No... no... not you too chet :\.
Oy vey was that ever not a serious comment. I couldn't give two flying monkey testes what platform Chet plays it on, I was just taking the piss.
Aada how the hell do you have time to play on a PC with your xbox live score?
I'm sticking to PC with this, I really cannot enjoy aiming with a control pad. Mouse and keyboard beats convenience when it comes to fps anyday.
As long as we get to shoot fiddy in the head repeatedly it'll be fine.
Also on a sidenote has anyone played through cod4 on veteran on pc?
HOLY FUCK it's tough lol.
Tried vet on the xbox got as far as the lvl where youre in the media room being ambushed every which way. Bugger me its hard.
best to remember for the console ver is that theres an aimbot, you don't need 100% perfect when using rifles, just take the crosshiars close to an enemy and it will snap to it for you, its less noticable when you are zoomed in with a sniper rifle.
one i noticed it i found sp side easier to play, but i find it vey very noticeable when ever i play the mp side of cod4 on 360
best to remember for the console ver is that theres an aimbot, you don't need 100% perfect when using rifles, just take the crosshiars close to an enemy and it will snap to it for you, its less noticable when you are zoomed in with a sniper rifle.
one i noticed it i found sp side easier to play, but i find it vey very noticeable when ever i play the mp side of cod4 on 360
Don't you turn it off?
I don't like aim assist as I don't feel in control of my aiming.
its there even if its off. try it in mp stand still some place high, dont move but as peeps run keep your view going left to right and back, when theres peeps runing close to the cross hiars it snaps to em,
I thought it was server side on MP, so it's always on.