Can Any Rangers Give Me An Insight...?




I have just bought DAoC today! I can't decide what character, race or anything to chose! After reading the manual i would like to be a Ranger, possibly Elvish... are there any such people who can give me an in-sight to what it's like? Do you just use a bow cause it says something about double weilding weapons and it's all so confusing and i need help!!! :)

Generic Poster

Choose a small Lurikeen, you can't go wrong for looks alone.

You'll find it easier to find groups, because everyone wants a luri in their group. You may find yourself being abused, but that's your role in the game. You are simply there to entertain others!


A little summary of the Archer classes in this game...

In the beta the most powerfull classes in the game were the Albion Scout, the Hibernian Ranger and the Midgardian Hunter. They stalked their prey, staying hidden in the shadows till firing their deadly bows. They killed everything and nearly always got away with it. Archers were able to kill even higher level fighter classes with 1 or 2 arrows. When you went out into the frontiers there was a high risk of sudden death lurking behind a tree next to you.
Now however Archers are different. Mythic (the company who developed the game) got alot off letters saying Archers were overpowered - they were for sure! So they nerfed them in every patch since the release.

- took away stealthed bow drawing and replaced it by a chance (basing on your stealth spec) to stay stealthed when drawing
- took away damage bonus on sitting targets
- added selfblade turn to all caster classes (this lets an arrow bounce off doing no damage at all)
- reduced damage to lower level players
- reduced damage of critical shots
- increased drawtime of bows
- added 'see hidden' (a passive ability for assassin classes that makes your stealth pointless)

Because the last nerf made Archers disapear from US servers Mythic added 'camouflage' wich allows you to hide from see hidden 10 minutes after a fight.

Now playing any Archer is very challenging! You can still create a deadly bow artist who (with a bit of luck) can kill a mage with 1 arrow. But you are very vulnerable after an attack and have no real defensive skills. It can cause you alot of grief to find out that you might die each time after you fire 1 or 2 arrows.

This is the player vs player aspect of Archers. The player vs monsters aspects are even worse...
Because of reduced damage you cant solo as easy as other classes. And you will solo alot! Because an Archer has nothing else but damage to offer to a group you will be often turned down for other classes that can _take_ some damage or have other helpfull abilities like casters who can weaken monsters or stop them from attacking or healing classes.

The rogue classes in this game are the hardest to level classes! The Archer classes are in my opinion also the hardest to play!
It will cause you alot of pain to level an Archer to lvl 50 if you dont find a decent guild with people willing to help you.

I can't help you much with a ranger template since I am a Huntress but maybe I can prevent you from leaving the game early because of choosing the wrong class for you.


well i got both a Hunter and a SB.. and all i can say is that the hunter took twice the time to make as SB so imo a hunter is way harder to lvl then a SB


then u may ask why i post that here..

all i can say i have no idea what so ever..

all i know is that i am a wee bit drunk


Go Celt, Celt melee rangers are still nice chars, only thing you can't kill too well is mages and zerkers (but what can other than the zerg?)

Celt's definetely the superior choice as a ranger by a long shot.

No real point speccing bow past 27 does nothing much and you don't need over 35 stealth. 39 blades is the minimum (and probably the maximum) you need.

Just remember if you do decide to roll a ranger, you are not an archer, you're a melee char, if you try and play as an archer you'll end up whining your char is gimped. If you play melee you'll be laughing that it's somewhat overpowered. Your bow is merely a tool to get off some damage (although not very likely with engage, evades, miss, fumbles, bladeturn, pulsing bladeturn, nearsight, interrupts and so on) before the melee battle begins.


rangers are fun to level up up to abotu level 40, but no one seems to like grouping with rangers because their bow wont hit purple mobs very often.

if you want a master bowman ranger, you should go lurikeen because you will draw your bow faster and hit thinks with your bow harder, but you will be vunerable to melee.

celt is a balanced ranger you can hit things in melee better, and take a little bit more hits, your bow skills will be ok.

elf is just like a lurikeen but look cooler and -5 dex and qui

stats -
dex is for bow damage
qui is for draw speed
stre is for blades damage
piercing weaps are ((stre+dex) / 2)

con gives you more hitpoints.

Realm Battles
at higher levels fighters with sheild will block nearly all your arrows, and some casters have pulsing BT which gives them a defence bubble that absorbs any physical damage(pusling meaning it refresh), also most of the assassin classes can see you no matter what stealth you have (special assassin ability), so you would only be able to kill some of the enemys you face.


Just do what your heart tells u.

If you want to roll a ranger, then go ahead and make one.

Sometimes its nice playing a challenging class instead of overpowered buffboted to the neck silly l33t <enter any class here>

Revenge will be sweet i tell u

:clap: :clap: :clap:

go there for many helpful hints and guides for all archers in general.


"rangers are fun to level up up to abotu level 40, but no one seems to like grouping with rangers because their bow wont hit purple mobs very often."

Not entirely true, rangers hit purple mobs when in groups perfectly well thanks to the to hit bonuses rangers get when in a group. The problem lies more in that we don't do the damage of nukers and we can't tank as well as a tank (Unless we have 6sec PBT). It is easier as a ranger to level nowadays than when I made mine because we had no hand me downs, a smaller population so even less chance of a group wanting a ranger and far less knowledge on what to hunt and what not to. I've seen rangers level as fast as most classes nowadays, it depends more on your attitude when looking for groups I think. As long as you don't have a self defeating attitude you should do fine ;)

"if you want a master bowman ranger, you should go lurikeen because you will draw your bow faster and hit thinks with your bow harder, but you will be vunerable to melee."

Not really true either, dex and qui are silly easy to cap for bow, you only need 247 qui max for bow speed and dex is overcapped on ranger epic armour anyway. There's no point going anything other than a celt, the extra const and str as a celt is a hundred times more useful than extra dex/qui which will only end up overcapping you (buffed I have 332 dex, that's 32 dex wasted and 32 I wouldn't have had if I'd have known to go celt). There's just no valid argument to go other than Celt tbh apart from the fact Luris can hide in long grass.


oh dear, might I add one thing.

I now play a ranger and I'll be damned but I actually love that char. Sure the bow is gimped and we lack defense, but when I kill a lvl50 caster that is standing in a full grp of people I just smile. The times I get away with it the smile is even bigger.

Situation is now pretty horrible for those that dont use buffbots because of all assassins, as I see it there is 2 ways to wander, either be a celt and specc so you can kill an assassin, or go lurikeen and be a sniper.
What falcon says about caps and so on is from a person that uses a bots view. Luris make better archers nomatter what Falcon says unless you use a bot. Celt makes better allroundrangers or meleespecced rangers.

Celts bonuses

-More Hitpoints

Celts minuses

-Low dex and qui
-Cant shoot over keepwalls (they have to jump to be able to shoot, unlike elfs, which is totally silly imo since celts and elfs are of about the same size)

Lurikeens bonuses

-Very very agile
-Small and have it easy to hide and dissapears in other characters easily.

Lurikeens minuses

-Low hitpoints
-Cant shoot over keepwalls due to the size
-I am tempted to say weak in damageoutput in melee but I wont do that since they can specc pierce and do good damage that way insted.

One thing I might add aswell is the fact that the 2 rangers in Hib that have most RP infact both are luris.

And regarding the groupthing, be nice and prove to be an aasset to groups, otherwise you will solo a lot. I am a more meleespecced celt myself and tanked pretty well around 44+, most important at that time in fingroups for instance is to hold aggro, not kill the mobs since PbAE kills the mobs quite fast. With PBT or not, rangers can tank quite well with decent healers in the group, a good tip is to get dodger2 as soon as possible since it really saves you from a lot of hits. I specced for PvE while i still was below 50 and respecced my realmabilities for RvR more when I got my 50.


A word of advise - if you roll a rogue, prepare to be nerfed.
And if you get some upgrade, watch out for nerf incoming.


No Shike, what I said is from someone who rolled an Elf ranger's point of view, Elfs have nigh on identical stats to Luri's and I know full well I made a mistake in choosing Elf, or Luri if I had over Celt. Grow up, stop being so arrogant and try to learn from the people who have the experience and have put many hours research into the subject instead of blurting off common myths about the class whilst trying to sound knowledgeable.

Yes you can role a Luri
Yes you can role an Elf
However, if you role a Celt you've made the superior choice. As I pointed out before, dex and qui are SO easy to increase for maximum benefit compared to const you're gimping your char going anything other than Celt whether you work with a buff bot, ranger self buffs, or no buffs at all. Go and get some practical experience with your ranger before mouthing off in future please.


hmm I really didnt mean to sound arrogant, if you interpreted it that way, sorry.

And infact, your own post is very very arrogant, read it yourself and you will see that.

I aswell have spent hours and hours of doin research into this matter and came to the conclusion that celts arent superior as you claim, and yet you just diss me and say that I try to sound knowledgeable? errr... thats not arrogant is it? You seem to think that you know everything yourself in my eyes and yet however you accuse me of something similar. All I did was that I pointed out a few facts, thats all. Read my post again and if you find anything that is incorrect, please tell me what is wrong.

You say that you are way over cap with buffs... not everyone have access to buffs, rangers epic sure have enough of dex yes, but since luris still are a snap over celts in dex and qui and especially qui is important to a ranger (it also affects rate of evades since both dex and qui affects it) since it affects drawtimes. I cant see how you can disagree to what I say when I say that luris make better archers to be honest. Celts make better chars for melee no doubt and is superior if you use a bot.

Oh and please tell me good sire that knows everything, at what realmrank am I allowed to open my mouth and say something, I will get there and speak again... sheesh :(

"Variance isn't a problem with low bow spec either, it's so easy to hit 300 dex as a ranger that I guess that pretty much tightens it enough. I have about a 75% chance of hitting my cap (minus resists) with 336 dex and 37 bow spec on lvl50s, and what seems like a 95% chance on lvl49s and below. If I use the right arrow time you can pretty much guarantee I'll cap at a 1002dmg crit shot on a lvl49."

this is something you posted in another thread.... what you do wrong imo is that you always start at the wrong end, that you have a buffbot doesnt mean every single ranger have one you know. You say its so easy to reach 300 dex as a ranger, please tell me, what would you do as a celt if you had no bot or ran solo as many rangers tend to do? I can also always assume everyone have a bot and give advises and give facts based on that, but it is wrong I think since it gives a false view of how it will work ingame for a large number of rangers. You rip infs apart thanks to your buffbot, not thanks to how you play. Play with no bot as a celt and then come again and say that luris arent better archers. And you complain about my experience eh, fyi I dont use a bot in RvR and is a celt, have you ever played that? Now I sound arrogant I know, I am a bit fed up with your talk about how you own people here and there thanks to a bot, thats why. Anyone can use a bot and own people, but that doesnt mean everybody does it...


As some people have said, yes it's true, Rangers have been nerfed alot :(

Mine is level 43 now and was of the sniper template before but I have given that up for more of a melee Ranger and im still lurikeen. Though Rangers can acutally tank mobs pretty well with some nice buffs and make sure to get the Dodger realm ability at higher lvls becuase it helps with tanking. I can say i can tank highest red and low purple mobs easy with a sheild hero guarding me as with my evade i got hit very little.

Rangers can be fun but are very hard to level and due to the nature of realm vs realm combat are only good now in keep taking/defence. Its alot harder to kill someone in the frontier when they allways have another 20 people stood around them and another 10 stealther people heading your way that you cant see :(


I'll put it in Shike understandable terms:

Match a properly kitted out Luri ranger vs a properly kitted out Celt ranger and you'll see no difference in bow damage or draw times at all, what you will see is a char with better melee and much more hps on the celt compared to the luri, therefore the luri is the worst choice as it has no practical advantage whatsoever apart from being hard to see.

You to will realise one day when you actually ever RvR Shike that your char is not what it could've been if you'd chosen Celt.


Luri's win on there cuteness alone, stats dont come into it :D

Luri do make dah best sniper tho :D Celts are just, well human really :D And elfs bleh ugly things, i wont even go there heh :D

At the end of they day ur stats wont help u if u suck anyway, playing well is most important factor i see many a loot whore and sats expert suck true ass at playing :D

Bit like the tank loot whore who whine cos they dont have ubah itemz, i mean work on social skills and get nice grps, much more usefull to tanks than legeon drops....get it?


Originally posted by Falcon
I'll put it in Shike understandable terms:

Match a properly kitted out Luri ranger vs a properly kitted out Celt ranger and you'll see no difference in bow damage or draw times at all, what you will see is a char with better melee and much more hps on the celt compared to the luri, therefore the luri is the worst choice as it has no practical advantage whatsoever apart from being hard to see.

You to will realise one day when you actually ever RvR Shike that your char is not what it could've been if you'd chosen Celt.

Falcon... you'd better get that foot out of your mouth before you scratch your tonsils with your toenails.

Shike's main PC is Grad, a Celt who most certainly DOES do RvR. He's also had the chance to compare notes with luri rangers, elf rangers and who knows what else in our guild, both by chatting and by hunting with them.

Of course, I don't know whether Grad's such a good melee ranger because he's a Celt, or because I crafted 2 masterpiece crescent swords for him :)


forgive me but I am totally exploding in laughter here.... priceless, totally priceless!


There is so much scope for originality in character design in Daoc but it seems to me that it is squandered due to folk being hung up on building a character which has the uber spec and "pwns" the most in RvR, I think that attitude is dull and one-dimensional and is draining the fun from the game for a lot of folk.

If youre going to level a character to 50 it takes a lot of time and youve got to really like and treasure it to begin with otherwise youre going to get there and be disappointed because copying the spec of the better/more frequent players doesnt compensate for experience and persistence.

I agree with Jood in saying that mr/ms ranger with good friends and a good group will always fare better in RvR than billy no-mates even if he has the uber-spec because its meant to be a team game and thats certainly where the fun is to be had for the majority of players.

So what I mean to say is that if you want to make an Elf ranger and you like the idea then do it as its your character and youre going to want to like it more than anything else if youre going to keep playing past the 50 mark..


Grad was only lvl49 last time I saw him, only kills I ever saw him make were leeching off others. If he thinks he'd have been better as Luri then perhaps he shouldn't have gimped his char, or should learn to play it.

Apologies on thinking he was a luri though, was thinking of someone else, still so many newbie rangers around nowadays it's hard to remember, or care which is which.


Originally posted by Falcon
Grad was only lvl49 last time "I SAW" him, only kills I ever "SAW HIM" make were leeching off others.

Apologies on thinking he was a luri though

U need glasses, cant make u none tho :( specsavers im MM has a sale on tho :D

He no leach either btw, Grad us dah bomb one of the best grp rangers i have grped with (was gonna say play but errr u lot take the micky heh)

Stop arguing btw, just cos u all have opinions dont make u right :D


By mistaking him, I ment that I was mistaking the name Shike for Snipes actually, both beginning with S, both short names, one a Luri ranger. Now I know Shike is Grad I know full well he's not a luri. So kindly kma thanks on that one.

"best grp rangers i have grped with"
Odd, perhaps you should group with more then, or is this due to the GoS only groups that seem to pop up all too often for a lot of people's liking?

"He no leach either btw"
Odd that, he's consistently put arrows into head to head melee kills I've clearly been winning on too many times for my liking.

P.S. Do you like it in GAUrdians of Somnaire Jood :) ? Perhaps it's you that should be checking out the glasses sale :p


Awww cmon dude, u know damn well this Fishie dont bite :D

/em takes a nice seat waiting fer the other fishies to arrive



So I am arrogant... right...

Falcon, loads of people think bad of you, I begin understand why tbh.

Just like to add that we are all hibernians after all right? If I put an arrow into an enemie and you happen to be there fighting him, well what can I say, I certainly wont say I am sorry for hurting a common enemy to us both. I aint a RPwhore like you seem to be at least. Calling fellow hibernians leechers is most likely the last thing I would ever do. I usually say thanks when I get help out there.

Work on your diplomatic skills some and try to think more as a member of a realm instead of how you behave now. People might actually start to like you then I think. I will settle with working on my diplomatic skills some aswell ;) In this thread you managed to accomplish some things:

1. You acted as a true arrogant besserwisser.
2. You accuse other members of Hibernia to "leech?" of RPs you would have gotten.
3. You made a total fool of yourself and turn into a child and start flaming even more and sink your own ship even more.
4. You accuse GoS that is one of Hibernias biggest guilds that work a lot for Hibernia and do good things of beeing elitists or something.

GG Xest. Well done mate. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I know you know some about rangers, I know some aswell, lets leave it at that shall we. This leads nowhere. Feel free to talk to me ingame if you wish to add something of importance.


"Falcon, loads of people think bad of you, I begin understand why tbh."
See, the problem is, you seem to think I care.

"I aint a RPwhore like you seem to be at least."
Yesss, that'll be why I spent months clearing assassins and various other gorge campers from the gorge instead of joining emain zergs! As opposed to you putting an arrow in someone else victory to squeeze those few rps out? hmm....

"1. You acted as a true arrogant besserwisser."
Ironic to say the least.

"2. You accuse other members of Hibernia to "leech?" of RPs you would have gotten."
I accuse you of leeching rps through greed after others put the hard work in to make sure that battle's won

"3. You made a total fool of yourself and turn into a child and start flaming even more and sink your own ship even more."
See reply to point number 1.

"4. You accuse GoS that is one of Hibernias biggest guilds that work a lot for Hibernia and do good things of beeing elitists or something."
No, I accuse some members of GoS of making GoS only groups isolating the rest of the realm, now unless you personally are claiming that it is in fact all of GoS that do this then I haven't in anyway accused GoS as a whole.

You may know some about rangers, but clearly not all, so stop pretending you do and stop putting down facts from those of us who have spent many months more with the class, learning the class and researching the class with your common Myths.


"No, I accuse some members of GoS of making GoS only groups isolating the rest of the realm"

We have 1 active level 50 RvR bard in GoS (and 51 level 50's) not only do i Give priority to GoS for my bardic services but to Level 50 GoS. If there is a spare place in the grp I will grp whoever wants a spot.

Shame some see at is Excluding the realm i see it Including my guildies, my friends and the people who will grp me regardless of what char i play.

Im not being put in a postion where i have to explain to my friends and guildmates that there is no room for them because i have grped /random new found friend who didnt give a damn when I was playing my lowbie Ranger or my "gimp" BM but now have me on their friends list cos I have an active RvR bard. Not to mention actually working together with guildies, practice tactics taking out less RvR savvy members etc

95% Of my closest and oldest Daoc friends now reside within GoS ranks, I owe these people my loyalty and my time and thats exactly what i give them.

So yes if i log and there are 7 GoS wanting RvR then they get a bard, nothing sly or anti realm about it.

And your point was?

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