champion levels


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Ballard said:
Scorge, I dont think you can choose abilities from your own archetype. i.e. fighters can choose rogue/magic abilities not more combat ones.

True depends what base skills you can train in. could a minstrel for instance spec in 1h slash from the fighter base class, and could a paladin spec in 1h slash from the rogue base class. is yet to be seen.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Heh, here is the official response of Sanya on the topic of this thread: :)

One of the more popular topics out on the 'net this weekend was the list of spell and style names purported to be the Champion Level subclassing list. The versions I've seen so far have in fact been the subclassing list. I'm posting to let all the board moderators know that they do not need to delete threads with this list, because it doesn't violate the NDA. It's freely available in the files that players can download off Pendragon. HOWEVER:

I want to caution the community, and ask that y'all keep a few things in mind:

- That's the WHOLE list. One character is not going to get access to that whole list, or even most of it. You have to choose within a restrictive system. Keep your expectations dialed back until the NDA lifts.

- That list will most certainly change.

- Any discussion of the system that will grant you access to the things on that list IS currently under NDA, and I would ask that any posts along those lines be reported and removed.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
semi english translation from VNboards


Minor heal
Health regen
Cure Poison
Cure Disease
Baseline Armor
Baseline Dex
Baseline Strength
Baseline Con
Minor str/con buff
Minor dex/qui buff
Group Heal 1
Group Heal 2
Spirit/Body/Energy resists
Matter/Heat/Cold resists
Resistances: Fray (Not sure on this one....possibly a melee resist)

Personal improvements:
Damage Shield 1
Damage Shield 2
Personal health regen
Personal health regen 2
Self-only str buff
Self-only dex buff
Self-only str/con buff
Self-only dex/qui buff
Self-only AF buff
Personal improvement keying speed (self haste)


Leaves parade I (parry buff)
Leaves parade II (parry buff)
Damage add
Temporary and personal fate of factor of armour
Self-Endurance Regen buff
Self-Determination buff
Self-resists buff
Self-absorption buff

Small drainage canals: (What the heck?)

Evade 1
Evade 2
Safe Fall 1
Leaves Corps resistance, nonpersonal. (Resist debuff?) or melee resists

Fates of damage:


Direct damage I
Direct damage II
Direct damage of zone I (AE damage probably)
Direct damage of zone II
Leaves projectile (Bolt?)


Direct damage I
Direct damage II
Direct damage and reduction of resistance I
Direct damage and reduction of resistances I I
Direct damage of zone I (Sounds like an AE)
Direct damage of zone II
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel
Direct damage of zone and reduction rate of travel
Damage of zone centered on the user (PBAOE?!?!)
Leaves projectile (Bolt probably)


Direct damage I
Direct damage II
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel
Direct damage of zone and reduction rate of travel
Damage of zone centered on the user (PBAoE again)


Direct damage I
Direct damage II
Damage of zone to targeting on the ground (GTAoE)
Repeated damage I
Repeated damage II
Cumulable repeated damage I (DoT)
Repeated damage cumulable II
Repeated damage of zone I
Repeated damage of zone II
Damage repeated of zone centered on the user (PBAoE)
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel I
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel II
Direct damage of zone and reduction rate of travel I
Direct damage of zone and reduction rate of travel II
Damage of zone centered on the user (PBAoE)


Direct damage I
Direct damage II
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel I
Direct damage of zone
Direct damage and reduction in resistance
Direct damage of zone and reduction in resistance

Handling of life:

Transfer of life
Drain of life


Direct damage I
Direct damage and reduction rate of travel I
Direct damage of zone and reduction rate of travel I
Damage of zone to targeting on the ground
Damage of zone centered on the user
Repeated damage I
Repeated damage II
Repeated damage of zone I
Repeated damage of zone II

Weakenings: (All debuffs)

Reduction in dexterity
Reduction in force
Reduction in dexterite/vivacity
Reduction in force/constitution
Reduction in dexterite/vivacity of zone
Reduction in force/constitution of zone

Amplifiers of damage:
Amplifier of damage I (not personnel)
Amplifier of damage II (not personnel)
Group damage shield


AE disease


According to the kingdom, allows to carry:

One-handed sword
Two-handed sword
One-handed axe
Two-handed axe
One-handed hammer
Two-handed hammer
Melee staff
H2H weapons
Flexible weapons

Styles of combat:

Club shield
Trenching of adversary
Strike in the back
Slit of spinal column
Pretence of rupture
Side attack
Strike with the side
Pretence of gouge

These files contain moreover some other minor information on the extension:

Abyssals zone:

It will doubtless be necessary to go to the Abyssals zone for one moment, since this zone has just passed temporarily non-PcP on the waiter test, to facilitate the access to the testers of them. We had confirmation which this zone will remain PcP on the commercial waiters.

Three new named will make their appearance: Admorenth, Xaphan and Asteroth. Admorenth has a stick having a new single appearance, which it will undoubtedly be possible to have.


The existence of mounting elementary seems to be confirmed, in particular that of fire which has just received new effects of ignited shoes and breath.

The horses will be able to jump, according to the files, in two different ways. They bénficient, in "Traditional" posting, of the same attention as in posting "Catacombs". Thus, here the texture of a mounting under basic customer.

Moreover, each mounting received new armours:

- a basic armour "pre-installed" on the horse, including/understanding the saddle and the clamps
- a "heroic" armour
- a "sinister" armour
- a "magic" armour

New action animated:
/rider_trick (assembled Turn)
/yawn (Bailler)
/doh (I am stupid!)
/confused (Embarrassed)
/shiver (Frissoner)
/rofl (To roll on the ground of laughing)
/mememe (Me, me, me!)
/whistle (To whistle)


The extension is divided into three "chapters" (it is the term used), of level 30, 45 and 50. The first two chapters are concluded in keeps epic in authorities (6 new keeps thus), the fascinating last places in a new non-instanciée epic zone: Gamanborg (Midgard), Doiri Round of applause (Hibernia) and Cragsbluff (Albion).

A new zone by kingdom holds place of room of throne of the three kings, and another zone, perhaps related to the preceding one, is placed in a tower.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
scorge said:
semi english translation from VNboards
'Larron' means 'small drainage canals' as well as 'rogues'. If I had to pick one I'd go for the second ;).

Also: 'sort' means 'leaves' as well as 'spell'. (Leaves as in the verb, not the plural of 'leaf')


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
So it might be posible to get self end regen and cold/heat resist buffs as a scout? :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
noblok said:
'Larron' means 'small drainage canals' as well as 'rogues'. If I had to pick one I'd go for the second ;).

Also: 'sort' means 'leaves' as well as 'spell'. (Leaves as in the verb, not the plural of 'leaf')

so Leaves parade I

would be spell (parade).....? not sure about this one

these become

Small drainage canals:
Leaves personal dodging I
Leaves personal dodging II
Fall Controlled I
Leaves Corps resistance, nonpersona

Base Rogue skills:

spell evade 1
spell evade 2
safe fall 1
Group spell resistance


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