Cabalist spec!



Any suggestions?someone said to me to do:

50 Matter
19 body
rest spirit

This a good template?gives 33 dps pet shield and best aoe dot,i am deleting my scout and making my third lv50 a cabalist(well least it isn't a inf eh?:) ) please post some specs and comments.


47 body
25 matter
8 spirit

Get MoC and let the fun start, one on one you'de be seriously hard to kill

25 matter give a reasonable nearsight
the hinder attack speed is nice
and the aoe disease is just lovely, when combines with another cabis aoe DOT

also its a little different from most people, which is also nice



Keep in mind for RvR cabalist DOTs dont stack with any other cabalists, given the sheer number appearing it could be annoying when you get to 50 and have the "already has that effect" all the time.

Personally I went full spirit to 20, then respec'd to 3spirit rest matter and have been bumping matter since. At 31 I can easily kill orange cons but its still quicker xp to slaughter yellows.

I think when I hit 40 Im going to respect to a body template similar to what Hrodelbert recommends, but I change my mind every 20 minutes at the moment :p


If you want a more challenging char, I would say you should go for the body cabalist.

Personally, I have 41 in body, 33 in spirit and rest in matter.

This gives me a good drain, the second body-resist debuff, a strong pet and the first nearsight.

In PvE I absolutely adore my spec, the variance in the roles you can/will play in groups is amazing. Try being only healer in a tangler group with this spec and you'll know what im talking about. Soloing is a load of fun, your pet is even strong enough to kill yellows while you rest for mana (not that you really need to, with convert spirit.)

Oh, and I have to mention. The pulls I can make are frightenly large! :clap:

In RvR, however, you are..hmm..a bit challenged. You really have to find your field of expertise in order to get any kills at all. You will never get RPs as fast as a matter caba, but those you get will make you just about the most pride filled cabalist in the world. Again, you have the advantage of a strong pet, he is actually able to kill on his own and will often disappear for a great deal of time, only to secure you with around 900 rps on his return ;)

Buttom line is. You have to be _very_ creative with a body cabalist.


Everyone and their granny will have have body resist to combat the CC based off of body.

Matter cabbie looks a much sweeter spec and with the base and spec line DoTs now stackable, cabbies can drop tough mobs in PvE as well. And dropping both those DoTs on a realm enemy will just plain hurt.

Chuck in nearsight in the matter line and I'd say that tips it in the favour of matter for an RvR specced cabbie.


I was a body spec until the respec came in and, whilst I did like my ability to plug many role "gaps" in PvE, no one else seemed ready to acknowledge the fact that I could do this. My CC ability gave way to minstrels and sorcs, pet ability was outclassed by the same two, direct damage never really stood a chance against wizards of any description...and so on.

RvR was the thing that really let it down, too. After months of feeling darn near useless in RvR situations, I now have the time of my life with:

matter 50
spirit 21
Body (can't remember, but it's 3-5, very low)

Matter 50 gets you that all important last golem reflect damage shield, at which point you really can make proper use of that pet against crazily strong foes. The DoTs lend themselves to much more of a role in keep taking and defence...and the more powerful nearsight is just far too amusing.


Originally posted by hrodelbert
47 body
25 matter
8 spirit

Get MoC and let the fun start, one on one you'de be seriously hard to kill

25 matter give a reasonable nearsight
the hinder attack speed is nice
and the aoe disease is just lovely, when combines with another cabis aoe DOT

also its a little different from most people, which is also nice

Close close, here is what i am doing

48 body(47 but I got points leftover since there is nothing really usefull in the otehr lines that i can get with 48 points)
22 spirit(15% body debuff)
11 matter(nearsight)

PS: I hear there is some loving coming to the spirit line, so be aware, its already to late for me I am passt 40 now and have no respecs left :(
(It might be Pbae welcome the chanters of Albion :p)

Edit: As for the resists yes many if not all will have 26% body, but who will not have 26% heat, cold, matter, energy etc etc, especially with SC coming


I am going for :
46 matter (highest AoE dot)
28 body (3rd best AoE debuf, 3rd best spec dd)
4 spirit (convert and spare points)

But it seems to me that a
36 matter
40 body
4 spirit
should be verry good aswel i think


I am sorry to hear you had to make way for sorcs and minstrels, Myste.

I have never been in that position, I have CCed at tanglers and supported the sorc if we had one in our group and since I use my simulacrum for CC as well, he has always had a very active role as well.

Yes, the body resists hurt! That is why it is so important to be creative in RvR as a body cabalist. The resist debuff helps a lot, but you don't have time to cast both that and DD at the same time.

As I said, I use my pet a lot, also in keep RvR. Here, I have different tactics, but it all revolves around getting my pet to the other side of the wall, then stand as close to the wall as possible and heal him as long as I can. This is a great way to support infiltrators who are often in a possition where they cannot finnish off their target and it is a great way to keep the pbaoe'ers busy while tanks are bashing down the door.

No, body cabas are not the strongest in RvR, but in some odd way, that makes them a lot of fun to play (once you have got past the point of pulling out your hair in frustration).

I am still learning how to play my cabalist in RvR, it is not easy for me. The matter cabalist is, as far as I can see, a lot stronger than the body cabalist in RvR, but the body cabalist will never stop challenging your creative mind; and who knows, maybe one day the body caba will be the strongest of the two ;)


Thanks for the replies seems to be that it's a class where you need to think before you kill like my mercenary,it seems no matter what line you spec you can be good which is why it's a nice class but not many realise this sadly.

My reason for being a cabalist is because i love a challenge and a different class to other people.I have heard they can solo epic mobs in llyn barfog being full matter spec is this true?

Can't wait to make mine tonight i be 50 in no time:D


They cannot solo the epic monsters.

They can, however, take them down in a 3 man group. One caba with dmg shield on the pet, one cleric chain casting tiny heals on the pet and one minstrel running mana song.

Good luck with your cabalist, whichever spec it might be :)


Yes a full matter specced Cabbie can kill the epics in LB with a little help from some rejuv clerics.

We did this after Jonstone got his epic armour. Send Bob in with shield up and report back to the clerics how the mob is doing while the clerics heal Bob. With this tactic we dispatched King, Mouth and Afanc, shame mordred did his nasty proc or he would have been killed as well.


Hehe bet more people would make one after reading that:D


I give em 2-3 months before mythic nerfs dots, watch out assasins the nerf bat is in motion


Cabalists will never be played as much as an assasin,notice how unpopular classes get better?:)


Originally posted by Gran
Yes a full matter specced Cabbie can kill the epics in LB with a little help from some rejuv clerics.

We did this after Jonstone got his epic armour. Send Bob in with shield up and report back to the clerics how the mob is doing while the clerics heal Bob. With this tactic we dispatched King, Mouth and Afanc, shame mordred did his nasty proc or he would have been killed as well.

Do you think it could be done with the lvl 40 shield ?

And i havent tested this but does cabby dmg shield stack with wizzy version ?

BTW I've seen this technique used at tanglers aswell seems to work pretty well and a bit safer then the AoE style


Matter cabbys camp aqua too often and tag every mob at normal gobbos :(


I'd make a spiritcaba, for all the things ppl say for them, they've got a body debuff and a body nuke, so I imagine they nuke for the same (ish) amount as a manachanter... + an uber pet ><


You cast a Superior Essence Consumption spell!
You hit Teador for 462 (+134) damage!
You cast a Superior Essence Consumption spell!
You hit Teador for 412 (+134) damage!
Teador was just killed by Mattshane's cabalist!

Put all the spare points into body for less variance.


Rah, first debuff at level 24 spirit... nice for BG too


LOL teador would be the last hib i would kill that guy was my buddy in albion,anyway whatever spec i do i am sure they be great in PvE and rvr especially keep defences.


Have a full matter cabby in Thid at the moment and enjoy it much.

I started one up because I thought it was a rarely played class and had seen it was easy to solo (am in New Zealand so the time diff makes it very hard to find groups).

At the time there were on average only 5 cabalists for every 100 players, but I've seen several posts in diff threads saying that they are becoming popular. Are there really many more now?

/off to do a /who cabalist


I would defo pump some points into body to get at least the first AE Disease, that spell is so underated it is scary and yet wait till you hear people moan like hell when someone just cast it on them. 24 Body gives the 300 radius 120sec duration spell, how many battles last more than 2 mins these days? Also Milegate defence should be considered, the radius on the doors is just over 300, anything coming through that door is getting a nasty little present with AE DoT and Disease.


Cabalists do seem to be breeding, did a /who last night, at couple times there were more online than theurgists and always more than sorcerors.

When they all reach the 40s those poor gobbo's are gonna get some serious punishment :p Putting mine on the back burner for a while, finding friar more fun :)


I would go matter only for the nearsight, bet a lot of you are cursing when your hit by a 65% nearsight. Pretty crippling for a caster ;)


Cabbies are fun and certainly if you go matter they are v.quick to hit 50. However if you aint near a MG or Keep then in open RVR you tend to be a rp cow :m00: or at least i certainly am :clap:

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