Character restoration?



I agree it is pointless to make a thread on these forums since nobody from GOA will read, let alone reply to it. The sympathy of many other players, including me, will not get Spanky his character and items back.

I'm affraid there isn't much you can do, there is simply no way you can force GOA to restore Spanky's items and his Nightshade. The only thing you can try is get as many people as you can to sign a petition and send it to GOA. If everyone that signed the petition can send it to GOA aswell maybe they will do something. Don't count on it though :(

Good luck, and I will certainly help you if you need someone to spam GOA with emails :)



What blizzard game are you reffering too? Diablo online?
As far as i know, you can remake your chars localy on diablo, making it alot less of a problem.
If its WOW your talking about, i doubt that policy will last long =)

Again, about spankya and other chars who is deleted.
ALL characters is stored for quite a while on both herlalds and others like that, and someone found his nightshades info on the net as well. Those are unfakeable sources, and it would not take GOA more then an hour to remake a naked nightshade level 48 with the same rps on his account would it?

About "you can easily dodge hackers" attitudes....
Nope .P
Anything that can allow you to play daoc at all, is not good enough security to keep hackers totaly out, at least not if you use windows xp or something non-linux'ish :D There is endless possibilites to get your password, all they need is a ip or email and they get them in the long run =) You dont have to know many hackers to realise your chanseless to keep entirely safe :D

However, a thing that would help a LOT on the hacking would be:
Let us pick the darn password ourself :p
When you use a password you know by heart, you dont have to store it anywhere, and the only possible ways of hacking it then is:
A: See you write it somewhere (copy your screen to theirs)
B: Rip it off something you have used the same password on.
C: Use more advanced stuff then i know =)

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