Champs Viability For RvR Re:post from Hall of Valor



Agree with Lupine about WotC.. tanks (hehe) shouldnt ever have a aoe spell where they can panic and break a mez.. (soz Boni.. still have nightmares about that)

Champs are NOT tanks. run about about debuff stuff.. whack casters with dd and snare if u must.. but for gods sake, dont take on a fully buffed armsman or zerker..

^^ that's shield champ before u start ok? not many of us about but we do ok with our OWN kind of determination.

Play a reaver on pryd btw and from what i have seen so far.. Reavers are sick in comparison, far easier and more damaging :/

off to the pub anyhoo, later :)


Originally posted by rauno
anyone know's how mutch max int(+75) increses DD damage and does it also increase Wrath of the Champion's damage ?

roughly 100dmg per blast, thats like average at 350 dmg as far as i know


Re: Re: Re: Champs Viability For RvR Re:post from Hall of Valor

Originally posted by llixeraxu
I could spend all day picking holes in this dude ;p

To point out a few things.. Wrath of the champion is a sucky ra.. maybe this is why it NEEDS to be changed / looked at rather than be totaly ignored. I belive this is a place in which champs could make big gains towards group viability. Look at Bunker of faith and Speed of sound realm abilities.

My second point is we all hate zergs , right? So why ask him to make champ viable for zerging.. This will encourage this style of play. I could go on .. but im off to work :s

we may or may not like it but its an unfortunate reality and we need a champ that can do well in a zerg because lets face it, zergs are getting bigger and bigger per month


Re: Re: Re: Re: Champs Viability For RvR Re:post from Hall of Valor

Originally posted by Draggnarok
we may or may not like it but its an unfortunate reality and we need a champ that can do well in a zerg because lets face it, zergs are getting bigger and bigger per month

If i have a strong group i will try to persuade them not to zerg.

If my group has 1 support or 5/8 brehon, then zerging is the only option. By this i mean travling with another group... maybe 2 others :>

I for one respect the fact the the " better " players in rvr guilds dont like to be betten due to numbers. But i dont like being beaten because you have higher rr.. better armour wepons, more balanced group.

Im not here to be farmed for your fun after all.

Which is why i try not to whine about random group zergs by albs/mids.

Its when big rvr guilds are running in large zergs that it kinda takes the biscuit..

Whoa i turned this into a zerg whine.

No need to give champs zerg abilities. However i would be intrested to know what you suggest.


Originally posted by teramar
I don't want my class to become besmurched with smelly 'bolgs. Champions are pure characters, not big lumbering things with bad personal hygiene

like ignore shaving for a week or to? Oo

Elric IA

Originally posted by rauno
anyone know's how mutch max int(+75) increses DD damage and does it also increase Wrath of the Champion's damage ?

Grey con damage is unchanged. On level 50s before resists +75 int for me means going from 220-221 to about 250-252 so an average rise of about 30 (a point every 2-3 INT points).

Elric IA

Originally posted by rauno
anyone know's how mutch max int(+75) increses DD damage and does it also increase Wrath of the Champion's damage ?

Grey con damage is unchanged. On level 50s before resists +75 int for me means going from 220-221 to about 250-252 so an average rise of about 30 (a point every 2-3 INT points).


and i spend spend 20p+or more to buy new mp armor and lw to cap int well lets hope we will get big love soon


Not me!

Originally posted by Draggnarok
to quote the TL (may not be current one but i have this in a word file) of champs:
I will personally endevor to see to it champions NEVER get determination, i will do my best, whatever is nessecary - to prevent such a evident tilt in hibernia's favior. Champions are hybrids, and as such will recieve the bonus's and penalties that are appropriate. NEVER!

I've been the Champion Team Lead for almost 2 years now, prior to determination (or realm abilities) being introduced into the game. I'm not sure who or where you heard that quote from, but I am quite sure that it wasn't from me.


No matter how gimped you are llix we'll still love you :p..


Hey Jubal, great to see someone who's been an active and responsible TL for so long take part in this discussion.

There are indeed issues with the Champ class, more related to the "arms race" currently in the RvR scene imo than the class itself. However I'm glad to say I've been having fun playing this class all the way and I guess it's grealty to be credited to the good work you've been doing, keep it on :)


Welcome Jubal, now go make champ RA cost less(ip=23pts, purge =10).

champ is great class and fun to play but u need to be like rr5+ to be effective in RvR grp and moust champs retire or quit the game before that !

and why mages got aoe debuffs and champs dont but debuffs shold be the special thing we have now that just sucks.


Originally posted by rauno
Welcome Jubal, now go make champ RA cost less(ip=23pts, purge =10).

champ is great class and fun to play but u need to be like rr5+ to be effective in RvR grp and moust champs retire or quit the game before that !

and why mages got aoe debuffs and champs dont but debuffs shold be the special thing we have now that just sucks.

I see.,..:eek:


Originally posted by llixeraxu
By making savages have expensive RA like champs and removing det would go a long way to replacing some balance.

Wild arcana 4 .. intresting, im taking it to level 2 1/10 debuffs criting would pwn lol. 2/10 for alot more VALUBLE realm points .. maybe not worth it .. who knows.

Lool, you rolled a champ and you have massive frontload damage, debuffs, snare and annihilation 9 sec stun forthewin !
Live with it, and leave savages alone :p

Talk to Bfr, he is rr10 now, certainly no gimp but a mega-hard to beat guy.


bah leave savage alone ? they call savage spells "abilitys" thats why they are pure tanks damn make champ spells also "abilitys" so can have pure tank ra's u realy want that?


low rr on a champ is teh suck

atm i'm speccing into passive stuff (MoParry, MoPain) and will respect to IP later on.

i'm still thinking about respeccing to s/s to get more rvr invites :(


Talk to Bfr, he is rr10 now, certainly no gimp but a mega-hard to beat guy.

Afaik he's specced really low valor and 42 shield / 50 lw.
Spells at that level dont really do anything to justify the end cost, so he's just a hero with low dmg/hp. ;/ Hatts off for getting rank 10 tho.


I posted the latest State of the Champion report over at the Hall of Valor. Some good news for Champs, primarily, the attack speed debuff should be looked at for 1.65/1.66. Also, I'm hoping that I can use the upcoming realm ability review to add some viability to hybrid realm abilities.

The board ate my last post because I used an url, so you should be able to use the link in my signature to read the report.


Sick of peeps who just assume all champs are LW we aint.. and its becoming a more viable spec.. massive frontloads damage? pah! soon as we use a shield we rely on that and debuffs ok? and debuffs use end.. so does shield.. u guys work it out..

no good saying champs have 2 interrupt spells either.. cant use them if mezzed and u have no determination.. and with our hp? forget it.

love my champ to bits and will continue to play her.. just hate the kids who say we are all gimps and should roll another char..

PvE btw... awesome.. :D (at least i am ;) hehe )


ok just read the report from Jubal and i think this addresses NONE of the probs what shield/wpn spec champs have.

Read the manual again guys.. champions take a little more thought than other melee classes to play..

Where is the thought involved in running around smacking people from behind? nowhere thats where.. LW champs are wannabe heroes with dd and con/str debuff, nothing else.. i want the class i was promised.

i want shield/wpn to be just as viable as a hero with CS.. hope the style review gives us something to play with after we blow all our spec pts on shield and valour but i doubt that will happen.. we are left with shit atm.

scrap LW for champs imo and give us the damn acuity buff.
..and determination.. and cheaper (not hero cheap) IP.. and cheaper purge.. we are Champions ffs, and we go down faster than cheap hookers.

and do same for Thanes too.. feel really sorry for those guys :(

..Jim lad..

[Part of Talk Like Pirates Day] :D

..almost.. i be walking plank myself at Connla methinks.. arrr!


thing is we can have accuity selfbuff and good debuffs it all does not mater if u are mezzed/rooted/stuned as u are champs u know what i am talking about giv champs like self purge skill or something or aoe debuff so we will be useful even if we are rooted


perhaps make wrath of champion immunity to non-damage spells for just 30 secs even?... and rename it call of the champion? :)

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