I do mostly single target heals on my zealot (I believe the DoK/Shaman group heals are better than zealot's?), and I admit LoS is a problem, but it hasn't really been so bad that I would say it needs changing much.
Yea LOS is common knowledge now so people taking damage are more aware of it.
mooSe where in Hampshire are you from, im from Gosport
Actually, speaking as an ex-DAoC'er i don't want DAoC2, i wanted Mythic to use the best parts of DAoC (the ones that made it such a long-running success) in WAR, so they could focus on "new ideas".they all expect it to be DAoC2 or else they don't give it a fair chance because of previous mistakes that Mythic/GOA have made which aren't necessarily relevant to WAR.
I'v had another quick look for a couple of hours. I think standard premades will have to go from 2 to 3 healers. 50% of the group healing cant be right but thats the way it looks like its going.
On the plus side my dislike for the changes have helped push me into looking for the next game and AION doesnt look half bad. I only did a few lvls but didnt see any anytime spamming. Most skills seemed to have a CD and then there are chains. FPS was 120 to 200 fps. I didnt feel any net lag in the starter zones even though I was on a chinese server in a reasonably populated. If you dont mind cartoony gfx then its worth a look when the EU version is out. plus it will have had 6-9 months of testing with 3 million players![]()
The only thing that's keeping me in game is that the competition at present is so poor. AOC & WoW aren't exactly top pvp games and I have no faith in NC Soft.
where did all the good games developers go?
Blizzard bought them. they dont want any competition so they hire anyone that show promise.where did all the good games developers go?
First time ever Mythic changed it's mind. The C&C changes are out till they can have the proper attention they need and not some global change with crossed fingers.
where did all the good games developers go?
The consolidation in the games market in the last 5-6 years has been nothing short of incredible. Did a fair bit of headhunting work in it about 3 years back, and the rate companies dissapeared at was just frightening.
A small developer only needs one faliure to end up in administration and get gobbled by a larger studio (or directly bought by a publisher which is never good for the creative process!), and the larger ones have often generated their cash by selling out to a large publisher (mythic-ea is a classic example of this).
where did all the good games developers go?