Cable Vs ADSL



You are all a bunch of complete bastards.

I can't get cable or DSL and I doubt I ever will.


Is the problem with ADSL not the gay USB modem supplied with it?


cable everytime in the current market..
more for ya money
£40 a month for 2meg line (when its uncapped later this year)pisses on the 40/50 quid a month for a 512K ADSL connect that you share with 50 others (cable ratio is about 10:1)

[Edited by Grimes on 02-03-01 at 14:40]


Hold on a sec...

My opinion is...
If you have the money, get ADSL, better upload.
If you want cheap, but still pretty damn good, choose Cable. I know lots of Engineers and Electricians who all agree with me. I dunno why they all say that...they are the tech people! Who cares!?

a load of cable users are gonna say 'HEY!! Shut it!' but thats my OPINION. Carry on...


BT ADSL...avoid it if you own an Athlon

Bit of a long story

I got my ISDN converted to an ADSL connection (via analogue ). The installation went okay until I tried to set up a dial-up-connection with the aid of BT tech support. When I connected, the USB ports& modem went dead. "Ah" said Tech support, "do you have an Athlon system?" Sure enough I have a 900 MHz TBird. " "Well thats a common problem we have with any Athlons over 350 MHz." I said he had to be joking as 350 MHz is a 2 year old processor! It turns out that the USB modem takes such a lot of power ,pretty much all of it that the motherboard shuts down the USB port to protect the CPU. They even said you couldn't use a USB-mouse at the same time.

Oh they were full of suggestions, unsupported of course, such as USB-PCI cards and powered hubs, all costing me money. None of these "solutions" worked. I even upgraded my power supply to a 431 Watt supply (£130.00) to try and solve this---no luck. By this time I was starting to get really pissed. I ended up going through the BT complaints cycle.....Order management, customer fulfillment department (no chance), and customer complaints (who don't have a phone number...wonder why?) and round and round again. No-one ever phoned me back i until.... one day. I received a call from a Scottish lady who wanted to know all my problems. She said that the only solution was for me to get the Ethernet service and she said I would get this upgrade FOC and at the USB rate. Great I thought. I left it a wekk...nothing happened. So i called them up and you've guessed it, went round and round again on the complaints cycle. No-one could explain who this mystery caller was. My guess is that BT have an un-marked grave somewhere full of people like this. Now this is probably a common story so I'll tell you how it ends. I got them to remove the ADSL line and to put the Icing on the cake I got my BT phone disconnected. BT Openworld say they are not BT. I say a company that starts with BT in its title is most certainly BT.

I contacted NTL and now have a fully functioning cable modem with sub 50 pings andf fast downloads. What pisses me about BT is that this is a known problem that they don't advertise and then they do nothing to sort it out.

Hope this convinces some of the merrits of BTs service. I think other companies offering DSL via Ethernet will not be a problem for Athlon owners.



A) Sawtooth. I've always said AMD were fucking shit. This just compounds the issue

B) [C&C]CTK-TPF-Py(AoE). Have you actually got broadband? Have you actually bothered to read any of the posts in this thread? I've experienced both ADSL, and Cable (of which I have at home) and the Cable whips DSL on every count (except the slightly slower UL speed). Lower pings, faster downloads - and all for 20 quid cheaper than DSL. And, as a bonus...Cable will be 40 quid for 2mbit by the end of the year. Whilst you pay 40 quid for 512k for your sub-standard DSL. Lol, enjoy.

The basic advice is: If you are lucky enough to get cable in your area, GET IT. If you can't get cable in your area, get DSL or ISDN.

Also [C&C]CTK-TPF-Py(AoE), read Sawtooths post. BT/DSL is fucking shit. Nice, I'll stick with my ethernet card and cable modem thanks.

Oh yeah, DSL is NAT'd (through openworld at least) meaning you can never host a server (game, ftp, http etc). At the present I am running a web, and ftp server off my cablemodem. Cool innit

These "Engineers and Electricians" blatently don't have the first clue of the factors involved, and I sincerely advise you to find a new bunch of "Engineers and Electricians" that know what the fuck is going on.

Pros - Cable:
Up to 90kb/sec downloads (personally)
Realworld IP allowing server hosting
Ethernet OR USB (your choice)
£20 cheaper than DSL
Lower pings
2mbit available Q4 2001 @ £40 pm

Pros - DSL:
faster upload

Hmmm, doesn't take Albert fucking Einstein to figure it out really.

[Edited by Perplex on 03-03-01 at 07:55]


Hiya (again) Perp.

Looks like me and j00s are like Chalk an Cheese mate.

I have ADSL AND an Athlon TB 900!

No probs tho.


Hello mate ;)

Aye, don't get me wrong. Having DSL is a helluvalot better than using analog modems, or ISDN...but, compared to Cable, DSL comes 2nd. (in the UK at least. go to and see the huge list of news articles related to the beating BT are recieving over the LLU fiasco)


AMDs were no good? youve gotta be kidding

Im perplexed by perplex's response about AMD chips. I get much better frame rates with the AMD 900 T-bird than I ever did with my P3 and Ive tested a P3 900 to see the difference. I think the problem was always with the USB modem BT supplied. I have about 5 or 6 USB devices plugged into my pc at any one time and I haven't experienced the problems I had with that modem. Since installing the cable modem I've not had any problems surfing or playing online games. In fact my pings are significantly better than the BT modem (tested on my sons PC) and im getting 25-35.

Having seen both sides and experienced at least what BT had to offer on my sons pc, an intermittant service that was so bad that i couldn't even connect at times, I feel i can say the choice is clearly in favour of cable if you can get it.



I'm not going to get into the whole Intel vs AMD thing here (because there are far too many pikes out there ready and waiting to flame me)

All I will say is AMD = pike

*stuffs fingers in ears and chants "lalalal I can't hear you so don't even bother flaming"*


I don't belive it

I have just got off the phone to BT who told me that I am to far in the country to get ADSL, yup you guessed it I live in Romford!!!!!

Has the world gone mad??? I really wanna get a decent speed using an old 56k at present. I am willing to fork out about £40 a month. Can anyone suggest a place that don't mind fitting it in the ...."countryside"


Sorry I made a mistake I don't mean I need to get a decent speed on my 56k I meant to say I would like a decent download speed, but am present I am having to put up with my 56K


SHANKS BT are lying to you (so wots new heh?)

My Bro lives in Hornchurch and he was one of the first to get ADSL (last September).

Call them up and shout at them until they stop treating you like a piece of shit.


Originally posted by Perplex
I'm not going to get into the whole Intel vs AMD thing here (because there are far too many pikes out there ready and waiting to flame me)

All I will say is AMD = pike

LOL! On which facts do you base this?
It's rather funny to hear this when almost every1 (except yourself ;) ) knows the PVI is nice, but in most common day applications get's it's behind kicked in almost every benchmark by the PIII and Athlon.
The Duron out-performs the Celeron, and is a lot cheaper.
The PIII 1.1 Ghz had to be recalled because it was obvious it wasn't stable while the Athlon runs at 1.2 Ghz without a problem...

But heh this aint the AMD vs Intel debate it's about ADSL vs Cable.
Afaik a lot depends on the ISP which offers cable. In Holland there's only one decent service for cable and a lot of crappeh ISP's. They might have high quotes on bandwidth but the speed depends on the amount of people you share it with and the internal network bandwidth... From guys within the clan I know the ethernet DSL rocks, but USB ain't very good, but I also know there are good cable ISP's and there are bad. It's a pity you can't test 'm be4 you buy...


I will try it


Thanks for your reply I will give tham a call, I will also Threaten them if they do not compliy(tell them I'm gonna kill E.T. or something!!!!

heres a joke below to cheer us all up.....

Two Aerials met on a roof, fell in love, & got married. The ceremony was rubbish but the reception was brilliant.


I didn't tell U this but...

If You dial 17070 from a payphone (its more untracable than your own phone) then U can do a line test on your line and it will tell U haow far from the exchange U R. It asks U if U are authorised to use this service and if not to "Ring down" (I kid U not!) the U punch in the number to be tested and it tells U the result in a few seconds.

I did this and found i was 3.4Km from the exchange - but they didnt want to install. So after spending 6hours on the phone to BT i gave up rang NTL and 4 days later had a nice phat Cable modem in my house running sweet.

25 ping to barrysworld CS servers cant be bad!!

I run a Http, ftp, web cam and game servers off my connection and it is sweet. BTW i can recomend that if U have a spare 486 lying about the place to install openBSD linux on it and use that as a gateway/router/firewall.



To the Gatekeeper

Thanks for that I will give it a go!!!!!

How about a joke for the day!!!

Two cannibals were eating a clown. One says to the other: 'Does this taste funny to you?'


Originally posted by Wij
Cable companies can't compete in the smae area as each other[/B]

They now can, thanks to OFTEL


Cable price?

Can anyone tell me a cable price that they currently pay and what company it is with?

BTW at work I use a leased line. Ooh, suits you!

old.Reverend Flatus


Keep the jokes coming, it cheers me up when I'm reading this stuff from work!

Heard this one?

A skeleton goes in to a bar and asks for a pint of beer and a mop.


Re: Cable price?

Originally posted by evil-bastard666
Can anyone tell me a cable price that they currently pay and what company it is with?

BTW at work I use a leased line. Ooh, suits you!

£20 a month, NTL


Joke for the day

> 'Doc, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home.'
> 'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.'
> 'Is it common?'
> 'It's not unusual.'



Better Compatibility
Cheaper Mobos


Cheaper Pros

Either one will be fine in the long run. It was the 1.13Ghz Intel that had to recall.

Cable Vs ADSL....hmm another pointless arguement since there are too many varible could find that the ADSL is crap or maybe the Cable is.....but if both work fine then I'm sure you'll be happy with either.

I personally am not willing to pay £40 then the line rental on top just to get ADSL.

Remember you may be in the distance of the exchange but it may not actually be your local exchange. Even if you are the line has to be tested for noise....because like digital TV either you recieve it or you don't and if the line is too noisy you won't.


Re: Cable price?

Ok just looked round NTL and KC's websites and cant see that I can get cable or adsl. NTL says the cable network isnt installed in hull yet...... Kingston Communications says they canot offer adsl yet, I know the exchanges are ready for adsl because the hull cable tv is worked using adsl, and you can get limited internet access - 250k I think. so WHY cant I get any fast internet access in hull? NOT FAIR :-(

If anyone is in the kc area (mainly hull) and has broard band please let me know where from.
Cheers Matthew



Telewest reckon that a cm is "available" in my area... the post code search says that it's not...

Phoned them up, apparantly it's right.

Telewest Broadband: available! [only when it's not]


(fucking pissed at that...)


Hmm, just looking at btopenworld *cough*

Why is the basic business offer(which looks practically identical to the home one apart from a couple of things) CHEAPER...

Lets you run web servers and the like.

BT trying to tell us something?



I imagine (in true BT fashion) that they charge a small fortune on top of that for the 4 hour call out support type stuff. I've always found the real sting in BT business products has been the support, not the product/service itself


Worse thing about ADSL is that the £40 a month is on top of your line rental, which you have to pay otherwise you don't have a telephone line and thus no way to install ADSL :(


It's the same with Cable tho Emb...except that the cable costs £20, and the line rental is £9.99. All in all, 29.99 for 2 phone lines, cable TV, and a 512k cable line.

You don't even get DSL for that price, let alone the rental ;)

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