Cancel or not to cancel ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tay said:
Not sure about the SH stuff myself. but I do think that Mythic are now trying to write Stealthers out of the game, with the exception of the mincers of course who else gives SS5 in alb?.

If I was Mythic, I'd be so sick and tired of all the whining from the stealther community about just about every aspect of the game that I'd want them gone. (not you personally Tay, but you know what I mean if you read the forums here regularly :) )


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
giv new server whitout toa or SC
and made Df mobs drop df stuff and not seals.
oh and make all uber mobs much much harder.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Gordonax said:
If I was Mythic, I'd be so sick and tired of all the whining from the stealther community about just about every aspect of the game that I'd want them gone. (not you personally Tay, but you know what I mean if you read the forums here regularly :) )

Its not a whine, its about SL items and how they affect stealthers.
The titel might have been wrong, since i have no intention of quiting just because stealth is nerfed on one of my chars.

I dont have to get close to kill, i dont need rp, and its not hard to find infils who will help bodyguard you, i can even afford the 50 stealth spec since scout melee not that good in the first place.

Just pointing out that if players are planning to make a stealther or doing it,
they should consider this.

Maybe it will be better for daoc in the long run to have less stealthers. Maybe all those playing alb stealthers now will stop camping amg and instead play another char, increasing the alb zerg even more, maybe thats good for the game.
Maybe 60-70 albs more in emain primetime not at fixed positions,
chasing any sign of rp, will destroy all hope of the few fg fights which the rvr guilds enjoy, maybe not.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Nalistah said:
how can u be arsed to type so much:confused:

Bored :)

Besides i think quite relevant for new stealthers, to think twice about this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Cyclodia said:
His ts had 27 min timer left so he had some spare time before he can leave atk. :p

Cut the crap Cyclodia, you have the best scout killer class in the game with
just about every bonus posibel, and at rr8 ns's are truely awesome. Not my fault you dont have patience to find and kill me, but insist on killing anything
which moves. If i go mtk and shot at some, i dont come here complain about the 10 sbs hunting me down.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Gordonax said:
If I was Mythic, I'd be so sick and tired of all the whining from the stealther community about just about every aspect of the game that I'd want them gone. (not you personally Tay, but you know what I mean if you read the forums here regularly :) )

Fear not I have been here since it pretty much started I know the score :)

My stealther isnt my only char so I can see it from both sides, at the moment I'm not sure what char I want to lvl, frankly I think TOA just fecked the game up big style for me, I dont think the infil will be fun in TOA which leaves me with a RR6+ infil who I have invested a lot of time into who wont be played :(

The thing is about stealthers is that they like to kill the caster types and the caster types have a hard on for stealthers because there really is little defense against them and getting rid of them wouldnt affect "thier" game.

Its a fine balance between stealthers and non stealthers (assassins and archer types too) If I was mythic i'd be fed up of all the non stealther whines too.. Why do people feel they have to come here and whine about somebody killing them for RP's it doesnt matter if its a group of 5 or 500 if thats how people want to play carry on..

I dont think I have ever whined about non stealthers, what I do detest is people that claim to be or do one thing yet get caught doing what they claim to hate...stealthers adding when they claim to hate it, fg's whining about stealthers adding when they are happy to kill solo stealthers...the double standards are pretty insane.

Anyway enough wasting work time, I'm still no closer to choosing a chars to plough into TOA with...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinad said:
1.68c = All non-assasins will get huge range detect stealthers 100 % of the time on top of PN.

The SL items very powerfull besides SL, after upgrade they give 35 which means you will have effective 15 stealth. No reason not to have atleast 1. Also remeber that groups can use at will, since they are not stealthed.
Anything that allows a fg to find and annihilate all the stealthers camping a milegate is a good thing in my books... :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Alithiel said:
Anything that allows a fg to find and annihilate all the stealthers camping a milegate is a good thing in my books... :clap:

Maybe not so good when those 50+ albs take another char, get mincer speed
and runs around in 6 xtra fg's. Thats mobile add at speed5, not stationary, which can be predicted and avoided.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Raven said:

That is a medium SL artifact, which will give you 60 sec of protection every 15 min, and you have to break stealth to cast the spell. The defensive purpose of SL has been removed, its 99% offense with changes.


- Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their durations reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detection granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased. The intent is to make these bonuses very effective in helping to find enemy stealthers in specific situations (for example, after an enemy stealther has killed several realmmates in an area). Currently, the bonus granted is too low with such a long duration that it’s basically “always on.”

The intent is to make these bonuses very effective in helping to find enemy stealthers in specific situations (for example, after an enemy stealther has killed several realmmates in an area).

Maybe its just me, but im sure people will use even if you did not kill any,
8+ SL items in a fg = ghetto ts atleast each 2 min :)

What about mincer + 3 necros each with 2 items going out to hunt
sbs..... The ways to kill stealthers will be unlimited.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Cyclodia said:
Plz cancel fucking retard come on quit today.

Lol, the moment you grow skills and manage to fight an equal rr buffed Alb...
Instead of making video's where you duo unbuffed solo Albs to death :(
Regards, Glottis :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Harle said:

The important part of the word "TESTserver" is NOT server

Yes i know pendragon is a test server, but these changes as real as
the nerf to toa items. They are working on a close to finished patch
and Mythic has despite protests not wanted to back up.
Yes strictly speaking your right, its not live yet, sorry if anyone
feel alarmed, your call to play a stealther, just pointing out the results of such a change.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
ToA is a stealther love bundle as far as I see. Stuff that I was somewhat worried about has been nerfed into the ground already, and if you look beyond the hysterical lunatics crying over Stealth Lore and Precience Node there's a whole new world off possabilities to explore :)

The PvE artifact levelling will be indescribably banal however, to the point of drooling into the keyboard, followed by violent, spasmic convultions, causing us to dash our brains out in a desperate attempt to escape the tedium. I will be attempting to retain my sanity however by contemplating which UI skin goes best with my ranger's outfit, and drool over that instead :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Auriel said:
ToA is a stealther love bundle as far as I see. Stuff that I was somewhat worried about has been nerfed into the ground already, and if you look beyond the hysterical lunatics crying over Stealth Lore and Precience Node there's a whole new world off possabilities to explore :)

The PvE artifact levelling will be indescribably banal however, to the point of drooling into the keyboard, followed by violent, spasmic convultions, causing us to dash our brains out in a desperate attempt to escape the tedium. I will be attempting to retain my sanity however by contemplating which UI skin goes best with my ranger's outfit, and drool over that instead :worthy:

Mate think of a fg alb who has pratically endless ghetto ts, 825 range, running at speed 5. Now consider 20 fg albs in emain primetime, hunting any signs of rp using a cg, and tell me thats a nice new world for any hib or mid stealther. You wont be able to fart before they are on to you, and your only defense will be very limited. Yes i hope you enjoy your ranger, but he will be
barely playabel in normal rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Adari said:

/agree :wub:

I know what's what from critshot, where the ranger & scout TL's hang out, and like I said - I was worried a bit, but not anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Kinad said:
Nah i might run around the zerg leeching like you do.

Anyway it was not about me, it was a thread pointing out what stealthers
face, and warning to those who are making new ones not to get disapointed.

and that comes from a scout who groups with 2 other scouts and TS-solo ns's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Prisma/Sniper said:
and that comes from a scout who groups with 2 other scouts and TS-solo ns's

Im sorry i kill you or any ns camping atk, i mean you have every right to
own low rr scouts and infils, not to mention all unbuffed albs comming out. Especially when you dont even have the patience to clean out an area your
stalking in. You would have more fair fight against rr10 infils than you give those albs, besides im 90 % solo and if not only grouped with 1 scout, Lath.

What puzzles me is 50 % of hibs think im leeching amg with a huge zerg, the other 50 % complains im hunting them at atk.

I suggest you make a why kinad sux because he killed me thread, and leaves
this to the subject.

Do a /groundset 1000, thats new group ghetto ts range, can be up at all times, and considering some of these artifacts are quite good and knowing
peoples hate stealthers, atleast when they dont play their own, i think it
will make it impossibel.

Do a /groundset 2000, thats new assasin ghetto ts, will be up 15/items, and if groups of stealthers close to allways.

If this goes live, and everything looks that way, you will newer even make it past amg. Just a thread that people should understand the facts of
giving ghetto ts to every class in the game, and maybe put their effort and
time into nonstealthers.

I sure as hell wont move out unless im in a strong stealther group, and considering the numbers of infils, scouts and minstrels i think you, cyclodia and adari and the rest of the hib stealther squad should be more concerned about this, than how much i sux.

Low range TS on every god damn alb, now think how that will be.

Btw combine this with radar and speed, read new thread about this, and they
dont even have to see you, they can find and kill any stealthers in enormous


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Erm im i the only 1 who looks at what he writes? its not like he is blaming ppl he is trying to helpout but pointing out a "fact" about a coming nerf to archers, and tbh im getting scared as its uber hard to solo as it is, as with camo down i hav 10 rp horny infis on me every time i try to cross amg.

had a nice fight vs helder+his mincer add who tried to play fair and only attack with 1 till a NS going emain added. /salute


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Tay said:
they all loved the ninja raids and the taking of 2nd and 3rd doors as 1st was coming down.

no acually i hated/hate the ninja raids.. i just tank god for that new keep layout...

and i bet it wont be as bad as a certain person in this thread want ppl to think.....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
is a funny thread when i see peoples replys to kinny's original post.

nice to see.
kinny point's some fact's out (supposed change's) and u all are calling it a whine, but then u lot are whining about a whiner.

omg so that makes me a whiner whining about whiner's whining about a whine.

givz fecking cheese.

on a serious note if these actually come into effect it will be hell.

also bet most of the people moaning actually have chars who will be effected by this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Yes the titel of thread was wrong, mostly refering to US people, here is basic 'facts' if this go lives.

Formular for range between non stealther and stealther is this :

125 + (enemy level-your modified stealth with SL active)*20.
35 base stealth against 35 SL item at rr5(50) = 825 range

Formula for range between assasin and archer/minstrel is this :

250 + (enemy level-your modified stealth with SL active)*50.
35 base stealth against 35 SL item at rr5(50) = 2000 range
Sidenote, camo does not affect this, it only affect see hidden.

Do /groundset 825 and think how you as an assasin gonna play
with enemy fgs capable of having this up 24/7 moving around with speed.

Do /groundset 2000 as an archer or minstrel and remember see hidden before the 1.62 nerf, its even worse, camo dont work on this. A small group
of stealther will be able to have atleast 1 charge going at 24/7.

Hope some appreciate this info and will be able to judge if they should
continue to develop their stealther. Yes range on SL can be negated
by speccing very high stealth, but im to lazy to make a table.
Also with the huge number of stealthers on all servers, it might be altered
since very few will find it funny to play against endless truesight from fg's.
Just something to monitor, since alteration to stealth means more than
10 or 25 % damage bonus or a fancy artifact.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Kinad said:
Nah i might run around the zerg leeching like you do.

Anyway it was not about me, it was a thread pointing out what stealthers
face, and warning to those who are making new ones not to get disapointed.

hah like thats not all you do then? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
rvn said:
hah like thats not all you do then? :p

Your having fun with your bought PHOENIX minstrel ?

Might have to spend a few hundred euros on chars so i can have a nice
signatur, because you just make me feel inferior.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Kinad said:
Your having fun with your bought PHOENIX minstrel ?

Might have to spend a few hundred euros on chars so i can have a nice
signatur, because you just make me feel inferior.

didnt buy it but did have fun playing it for 600k rps :p unfortunatly sbs zerg a bit too much lately so its rather dull to solo or duo.. now keep on crying gimp

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