Changes that might revive DAoC


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
As the game gets older and older, people start looking for other things and the server population begins to dwindle. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as fresh blood would be coming in to replace them. This is not the case with DAoC, so every person that leaves has an effect on the overall server. GOA don't advertise to attract new players, and those that do try it face a very boring PvE grind to 50, few others to learn the game with, a mountain to earn good cash (they would need to level a farming toon + bot typically) to afford a decent template, fewer and fewer ML rushes going on to be able to get the ML abilities and a struggle to find low-rr groups to learn with. With numbers low, NF seems MASSIVE and fights are'nt as frequent as people would like.

I would like to suggest something then, and it won't be popular with some people but the end-result might help bring people back/into DAoC, and thus create a healthy server population. They almost certainly won't be implemented (especially the /level part as it would invalidate a lot of PvE content, but... )

1. Give /level 45 to the underpopulated realm, and /level40 to the others
2. Make ML 1 through 8 do-able with a balanced FG, 9 and 10 still need a BG
3. Make crafting easier/cheaper/quicker
4. Upgrade Dragons and Epic Dungeons (Sidi etc) with unique drops, better AI and mobs (rather than a new expansion)
5. I would say drop the thresholds for RR1-5, but the new rp system is enough
6. Finish upgrading the old classes to bring them in line with current DAoC so that lots of group setups are viable
7. GOA to actually spend some cash on advertising the game
8. Try and balance RvR a bit more, sorry but baseline 9 sec stun, warlocks, bainshee's, to some extent Heretics are stupidly OP and need nerfing. The 9 sec stun on a effectively 1sec nuke class that can self debuff is simply ridiculous, drop it to 3secs if you don't remove it altogether, but 9 secs is WAY too much.
9. Having casters myself, I'd say that being able to get to 1sec cast time is also quite silly, if this was 2-3 secs / cast, fights would be far more tactical.
10. Get rid of 'invisible wall' / 'too steep to climb' parts of the terrain where there clearly shouldnt be an impediment to movement.
11. Perhaps give Clerics some sort of 'Get out of jail' cards (like Phase Shift, Zephyr, insta stun (short dur), root, that might help them cope a little when they are being melee trained.

Anyway, the upshot of this is - in the small and medium term we would see an influx of new and (returning) old blood to the game.

I would venture that:

Level 50
Realm Rank 5
Master Level 8
Decently templated

is the minimum required to start playing competitively in RvR which is the reason that the majority of us still play.

Would it devalue 'learning and earning the hard way' - yes
Would it bring its fair share of power playing kiddies - yes
Would it mean that returning people were able to get an RvR capable toon within 1month - yes
Would it increase numbers/pop on the Servers - yes

Now I happen to think DAoC, whilst in decline - isn't as bad as some of you point out, however the inordinate amount of PvE that you need to do to get an RvR compatitble toon puts a lot of people off (and the fact that the PvE is very, very boring doesn't help). The sharp drop in online pop is (imho) the major contributing factor.

Perhaps if they made the changes above - there would be more interest in making new toons, and people wouldn't be scared of starting DAoC for the first time.

Also - if there was some way to incentivise the BG's (other than them being a lot
of fun anyway) so people learn to play in groups. (rps for heal/buff shearing etc helped to incentivise playing support classes)

Another couple of suggestions might be 'instanced RvR' like the arena's you can get on Shards.

Perhaps (at least in the BG's - depending on the number of active players in that BG), and possibly in mainstream RvR as perhaps Keep owners could buy using guild BP's - have AI hib/mid/alb NPC groups (worth significantly reduced rps) roaming (in BG's) or instead of keep guards in real RvR.

They wouldn't neccessarily use an 'opted' setup, no ML abilities, but they would have the typical abilities of the classes from that realm (two healers, some buff shearing, NS, AE mezz etc, if 'semi-random' you could even have some non-regular classes (animist, mentalist, earth wiz, matter sorc, thane, valk), which might even
cause some people to learn to play better.

** I thought about the option where you could 'hire' NPC chars, to fill your group if none of their class was online and free. They would be very limited AI and not remotely as good as a real player. For example - no clerics online, no bards in Hib or no PaC healer in mid. This might lead to abuse unless you say limited it to only 2 per group and only when there were 6 actives in the group - otherwise you can see the 1 BD and 7 healers abuse coming :p

Although it's not 'fantastic' it's just an idea that might make more groups run as groups, and not be gimped because a certain class isn't online. You would certainly make the AI quite low level and rudimentary so that any 'real' player would be 'better' than a 'hired npc' - but it would at least make for more people running in RvR.

You would give them some basic instructions (a bit like 2.5 Chess encounter) which would govern their behavior: "stay back and heal", "go forward and shear", "kite and interrupt", "melee assist team member 4"

Would make non-prime time more interesting and not completely 'dead' if no-one was on. Might be a challenge in the BG's and even when attacking/defending a keep

Anyway - back to work

Edit: there is probably scope for lots of abuse, or massively ramping up toons on underpop realms, but it's all on the front-end (early levels), it shouldn't directly affect the High RR groups, and should bring more people into the game - and as we all know - the people are what makes the game

Disclaimer : I'm not saying that I've thought all the ideas through to the Nth degree and the ramifications thereof, but certainly in the short and medium term I see more scope for positives than negatives.

This game can still be viable and fun even alongside its competitors AND Warhammer Online. Just needs the client base to do it.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2005
I can be wrong, and i do agree GOA should do whatever they can to pull more players in, but making all the changes you mentioned will make DAOC live look a whole awful lot like an insta rvr free shard, but only one where you would have to pay for.

Ofc things need to be done to give new players a fair chance of competing without having to exp grind/toa'ing for the first 7 month's, but i don't think /level 45 is the answer :(
Like imagine a new player go /level40 not even knowing anything at all about the game, he would be totally lost no?
OR if you would make /level40 work the same way as /level20 does ( lvl 50 req) new players won't benefit from it at all

Also as we don't see the daoc player base increase drasticly, i think GOA should fix things that needs fixing first, to prevent more ppl from leaving, before pulling new players in.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
The proposed changes would make things a bit too easy, and even if they were all perfect ideas, it wouldn't really help as the game is simply too old.


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
Nooo... /level 40.. That would suck totally!

They should remove it completely. Do you remember the old times? When all started from 1 and exped with 8 man groups. That if something was fun.
/level 40 would ruin everything.. The game aint only RvR. PvE sometimes is even more fun than RvR. You might think it's fun to get straight to RvR, but that's what the free shard servers are for. ( Or what ever they are called )

These changes should be done:

-Remove /level
-Better AI for mobs
-Balance classes ( Not a thing that newcomer would care about, and balancing aint just nerfing, its balancing. For instance: People say to remove BD lifetap. What would you notice after that? BDs would be totally useless crap. No, that aint balance. )
-Exping should be a little faster, but still no /level.
-That NPC groupie idea is quite good. Just like in Guild Wars. I like it, and so should all, I suppose.

Will invent some more ideas soon. Im out of them for now.

:m00: Gifv rep! :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
i personally think warhammer will put nail in coffin when it comes out. this game has become a farse in many regards and is slowly dieing...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Gins said:
I can be wrong, and i do agree GOA should do whatever they can to pull more players in, but making all the changes you mentioned will make DAOC live look a whole awful lot like an insta rvr free shard, but only one where you would have to pay for.

Ofc things need to be done to give new players a fair chance of competing without having to exp grind/toa'ing for the first 7 month's, but i don't think /level 45 is the answer :(
Like imagine a new player go /level40 not even knowing anything at all about the game, he would be totally lost no?
OR if you would make /level40 work the same way as /level20 does ( lvl 50 req) new players won't benefit from it at all

Also as we don't see the daoc player base increase drasticly, i think GOA should fix things that needs fixing first, to prevent more ppl from leaving, before pulling new players in.

Agreed - this would make things easier and in some ways like a Shard - but then again, shards are just a way of people implementing what they want the real game to be, so in a lot of ways they are a great representation of what they want.

I agree that in some ways it would make things too easy, so perhaps moderate my suggestions a little - but then again drastic changes need to be made to halt the rapid decline in the game.

I *believe* that the majority of people enjoy DAoC over other *because* of the RvR, the PvE content is awful and repetitive.

Perhaps if they gave additional xp for more active people in a group (not leeches) it would encourage xp groups (although I believe that the game and it's current playerbase is too long in the tooth to start this up again).

Ultimately we need a new influx of players. I'd prefer and easier frontloaded path to get to a competitive RvR level.

Ok - how about this - to incentivise Battlegrounds and xp-ing might be to massively increase the level xp from fights in the BG's - that way people get to RvR their way to 50 (if they want) in ever changing psuedo-pve

edit: perhaps add some 'titles' esp for BG's as this seems to be an incentive for some, perhaps even different sheets on Roll of Honour for each BG level - would introduce some competition and recognition at each level


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I think myself that if u get all 10 exp bubs filled on a 50 char u should get 1 /50 char ... but thats just me ...

Also i agree with making mls1-8 do-able with 1fg as one of the major issues i still have with 4-5 of my semi-templated 50s is that i cba to finish em as i hate mls ... id much rather make rps on my NS :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2006
from talkin to some people that like online rpg's....i think bein much more generous with the free time from startin an accy would make a difference....imo the main downfall is the TOA stuff...arti's and ml's...cos as a pretty long time player (not long after SI was released) XP isnt an issue anymore..its fuckin easy with the free lvl's an what not...and with the /level only available to a accy with a 50 on it means proper noobs have no1 to play givin it to all (yes even noobs) an some free lvl20 kit with some stats(IE not major shit statless stuff) an a bit of money might help to counter this problem...just a thought. and ofc advertisement is a major problem..never seen any advertisement for daoc in the into it from a IRL friend who got into it from one of his friends...


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
prodical said:
i personally think warhammer will put nail in coffin when it comes out. this game has become a farse in many regards and is slowly dieing...

imho the game is still great can be a good laugh, it just really crappy to log on and find out 75% of the people you were good mates with, spoke to alot etc have left.. makes it feel worthless.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
No no no!

I dont think they should make the game anymore easy than it allready has become.
They have tried that and its clearly not working.
Its like eating a verygood cake, if you eat it to much of it and to often it will turn boring.

Slow the game down.
1. Ditch the port system in PvE and RvR maps, I find it very stupid to be able to port all over the place when they got realm maps that are as big as my appartment. Make travel part of the game again.
RvR is abit silly as it is now, port die release port die release.... etc.
It doesnt have to be fast pasted action like everyother game out there, people want an unike game not a game like everything else.
2.Add huge maps above ground, no dungeons etc, with rich content.
PvE and RvR maps.
3. Make new rewards for each level you progress, as it is now its realy silly sometimes. If your a caster you get "lifedrain lv 21" instead of "lifedrain lv 19" woohoo!!..... I mean cmon.
4.Make it harder again to level, the whole PL thing has ruined the whole game and its not strange at all that people get bored.
The game has more to offer than just plain RvR, PvE is not bad at all in DAOC.
Remember the first lv50 toon you got and you know what Im talking about, atleast if it was for some years ago you dinged.

Cant figure out anymore atm but there are several other things to ofc.
The devs should focus on the loong term players and not fishing so much as they do now for the cassual players.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Make grouping in PvE better than PL'ing (plus extra bonus xp for grouping with someone with no level 50 on their account?).

Reasoning - brings back the community from low levels.

Delete /level.

Reasoning - these games survive because there is an attachment built up on characters by playing them for an extended period.

Reduce the power of 'iwin' arties, realm abilities and MLs.

Reasoning - make it easier for low RR and new players to compete in fun RvR.

Reduce the power of buffs, or make them more readily available (buffing NPCs, potions etc).

Reasoning - make it easier for new players to compete in fun RvR / PvE.

Big advertising.

Reasoning - there is, thanks to WoW, a huge market out there. The actual game is pretty good for newcomers, it's the low level community that isn't. The solution is to get lots of newcomers, not the few that come in through word of mouth.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2006
What I would do in DAoC was to apply some changes to make PLAYING (in the means of a RPG, a game) more important than leveling a lvl50 char and SC/ToA/ML/CL... it's a game to play, right?

What could this be? Add things that make it funny/worth playing at whatever level you are.

Example. Take a look at DF. Ye who owns most claimed keeps gets DF. You have to live with that if you are below lvl45 (for support classes) and lvl50 for damage dealers and others. Why that?

--> Make DF connected to the Battlegrounds! So the one who owns CK in BG1 opens DF for players in lvl20-24 range. Same for Molvik, Leirvik and so on.

Find a way to give good loot, special quests with ends in special abilites etc. so players really WANT to have DF. (I feel deep DF drops are still wanted, but seals are not)

No dead BG's anymore - trust me!

Also - include real good content in the battlegrounds so that people WANT to go there for a quest, task, a special encounter etc. - so people will face a situation where you can't rely on mob's KI but face real players their level. Let keep lords give rewards for taking a keep in BG's or let give BG guards give certain kill tasks that result in very good XP/loot etc.

Might even say the CK is some kind of "relic" boosting nice-to-have things (i.e. -50% rezz sick timer for the realm that holds Molvik CK, significantly higher chance of good drops at classic mobs for realm that holds Leirvik CK, ... you get the idea)

Boost group functions! Example - in a group, where you have a healer and a tank guarding you - you as mage should "feel" much safer and can concentrate more on casting a spell - less miss chance, higher damage, higher chance of crits should be the result...

So players really WANT to get in groups.

Place "fraction mobs" around keeps. If - for example - the big walking trees near a tower know you care for it - people from the guild that claimed the keep visit it now and then, maybe talk to the trees (haha - hear you laughing) and generally do a good job in holding, defending, re-taking it... the trees would be friendly and aggro to other (enemy) players. I.e. attack them, debuff, root etc. Block siege weapons with walking right in way...

But if not... the trees would get neutral, later aggro towards YOU! Because they think the invaders do a much better job for that keep.

Add lots of such details that pay off. A guild could send a group of low level chars to that tower and tell them to guard it - could get some tasks from the keep/tower lord to visit certain points in the surroundings, stay guard, deliver a "everything is well" notice to the keep captain. Just something to complete in half an hour or so.

Result - maybe the keep can be upgraded and held at a level only when supported that way... "lowbies" could get some RP's for it... and most important - feel NEEDED and WANTED.

DAoC clearly has a lot of potential... unfortunately it's mostly about templating and being MR./Mrs. uber-superman for lot's of players. Kill fast - don't get killed. Sounds more like an ego-shooter game to me atm.

What about making some things PERMANENT. Big events resulting in real permanent changes in the ingame-world? Epic-like quests for the ones that can't attend 4h+ raids 7 days a week to support the effords of the realm - again this could be made level-dependant, so EVERYONE can take part and add to the success. Let's say a 2-3weeks event with several stages and the winning realm can place the newborn twin of it's realms dragon somewhere in the frontier zone and the winning realm can vote and decide where ;)

Ofc that dragon would be non-aggresive to the winning realm ;) but attackable and say... well - hostile so it's not a safe heaven to hide but on occasions it opens the opportunity for some new tactics ;)

Or realm members can get a special buff from the dragon like a hastener's spell... "Wrath of dragon" - attack or debuff or can even make it class specific...

Just things that make it worth PLAYING rather than TEMPLATING chars and RvR-XPing to RR6+ in the hope to "have some fun". I want to have fun the whole time I play.

My two cents.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Aeoric said:
11. Perhaps give Clerics some sort of 'Get out of jail' cards (like Phase Shift, Zephyr, insta stun (short dur), root, that might help them cope a little when they are being melee trained.

WTF U MEAN GIVE CLERS MORE -_- ffs they allready have pbaoe insta mezz / droods = none (root , neither stun) only if spec'ed like the cler , also the shamy nothing only insta pbaoe desease , why cler ? because ur an alb ? and what whit the 9 baseline stun OP thingy i mean every realm has its own things , if u gonna give 9 baseline stun to casters plz remove ns from therg , reduce mezz from sorc , remove stun from afterstyle taunt from merc , mezz from skald , end from shamy ( make it chant ) , reduce af from pally , REDUCE HOT from valk , Reduce dmg from the BLOODY OP THANES !!!!!!!

Anyway my oppinion , well the hell , make game more need for fg's , to many soloers , assist chars are standing on the edge whit a banner in his hand (LFG) and not only assist chars , all of them , when u hear everybody ( no thx , naaa we're fine , no ty , nope , sry , prolly later !!!!!!!!!!WE DUO / TRIO!!!!!!!!!! ) that's really annoying , i mean at start was cool , we stand outside mag mell , drink some coffee and wait till we get a grp to go the the blackthorns or partahans , but that's all over from the /level 20 , imo if u do /20 do /50 directly wots the point ? the point is to SQUEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ more money from our pockets ( more time spent , more money they get heh ) and by them makeing us spent more time , we lose pacients and rly giving up.... if u wanna see the future of daoc how all servers will look like go play on Cumbria , and u'll see how u end up , Warhammer will defently put a end to DAoC ( new lands to explore , new chars , new thingys , new gadgets , but dont forget its GoA so they will want u to spent more time also to squeeez lots of cash for that also ) , like in life ppl go to school to learn to make more money , that's the goal in life , and GoA made it , anyway like ciggarets , coffee , beer , vodka bla bla bla , should put a label on the back of game ( play only if u got 24/7 free and spend a loooooooooooooooooooooooooot of time , ATTENTION : game ruin relations , friends , school / work ------ ) anyway game have began to be insuportabile , to much yada yada yada , same same same thing eeeeeeeeevery day , and i got tired of it ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Tor_nada2004 said:
WTF U MEAN GIVE CLERS MORE -_- ffs they allready have pbaoe insta mezz / droods = none (root , neither stun) only if spec'ed like the cler , also the shamy nothing only insta pbaoe desease , why cler ? because ur an alb ? and what whit the 9 baseline stun OP thingy i mean every realm has its own things , if u gonna give 9 baseline stun to casters plz remove ns from therg , reduce mezz from sorc , remove stun from afterstyle taunt from merc , mezz from skald , end from shamy ( make it chant ) , reduce af from pally , REDUCE HOT from valk , Reduce dmg from the BLOODY OP THANES !!!!!!!

Clerics get a (grey) 9s duration PBAoE Insta Mezz on a 5 Min RUT if they are atypically RvR specced, they are likely to be being hit by det tanks who are
mezzed for all of 1.2 secs IF they don't resist a level 3 spell (assuming the
Cleric doesn't have Mastery of Focus 8).

So lets be serious here, that's hardly a get out of jail card. Even if it were a strong mezz, mezz can be cured AND the cleric has to be in the midst of the enemy

PBAoE insta disease SLOWS enemies run-speed, giving the Shaman ample time to get away from tanks (who's det doesn't affect disease), it's duration btw in case you think it's 'easy to shake off' is 2mins, 2.5mins and 3mins and has an 8s RuT.

Root can't be 'cured' as per demezz, you are simply stuffed until it wears off. Hibs typically have two that can spam AE root.

Healers get Mezz, AE Mezz, Stun, AE Stun, Insta Mezz, Insta AE Mezz, Insta Stun and AE Insta Stun (for PaC specced healers), as well as the baseline ability to demezz (so atypically Mids get 2 demezzers, assuming they run 2 healers only and no 28Supp SM's). AND - should none of these toys be enough - they can Phase shift or Zephyr the tank off them.

So lets not talk rubbish about Cleric PBAoE 9s insta mezz, 5 min RuT and effective level 3 being an ability of any importance.

Why is LEVEL 46 baseline 9sec stun (for 1 realm) on their primary casters not OP ?
Give it to a Wizard/Runemaster and find out.

Assuming a templated hib Luri caster with a reasonable amount of aug dex, you should be able to qc-stun on any non-det, non-sos target and get 7-8 nukes off
(6-7 for self debuffing chanters) with your target completely unable to do anything offensive or defensive...

If you are mezzed by a sorc, and subsequently lifetapped (breaking mezz), how is qc-stun, (debuff) nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke WITHOUT response not OP ? Like I say, give it to a Wiz or Runie and see how you like the 'leet skills' they develop overnight...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
mate i feel alot of yer points were excelent,the 1-8 thing is tru or even 1-5 cause if enuf could do it there would be 5-10 raids all the time,

the /level 40 though is not a great idea cause it may discourage ew players from starting,and tbh if u wanan start a new char PL grps are easy to form and u cna get to 40 in a couple of hours,

but the point which i feel is best portrayed.that GoA should infact advertise the game more,its a good point,i personally only started the game because the manager of my Clan played it and encourage a grp of us,

ne way mate good points nd hope they get thru


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2006
Aeoric said:
Changes that might revive DAoC

1. Dont allow stealthers within 5000 units of another stealther.
2. Advertising.
3. Free Clients (All of them).


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
Someone mentioned about Healer crowd control abilities.. But see the RR5 of healer? Useless totally. When Cleric and Druid has the best you could find.. o_O

Healing classes are balanced in my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
There's one reason that new players don't stay with the game, and that's because the newbie areas are deader than a very dead thing.

If I logged into a MMORPG played solo by myself for 2 days, seeing maybe 1 high level run past and ignore me then i'd be off somewhere else faster than a very fast thing.

The idea of giving better exp for grouping with someone without a level 50 was a sensible idea. People stay in the game because they have met and made friends in it. Forget everything you mentioned, it was pointless.. Give the level 50 people reason to talk to the level 3 newb and you've got a reason for them to stay!

Mythic tried it with DR, making the quests run you around the newbie areas, the problem is everyone stuck up did it in 2 days and now never goes there anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
what they need to do is either let ppl move their chars to a higher pop server (avalon or smth) or cluster again, pop on pryd-exc cluster is too low atm, there is nothing to fight exept for the 3-4 hours evry night. And also people get bored of fighting the same people for 4years in a row.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
I like what i read as some ideas here, but in the end, just make all the DAMAGE less. Less damage form every possible atatck means longer fights. would be intresting for the group vs group fights. say lets weaken all attaks by a 1/3 to start with.

I also like the idea bout the npc adding. tho that npc shoul dbe merely a weak shade of what a class can be if kited perfectly. But that should only be allowed in certain group situation with at least 5-6ppl.

There are a lot of small things that can be of great help, but dont think mythic/goa has ears for it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
vavires said:
I like what i read as some ideas here, but in the end, just make all the DAMAGE less. Less damage form every possible atatck means longer fights. would be intresting for the group vs group fights. say lets weaken all attaks by a 1/3 to start with.

I also like the idea bout the npc adding. tho that npc shoul dbe merely a weak shade of what a class can be if kited perfectly. But that should only be allowed in certain group situation with at least 5-6ppl.

There are a lot of small things that can be of great help, but dont think mythic/goa has ears for it.

Agree - nerf damage and fights will last longer and require more skill, that's a good suggestion imho

and the (npc) pale comparison to fulfill spots in groups will mean two things - people actually run as a group more often, and secondly - they might be inclined to think - hell I could do better than that I'll make one/try and find a real one, rather than sit at the portal keep shouting LFG


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
What people don't really realise is DAoC is actually FAR from dead... Aslong as they're making revenue from accounts/client sales they'll stay up... Process:

People stop paying for game:

Mythic drop prices by half.
Mythic make DAoC Free.
Mythic stop making expansions.
Mythic lets people play till they've run out of a way to pay for DAoC Servers.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Tor_nada2004 said:
WTF U MEAN GIVE CLERS MORE -_- ffs they allready have pbaoe insta mezz / droods = none (root , neither stun) only if spec'ed like the cler , also the shamy nothing only insta pbaoe desease , why cler ? because ur an alb ? and what whit the 9 baseline stun OP thingy i mean every realm has its own things , if u gonna give 9 baseline stun to casters plz remove ns from therg , reduce mezz from sorc , remove stun from afterstyle taunt from merc , mezz from skald , end from shamy ( make it chant ) , reduce af from pally , REDUCE HOT from valk , Reduce dmg from the BLOODY OP THANES !!!!!!!
Why mention shaman, as they're not a healing class. Healers get fz aswell as insta mez/stun, and druids can decide to get brittles (even tho that's a joke, really).
Overdriven said:
Mythic lets people play till they've run out of a way to pay for DAoC Servers.
Heh, I doubt that'll ever happen. In order for them to run out of money to run the servers they'd basicly have to stop making profit and then be at loss long enough to run out of whatever profit they made over the past ~5 years, which I can imagine is a fair bit. And I suppose you'd be aiming at GOA for our servers :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
2 More idea's i had, th one better then the other or rather harder to implement.

1) RvR Arena's

Their will be a Arena Master at the borderkeeps where u can get acces to the arena.

Either be 1/4/8 Ppl entering in a group. This experience will allow u to fight without outside interference. If a group should sign up with less ppl that they wanne enter the arena with, fe 6ppl for a 8man fight, Then the groupleader can choose 2 npc characters to join the group and give them a general command what to do. Those 2 characters may not already be present in the current group, meaning if you have a healer, u can't get a npc healer(to avoid abuse). Wining Arena fights could be granted upon Rp's, Gold and Bountypoints. Ofcourse the rps wont be to high just for the sake of not killing normak rvr. Like when fights is done, 1-1 winner gets 500rps 4-4 gets 1500rps and 8-8 gets 2500rps. On defeat ull be ported back to borderkeep with rvr rezzill, the winners can choose to stay or leave.

2) No interference policy for rvr.

Meaning if ure solo and u atttack a solo player, no1 will be able to attack those ppl till:
1) 1 of them is death
2) They are out of combat(like 10sec i thought after fight)

Same would aply for other things only th egroup engaging something will be able to attack till defeat/oocombat arrives.

There would be something special incase ure part of a BG,could also motivate to have larger bg's when actually going on a keeptake.

Its not solid what i suggest here, just some thoughts ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
only commenting on the bsaeline stun, couse whit other stuff i agree.. allmost all :p

base line stun is never 9 sec... if u have resists

get fire resists becouse stun is fire dmg :p
25% base = 25% les dur and get someone whit heat resist and thats 50%

i know its possible to kill ppl in 4,5 sec but still, its not 9 sec like slam


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Catacombs is the easy way to level, no need of /level 40-45 or whatever, it's just silly, tbh get rid of /level 20 as well, u can get to level 20 in notime with instances.
Toa was made easy as 1 2 3, just attend an ml rush and u got a toon ready spending 3 nights of your time, cmon :s
The great problem is still RvR balance altho.
They need to finish off rebalance of classes and imo they need to divide NF in 2 tiers, rr1-5 and rr5+.
Also get rid of leveling arties imo, it's a pain in the arse having to xp a drop that already took u time to get.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Aeoric said:
Assuming a templated hib Luri caster with a reasonable amount of aug dex, you should be able to qc-stun on any non-det, non-sos target and get 7-8 nukes off
(6-7 for self debuffing chanters) with your target completely unable to do anything offensive or defensive...

on a templated toon, 4 nukes tops. 3 in most cases after a stun.

Why do you assume ppl run without resists?

26% heat, 31% as inconnu for example (5%racial), add in friar 24%, 55% then. 9s is all of a sudden reduced down to ~4.2s. Same for mids with shamans in group. If running with CLresists only, the norm is 36% heat and 41% heat if you have 5% racial. Hardly ever get off 7-8 nukes in one stun mate unless its a complete tosser who made the template.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Straef said:
Why mention shaman, as they're not a healing class. Healers get fz aswell as insta mez/stun, and druids can decide to get brittles (even tho that's a joke, really).

mmm cler has spec buffs , drood has spec buffs , healers have a banana , that's why i mentioned shamy , cos hes a spec buffer also ... :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
What hurts this game is the actions of a number of players, new players do join this game but they rarely stay as all they see is yelling, bickering and rudeness.

I met a guy 2 weeks ago who had just started playing (im one of the few still on /advice who actually reply), it was his first ever mmorpg. He rolled a VW on hib and by the time he made it to thid he had quit. PM'd me to say he would not be finishing off his free trial as he had been badly abused in thidranki by a number of players and he could not understand why.

Want to save this game? Stop behaving like twats to each other, rekindle a community that will attract players and play the game for fun.

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