BW Q3DM League - Season 7 maps



Yea Sar, battling for for MH room works in Quake2

But imagine DM7 played at the HIGHEST level with no QUAD in the VQ3 engine, will that work?

and the RA area on DM7 isn't even as can do some research too :)))))))))))


maps for bw

my choice would be:
dm7, dm6tmp, dm14tmp, cpm4 and dm8tmp



I think the best map choice in a competition format should be around the 4 basic european maps (dm6tmp, dm7, dm14tmp and cpm4)..

If you want to add some new sauce to it, I would suggest to add 4 new maps. Each week, you would have 1 of the standard maps and one of the 'exotic' list. This way, in the worse case, a good clan will still be able to do a 1-1 and avoid loosing 0-3 because they didn't learned quickly enough the new maps. The same way, a hard-working clan would try to learn well the new maps and try to beat 'unbeatable' clans. They would not be able to get a solid 3-0 but their performance would bring a 1-1.

In this exotic list, I would suggest these maps:

dm8 : You have different important zones to control (RA, RL, MH) and quad requires people to leave the important zones. This map often makes me think to dm6 coz you can quickly loose a zone as there are alot of entrances that can't be 100% controlled.

dm11 : You might think the RA/RL is too powerfull and is THE zone to control. However, the powerups are at the opposite side of the map and is a mix of shaft/plasma/MH/YA with quad & haste. Both zones are powerfull. If you can shift the BS timing, you might even see superman!

dm12tmp: We never really gave a chance to this map. I remember the standard dm12, which I somehow loved because the BFG forced people to play tactically. (there was such a detailed description on how to rush in the bfg room and get back control of it) However, we could have a try for dm12tmp, as it seems that in USA they use it as a standard map.

cpm13: cpm13 looks quite big, but not widely open. There are different zones to own as you don't have many weapons/ammo. It won't be a map where you'll camp with 4 in the same room. It'll be more like placing 1-2 people at specific zones. This might be interesting strategy wise.

That's it, I also checked cpm9 and cpm14 but I decided to not include them.

cpm9: The map is too much based on zone control (or should I say owning?).. The RA zone is, imho, a bad zone because there is only 1 way to get in, making it easy to camp, hard to rush. The RL/YA+shards zone only has 2 little entrances. You are even higher than the rushers so you have a tactical advantage, making it a second hard zone to rush and easy to camp.. So, even if the quad zone seems quite ok, the RA and RL zones make this, imho, a bad choice.

cpm14: It was quite a hard choice between cpm13 and cpm14. However, I think cpm14 is too widely open. In each room, I feel like I could be railed by someone in a slight angle that I wont have seen. The RA has 5 entrances, the RL has 4. It is kinda hard to control a zone with so many ways to get rushed. The map is huge (not like dm6tmp) so I think this will be more ffa-ish than teamplay.

That's it

Just my 2 cents.



Cool idea - have a group of accepted maps that get played often, and then a few 'interesting' maps that get played once each. This way you can test new maps out to keep things interesting and consider them for regular use next season, whilst still using maps that everybody accepts are good tdm maps the rest of the time. I certainly couldn't complain about having to play dm8 once in a season, and I'm sure the mexx1 and cpm13 haters would be prepared to play them once in a season too. =]


"Teams battle for control of the MH room, because from there you can control the whole map. "

Indeed. Those that contradicted Sar have misread what he said. You don't control it for the mega itself (though this is obviously a bonus) but for the fact that its the crossroads of the map. From there, you can push out and attack the enemy, deny weapons etc.

I'd be interested in seeing how a dm1 game would play, 4v4 in vq3. The only thing that bugs me in the couple of duels I've played on shovq2dm1 is the lack of double jumps.... /me considers the merits of cpm.


Thank you swelt :)

The new OSPDM1 map has inbuilt jumps and I think it's scaled properly to allow you all the Q2DM1 tricks.

Saying that most of the Q2dm1 tricks are possible on Shovq2dm1..


That said maybe some ppl think it's IMPOSSIBLE to play Q3 TDM matches without a powerup to fight over...


How we laughed....




I'd only add cpm13 to the pool (just like the past season), it is a VERY good and innovative TDM map, very competive and its not limited to RL camping to win (although many guys who have only played it twice (in S6) say its gay)... In fact it has a VERY deep TDM feel.

Just keep it cause tactics in there are still being developed by clans. At the end of the season more and more ppl in the comunity will like it.

Do whatever u want, but _PLEASE_, dont retrace ur steps and put simple and maps that ARE OVER like dm8, mexx or overshting (remember? that oversized map by wiebo de wit which was, in fact, his worst map).

Overload? Overlord? Over... DAMN!



Think you'll find it's actually an RA3 standard map now :p

CPM13 is crap.

Nuff said.



here's my thoughts.

I think the four basic most played maps should be included: q3dm14, cpm4, pro-q3dm6 and q3dm7, even tough dm6 and dm7 have been overplayed and some people dislike them, they still are the most played maps and because they're old doesnt mean its always the same, as for example the cess attacks seem to be back (lower pings? :) )

Then I think maybe two more maps so we wouldnt end up with a boring rotation of only 4 maps. I think q3dm12tmp is an excellent map and like everyone said has been played for ages on the american leagues, with great matches. Basically its a simmetrical map, with 2 equal sides and a mh in the middle, also the two power-ups make for excellent tactics and fights and also some nice comebacks. Also with the no-rail the large middle area is much more interesting.

The other map i think should be selected is cpm13. I just think we should atleast give it another season for teams to develop their game on it, most clans didnt bother to learn it well since they probably thought it would be gone the next season. And i think it's much better then cpm14 which is just too small/opened areas.

Going back to maps like mexx1 or dm8 would be just wrong I guess, since they've been put aside because they probably didnt play right (mexx1 is just a lpb fest and dm8 doesnt feel like a good tmplay map with its item placement) and it's not really evolving :)

Also perhaps I'm biased beeing in a hpb clan, so we prefer more tactical maps like dm14, and also we actually won on cpm13 without RL :)

so my map list: dm14tmp, cpm4, dm6tmp, dm7, dm12tmp, cpm13



my 2 cents


tactical, need knowledge and teamplay at long-dated, no rail and nice "skill grounds" and tricks, zestful and standard but not to much "classical"

great part for skill but teamplay do difference, fast and furious and standard.

teamplay, lot of different taktical traffics choices to do according as 2 PU, a balanced reference.

so great:

personnaly bored but... "it's dm7", THE classical map.

zone control war, need recovering with team actions but can be a enclave too, coordination and to do no mystakes: interesting and new, non-kamikaze map, not classical, need a chance.

interesting teamplay, especially for the dominated team ihmo with a lot of traffic to discover, not a euro standart map, need a chance here.

new style, so great feeling to play and balanced zones, like make for tdm, must be discovered!

nice (but):

my feeling: "the vicious/opportunenessed(?:/) teams temple", imo no big lack but no "real" quality but "fun" to play and appreciate sometimes.

Good feeling by great proportions but the all map suffer because of the YA\rail location, it's the crap spot, it's why it's "only" 5 for me.

Balanced map for items, hard fight for armors and quad, very aggressive, windows using but no teamoverlay positions, think "cg_customloc" :/ , tempting.

an interesting strategy which stay a little bit too much notional as a matter of fact (need a season more to practice?), and when i add up like a cpm feeling... it's like a missed map finally "ingame", i disliked its gameplay last season.

2 poles with there benefits but imo a boring playground, x2PU or not.

not bad (but):

I think really interesting when we know it, first time a feeling of a big supple standard ffa map but it has some good "traffic tricks", she's more innovative than first sensation. Perhaps a little bit large. It's late now to learn, try and appreciate.

it's a pity, it's a little bit too small and "disintegrate", but need a try perhaps.


So great and interressant architecture but too much armor and... haste + rege: need a tmp version for i think to can become a very great tdm map, a little bit be out of camping too.

Too much breakable teamplay, bad feeling for me, ffa map..

Nice architecture for tdm but big mystakes like invisibility, personnal tele and... a few shards. Need a reshuffle version...


bad proportions + bad item locations.

anti-skill, anti-strategical; it's really the "aim + connection" map: absolutely anti-interesting, lpb or not.

a bad joke, great craps.

(findable on: )

super goodies: POQ3dm1!
The most fabulous map in universe for tdm :p, hum, ok i was a betatester so i'm perhaps not very impartial but really merit a look (build for tdm) : / sv: Quake-FR OSP TP/CTF

...and what about future osp 1.0 maps (shod)? They will certainly become a standard...

So my moderate 2 cents: cpm4/pro-dm6/dm14tmp/dm7/dm12tmp/cpm9/ "+"q3dm8/cpm13/ and "commingsoonosp1.0maps"
my moderate heart 2cents: cpm4/pro-dm6/cpm9/dm14tmp/pqarena/dm12tmp/poq3dm1/bal3dm3/
Biggest mystake to do: :puke: mexx

At any rate i think you will have lot of wailing if you choose mexx or cpm13, too much people who dislike those maps and nothing can change i think. I dont think too, that a come back is a great idea, we need newness so dm12tmp and cpm9 seems to me the more balanced options in a little bit "familiar" way and, of course,... osp new maps miss at present to have a great point of view anyway.


ps: nice article on the subject:

ps2: soz for my anglich :|


Hehehe, translation please ;] Seems like theres a lot of good info here but half of it doesn't make much sense...


PoQ3dm1, cpm9, cpm14

I beta tested q3ospdm1 beta, and if the final is the same version, it has a quad in place of the MH. And the amor placement is a bit different (you will see). Still this map is too small for q3 faster (than q2) gameplay imho.

PoQ3dm1 seems to be good, would be more interesting imho with a revamp of the MH room. What do you think of it ?

Other good maps for bwdml: cpm9 + cpm14

I liked one cK-stx demo i saw on cpm9. Comebacks are possible on that map.

2 bad things about cpm9:
-cpm9 entrances to RL are too small,
-and the RA is far from the action.

Warlock drew my attention on cpm14: good map, with four rooms around the central PU room, which is a BS for once. The four rooms are: RL, Shaft/GL, Rail/RA, PG/YA.

2 bad things about cpm14:
-The dominant people will have RG/RA + PG/YA for sure, meaning a lot of armour. If they dont control YA, they can still very easily rail their opponents' asses at YA from Rail room.
-And the 4 four rooms communicate with the PU room, meaning the action will be a bit ffa based, the zones arent as weel delimited as with cpm4/dm14/dm7.

Interesting comments from Wiseguy here:

- Kess (#PoQ)



Well in my opinion :


Those are indispensable.

Q3DM8TMP eventually

But no maps like dm11 or cpm13...

That's not new but playing fucking map is not funny, so better keeping traditional maps and having fun !

Cu =)


Re: PoQ3dm1, cpm9, cpm14

Originally posted by Kessen
I beta tested q3ospdm1 beta, and if the final is the same version, it has a quad in place of the MH. And the amor placement is a bit different (you will see). Still this map is too small for q3 faster (than q2) gameplay imho.

PoQ3dm1 seems to be good, would be more interesting imho with a revamp of the MH room. What do you think of it ?

OSPdm1 too small for Q3DM? It's about the same overall size if not bigger than Q3DM6.

And that poq3dm1 is well, not very good imo. Soz. :/



i'd have to agree with sar on that map, its iffy.

i still think dm12tmp should be included this season. osp's q2dm1 could be worth looking at but i am not currently convinced on its use, prove me wrong :)


Since the league maps were announced my clan has played a few games on dm12tmp, first impressions of the map were its shit :D as i found it to play awful as an FFA map so didnt have high hopes for it as a TDM map.

First time i played the tmp version i stood waiting for quad to spawn and to my suprise i got MH instead :D

After a few games i can honestly say i think its a good map, all be it a bit to big it still plays very well.

As for milktdm ive played it single player as BW havent got it on yet ( /me slaps bif ) but im told its been requested so can do soon, however from looking at it i can say its gonna be warmly welcomed by most.

Good call on the maps tbh bif, very good decision given the amount of input ppl have made.



My $4 on best tdm maps so far:

4)PRO-DM6 (dm6tmp)

Maybe certain maps out of these have been used too long in quake3, but imo they r still the 4 best qualified maps for TDM league compos.

On the new maps:

My personal favourite atm is cpm14 for sure

CPM14: nice design/textures (gives back the ztn q2 map feelings), RA/RAIL/PLASMA/YA on the one side which is the main goal to defend untill the pup comes (suit). Other team then has the RL/SG/MH/SHAFT + will try to conquer the ya area or will rush the ra area most likely with or without pup (suit). Overal is the map perfect in state for nice tdm games imo.

MILKTDM1: Looks nice on first sight and i think its cool to play it tdm-wise.

DM8TMP: nice map & structure. Pitty it isn't used anymore in eurocup, tho cpm4 was the perfect replacer for this map. But it might be cool to see it back in the bw TDM league.

CPM9: nah, too easy to controle the RL area, same for RA area if you can rail a bit. Not quite fit for a tdm league. Tho i might be wrong cause i never played it 4v4

MEX1: bah, silly map! :)

CPM13: nah, way too big :eek:

Q3DM12TMP: never liked it & will never like it, not ffa-wise and not tp wise :eek: (too big & silly areas..)

POQ3DM1: nah, this map might be cool for duel without those 2 pups, but it isn't fit for tdm at all. Silly cpm jumps, wont work with vq3. Bad structure also :/

Though its hard to judge about a map just by looking on it, the only real way to see if a map fits for tdm playing is putting it on a server & play it 4v4. So bw, put all those maps in the maplist on yer servers. Ppl will test it, demos could be uploaded and we can see 'much better' how it plays for tdm :eek:

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