Calling all LvL 50 Infiltrators (only)



A few weeks ago i desided to make a Infiltrator .. after some hard thought on dmg and stuff i desided to be slash..

But now im haveing 2nd thoughts i want some Infiltrators here to post on how @ lvl 50 u do dmg and how well u last in battles .. also think about the different classes you can solo.. being slash and thrust

i am lvl 40 now and i think its too late to respec, and i feel mabe thats it for me unless there is any ++ sides of haveing a slash infiiltrator

Some one inspire me, plz

See lvl 50 slash is dimond slash and alot says its utter pants,
lvl 50 thrust is 9 sec stunn DF -V good to have-

thos here is all i know about the pro's/cons i maybe wrong "thats why im asking"

Thrust on leather is a (-) i was thinking about the ammount of sbs now and slash to take out Sb would be the best way to go
Slash on leather (+)

Thrust on chain (+) Great for takeing lots mids yes, (with DF only)
Slash (none) on chain (but more dmg than thrust just slower)

Also thinking about the main out put on dmg on a Critical hit.. since slash will do alot more dmg then my CS will hit harder on impact depending on what armor they have ofc..

Tho with DF - they are stunned for 9 sec for me to do what i want with styles

tho is it worth takeing my CS to 50 for ripper its a 2 move stunn, and leaveing out dimond slash.



Generic Poster

Ripper is the end of a four-chain move:
Hamstring > Leaper > Rib Separation > Ripper

According to people who have Ripper, it does less damage then Hamstring! (That's on the VNboards, so make of it what you will...)

Slash will give you a bonus against Hib tanks and SBs. Most SBs have such high slash resists, you get (-x) on them anyway.

The biggest advantage to thrust, is Dragonfang. You get the 9sec stun, and spam Hamstring.

Your best bet is finding all those infs who respec'd to Thrust, and see what they think.


sorry for breaking in, but the thing that makes infils nasty is dragonfang, so a totally n00b spec option from a zerker would be something like:34 stealth, 50thrust, 34envenom, 34 cs, and 34dw

thats how i'd spec my infil i think(its a translation of the sb 5spec option)

could be im shooting myself in the leg here, but who knows? :)

also heard that tranquilize to DF works like a charm

hijack @ 5:45 am :D


The way I see it, sure dragonfang is obscene, but no other assassins get such an uber style, so you'll just be gimped compared to other infs, and not any worse than the enemy. As you won't need to spec a weapons style to 50, you'll have more spare points and can makea true 5-spec inf. Whether you'll be any good I don't know as I've only ever played slash infs in the bg. The reason I'll be levelling my slash inf up into real rvr is that I don't have the time to get to 50 really so dragonfang won't be an option. I should be able to get lifebane early and be an effective class before level 50.

Do take into account that with my other charcacters, I've respecced from mana spec to light on my enchanter and am going for a 50 stealth (with items) minstrel so my judgement might not be completely sane :)

The 5 spec slash inf template I'm heading for will be:

39 + 11 Stealth
39 + 11 Envenom (+9 Items +RR3 should be lifebane as early as level 40 :p however unlikely )
39 + 11 Slash
39 + ?? CS
34 + ?? DW (for the evade reaction style - assuming it's any good :p)

Sure this could work with thrust instead of slash, but I'd feel a bit stupid going thrust and not having dragonfang :)


I respecced thrust and what i can tell you is that dragonfang saved my life many times, especially in those 2 vs 1 situations. Your dmg output might be abit less, but your styles use up less end - meaning more styles = eventually higher output dmg - so you can style through a whole fight easily.
But slash isn't gimped as some like to think, its perfectly possible to kill tanks with slash , just look at (old) Niar. In the end it comes down to what you wold feel happy with + vs sb's or + vs tanks ;)


Speaking as the first 50 Inf to have gone 50 thrust...

Dragonfang has more uses than just basic fighting. I've taken out 2-3 opponents at a time, simply by some good evades and careful use of df. However, it's not the be all and end all of being an inf.

It is great though, and allows you to do some serious damage while the enemy is stunned.



Originally posted by old.Jadow
Speaking as the first 50 Inf to have gone 50 thrust...

------->Dragonfang has more uses than just basic fighting. I've taken out 2-3 opponents at a time<-------------



slash infils are deadly for one thing; PA.
if youre a slasher, your spec should be:

50 CS <basically for high damage cap. with 50 +items and RR you get a MEAN PA with a Bastard Sword>

44 Slash Because you will need to melee quite often

35-39 stealth and envenom - depending on what RR you want to get 50 stealth and lifebane.

rest dual wield.


get aug strength 3.
get Mastery of Pain 3
get Mastery of the Art (i think thats its name. increased attack speed without decreasing damage) lvl 2-3
Get Vanish (very tricky to use. if you learn how, it WILL rock!)
Get See Hidden
Forget Dodger

you will carve up any SB with this spec. yes, they have resist items vs slash, but its still the damage type that will hurt them the most.
get 2 jambiyas, and start killing. biggest problem with thrust, is the horrible lack of high DPS off handers.

Creeping Death has medium stun, and will be more than plenty to finnish them off with this setup, especially if you learn to master vanish. i think the cap for PA is about 850-ish with this, and with MoP you'll end up doing quite a few 1000+ stabs.


With spellcraft coming in the next patch you probably won't need to take stealth and envenom to 39. Level 36 with RR4 or lvl 37 with RR 3 is reasonable, and will leave you more points for other lines.

Indiana Jones

that's called mastery of arms, not art :)


Originally posted by liste

get aug strength 3.
get Mastery of Pain 3
get Mastery of the Art (i think thats its name. increased attack speed without decreasing damage) lvl 2-3
Get Vanish (very tricky to use. if you learn how, it WILL rock!)
Get See Hidden
Forget Dodger

Mastery of Arms. Also worth considering is a point into duellists reflexes. Those offhand extra hits actually make a decent increase in damage and it's cheap for just one point.

i think the cap for PA is about 850-ish with this, and with MoP you'll end up doing quite a few 1000+ stabs.

Hmm. Problem is.. that with my 50 thrust spec, PA cap is about 750 - that's only 100 points less - is dragonfang worth those 100 points of damage on a PA? Well obviously I think so, but it's the main question regarding slash vs thrust I'd say.

I strongly agree with learning to spec for a higher realm rank though. Only thing I used my respec for was to bring various realm rank dependant items down by a few notches and put the extra points into d/w - Again I state that extra offhand hits really make a big difference.

Obviously a slash inf doesn't need to consider high levels of dodger. It's actually -necessary- for a 50 thrust inf, but little point for a slashicator.



My inf was something aruond 44slash 44CS 37env 37stealth rest DW... Was phun once a SB got threeshotted by 3 amethysts. Nice crits and offhand hits = dead SB :)

Slash is more challenging that thrust imo. Tho it has very few advantages compared to thrust.

Thrust = lejm
Slash = leet



well, it was something with Ar- :)

depending what CS you have as a thruster, you will not see a PA that comes close.

If what you are aiming for is to kill FAST, those 100 does make a difference, and so does the higher damage on CD+SS.

remember that the extra damage applies twice on your 'vanished' battles.

Another RA i find neccesary (but forgot to add) is Avoidance of magic.
take it lvl 2, no matter your class. its cheap, its good, and its passive :)

after respeccing to thrust, i can say that both are equally viable, but has very different playing styles (Which was ultimately why i changed. i wanted to try something different).

-Thrust has loewr damage output, and will require more time to take down an opponent.

-Thrust has Dragonfang, which is useful both defencive and offencive.

-Thrusters have better damage on chain, giving them more viability in the Emain Zerg, if that is what you like (which i highly discourage. Infils will never do their fullest in a zerg. Ever)

-the lack of high-end off hand thrusters helps to further decrease the general melee damage output.

these things make a thruster more jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

-Slashers Kill Faster.

-Slashers have bonus on Shadowblades, and with the recent armor table remake, Shadowblades lost their bonus on infils. This gives you an even bigger gap than you had before.

-Slashers have penalty on Nightshades, but i honestly never had any problems with any nightshade. unless they use Viper and Wild Arcana :D

-Slashers look better. Its a common fact, that Jambiyas is the
coolest looking weapon in albion. It helps too, that they are 16.5 dps, for overall higher melee output. A slasher can comepete with a shadowzerk, if the RA's and such are right.

This makes a slasher VERY deadly to other assassins, but less deadly to the bulg of the opponents (mid chain. Has bonus on hib scale, but you never meet them loony elves, and if you do, they're all enchanters :p ). You are still capable of holding your own on a chain user, but dont expect to solo them everytime.
In short, Slash infils is the ultmiate weapon against Shadowblades. if thats your thing, go Slash.


<a note on Vanish>

many people claim this to be bugged. I dont. i claim it to be tricky, which

A: is rightfully so. dual PA should not be something you can just do.

B: it adds to the feeling of having killed someone, if it actually required skill of timing and precision to slaughter that Blademaster in 10 seconds.

The tricky part is this:

if you have your weapons out when you hit vanish, you will break stealth as you usually do, by hitting them unstyled. Unless you are fast enough to hit the PA button before auto swinging.

If your enemy is not stunned when you vanish, he is more than likely to break your stealth before you can PA. Just because you vanish, doesnt make you break the regular stealth rules. in melee combat, you are in his bubble and is very likely to be spotted.

there is no way you can check your timer on vanish (like sitting while insta healing or purging when you have no negative effects). if you vanish while stealthed, you will just remain stealthed, and since you can stelath while sitting you can obviously vanish as well :)

Vanish works GREAT as a get out of jail free card, though.

The bugginess that some people refer to (not the ones who cant manage to get a second attack through - these people just need practice), comes when we talk stealth bubble.
if you run from, say, a champion, and then hit vanish, it sometimes looks as if you arent completely stealthed for a few seconds, allowing him to debuff you - breaking stealth. This could as well be applied to breaking it when in melee, but i expect it would break anyway if opponent is not stunned.

Good luck :)

<i talk too much! :eek: >


Originally posted by Goryk
Do take into account that with my other charcacters, I've respecced from mana spec to light on my enchanter and am going for a 50 stealth (with items) minstrel so my judgement might not be completely sane :)
50 stealth minstrels used to be quite popular but are pretty gimped really. Minstrel stealth is ghetto, even with 50 you'll still be spotted by assassins and move slower than scouts and infs. :p


Originally posted by -jamza-
i am lvl 40 now and i think its too late to respec

Actually now is the perfect time, just use your lvl40 single line to swithc from slash to thrust, and use the points you get from the next 10 levels to balance your template


PA cap is 9 * your CS level + 75 + the base damage of your PA weapon. Raising your thrust / slash level won't raise your cap. (or at least not significantly)

With the 1.54 patch comes a new crafted thruster, the long dirk. 16.5 dps, 2.8 spd, and it's left hand usable. You might want to bear this in mind if you're worrying about good dual wield weapons.

Vanish is kinda bugged. It's to do with the combat timer. When someone hits you, it is actually counted as a duration attack, which, depending on the speed of the weapon actually continues for a bit after they have done the damage to you. If you've played a caster you might have noticed that if you try and cast, say, 1 second after someone hits you, you'll get a message saying that they are attacking you and you are interrupted. The same is true with the vanish RA. If you use vanish during this attack time you will reappear again, even if no-one hits you.


Vanish is officially bugged. GOA have said so as have Mythic. Trust me when I say it is bugged. It's not just 'lack of ability' either. It has a time sequencer on it which is flawed and they have yet to resolve. I have this in emails from GOA and Mythic someplace, I'll try to dig 'em out.


Generic Poster

To dragonfang, or not. It's a hard choice really.

With DF you will have a big advantage, but slash is by no means gimped. The 4th highest infil in the world is still Slash-specd(Blackz Widow - 3,040,504 RP).

It comes down to your playing style and what you want. If you like slicing casters and SBs, slash is still good.

Has anyone read reports on the recent assassin changes(IP / Evade-cap) and spellcrafting. Can thrusters still piss over tanks?


Did it plenty of times before I had IP when they did, don't see it would make -that- much difference.

To be honest, I think the problem will only be more than one tank at a time -ho hum- unless neither of them have IP in which case you're home free ;)



Originally posted by Generic Poster
To dragonfang, or not. It's a hard choice really.

not hard, GO 50 THRUST!

DF is _overpowered_.

when i get in DF its like 'insta win'. DF means 4-5x DF = 500ish dmg + crit/poison/lefthand.

Go 50 thrust, nothing else. Ask them mids/hibs what they hate the most when they fight a infil.....(its dragonfang!;)

pump tranq->wyvernfang untill u get a evade, then DF untill dead ;)

9s stun vs sb >>>>>> slash spec

id say about 99% of all slash infils respecced too thrust.


or pump Obscure instead,to use 1 style it's easier and uses less end than using 2 ;)

with the amounts of sb's nowadays I'd say slash isn't a very bad idea :)

anyways,my spec works fine as it is atm (too much envenom but what the hell :p )

37 stealth (wish I took a little more..+stealth items suck)
50 thrust
44 cs
35 envenom (wohoo,I can use lvl 51 poison next RR) :p
20 DW (DW can be raised with spellcrafting laters,the styles sucks anyways imo.) <--"bla bla mercfils rocks etc..." infils are assassins=go sneak up on someone and stab him in the eye,not pretending to be some light tank..mercfils go home ;)


Originally posted by Derric
or pump Obscure instead,to use 1 style it's easier and uses less end than using 2 ;)

the reason u pump Tranq. is that u pump Wyvern aswell(garrote dmgish)

then DF as backup style in between those styles.



Originally posted by -jamza-
Some one inspire me, plz

How about: Go make a useful char instead!

Join the nerf-silly-assasin-alts campaign today!!


Yeah Froler but that Tranq have a habit of missing too Wyvern then :( (give to hit bonus on Tranq!!) :)

Generic Poster

Originally posted by froler-mid
not hard, GO 50 THRUST!

DF is _overpowered_.

That's also a reason not to get DF ;)

Depends if you want to win easy, or win with skill.


Re: Re: Calling all LvL 50 Infiltrators (only)

Originally posted by Freia


How about: Go make a useful char instead!

Join the nerf-silly-assasin-alts campaign today!!

/em sneaks in, nods and runs out quick before stealthers see him...


<appears out of no-where, taps Turamber lightly on the shoulder and glares at him with eyebrow raised>

Oh and to the person who said being a DF inf is the 'easy' approach? Bollocks. It's about playstyle and skill. Some infs are better than others and if they enjoy the playstyle of DF then often they will develop the skill with which to become deadly. It is not about something being overly yber. DF is good, but there are a large amount of problems associated with it.

Just a warning to y'all though. If you go thrust - make CERTAIN that you go 50 thrust. A thrust inf without dragonfang is like a fish without fins...



Originally posted by old.Jadow
Just a warning to y'all though. If you go thrust - make CERTAIN that you go 50 thrust. A thrust inf without dragonfang is like a fish without fins...
J. [/B]

hmmm, sounds like Dewwic!!! :m00: :m00:

(obsecure dont have any + hit either derric ;)


I read the first 3 lines.. goto IRC and speak to Gm, aka Niar, best slash infil n this server ever imo.

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