BW Q3DM League - Season 7 maps



The TDM league kicks off in a bit but what maps should join q3dm6tmp, q3dm7tmp, q3dm14tmp and cpm4 in the pool?


How many maps are wanted? Cpm13 gets my vote, but I'd also be in favour of mexx1 returning. Gotta love those 1 frag wins. ;]


Their must be something new and original for TDM out there. Anything the flavour of the month in the states for instance?

How about long-term running a competition, alongside a premier mapping site, for quality TDM entries?



I think the maps must be dm14tmp, cpm4, cpm9 & dm12tmp.
Cpm13 and mexx are horribles.


Q3DM12TMP is the _ONLY_ option!

Just add q3dm12tmp, watch some of the KIT (american) demos, clans like 519, k9, km and KFC. And you can see how well this map can be played.

cpm9, cpm13 I've rarely seen, if ever, played good, let alone well.

Q3MEXX is just bareable, because its easy to learn. But the cavarties are too spacous, and the frame rate is about the same as q3dm12tmp.


If it is 5 maps again then my choices would be as follows (these are in order of preference)

1) CPM4
2) Q3DM14tmp
3) Q3DM8tmp
4) Q3DM12tmp
5) CPM9

I think Q3DM7 although a decent map has now been played to death, and after 7 seasons and all the test games, I think it is time it was given a rest.

This is only personal preference but I hate Q3DM6tmp, I know alot of clans like it, but to me it is just a shit of a map, the quad is basically redundant because whoever gets it usually dies straight away, due to it's placement. The map is just FFA heaven with just the 1 way to win it. Camp RA/RL 1 man on rail. Duhhhh.

CPM13, I think this map is more aimed at the FFA market, the timings etc are just not designed for team dm, the map itself is also very campy campy.

Q3DM8tmp - I personally think this is a great map, there are a couple of ways to win it, and have always had some good tactical and fun battles on it.

Q3DM12tmp - I used to play this map quite a bit about a year ago and it's actually very good. The BS and Quad are excelently placed, there are a number of ways to play the map, and I can see it being very popular if it ever gets played over here *hint*.

CPM9 - This would be a bit of a gamble, a bit like cpm13 last season, The RA is a bit out of the way, and dosent really come into play that much. The design of the map though I feel would give greater emphasis on team dm than cpm13 and I think it deserves a look in, at least for a season to see how teams take to it.

Anyway I hope these ideas give you some food for thought.



Just add's an enjoyable and proven map and I don't know why it was removed. Why do we have to faff about with new maps every season? I personnally enjoy playing maps that are well known as it leads to a higher level of play and a more tactical game. It would take god knows how long for clans to become the same standard on say, dm12tmp that they are on dm7. New maps are wasted time in my opinion, so I vote we stick to dm6tmp, dm7, add in dm8, dm14tmp and cpm4.

Feel free to disagree...and I know you will ;]


Personally I still love a heated battle on Dm7 and dm6tmp contrary to popular judgement. Mexx1 I quite like but CPM13 I think is a bit poor, I haven't yet played it enough. I have never liked Dm8 from way back on the Demon UK 1-9 Server when everyone used to leave when it came on... However, it seems to be a popular map so I say give it a go - it can do no harm, Ill just have to play a map I really hate :upyours:

As for CPM4 - I don't think you can drop this as people are getting more and more used to it now, and on top of this there is dm14tmp to think about along with dm11tmp which a lot of people like to play for the sheer fun of attempting to camp on that ledge above the RL with the RA :)

Therefore given a 5 map selection I believe that maybe one of the old favourites should be dropped from the selection this year, as they ARE getting stagnant. With the introduction of pro-dm6 maybe this should go in and dm7 be left out this season and brought back next season. Therefore...

1) pro-DM6
2) CPM4
3) DM14tmp
4) DM8tmp and
5) Mexx1

... would be my choices.



Okay, I beleve that the best map list would be to keep the main four maps, with the exception of q3dm6tmp, to be replaced with pro-q3dm6.
Then add q3dm12tmp, the americans use this map currently and lots of games end up being played on it. If another map is wanted, i think that cpm14 could be a winner due to the fact it keeps the main "tdm" feel, but with a twist as it has no Quad, but a BattleSuit.

Thats my views on the sutuation anyway. One thing is sure however, loose cpm13 k, thx.


Well imho q3dm6tmp, q3dm6 or any other version of the map is just about THE WORST PIECE OF UTTER CRAP IVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE TO HAVE TO PLAY!

That's it. Just needed to get that off me chest ;)

carry on .....


Four core maps + dm12tmp seems like a good start.

I am not keen to see the return of DM8. Never liked it and am not convinced that the tactical options are really that varied.

I did think CPM13 was pretty good in terms of tactical scope - too many people just didn't bother learning it imo, making games generally a bit cessy.

Haven't seen CPM14. Will probably be rejected by the masses as "another map to learn". :(

Mexx is the lamest TDM map played in competition. I guess since we will have 3 janet players this season I should be advocating it - but I just can't bring myself to do it. Perhaps mexx should be considered if the BW FFA League ever resurfaces, plz not the tdm league. :puke:

DM12tmp is a good map, hindered only by the FPS factor. I wonder these days how much of a factor this is... how many people still play q3 on low spec machines? On the plus side though, it is familiar and yet new, and as mentioned, the yanks have proven it can be a very tactical map.

end 2p.



My personal favorite to go in would be cpm14, I think its a really cool map that should definately get some play time.

otherwise probably dm12tmp, though I would be happy with cpm9/13 or dm8tmp.

I'd keep pro-dm6, cpm4, dm14tmp, not too fussed about whether dm7 stayer or not.

pls don't put in mexx though, its nasty :(



cpm13 is a weird map because if you hadnt noticed clans dont hold RA and i think the weird spawn times of the quads throws people off a little leading to some 'interesting' results, if it wasnt a new map it may well be liked but tbh i think the map is far to big for a tdm map.

Mex is a smaller map and leads to some close games as its an easy map to attack on from all angles and no real way of locking it down, which is good and bad i personaly am not to fond of Mex.

Narrowing it down to two maps, dm12 and dm8 of which i dont know which to vote for, again dm12 is huge and i think people would enjoy playing dm8 more than dm12.

So dm8 plz :)

From an admins point of view i found admining games on cpm13 to be quite amusing, especialy in the top level of divisions, Q50 asking for directions out of the Battlesuit area for instance. Cpm13 didnt really bring any decent games though, the clan that spawned the nearest to the Rocket Launcher won i found, and nobody could careless about RA, leaving it to be almost FFAish for the other clan and 2 members of the clan with the RL.

As for people saying dm6 and dm7 are old and boring, they maybe to you but they bring far more entertaining games for those playing and for the admins/demos etc to watch.


Get rid of : dm6tmp -> map sux for tdm.
cmp13 -> eek!

Keep : cpm4
dm14tmp -> dm14 and cpm4 are best tdm maps in q3 imo.

Add: dm12tmp -> this is a good map and has not received the deserved attention.
dm8 -> gah i still dont understand why it didnt figure in season 6. This map rulez.

Also 5th map i think should be either dm7 or mexx.
No cpm9 plz as not many clans know this map and
i wouldnt expect to see any decent games on this map except from the top clans.



I have to say i really enjoyed cpm13 different to most of the other maps so it keeps you on your toes,I'd like to see it make a return.

if you could please burn mexx and dm8 for me they just rub me totally the wrong way.

dm12tmp looks like it might be ok(not sure about the lack of a rail tho)

as to any other maps i don't know cause i haven't played any others apart from the standard q3 maps


My map theories

Firstly, CPM14 seems much, much, MUCH, MUCH better than CPM13... should play a lot faster. CPM13 probably works OK in cpma where (a) you can move faster, (b) you can do stair tricks, and (c) RA is actually worth holding because it means something and ammo isn't as vital if you can do single shot kills on spawners. However, in vq3 it's an abortion. And don't tell me I need to learn it better because I know it fine.

DM6 should stay, but pro-dm6 should be used

DM7 is a map about which I'm ambivalent.

DM11 should be revived forth-with. It's hella cool.

DM8 is a perfectly good map, you get the whole interesting decision of whether to hold RL or plasma/red; I've never seen clear evidence which is best.

I love Mexx1, but lots of people seem to hate it :mad: My opinion was formed purely from playing it on ISDN, and I really don't think it was big an slpb map. So, even though I think they're wrong, I guess it's probably best to go with the whingers.

CPM9 is ghastly, played it a couple of times in Savage and it is -sooooooooooooooo- boring :sleeping:

dm12tmp is okay but there are faster, more enjoyable maps around - enough to form a decent map rotation.

And there's nothing wrong with using one or two more maps than last season... imo there's not many maps that can stand being played 4 times in a 9 week season.

My map-rotation heaven:

cpm4, cpm14, pro-dm6, dm7tmp, dm8tmp, dm11


my map list would be:

pro-q3dm6, q3dm7, q3dm14tmp, q3dm12tmp, cpm4, cpm14


Re: My map theories

Originally posted by VicNBob
Firstly, CPM14 seems much, much, MUCH, MUCH better than CPM13... should play a lot faster. CPM13 probably works OK in cpma where (a) you can move faster, (b) you can do stair tricks, and (c) RA is actually worth holding because it means something and ammo isn't as vital if you can do single shot kills on spawners. However, in vq3 it's an abortion. And don't tell me I need to learn it better because I know it fine.

DM6 should stay, but pro-dm6 should be used

I agree

DM7 is a map about which I'm ambivalent.
I don't know what 'ambivalent' means, but if it means that dm7 has been overplayed and was not much good to begin with then i agree :)

DM11 should be revived forth-with. It's hella cool.
YES!!! :D

DM8 is a perfectly good map, you get the whole interesting decision of whether to hold RL or plasma/red; I've never seen clear evidence which is best.
That is exactly what I think of the map also, but I wouldn't like to see it back in the league.

I love Mexx1, but lots of people seem to hate it :mad: My opinion was formed purely from playing it on ISDN, and I really don't think it was big an slpb map. So, even though I think they're wrong, I guess it's probably best to go with the whingers.
Well, I always loved mexx1 also. But FH's Irish isdn always got lagged to bits when we entered RA room if it was occuppied. This was my main problem with the map, but I think the point release 1.30 has fixed that, so I would welcome mexx1 back into the league, even if its not the best tp map, its good fun.

CPM9 is ghastly, played it a couple of times in Savage and it is -sooooooooooooooo- boring :sleeping:
True.. it suxors

dm12tmp is okay but there are faster, more enjoyable maps around - enough to form a decent map rotation.
Exactly :)

so to sum up, cpm13, cpm9, are bad. dm7 and dm8 are not good, mexx1, dm11 and dm12tmp are fine, pro-dm6, cpm4, and dm14tmp should be definite (I think u forgot dm14tmp VicNBob)


Technically ambivilance (sp) means a love/hate relationship, which probably sums my feelings about DM7 up spot on. Yes it's a good map, but it's been played for 2½ years now without let up.

Now for the message I tried to post this morning about 10am but the forums kept giving me 500 (internal server) errors....

Mexx - Stale and uninteresting. Kill it.

CPM13 - Shitty shitty tdm map, plays more like a 12-16 player ffa map ffs. Bin it, it's crud.

CPM9 - I didn't like this map personally, but lots of players in the WPDML liked playing on it..

DM12TMP - Fantastic TP map imo. That's why I used it in the WPDML, and revived quite a few ppls love for it ;)

Although you do get ppl moaning because there's no rail and as we all know children, you can't be l33t without a railgun.


DM6TMP/Pro-q3dm6 - Very ffa, but a great map nonetheless. Tight and fast (oo-er missus). BTW: Aren't these two maps identical in tdm or is it just me? :p

DM8(TMP) - good map, some decent TP play available here, but there are better TP maps out there...

Additional suggestions:

ShovQ2dm1/OSPq2dm1 - remakes of Q2DM1, a classic TP map from Q2. Great tactical potential in this map, especially for those who've never played it before. Timeless.

NGIArena2, CPM14.


Whatever maps are chosen, they should be chosen purely for how well they are suited to tdm. For me this means clear 'control' areas, and often (tho not strictly necessary) at least one regular powerup for teams to fight over.

dm14 is such a good tdm map for this reason - it has a clear main control area (RA) with a good supply of weapons, ammo and health nearby. It also has a secondary control area (lower YA and RL) for the other team, and two _contestable_ powerup areas. Teams can make an intelligent decision, based on who has control, whether to get to the powerup before it spawns and try to hold the area, or to attack the powerup late and try and snatch it. The same applies for cpm4, dm6 (although to a lesser extent), and dm7.

If you look at a map like dm8, it's very poorly suited to tdm. Firstly the RA is underwater ffs, making it very dangerous to grab and a potential sticking point for both teams, plus the area where it is located is very small and has little there other than a plas. The only obvious control area is the RL, but theres little else here other than a YA. It has goodies like MH and rail in obscure places that stop any team from really controlling several key items at once, and has a powerup in a ridiculous jump pad thingy which little can be done to control and often simply means 8 man chaos at quad time. From my experiance winning dm8 comes down to which team rides it's luck and has the better skilled fraggers, rather than which team plays the better tdm.

Lots of people moan about mexx1, but I can't help liking it as a tdm map as it has very obvious control areas and a contestable quad. The same could be said for cpm13, although i do agree that the timings should be fixed to the standard tdm timings. The likes of dm12 is certainly worth a try, but lets not pick maps just because they seem nice, lets pick them because they are properly suited to (or even specifically designed for) tdm.


Originally posted by [Spectre]
Whatever maps are chosen, they should be chosen purely for how well they are suited to tdm. For me this means clear 'control' areas, and often (tho not strictly necessary) at least one regular powerup for teams to fight over.
I disagree with this.. I think there is no harm in sacrificing some aptitude to teamplay in a map if it is compensated by potentially exciting and very enjoyable games... like dm11 for instance....

ya sar - afaik, pro-q3dm6 is just dm6tmp with improved textures... so I presume that it will replace its predecessor like it has in US leagues.


I disagree with this.. I think there is no harm in sacrificing some aptitude to teamplay in a map if it is compensated by potentially exciting and very enjoyable games... like dm11 for instance....

I think dm11 is actually a fair tdm map, it has a good RL-RA-BS control area, and an interesting quad-haste thing going on. It could perhaps do with some more armour, but it's certainly a better tdm map than dm8.

Anyway, your point begs the question, is the league being run to be a competitive tdm competition that encourages a certain method of teamplay to win games, or simply aimed at ensuring that everybody has as much fun as possible. If the answer is the latter then why is this called a 'teamplay deathmatch league' and not a '4v4 team free-for-all league'? Personally I think we should be aiming somewhere in-between the two and dm11 is a fair compromise. ;]


Originally posted by Sar
ShovQ2dm1/OSPq2dm1 - remakes of Q2DM1, a classic TP map from Q2. Great tactical potential in this map, especially for those who've never played it before. Timeless.

Haven't played either of those two, but CharonQ2DM1v2 is another Q2DM1 coversion that I have played. It's quite cool, being a roughly scaled remake of the map (named Return to the Edge) with all new texures for Quake3, much nicer than those direct conversions that are floating around.


the maps

1) cpm4
2) cpm9
3) cpm13
4) new osp v1 map
5) new osp v1 map





OSPDM1 doesn't have a powerup? :)

and, the rest are duel maps no?

do some research.


really ???????? :confused:

omfg !

for what are the maps then good?



reason i like .....

1./ pro dm6
classic map, varying tactical options, is not ffa imo and can be shut down well (if u know wtf ur doing). Makes for high scoring games. Cant even consider removing this imo.

classic map, easy to lock down areas but at same time good regroup places and quad is really a factor on this map. Cant even consider removing this either.

dont really like it myself but everyone does so nuff reason for it to be in.
well balanced. main red area is a strong place to hold but regrouping points gives the other team plenty of chance to retake. The 2 pu's work excellent on this map.

5a./add dm8tmp
always liked this map and makes for interesting games.
again i like this map kills fps abit but is a very open map and abit like dm7 with wide open areas. Maybe not the best idea to choose this as i know alot dont like it.

Reasons: i dont like....

too spread out but im not totally against it.

2./dm12tmp major fps killer and again is spread out too much, i played on this in savage and tbh it was crap even though we won :upyours:

cpm13 far too big and so many people hate it. TBH i never hated it but the fact its too large put me off rating it as a class map.



what im trying to say is imo have dm8 but if not mexx and if not that :) id not be gutted by cpm9 but please no cpm13 or dm12tmp


Re: HA!

Originally posted by Elij
OSPDM1 doesn't have a powerup? :)

and, the rest are duel maps no?

do some research.

Teams battle for control of the MH room, because from there you can control the whole map.

Do some research.


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