Campaign to Reduce UK Petrol Prices - a rip-off at 80p a Litre


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Simple solution... both on an individual level and on a national and international one, people must USE LESS FUCKING OIL!!!!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Nononono, remember I sell it, see above.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Personally I'm all for shutting the shops on Sundays again. Let Sundays be a day of rest (although I don't infer for religious reasons).


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Gumbo said:
Didn't look a bad plan till the chain letter blatancy at the bottom

Thats why I posted here - same result without the SPAM.

Chameleon said:
it's not, it's about getting people out of their cars and off the roads
Thats a good plan.......if you live in the city. I would use public transport to get to work, except (and I worked this out) it would take me approx 2.5 hours to get to my work and the same back.

In other words, no fucking chance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
At the risk of making myself very unpopular...To everyone who responded with a sarcastic comment, or a "I won't bother because it won't work" - you're exactly part of the problem I've just been talking about in my conspiracy theory thread.

"Ahh, let them keep ass-raping us for petrol - personally I want to think about football and drink more beer! Cor, you nutter Lazarus, you make me laugh!"

How or why could this not work? Of course it could and would.

Me? I think it's a marvellous idea, and so should anyone who drives a car. Good work. I'm in. :)

Although I really like that new BP Ultimate stuff... :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My point was vaguely, why just BP though?

Surely all the others are just as culpable? Hell, maybe you should buy crude and refine it in your shed, that'll really make them suffer!

In one breath people blame the government for taxes, and the next the blame only BP/Esso for causing the problem.


Talking of conspiracies... Did Shell start this chain letter in attempt to bolster their sales at the expense of BP? They have suffered on the stock exchange quite a bit lately, why not?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ok out of turn I know, but I'll go again.

The price at the pump is dictated by the cost of crude, the cost of refining, and the tax imposed by the government. The oil companies have very little impact on any of those costs, therefore the price is pretty much dictated to them by outside influences.

They have to make money.

They would rather not sell it at all, then sell it at a loss.

Even if a particular company had the squeeze put on them and dropped the price, it would not be by more than a few pennies, a small victory maybe? I kind of get the feeling that a 4p drop would not make the difference people are looking for.

So look at the other influences, OPEC controls the worlds oil, not Bush, not Cheney, or any other bloated yank power mad nutter. When OPEC lower production, up goes the price, it's very simple maths and economics.

I don't think they'll be able to save much on refining costs, I suppose they could lay some safety staff off, see ya Willier :D

Then there's tax, o...k how often do you see taxes go down? It's pretty damn rare, but political change might be the only way.

Rock <------ Us -----> Hard Place.

Petrol is not going to get cheaper. It's that simple. Oil is running out. Britain does not control the remaining oil. Therefore you will have to pay more as time goes on.

I'm sorry, but the profit margins are just too small for any real chunk to get knocked off the price of a litre, just cos some natives got uppity.

Anyone who forwards shite like this to lots of peoples emails deserves to get a barrel of crude shoved up there arses, sideways, it's spam, not good hearted campaigning, plain and simple.....

However, posting it here was good as it has stimulated discussion, so fair play Laz.

All imho of course, please don't get mad :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Gumbo said:
My point was vaguely, why just BP though?

The whole point is that saying "people shouldn't buy petrol from anywhere" wouldn't work because unfortunately we all need it every day. I can't stop buying petrol to protest against the prices - I have to go to work, I have to travel halfway across the country to see my daughter....etc etc.

Laz's point is if people just hit the biggest supplier then the message gets made - without huge inconvenience to us motorists ourselves.

Every country has the government taxing them for their petrol, crude is the same the world over - so why isn't it this high anywhere else in the world? Because we're a bunch of lazy mugs who just whinge rather than sticking up for ourselves, that's why. Big corps must love us British!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry guys, it won't work anyway, mainly because the real margins on fuel or so small, but also in this particular case because boycotting BP and Esso will make no real difference to them in terms of oil revenues; the way it works in the UK (and most other countries) is that the oil companies do reciprocal deals with each other to keep costs down, so the fuel in the tanks in your nearest BP garage if you live in say, Lincolnshire, isn't fuel refined by BP, its probably refined by Conoco or Elf because they have the closest tank farms and refineries. Hitting the BP and Esso garages would only hurt them if you stopped buying mars bars and rizlas in the shop because that's where they make all their real margins these days.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jupitus said:
No... provide investment in the public transport infrastructure making it a viable and attractive alternative, and then tax 'til it hurts. It hurts now, and it ain't working because people know that trains and buses suck donkey balls in this country.
I don't buy it tbh. Example: A guy at work was complaining just the other day .... "I can't believe they are taking one lane from that busy congested duel carriage-way and turning it into a priority bus lane, now I have to sit in a longer queue of traffic, while the f'in buses fly past me on the inside".

Get on the bus! Public transport suffers cos most people who could use it, don't use it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lazarus said:
Thats a good plan.......if you live in the city. I would use public transport to get to work, except (and I worked this out) it would take me approx 2.5 hours to get to my work and the same back.

In other words, no fucking chance.
I appreciate that Laz. Use it when you have to ofc ..... but with the amount of vehicles on the road atm, what you gonna do? Ask everyone nicely to walk to the shops and back?


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Petrol is not going to get cheaper. It's that simple. Oil is running out. Britain does not control the remaining oil. Therefore you will have to pay more as time goes on.

What a load of crap, oils gone up simply cuz of the situation in Iraq or thats the excuse they are using, it's nothing to do with it running out. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gumbo, why is their a delay on reducing the price based on oil prices but not on increasing the price?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
bob269 said:
What a load of crap, oils gone up simply cuz of the situation in Iraq or thats the excuse they are using, it's nothing to do with it running out. :twak:
Are you so sure? If so, why?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
GekuL said:
Gumbo, why is their a delay on reducing the price based on oil prices but not on increasing the price?

Suppliers in the UK do it at budget time, it's a con. They instantly increase their prices although the stock they're selling was bought at the previous lower rate.

You can't just dismiss the notion of oil reserves depleting as scare-mongering. Have you heard of the term Peak Oil? This isn't conspiracy theory, it's fact. The near future isn't about "having no oil", it's about "having cheap oil". And it 'aint gonna happen. The price is going to go up and up and up and up....etc...until there's practically none left. How much will the last barrel cost do you think?

Economists are gloomy that there may not be enough oil left to actually re-engineer our societies to live without the stuff! Unless there's an invention just over the horizon that can provide a viable alternate to fossil fuels - we're fucked.

In my humble opinion, this battle-cry for action against the corporate machinery is a good thing. Will it succeed? I doubt it. Any change effected will be merely temporary - they'll do whatever neccessary to keep their profits up. I'm just saddened that the protest is a pointless exercise, with energy spent better elsewhere - actually change something worthwhile(?). The 30 million people should write to their MPs and ask Blair to stop fannying about and inwardly invest in alternatives.




I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Aren't we investing already, like that huge new proposed fusion reactor in Europe/Japan?

I agree that more investement needs to be undertaken, but before that people must be educated as to why such things are necessary. We need more lateral thinking in this country. For instance, the government should insist that all new housing developments utilise solar panel technology for stored charge (for lights etc), and use wooden windows instead of PVCu (which doesn't degrade in landfill sites).


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Aren't we investing already, like that huge new proposed fusion reactor in Europe/Japan?

I agree that more investement needs to be undertaken, but before that people must be educated as to why such things are necessary. We need more lateral thinking in this country. For instance, the government should insist that all new housing developments utilise solar panel technology for stored charge (for lights etc), and use wooden windows instead of PVCu (which doesn't degrade in landfill sites).

That would require 'joined up thinking' - a talent conspiciously lacking in successive UK governments.

Its kind of ironic that the Iraq invasion, which could have brought world oil prices down if the yanks had got their infrastructure priorities right by pumping out Iraqi oil and forcing OPEC to follow suit, has had exactly the opposite effect because of all the regional uncertainty. Of course, if the Whitehouse wasn't occupied by a Neocon cabal more interested in saving Israel than America, the US could have spent the billions they've pissed away in the desert on achieving energy independence at home, and then they wouldn't have had to worry about the middle east ever again anyway.

They've spent $80 billion so far - they could have spent, "$40 billion for 40 1000 megawatt nuclear power plants; $10 billion to develop ways to use electricity for many of the systems that use petroleum; the rest to develop single or two stage to orbit reusable low cost access to space and buy a fleet of those ships". (There's a lot of discussion about the 'opportunity cost' of America's little middle-east adventure at Chaos Manor, some of the politics are a bit small 'c' conservative, but there are smart people thinking about these things).

Of course, you might not agree that building nuclear power plants is the way to go, but its reliable, cheap and doesn't create greenhouse gasses, and more importantly, unlike fusion, we know it works now. Even the environmentalists (well, some of 'em) have realised this; James Lovelock, one of the founding fathers of the environmentalist movement (he wrote 'The Gaia Hypothesis') has come out and warned the rest of the environmentalist movement that nuclear is the lesser of two evils.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
Every country has the government taxing them for their petrol, crude is the same the world over - so why isn't it this high anywhere else in the world? Because we're a bunch of lazy mugs who just whinge rather than sticking up for ourselves, that's why. Big corps must love us British!

Our government taxes more than the others, the profit margins for the oil companies would be much the same. The problem is OPEC and Governments. Getting arsey with the oil companies will, unfortunatly, make little difference.

What we need is a Government prepared to reinvade all our old colonies and sieze the black gold back again, and then control the production, thus flogging the oil to the rest of the world and allowing us to pay less taxes.

Oi Munkey, How much is a litre of unleaded in Qatar? To illustrate a point.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't really get it at all.

Why does Opec have all this control over it?

Take the oil as much as is needed keep it cheap get alternatives before it runs out...

Send the US Army in to the OPEC board room tbh :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tomorrows news: Petrol prices sky rocket as resident of Saudi comes down with the flu prompting fears that Al-Queda members have been spreading the flu in public places


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ummm.. out here we normally pay about 94p per litre.

No, I haven't read the thread :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Whoever suggested buying from Sainsbury's etc instead.

Yippee, I'll save a penny. Sometimes, not even that. Where I am (SW London), everywhere is 82.9 or 83.9, regardless. Be thankful if you have the choice of company to fill up with, round here all you can do is look for somewhere with lights and a slightly off-key smell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
At my local BP the ultimate diesel was 89.9p a litre when I last filled up, and this is in supposedly cheapy stoke-on-trent!


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Nos said:
At my local BP the ultimate diesel was 89.9p a litre when I last filled up, and this is in supposedly cheapy stoke-on-trent!

You can get the real stuff (optimax ;) ) for 86.9 from the Shell in Etruria :fluffle:


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldn't put Optimax in a diesel car though Nos.

me--> :touch: <--bob

That BP in Blurton has always been a rip off, avoid it!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
*shameless pimp*

Buy Jet..........its great

(and my shares are shooting up ;))


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Trem said:
I wouldn't put Optimax in a diesel car though Nos.

me--> :touch: <--bob

That BP in Blurton has always been a rip off, avoid it!

i'm new to this net thing, was just trying to help



Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm almost overdosing on the intraweb the last few days.


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