will just boost it over so i can run medium setting /large scale keep battles, do you think a new graphics card is worth it? or just hang on a few months and buy a new PC? The PC is 6 years old, but has had a new case(2years old), motherboard(4 years old now), and has ddr2 ram .. would a new gfx card something like a gtx 560 be worth it? at around £170
- English - said:have you any idea on PSU?
I currently have http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/psus/2009/06/25/enermax-liberty-eco-review/1, and was wondering if I can avoid replacing (if it is ok with this generation of gfx cards) then and just buy around it, considering my case is decent also.