Cabalists after debuff nerf



Hello everyone.

After the debuff nerf to 8secs how will it be?

6sec in a char without det and 1 in a tank with det?

Will you respec after this patch? if so... what specs you considering?



Determination ONLY affects CC spells. It has nothing to do with general debuffs. However, resistances do affect them, and with the general 50%+ resistances in enemy groups, the debuffs will last about 4 seconds. Enough for 2-4 nukes (depending on your dex and level of MotArt).

And no, I ain't respeccing.


'most' solo ppl you meet have like 26->30% ressist so should be longer?


Dont forget that although in future patches debuff duration is getting nerfed so is resists. All apart from armour will be multiplicative to resists, meaning everyone will be running around with considerably lower resists. And in ToA people are sacrificing resists for artifacts to get cool abilities. Example ...

Lets look at any generic resist ...
Armour resist 26%
+Top resist buff (+24%)
+AoM3 (+9%)
= 59% ((26+24+9) Additive) or 35% ((26 * 1.24 * 1.09) Multiplicative)

Before patch ...

Debuff will last 6.56 seconds, after patch it will last 5.2 seconds. Plus in the above example for instance you will be doing 24% more damage per nuke (with less resist rate may i add).

Is it also true that cabbas are getting a new L50 lifedrain? Thats going to help too, although will ofc drain more pow/sec


Well actually....

You wont cap as much as you do now on your debuf-nukes... As debuffing into negatives isnt impossible, but harder... I cant find the explanation atm, but it had something to do with how debuffs work... The 50% debuff version (I think) isnt 63% (that it is now) but less on targets that arent resist-buffed...

But no worries, you'll still nuke harder then any-non-debuffer ...

Also with the added level-50 baseline lifetap, you'll find yourself doing more damage then you do now... Howevery, variance got a bit bigger (50 vs 45 spell) and you'll use more power (as focus level is capped on spec + items + rr level)...

If however you do encounter a high-resist target, you could spirit-debuff them before you body debuff them, which will cause your body debuff to last the full 8s...


Indeed, i forgot about them capping bottom resists so that you cannot debuff into the negative. But tbh i think its a fair move. In RvR im very rarely in a group with a friar and will only run around with 29% heat. I often get 50% debuffed to -21% and base nuked for sick damage. When it is capped at 0% the damage will be a little more bareable.

On the whole though one of the saddest things mythic did by moving resists to multiplicative was destroy AoM. It will be about as useful as MoW when the patch hits.


Well negatives is still possible, but harder... Bah hate it when I cant find the Grab of the Bag that explained it all...

They should have a way to search only the bags instead of all the other junk too..


Previously debuffs counted double when removing positive buff resist.

In future they won't.

There is no cap at 0.

If you want to use body debuff in future, a wise cabalist will cast spirit debuff first. As the 'own damage type' debuffs will only be 8 seconds nominal.

You also get a new 179 damage level 50 baseline spell. Note that this is in fact higher than the spec body nuke.

Finally, the average gank group player will now have 3-6% less base resist because the AoM is no longer FotM (in typical circumstances AoM is only worth 1.8% per level in 1.65; note that this changes again when ToA arrives, because people are having to drop item resists further in order to carry overpowered ToA baubles, this makes AoM worth more but overall average resistances lower).

These are all the documented resist and debuff changes in 1.65.

In practical US field tests, cabalist debuff nukes are hitting for fractionally more than they were pre-patch. But with more variance as you won't always be hitting cap any longer.


Luckely toa also has items which can increase casting speed and damage up to 24%. So watch out for being debuffed and nuked dead in 3 to 4 nukes withint 5 seconds total. (for a maximum of 3 or 4 times, because then the debuffer will be oop)


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Luckely toa also has items which can increase casting speed and damage up to 24%. So watch out for being debuffed and nuked dead in 3 to 4 nukes withint 5 seconds total. (for a maximum of 3 or 4 times, because then the debuffer will be oop)

Yup, but the balance between offence and defence will widen. If you want to do more damage you will have to sacrifice your already weak defence as a caster by dropping resists to allow an artifact into your template.

Me personally, i might consider dropping certain low encountered resists if I obtain an artifact that really rocks. Otherwise i'll stick to my half decent defence ;)


Originally posted by pitspawn
Yup, but the balance between offence and defence will widen. If you want to do more damage you will have to sacrifice your already weak defence as a caster by dropping resists to allow an artifact into your template.

Me personally, i might consider dropping certain low encountered resists if I obtain an artifact that really rocks. Otherwise i'll stick to my half decent defence ;)
Those stats which increase casting speed are more found on 'normal' quest items and rogs then artifacts.


So watch out for being debuffed and nuked dead in 3 to 4 nukes withint 5 seconds total.

That's assuming you can cast anything since come toa every single character has insta aoe interrupts.

It's also assuming that your opponent doesn't have one of a variety of artifacts which turn 100% of spell damage into healing.

Personally I suspect tanks and priests will be coming off best from toa. Still too early to be sure though.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
It's also assuming that your opponent doesn't have one of a variety of artifacts which turn 100% of spell damage into healing.


Could mythic really make casters any godamn fucking worse? Playing a wizard is bad enough but sheesh, healing the enemy when i nuke them!!!! Whats next? A longsword that procs instagib?




Amougnst other effects you find in there is 'Spell feedback' which takes the next enemy spell cast on you, and sends the effect back onto it's caster (usually limited to a spell type, cc or damage etc).

You can also get self only BoF and +50 to all stats on a proc, or a ring for song classes that makes songs affect all friendlies in sight (consider 5 wardens in 5fg all running pbt).

Everything is overpowered. /shrug


Well purge is something we're used to fights againts each time we face hibs so... It's just 1 more... 2 Purge per person + group purge for the win :clap:

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