Changes that might revive DAoC


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
my solution would be.. no month payments .!. I mean cmon Iv feking paid 5-years to play this game every month..its about time to not waste anymore.
Suggest it could be free like guildwars and it has like zillions of users playing.
this is fucking hilarious they still using monthly payments as its like dying game without future..could give some longer extend for it if not ££ in their eyes.. damn nobos!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2005
vavires said:
2 More idea's i had, th one better then the other or rather harder to implement.

1) RvR Arena's

Their will be a Arena Master at the borderkeeps where u can get acces to the arena.

Either be 1/4/8 Ppl entering in a group. This experience will allow u to fight without outside interference. If a group should sign up with less ppl that they wanne enter the arena with, fe 6ppl for a 8man fight, Then the groupleader can choose 2 npc characters to join the group and give them a general command what to do. Those 2 characters may not already be present in the current group, meaning if you have a healer, u can't get a npc healer(to avoid abuse). Wining Arena fights could be granted upon Rp's, Gold and Bountypoints. Ofcourse the rps wont be to high just for the sake of not killing normak rvr. Like when fights is done, 1-1 winner gets 500rps 4-4 gets 1500rps and 8-8 gets 2500rps. On defeat ull be ported back to borderkeep with rvr rezzill, the winners can choose to stay or leave.

2) No interference policy for rvr.

Meaning if ure solo and u atttack a solo player, no1 will be able to attack those ppl till:
1) 1 of them is death
2) They are out of combat(like 10sec i thought after fight)

1) Arenas: Well if i want a instance RVR i'll go to WoW.
It would be just another way of RP farming. The new characters would have more dificulties to enter in the game and have fun.

2) This, for good or for bad, it's a RvR. Not a 1vs1 duel. That could lead to RP farming too.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
There's a reason it's dying and that's because there's no new players.

There's so much whine about class balance here, but that actually has nothing to do with it. After playing a game for 4 years, people move on, and without new blood the game will slowly become old.. you can only fight the same few people for so long before it becomes dull. People use class XX as an excuse to quit, what they really mean is they were going to quit anyway, but they've now found a whine to use on the way out.

People are talking about how long it takes to get to 50 and TOA'ed etc as a deterant for new players.. you really think that matters!?!?

Go back to when you actually started playing the game, and leveling your first character.. did you really care that it took over a week to get to level 50.. I know I sure as hell didn't. What's different for the new player today is that the trip to 50 is no fun. Catacombs allowed people to get to 50 in a week or 2 easily, but who gives a crap if a new player has given up after 3 days because the game is a ghost town.. Instanced leveling was the worst idea for the game mythic have ever dreamed up, whoever thought of it should be fired instantly!
Lets make leveling for the new player more friendly.. how can we do that.. I know, lets half the time it takes for them to get to level 50, but ensure that they don't meet another player while doing it!! The reason most of us still play is because we have friends in game, if we didn't 90% of us would of left a long time ago. So how does your new player actually meet anyone, when you can run round the game for 5 hours, and maybe run into one other person. The trip from 1->50 can take 3 months and it's fine, as long as it's fun.. and for a first time character there's no reason why it shouldn't be.

Stop speeding up leveling with every patch and start making it more group friendly! Talk to the old timers (or look at the nostalgia threads) and they will all tell you some of the most fun times in the game were in the early exp groups when group wipes were a laugh and not an excuse to have a fit at someone. How many people have wished they could go back to the early days when it was all new, and have fun exploring again instead of getting whined at for adding on a fight on beno bridge.. and the answer to getting new players interested in the game is to make sure that phase only lasts 3 days max and is done solo?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Golena said:
There's a reason it's dying and that's because there's no new players.

There's so much whine about class balance here, but that actually has nothing to do with it. After playing a game for 4 years, people move on, and without new blood the game will slowly become old.. you can only fight the same few people for so long before it becomes dull. People use class XX as an excuse to quit, what they really mean is they were going to quit anyway, but they've now found a whine to use on the way out.

People are talking about how long it takes to get to 50 and TOA'ed etc as a deterant for new players.. you really think that matters!?!?

Go back to when you actually started playing the game, and leveling your first character.. did you really care that it took over a week to get to level 50.. I know I sure as hell didn't. What's different for the new player today is that the trip to 50 is no fun. Catacombs allowed people to get to 50 in a week or 2 easily, but who gives a crap if a new player has given up after 3 days because the game is a ghost town.. Instanced leveling was the worst idea for the game mythic have ever dreamed up, whoever thought of it should be fired instantly!
Lets make leveling for the new player more friendly.. how can we do that.. I know, lets half the time it takes for them to get to level 50, but ensure that they don't meet another player while doing it!! The reason most of us still play is because we have friends in game, if we didn't 90% of us would of left a long time ago. So how does your new player actually meet anyone, when you can run round the game for 5 hours, and maybe run into one other person. The trip from 1->50 can take 3 months and it's fine, as long as it's fun.. and for a first time character there's no reason why it shouldn't be.

Stop speeding up leveling with every patch and start making it more group friendly! Talk to the old timers (or look at the nostalgia threads) and they will all tell you some of the most fun times in the game were in the early exp groups when group wipes were a laugh and not an excuse to have a fit at someone. How many people have wished they could go back to the early days when it was all new, and have fun exploring again instead of getting whined at for adding on a fight on beno bridge.. and the answer to getting new players interested in the game is to make sure that phase only lasts 3 days max and is done solo?
Imo u should send that to Mythic, maybe they'll finally understand.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
totally agree with Golena.

When i first started (like 1-2 weeks after EU retail) I was non stop just looking at mobs and stuff, trying my luck against things i knew i couldn't beat and loved dying trying. My best memory was meeting my first guildmates and leveling off the low level vendo type mobs in a grp, we let my brother pull 1 pack and he used and AE DD type spell and we pulled about 9 purple/red mobs and ofc died :p

My other best memories are in the draong lair area leveling in a grp of 10, at the time i was bored senseless but looking back it was actually more fun than anything i have done since.

End of the day new blood may enter this game as the game is advertised on a v small scale but the prospect of spending weeks alone prolly scares off 90% of people, I would like to see instances removed and I think some radical thinking will be needed to get the game even a little more time than what it has but (and this may or may not be true) I feel mythic are letting this game dwindle and letting the people who are here get bored so that when they release thier new flagship WAR people will go to the beta dn then will buy the game letting daoc die and giving mythic maximum profit. Can't blame them after all it is business.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
No amount of tinkering with classes or easy xp/rp is going to bring people into the game. Advertising to the masses is the only thing that will possibly do it. Special promotions such as 12 months subscription vouchers for 50 GBP.

Recent article in UAE newpaper '7 days' had two pages devoted to growing numbers of on-line gamers here. They mentioned every major MMORG but DAOC. It's also the only MMORG that you cannot buy in the local stores in the UAE.

/agree with number 2 regarding TOA. ML1-8 doable with decent grp would be nice. Depends how decent they would have to be. If still quite hard, there has to be some difficulty or no pint at all, some classes will suffer. Taking Alb as an example who would want a scout/inf in their uber ML grp.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
ml1->8 with a full group would be yet another step in the wrong direction..

Large BG ML raids are the best chances that new players actually have of grouping with their character pre level 50. It's a perfect place for a new player to the game to actually meet people and get invited by just spamming LFG in a BG.
Make it fg doable, and it will be limited once again to FH sign up raids taking only people that they know and opted classes.

Ask most people which the hardest ML's to complete are and i'd imagine you have an almost 100% split between ml5 and ml7, i.e. the ones that you do most of with a FG.

If your still going to do them with a BG, then lets not have it so it's 100 people zerging a red con mob, that's even more dull than it is now. ML raids in some respect became harder since the TOA love patch as everyone assumes they no longer have to be at the keyboard it's so easy.. Make it easier and raids will be a BG leader with 100 afk people on stick getting killed by the first mob.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
problem imo is the players in the game, who zergs, adds and makes irvr constantly.. thats quite it imo.

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
leviathane said:
better service may improve daoc? xD

Someone shut him up spread some gazoline around his body and cut his tongue HOW CAN U Say that We Have NO SERVICE?!

but from a second thought maybe ur right xd


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
It will most likely have been said before (just cba reading the full 2nd page of this thread) but every game has its duration. Some longer then others because the players stick aroun in large numbers, others shorter because players leave and because they are no longer unique games... or whatever the reason is. DAoC has become both... players leave for other games and DAoC is no longer unique. It has also become old... no matter what has changed and what has been added. The players that have played from the beginning are leaving more and more... which is only normal... people grow and get to do other things... in a 5+ year period lots can happen in a persons life.

The suggested changes in this thread will not change the decreasing numbers of players. They will not make players that have left return to the game in huge numbers... let alone in small numbers. DAoC has nearly reached the end of it;s life... which is not necessarily a bad thing. GOA will stop supporting the game in a few years (I expect close after WAR has been released) and / or might have one remaining server for all. Shards will continue running the game a while longer. This is the normal way of things online. You might like it or not... it's the way.

This also has benefits though. You move on. Either start playing new games and make new friends or you stop playing online (or stop playing these kinds of games). Either way... it's time to move on soon ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
they only have to do 2 things to get some newcommers.

advertice it mroe.
make PvE dooable Solo .. it is already .. but make it ALOT easier ...

when some new kid is arriving into DAoC he dun usually know anybody .. if he feels its fairly easy to solo etc .. he can easilly get started dooing that .. the key is to get newcommers started quick and easy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Daoc isn't appealing to new players, they log in and find they have to solo grind to 45 to get in a group.
Ant Room groups in keltoi don't excist anymore.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
Even if the game was made more friendly for new players where they needed to level with other players to get advance fast. This can't be fixed now, so catacombs was a good idea(Argueably in this respect) for the new comers who don't know people and won't know people because the community is already mature. It's nice to think that old exp groups would reform but to fix this you would need to inject a large amount of new players at the same time and that isn't going to happen because of the stage the game is already at, if a more newbie friendly game was fixed it would of had to have been done a long time ago.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2005
Make cathal valley a lvl 45 - 50 bg but capped at RR5. Would be loads of action there, fighting over the one keep and fg fights.

Low RR's would earn rp's fast and then head out to main NF when RR5 or still go main NF or BG when not much action with keep and tower taking.

Just my thoughts about bringing some fun and good quick fights back into the game :)


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
Donledirse said:
Make cathal valley a lvl 45 - 50 bg but capped at RR5. Would be loads of action there, fighting over the one keep and fg fights.

Low RR's would earn rp's fast and then head out to main NF when RR5 or still go main NF or BG when not much action with keep and tower taking.

Just my thoughts about bringing some fun and good quick fights back into the game :)

I agree, i dont think people are going to put the effort in to making another toon, xp it to 49 and then toa it up for an empty BG, however there are probably loads of old lvl 50 toons that are low RR that people would be happy to run around in there with.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2005
Glad most of you dont run the show at mythic!!

Funny how so many of you have the THING that made daoc bad AND knows all the ways to get all ppl back to it, Why dont you start your own mmorpg company??

365 days in a year or about 365 x 24 =8760 hours Daoc has lived for like 10 years thats like 8760 x 10 =87600 hours..

Many done like shit with there life in the past years only work/go to school or being out of work, and been playing and playing how many hours??

Perhaps game is boring after all hours thats why they leave? Game can be fun BUT rl is so mutch funnier.

Some of the ideas i read is probably the most stupid ones i ever read, Give low pop servers lv45 and others lv40 etc etc?

Seriously wtf are you born yesterday? level command is one part that joined the other forces of killing the game experience.

It is just pathetic to sit and whine and cry, IF mythic do this IF mythic do that IF mythic just do so EVERYTHING WILL BE OK!!! ppl will come back to the game and Oh and glory days will come again....

Wake up ffs instead, ppl moves on, other games comes, new work, game is old, ppl get fed up with simple playing, meets a gf, gets married, etc etc etc etc etc etc...

NOTHING and i really belive nothing what so ever that mythic do or will do can or will bring back neither glory old days or a flood of ppl back to the game.

Also alot of whine of class balance the "good old issue"

All have there idea's to get the game on there feet only that you dont work for mythic/ea and cant do jack about it. even if you now did and OH got your changes would it make any diffrence? what makes your changes SO good?

We all have diffrent thoughts about the game and the state of the game it self like some "quit for NF" and others like NF.

Some hate ToA while others like it.



Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
It seems Tempra whined about no one actually whining..

The 45-50 RR5 idea I think would go down well.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Donledirse said:
Make cathal valley a lvl 45 - 50 bg but capped at RR5. Would be loads of action there, fighting over the one keep and fg fights.

Low RR's would earn rp's fast and then head out to main NF when RR5 or still go main NF or BG when not much action with keep and tower taking.

Just my thoughts about bringing some fun and good quick fights back into the game :)
Extremely good idea! Exactly what I thought when I saw Cathal Valley with my lvl45 shaman and only met 2 hibs. "This would've been fun if lvl50's could get into this BG and make some action!" :D

Deleting old Emain was a bad thing I think, and this would definitely revive the game and give a reason for many old players to come back. And all those who miss old Emain and are tired of NF. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2005
Overdriven said:
It seems Tempra whined about no one actually whining..

The 45-50 RR5 idea I think would go down well.

Is it? was this the 1000000 post about, IF mythic only do this everything will go so smooth ppl will come back and oh god how fun and great it will be.

It wont happen, not today or tomorrow or any other day.

1.)Play the game as it is.
2.)Quit playing if you so unhappy with it.

And if you know think you sit on the (omg i can bring back daoc to glory days idea) atleast send it to mythic.

Posting here with.

1, omg game is dead.
2, omg toa killed daoc
3, omg NF killed daoc
4, omg op'd chanters killed daoc (bring the nerf bat!!)
5, omg i just have the idea that will revive daoc!
6, omg make tweak another bg will be fun like old days
7, OMG give us classic servers that will revive daoc and get all back to play!!

Did it?

the game is what YOU make it, i dont like NF and i dont like ToA but daoc aint dead and you can have loads of fun.

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