Origninally Posted by Gamah
So yeah, gonna make a vid with the strel in the near future to celebrate the impending RR10.
what kinda things would you like to see?
I want to see no fights under rr9 since you are rr9.
never add fights were you melee own a lower rr than you, add lower rr's if they are 2-3.
I want to see other tactics then the ones I use.
I want to see how other minstrels play.
I want to see rapage vs light tanks.
I want to see petstrel fights.
I want to see a meleestrel fight, but don't stand the fuck still while fighting.
show what you can do with your class abilities.
I do not want to see a minstrel standing still using amethyst slash, dd dd stun, amethyst slash dd dd.
if you add a petstrel fight. be sure to not add to many pet fights.
cause that gets boring after a while, depends on the rr you are dealing with tho.
I want to see vs high rr fights, tho it is not that big challenge since you are the same rr as them.
this might be interesting.
good luck!