Caster Tic/Merc Grp for next Tuesday 1st Aug


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Straef said:
In some other thread I might agree with you, but in this group the whole setup was based on some of the special ra's/skills of the classes, tic rr5 being one of them. In this case getting a <rr5 tic would've been the same as getting a merc lacking some banelord levels or a caba lacking ml9 for a pet group, it just wouldn't work. It's for that reason, rather than being a bunch of elitist *****.

I cant beleive but for the secound time in as many weeks i have to agree with straef.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Zede said:
Yer, I must admit, asking for people to be RR5.. its such a hard rank to get these days.
I'm still RR5+. But i'm not respecing back to group spec until AD is back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Nailez said:
god i love leetist idiots who only think you need RR5 to have any form of skill ppl like you are the reason classes die out, whats the point for example of being a grp specced tic with no grps. and swearing at me is just plain sad and shows your age, you may be high RR but tbh your age must be the same as that is. So very sad.

Sort of brought that on urself, It was quite clear they wanted rr5+ which is pretty easy to get these days, and like straef said they wanted tic to be rr5 for a reason.

think its you who needs to grow up and read what was needed instead of whining about being ignored


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2005
the whole reason im whining as you put it is that one he asks for tic i offer my services he then posts again and again saying o no1 interested kind of thing then asks for a sorc i offer again on my sorc again im ignored.

His asking for grp specced tics yet whats the point in grp speccing if you cant get the grps on a tic, tics are becoming more grpable and imo have very high utility and are underated.

As for RR5 tic getting that solo would require solo spec RAs then spending money to respec for the occasional grp is pointless (RR5 gives some survivability yes but doesnt make the player), seems like too many ppl rely on active RAs these days to survive instead of tactic/skill.

All im hearing on these forums is that "ffs gimmeh a grp specced tic" yet ppl like Kaira arent acceptive of lower RRs to give tics a chance to grp spec ( willingness to grp spec stead of solo spece), yes he wanted a certain setup but an RR4 or so tic would still have filled the gap (spec DI2 MoC1 for example could pool hps and monster rez etc),

As for you all saying i need to grow up my arguments are valid and havent resorted to swearing abuse or personal attacks of which you have all done.

My point again is simple theres no point speccing grp spec tic with no grps, getting higher RR tic unless you get some assistance from grps ( takes ages from leechin in zergs/ getting steamrolled etc ).

Higher RR does not make you highly skilled it just means alot of freetime/in steamroll grp/camping bridge yes higher RRs can be skilled but theres alot fo high RRs out there who cant play for nowt, im quite willing to play with ppl who have fun and know how to play there char even if they are lower RR, those who know how to not just leech which ive found in some of the higher RR grps.

you guys need to start realising that just because a person is lower RR it does not make them useless, perfect example of this im sure is Graendel when he stopped playing his Fire wiz and now has a RR8 odd cleric Zianah, he got that high RR by 1 rep on his wiz and 2 by grps allowing him into grp @ low RR, im pretty sure he didnt go through the BGs capping each time, he proberly went into NF @ RR2 or so.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Sure, being high realm rank doesn't mean someone's less skilled, but it certainly doesn't mean one is less skilled, and when the player is unknown, his being high realm rank at least shows he's got some sort of experience playing the character (eBay being an exception, obviously), whereas you can't tell with a low realm rank character whether the guy played for days or years.
There's another important thing about getting high realm rank characters other than the skill/experience or whatever, being the ra's, and not just the active ones. If you get some rr10 character into your group you can at least be sure that the guy has the most important ra's, and very likely some nice passives besides that, while it's hard to tell with a low realm rank whether he first went for certain passives or picked some pve ra's or whatever.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Nailez said:
the whole reason im whining as you put it is that one he asks for tic i offer my services he then posts again and again saying o no1 interested kind of thing then asks for a sorc i offer again on my sorc again im ignored.

His asking for grp specced tics yet whats the point in grp speccing if you cant get the grps on a tic, tics are becoming more grpable and imo have very high utility and are underated.

As for RR5 tic getting that solo would require solo spec RAs then spending money to respec for the occasional grp is pointless (RR5 gives some survivability yes but doesnt make the player), seems like too many ppl rely on active RAs these days to survive instead of tactic/skill.

All im hearing on these forums is that "ffs gimmeh a grp specced tic" yet ppl like Kaira arent acceptive of lower RRs to give tics a chance to grp spec ( willingness to grp spec stead of solo spece), yes he wanted a certain setup but an RR4 or so tic would still have filled the gap (spec DI2 MoC1 for example could pool hps and monster rez etc),

As for you all saying i need to grow up my arguments are valid and havent resorted to swearing abuse or personal attacks of which you have all done.

My point again is simple theres no point speccing grp spec tic with no grps, getting higher RR tic unless you get some assistance from grps ( takes ages from leechin in zergs/ getting steamrolled etc ).

Higher RR does not make you highly skilled it just means alot of freetime/in steamroll grp/camping bridge yes higher RRs can be skilled but theres alot fo high RRs out there who cant play for nowt, im quite willing to play with ppl who have fun and know how to play there char even if they are lower RR, those who know how to not just leech which ive found in some of the higher RR grps.

you guys need to start realising that just because a person is lower RR it does not make them useless, perfect example of this im sure is Graendel when he stopped playing his Fire wiz and now has a RR8 odd cleric Zianah, he got that high RR by 1 rep on his wiz and 2 by grps allowing him into grp @ low RR, im pretty sure he didnt go through the BGs capping each time, he proberly went into NF @ RR2 or so.

First of all, im not here to babysit low rr tics to RR5, if you have to resort to whining at me because you didnt get in the grp..well i suggest you get some more friends in game and be more proactive. You think your any different to anyone else who has had a low rr char ? ( be glad this is not OF, you would have left a long time ago) Get off your ass, stop whining and do something about it.

For your information, 2 out of 3 of the "tic" grps I have done have had sub- rr5 tics in, so sorry to burst your bubble there. If you decide to flame/whine in this thread, sorry but you deserve the "attacks" as you put it. Ive never done you any wrong doing, but suddenly you have a go at me - practice what you preach.

Giving Graen as an example is a poor one. His cleric got a high rr yes, but nothing to do with his fire wiz, being good on a wiz does not equate to being good on a cleric. Zianah was a in a guild grp - so had active guild grps most night of the week. Take a leaf out of his book and organise a regular rvr night with friends if you are serious about your tic - again be more proactive.

My guild, AoD have recently rerolled mid - they are all RR1, and due to nothing but team work will soon be rr5, really your whine about not getting grps is moot - just but your mind to it.

Again, if you care about getting higher rr in a grp, just play your tic - forget your other alts. Even if this does mean running solo with the zerg, do it. RP is RP is RP. Da zerg is a Caster tics play ground tbh - I cannot think of a better class to have fun with in that situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2005
Zede said:
1 x ML10 BL Rejuv Tic * baod2/di2 or rr5 & baod2 Minimum 40 Rejuv.

Just to be even more arguementative and to shut the people up who keep pming me, he said OR RR5 i had the RA set he wanted before that.

as for graen as a poor example nope i dont think he is, his got a guild grp yes but he never ran in GG non stop, he got grps because ppl knew he was grae from his rep he built on it into grps.

as for saying dont bother but playing ya tic in rvr, umm i am playing my tic non stop as much as i can in rvr hence why i have gained 13 ranks since this post started.



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nailez said:
Just to be even more arguementative and to shut the people up who keep pming me, he said OR RR5 i had the RA set he wanted before that.

as for graen as a poor example nope i dont think he is, his got a guild grp yes but he never ran in GG non stop, he got grps because ppl knew he was grae from his rep he built on it into grps.

as for saying dont bother but playing ya tic in rvr, umm i am playing my tic non stop as much as i can in rvr hence why i have gained 13 ranks since this post started.


Well in nearly all kairs groups my tic has been in them it is not yet rr5 but is getting there but most people require me on my other toons when i play hence its slow rising in the RR's. i play whats needed in groups and play what i would like to play last as i beleive having fun and helping out ya guild / friends is more important.

My tic may not be rr5 but is di 2 boad 2 PR 1 and nearly rr5 thanks to kair, end of the day you may not have been picked for his group but again that is his perogative. if Kairamar was to go to me no sorry mate cant have your tic tonight can ya log your cabby / merc / cleric i would do it as its whats the group needs yes ofc i would go QQ ect at him on vent but would still do it becuase it means i can still have fun and so can others.

Kairamar is not as Ellitest as most poeple would like to think and is a rather good guy imo, so less qqing at him about the way he plays and makes groups if he decides he wants to see if there are others he is able to get that he knows better or has seen in action above sumone he doesnt know or has never heard of that again is his option as he is making the effort to make the group to lead/run the group and to get things sorted how many others have been doing that ?????




Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Nailez said:
Just to be even more arguementative and to shut the people up who keep pming me, he said OR RR5 i had the RA set he wanted before that.

as for graen as a poor example nope i dont think he is, his got a guild grp yes but he never ran in GG non stop, he got grps because ppl knew he was grae from his rep he built on it into grps.

as for saying dont bother but playing ya tic in rvr, umm i am playing my tic non stop as much as i can in rvr hence why i have gained 13 ranks since this post started.


1) you did not have baod2

2) your wrong, if your in a gg, 90% of your rp is from said gg. itttss a fact !

3) suggest you read what i said. your rr6x then ?

jeez, your not even ML10.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2005
ML10 umm signature not updated and said could get those RAs with ease infact i even specced those to assist as its whats apparently called for in grps. god knows what your mean by 3) makes no sense at all


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Nailez said:
ML10 umm signature not updated and said could get those RAs with ease infact i even specced those to assist as its whats apparently called for in grps. god knows what your mean by 3) makes no sense at all

so if u read your diminishing replies correctly,....

your ML10 RR5 with DI2 & BAOD2 now ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2005
Zede said:
so if u read your diminishing replies correctly,....

your ML10 RR5 with DI2 & BAOD2 now ?

ur original ask was BAoD2 and DI2 OR RR5 and BAoD2, sigh how hard is it get.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Nailez said:
ur original ask was BAoD2 and DI2 OR RR5 and BAoD2, sigh how hard is it get.

plze look up the word "now" not last week, not yesterday, not next week, now.

sigh, how hard is it get ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Sorry to jump off the flamewar wagon momentarily, but I've been away from
the game since I've moved to NY in Feb.

Whats all this about melee tics - what role do they play in a group ?
(they don't have det or charge right ? (unlike Vamp and Valkyrie being the 2nd
charge tanks in the other realms)

They are Banelord, self-buffing, clothwearing, self-ABS-buffing, flex tanks.
No TWF but a handy RR5.

So 5 Banelords, 1 Convoker (Sorc), 2x Cleric (Perfector)

What's the premise behind the group ? am I missing something obvious ?
What don't I understand/underestimate about a Tic ?

Why not go for 4 Mercs and a Friar (with his lovely new group end reduction buff)

Not criticising the group setup - quite the opposite - I'm interested in how you
see this working ?

Surprised you have no BG or Grapple, Pally/Friar for end, 2nd Speedwarp,
suppression, petspam, 2nd source of speed, EB, haste, celerity, Anger of
the Gods - seeing as you have so many dmg tanks. Who is your quick AE
interupter ?

Whoops - scratch that - just re-read and you want caster tics

Even more puzzled now...

AE root/snare & dmg (slow the MA target?) this is focus right ?
is it therefore interruptible ?

Monster Rezz the det tanks that die

er... and ?

(suffice to say I don't understand tics at all - so please educate me)



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Aeoric said:
Sorry to jump off the flamewar wagon momentarily, but I've been away from
the game since I've moved to NY in Feb.

Whats all this about melee tics - what role do they play in a group ?
(they don't have det or charge right ? (unlike Vamp and Valkyrie being the 2nd
charge tanks in the other realms)

They are Banelord, self-buffing, clothwearing, self-ABS-buffing, flex tanks.
No TWF but a handy RR5.

So 5 Banelords, 1 Convoker (Sorc), 2x Cleric (Perfector)

What's the premise behind the group ? am I missing something obvious ?
What don't I understand/underestimate about a Tic ?

Why not go for 4 Mercs and a Friar (with his lovely new group end reduction buff)

Not criticising the group setup - quite the opposite - I'm interested in how you
see this working ?

Surprised you have no BG or Grapple, Pally/Friar for end, 2nd Speedwarp,
suppression, petspam, 2nd source of speed, EB, haste, celerity, Anger of
the Gods - seeing as you have so many dmg tanks. Who is your quick AE
interupter ?

Whoops - scratch that - just re-read and you want caster tics

Even more puzzled now...

AE root/snare & dmg (slow the MA target?) this is focus right ?
is it therefore interruptible ?

Monster Rezz the det tanks that die

er... and ?

(suffice to say I don't understand tics at all - so please educate me)


Both Melee and caster tics when played and speced right are evil in FG vs FG fights as well as seige, there RR5 accsess to group ra's of both cleric + thurg make them idea for active's unfortunitly a tic does need pd 4-5 to realy work well in fg rvr hence why most tics still dont have the nessesery gorup ra's.

a caster tic can be great for interupting snareing the whole group or just 1 member, it can ramp up dmg on my caster tic ive had many opertunitys to just stand back and focus the enamys MA or healers always fun when you hit a druid for 17xx dmg.

Melee tics do good dmg assist and if speced right can still interupt when rooted/grappled.

they can be a great asset to any group depenedent on setup and player ability.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
auroria said:
that melee grp doesnt really work though

it worked quite well last time i ran with kair and the guys in that group unfortunitly i wasnt able to attend this one so i dont know how it went but the last one worked great !!! :fluffle:

ill run gorups like this cos its great :kissit:


Loyal Freddie
Sep 16, 2004
Nailez said:
the whole reason im whining as you put it is that one he asks for tic i offer my services he then posts again and again saying o no1 interested kind of thing then asks for a sorc i offer again on my sorc again im ignored.

His asking for grp specced tics yet whats the point in grp speccing if you cant get the grps on a tic, tics are becoming more grpable and imo have very high utility and are underated.

As for RR5 tic getting that solo would require solo spec RAs then spending money to respec for the occasional grp is pointless (RR5 gives some survivability yes but doesnt make the player), seems like too many ppl rely on active RAs these days to survive instead of tactic/skill.

All im hearing on these forums is that "ffs gimmeh a grp specced tic" yet ppl like Kaira arent acceptive of lower RRs to give tics a chance to grp spec ( willingness to grp spec stead of solo spece), yes he wanted a certain setup but an RR4 or so tic would still have filled the gap (spec DI2 MoC1 for example could pool hps and monster rez etc),

As for you all saying i need to grow up my arguments are valid and havent resorted to swearing abuse or personal attacks of which you have all done.

My point again is simple theres no point speccing grp spec tic with no grps, getting higher RR tic unless you get some assistance from grps ( takes ages from leechin in zergs/ getting steamrolled etc ).

Higher RR does not make you highly skilled it just means alot of freetime/in steamroll grp/camping bridge yes higher RRs can be skilled but theres alot fo high RRs out there who cant play for nowt, im quite willing to play with ppl who have fun and know how to play there char even if they are lower RR, those who know how to not just leech which ive found in some of the higher RR grps.

you guys need to start realising that just because a person is lower RR it does not make them useless, perfect example of this im sure is Graendel when he stopped playing his Fire wiz and now has a RR8 odd cleric Zianah, he got that high RR by 1 rep on his wiz and 2 by grps allowing him into grp @ low RR, im pretty sure he didnt go through the BGs capping each time, he proberly went into NF @ RR2 or so.

tbh, i have never meet a more self sacrificing guy then Graendel/Zianah. helping almost everyone who asks, gives away stuff and never ask for anything back.
hes a great cleric, a good friend in game and in real life. this is why we in Arctic Circle loves him and why albs want him in rvr. as for him on wiz... he should never have rolled a wiz, hes a healer class and hes one of the best ive played whit.

i think you are right in some of the things you are saying, but you where not what Kaira was asking for, and thats for him to decide.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Kahvi said:
tbh, i have never meet a more self sacrificing guy then Graendel/Zianah. helping almost everyone who asks, gives away stuff and never ask for anything back.
hes a great cleric, a good friend in game and in real life. this is why we in Arctic Circle loves him and why albs want him in rvr. as for him on wiz... he should never have rolled a wiz, hes a healer class and hes one of the best ive played whit.

on a sidenote i think you are wrong, zianah only cares on the prices of dye merchants

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