Charm Sash Zoarkat raid 14th 15th 18th <<<<please make sticky>>>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Raid will meet volcanous haven 1800 gmt leaving at around 1830 BE THERE early please..

Im pre-claiming my sash arti on monday as raids been going for over a month now and i still have not got my arti i originaly wanted lmao. if people have time we will go excal and get that sash too...

Rules: bots get mod not credit so if you bringing an alt for credit purposes please tell me so that i can put it on 1 line for ya mod..
no selling artis thats just freackin lame in my book..
If we cant do an arti due to it being down ect we wil lgo to excal see if that enc is up.. il not be doing both realms for artis just 1 as i dont got time for both unless we need to go..

i understand that last week 2 raids failed due to lack of numbers can only appologise for that as i was not there. as a result if i dont get numbers this week when im leading it il make the raids sighn up again..and will proly try to get regulars sighnup with increasing there mods to classes that are mostly needed..

Current mod List

Skelthor/blades +15
Psykopatus +15
Fishboy +15
Healu +15
Xenin +15
Thermal /zedlaus/necrina +60
Gibbrock + 90
Xuff +15
Fark +30
Dora +15
Dum +0 won sash
Hudrinator +15
Hyperspells/wangadang/transfirmer +60
Samoah /soleas +75
Uberlama +30
Ittsy/gidash +90
Bunzofsteel +15
Bruthien/ phattz +45
Tacticaldave +15
Cocopop +15
Simpal +30
Dracgol/sunsar/kinky +90 done
Amanita +15
Mudjahadin/Crybaby +90
Troubled +15
Churchll +15
Elitestoner +30
Petz +15
Starduzt +30
Allysania +15
Dragonknight/xyan/kinetix +0
Mithril +15
Saraceno +15
Snewk/Snewken +45
Marmer +15
Fetbuffen /advallen 0
Thadius/Tacticledave +30
Lighthealer +30
bettsolocks +15
cyrsaar + 75
warboris +15
Bademin +15
Abelard +15
generator +15
Denzil +15
Triak +15
Gnistra +15
Geunoviere +15
Hapytige +15
Membra + 15
Incon +15
Ulyrd +15
zeiko +15
Aradolath/Dhoffryn for Dhoffryn +30
Dmax +15
Active +15
patricio +30
ysho + 30
eliogan +15
gothiel + 15
soultwin + 30
argyalsmoneymaker +30
lamers/mindgimp +15
alzeimers +15
artaraxia +15
jeq +15
yek +15
Thaldric +0 / Won sash
rhuvetha +15
kilamos + 15
yourkforce +15
ramesses +15
ororo +15
Eladomar +15
Duinlyn +15
Staten +15
Fiffty +15.
meseth +15
reffubcnu +15
souldrain +15
Canopus +15
tyrosbuffi-excalibur/Zhan =0 Won sash
Grus +15
Rebrilith + 15
Cyruz +15
ramesses +15.
Baldycrush +15
Cuthbert +15

if there is a show of lack of interest in this particualr raid il either reset mods and make every raid sighn up rather than ffa or stop doing them period which would be a shame..


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 11, 2004
Damnnationx said:
Rules: bots get mod not credit

Givf Bot mod... but i assume u meant that the other way around :p

Should be able to come on Monday to help out but as normal im working for the other 2 raids so cant come :(

PS. Do sash on both servers :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
should give some ppl ekstra MOD tbh, ive cancelled stuff 3 times to come on 3 raids wich got cancelled. due lack og players :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
i see ok il add meseth on next mod list..

Tbh shit happens and tbh no way would i allow mods for just showing, would defeat whole point of moding tbh if peoploe don come on my lead raids il destroy mod list and simply do sighn up only raids...but well see im leading this week so im prety more determined


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
ModList After Monday 14th raid

monday was a good VERUY fast raid even with zoing to excal for second sash encounter we were done by 9 with afk breaks during raid.
I certainly hope i see you all ther ewednesday or msot of you anyways..

Dont forget wednesday raid i same time place start as mondays I DID GET THE DATE WRONG SHOULD BE 16th....

Current mod list sheet please check it and recheck it and pm me if any problems..

Skelthor/blades 0 goit his sash finaly
Psykopatus +15
Fishboy +15
Healu +15
Xenin +15
Thermal /zedlaus/necrina/legean +75
Gibbrock + 105
Xuff +15
Fark +30
Dora +15
Dum +0 won sash
Hudrinator +15
Hyperspells/wangadang/transfirmer +60
Samoah /soleas +75
Uberlama +30
Ittsy/gidash +90
Bunzofsteel +15
Bruthien/ phattz +45
Tacticaldave +15
Cocopop +15
Simpal +30
Dracgol/sunsar/kinky +90 done
Amanita +15
Mudjahadin/Crybaby/irnnis +0 won charm
Troubled +15
Churchll +15
Elitestoner +30
Petz +15
Starduzt +30
Allysania +15
Dragonknight/xyan/kinetix +0
Mithril +15
Saraceno +15
Snewk/Snewken +60
Marmer +15
Fetbuffen /advallen +15
Thadius/Tacticledave +30
Lighthealer +30
bettsolocks +15
cyrsaar + 0 won zoarkat
warboris +15
Bademin +15
Abelard +15
generator +15
Denzil +15
Triak +15
Gnistra +15
Geunoviere +15
Hapytige +15
Membra + 15
Incon +15
Ulyrd +15
zeiko +15
Aradolath/Dhoffryn for Dhoffryn +30
Dmax +15
Active +30
patricio +45
ysho + 45
gothiel + 15
soultwin + 30
argyalsmoneymaker +30
lamers/mindgimp +15
alzeimers +15
artaraxia +15
jeq +15
yek +15
Thaldric +15
rhuvetha +15
kilamos + 15
yourkforce +15
ramesses +15
ororo +15
Eladomar +15
Duinlyn +15
Staten +15
Fiffty +15.
meseth/Hertican +15
reffubcnu +15
souldrain +15
Canopus +15
tyrosbuffi-excalibur/Zhan =0 Won sash
Grus +15
Rebrilith + 15
Cyruz +15
ramesses +45
Baldycrush +15
Cuthbert +15
Chanticleer +15
Melithawn +15
jezzica/yuch +15
Baldypuffs +15
shorar +15
Loren +15
Damionus +15
Gossip/Dimse +15
Raimund +15
Rosebuff +15
Taemas +15

are you all active players? im prety sure soultwin and souldrain are saem person and im prety sure patrico isa buffbot? sa hes never in my grps that need healing can you let me know guys either way..

Rosebuff sorry are you a bot? if so whos are you ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Dont forget wednesday 16th next arti raid :D

yeh i miss typed my dates in original thread just so you know ... its 16th and 18th at 1800 gmt volcanous prydwen


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Samaroon EatsCheese said:
Rosebuffs a bot, dunno if anyone was playing him as a healer though :p

il wait to see if he replys to thread and if he goes in another raid il watch him :D bots get cred not mod!! :D still need to find out about patrico and soultchars im prety sure they al lsame person though..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
Damnnationx said:
monday was a good VERUY fast raid even with zoing to excal for second sash encounter we were done by 9 with afk breaks during raid.
I certainly hope i see you all ther ewednesday or msot of you anyways..

Dont forget wednesday raid i same time place start as mondays I DID GET THE DATE WRONG SHOULD BE 16th....

Current mod list sheet please check it and recheck it and pm me if any problems..

Skelthor/blades 0 goit his sash finaly
Psykopatus +15
Fishboy +15
Healu +15
Xenin +15
Thermal /zedlaus/necrina/legean +75
Gibbrock + 105
Xuff +15
Fark +30
Dora +15
Dum +0 won sash
Hudrinator +15
Hyperspells/wangadang/transfirmer +60
Samoah /soleas +75
Uberlama +30
Ittsy/gidash +90
Bunzofsteel +15
Bruthien/ phattz +45
Tacticaldave +15
Cocopop +15
Simpal +30
Dracgol/sunsar/kinky +90 done
Amanita +15
Mudjahadin/Crybaby/irnnis +0 won charm
Troubled +15
Churchll +15
Elitestoner +30
Petz +15
Starduzt +30
Allysania +15
Dragonknight/xyan/kinetix +0
Mithril +15
Saraceno +15
Snewk/Snewken +60
Marmer +15
Fetbuffen /advallen +15
Thadius/Tacticledave +30
Lighthealer +30
bettsolocks +15
cyrsaar + 0 won zoarkat
warboris +15
Bademin +15
Abelard +15
generator +15
Denzil +15
Triak +15
Gnistra +15
Geunoviere +15
Hapytige +15
Membra + 15
Incon +15
Ulyrd +15
zeiko +15
Aradolath/Dhoffryn for Dhoffryn +30
Dmax +15
Active +30
patricio +45
ysho + 45
gothiel + 15
soultwin + 30
argyalsmoneymaker +30
lamers/mindgimp +15
alzeimers +15
artaraxia +15
jeq +15
yek +15
Thaldric +15
rhuvetha +15
kilamos + 15
yourkforce +15
ramesses +15
ororo +15
Eladomar +15
Duinlyn +15
Staten +15
Fiffty +15.
meseth/Hertican +15
reffubcnu +15
souldrain +15
Canopus +15
tyrosbuffi-excalibur/Zhan =0 Won sash
Grus +15
Rebrilith + 15
Cyruz +15
ramesses +45
Baldycrush +15
Cuthbert +15
Chanticleer +15
Melithawn +15
jezzica/yuch +15
Baldypuffs +15
shorar +15
Loren +15
Damionus +15
Gossip/Dimse +15
Raimund +15
Rosebuff +15
Taemas +15

are you all active players? im prety sure soultwin and souldrain are saem person and im prety sure patrico isa buffbot? sa hes never in my grps that need healing can you let me know guys either way..

Rosebuff sorry are you a bot? if so whos are you ?

Look at my Sig Soultwin is not me for sure
my Bbs name is Rockks Hardder

however i know both Soultwin & Patricio in RL

Ysho & Soultwin are the one and same person Soultwin is his BB

Patricio is just a Necro played by another guy =)

Btw Souldrain should have +30 ? 15 from previous raid + monday ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Rockk said:
Look at my Sig Soultwin is not me for sure
my Bbs name is Rockks Hardder

however i know both Soultwin & Patricio in RL

Ysho & Soultwin are the one and same person Soultwin is his BB

Patricio is just a Necro played by another guy =)

Btw Souldrain should have +30 ? 15 from previous raid + monday ?

ok sorted ysho and his bot
souldrain previosu raid was?? afaik last week wed and friday were no go raids so no mod leaving last mondays raid which i did mods for...i will check screenys though from emails to find out if he was there and i got mod wrong..

patrico was a cleric not a necro im prety sure i saw him buffing people or are you saying patrico is a necros bot or somit?
anways mods amended except patricos until im sure


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
Patricio is a necro 100% sure

unless his from Prydween cus on Excalibur my cousins Son play him

about the mod thing does it not stack ?
cus if u check on top there is Souldrain +15 and should be + 15 from
monday raid this week ?

i duno but should make sense if i had +15 before monday raid ?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
Damnnationx said:
Raid will meet volcanous haven 1800 gmt leaving at around 1830 BE THERE early please..

Im pre-claiming my sash arti on monday as raids been going for over a month now and i still have not got my arti i originaly wanted lmao. if people have time we will go excal and get that sash too...

Rules: bots get mod not credit so if you bringing an alt for credit purposes please tell me so that i can put it on 1 line for ya mod..
no selling artis thats just freackin lame in my book..
If we cant do an arti due to it being down ect we wil lgo to excal see if that enc is up.. il not be doing both realms for artis just 1 as i dont got time for both unless we need to go..

i understand that last week 2 raids failed due to lack of numbers can only appologise for that as i was not there. as a result if i dont get numbers this week when im leading it il make the raids sighn up again..and will proly try to get regulars sighnup with increasing there mods to classes that are mostly needed..

Current mod List

Skelthor/blades +15
Psykopatus +15
Fishboy +15
Healu +15
Xenin +15
Thermal /zedlaus/necrina +60
Gibbrock + 90
Xuff +15
Fark +30
Dora +15
Dum +0 won sash
Hudrinator +15
Hyperspells/wangadang/transfirmer +60
Samoah /soleas +75
Uberlama +30
Ittsy/gidash +90
Bunzofsteel +15
Bruthien/ phattz +45
Tacticaldave +15
Cocopop +15
Simpal +30
Dracgol/sunsar/kinky +90 done
Amanita +15
Mudjahadin/Crybaby +90
Troubled +15
Churchll +15
Elitestoner +30
Petz +15
Starduzt +30
Allysania +15
Dragonknight/xyan/kinetix +0
Mithril +15
Saraceno +15
Snewk/Snewken +45
Marmer +15
Fetbuffen /advallen 0
Thadius/Tacticledave +30
Lighthealer +30
bettsolocks +15
cyrsaar + 75
warboris +15
Bademin +15
Abelard +15
generator +15
Denzil +15
Triak +15
Gnistra +15
Geunoviere +15
Hapytige +15
Membra + 15
Incon +15
Ulyrd +15
zeiko +15
Aradolath/Dhoffryn for Dhoffryn +30
Dmax +15
Active +15
patricio +30
ysho + 30
eliogan +15
gothiel + 15
soultwin + 30
argyalsmoneymaker +30
lamers/mindgimp +15
alzeimers +15
artaraxia +15
jeq +15
yek +15
Thaldric +0 / Won sash
rhuvetha +15
kilamos + 15
yourkforce +15
ramesses +15
ororo +15
Eladomar +15
Duinlyn +15
Staten +15
Fiffty +15.
meseth +15
reffubcnu +15
souldrain +15
Canopus +15
tyrosbuffi-excalibur/Zhan =0 Won sash
Grus +15
Rebrilith + 15
Cyruz +15
ramesses +15.
Baldycrush +15
Cuthbert +15

if there is a show of lack of interest in this particualr raid il either reset mods and make every raid sighn up rather than ffa or stop doing them period which would be a shame..

Check this list u posted before for raids this week from bottom and 9 up
Souldrain +15 between Canopus & Rebrilith


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
If the servers are up later, i MIGHT be there.:)

going there with sorc today, can bring my fop cleric ( 31 rejuv) as active healing , and then just sorc on stick :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Damnnationx said:
Abelard +15
Chanticleer +15
Both of those characters are me (I swapped to Chanticleer on last raid as there weren't many clerics). Can you combine their mod please.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004

GRRRR cant make raid tongiht probles at home again :( sorry mates getting jarder and harder for me to get free time for raids il be her for friday.........ihope

if somebody leads raid tongiht pls make sure they eail me a screeny of bg so i know who came etc,

sorry again


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Damnnationx said:
GRRRR cant make raid tongiht probles at home again :( sorry mates getting jarder and harder for me to get free time for raids il be her for friday.........ihope

if somebody leads raid tongiht pls make sure they eail me a screeny of bg so i know who came etc,

sorry again

I am there now, no one else, so I guess its canceled
btw Baldycrush = Baldypuffs :) so +30 all together


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
necromania said:
me and gibrock stood alone in volc haven for 40 min. :)

im sorry mates:twak: me hard as you like, but it never hurts to check fh for updaes while waiting:p but my rl situation realy is unpredictable, im trying to lead raids as much as pos but could honestly use somebody else o help out :D

would be a shame to stop raids or loose interest due to my not being able to attend..


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Damnnationx said:
im sorry mates:twak: me hard as you like, but it never hurts to check fh for updaes while waiting:p but my rl situation realy is unpredictable, im trying to lead raids as much as pos but could honestly use somebody else o help out :D

would be a shame to stop raids or loose interest due to my not being able to attend..

i did see your post about not coming, and i went to volc to see how many ppl showed up. if we had enough me or gibrock would prob had leaded it . but noone showed up :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
ammended mod list.

Current mod list sheet please check it and recheck it and pm me if any problems..

Skelthor/blades 0 goit his sash finaly
Psykopatus +15
Fishboy +15
Healu +15
Xenin +15
Thermal /zedlaus/necrina/legean +75
Gibbrock + 105
Xuff +15
Fark +30
Dora +15
Dum +0 won sash
Hudrinator +15
Hyperspells/wangadang/transfirmer +60
Samoah /soleas +75
Uberlama +30
Ittsy/gidash +90
Bunzofsteel +15
Bruthien/ phattz +45
Tacticaldave +15
Cocopop +15
Simpal +30
Dracgol/sunsar/kinky +90 done
Amanita +15
Mudjahadin/Crybaby/irnnis +0 won charm
Troubled +15
Churchll +15
Elitestoner +30
Petz +15
Starduzt +30
Allysania +15
Dragonknight/xyan/kinetix +0
Mithril +15
Saraceno +15
Snewk/Snewken +60
Marmer +15
Fetbuffen /advallen +15
Thadius/Tacticledave +30
Lighthealer +30
bettsolocks +15
cyrsaar + 0 won zoarkat
warboris +15
Bademin +15
Abelard Chanticleer +30
generator +15
Denzil +15
Triak +15
Gnistra +15
Geunoviere +15
Hapytige +15
Membra + 15
Incon +15
Ulyrd +15
zeiko +15
Aradolath/Dhoffryn for Dhoffryn +30
Dmax +15
Active +30
patricio +45
ysho + 45
gothiel + 15
soultwin + 30
argyalsmoneymaker +30
lamers/mindgimp +15
alzeimers +15
artaraxia +15
jeq +15
yek +15
Thaldric +15
rhuvetha +15
kilamos + 15
yourkforce +15
ororo +15
Eladomar +15
Duinlyn +15
Staten +15
Fiffty +15.
meseth/Hertican +15
reffubcnu +15
souldrain +30
Canopus +15
tyrosbuffi-excalibur/Zhan =0 Won sash
Grus +15
Rebrilith + 15
Cyruz +15
ramesses/lorens +45
Baldycrush +15
Cuthbert +15
Melithawn +15
jezzica/yuch +15
Baldypuffs +15
shorar +15
patrico +45 then i belive as im told hes a active player is that right patrico?
Damionus +15
Gossip/Dimse +15
Raimund +15
Rosebuff +15
Taemas +15
Irinnis +15 But is that a diff char to mudjhadins thurg or?

anyproblems please tell me AGAIN lmao

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