Bully Themed Game


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
The latest game from Rockstar to ignite the flames of fury is Bully, based on a theme of schoolboy bullying.

Liz Carnell, director of Bullying Online commented: "Bullying is not a suitable theme for a game. It diminishes the suffering of victims... such games give the impression that these types of experiences are normal. We are very concerned that they have an effect on young people."
Ms Carnell said it was impossible to underestimate the effects of bullying, and that people suffer the effects well into adulthood.
"We are contacted by four children a week who are suicidal, and many many more who have suffered injuries and trauma.

Rockstar Games does not yet have a synopsis for the game, but the game is reported to be based around a school for jubenile offenders and includes scenes of assault on pupils and teachers.

The question is, what do you think? Are Rockstar going a bit to far, or is bullying fair material for a game?

More details can be found on the here on the BBC.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Step to far I think, yes its a game but they can just play GTA and bash/kill toons if they want.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm undecided on this tbh. Really, how far is too far? Games based on WW I & II, are they going too far? Do they ease the suffering of those affected? Surely games revolving around a deathly theme should be given more publicity. That includes just about any FPS ever, RPG's and RTS's.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Thats the past though, the point is there is a problem with bullying already and would games like this not just encourage younger people to bully even more?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bourkester said:
Thats the past though, the point is there is a problem with bullying already and would games like this not just encourage younger people to bully even more?

Iraq and the Gulf War then. The "point" is that there are worse things that happen in the world than bullying. The reason this is getting publicity is because it hasn't been done to this kind of extent before.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Sir Frizz said:
Iraq and the Gulf War then. The "point" is that there are worse things that happen in the world than bullying. The reason this is getting publicity is because it hasn't been done to this kind of extent before.

Worse? for the people involved yes how do you think the child who gets picked on by 4-5 people? i think there is nothing worse for that child.

Bullying is a major issue and as much as i like Rockstar this game stinks.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
a kid of 10 cant go out and go in a war in iraq now can he? and by the time he grows up should hopefully understand more about the issues and wars not just abour "blowing people up". But he can go out and start bullying other kids and have a serious effect on their lives.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I seriously doubt this kind of game would be aimed at 10 year olds. As has been seen before, if this kind of material falls into the hands of audiences other than that of adults, then it's the fault of the supplier and the parent who should be looking out for their child. Thus, the influence on children would/should be negligible.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Sir Frizz, you are very naive if you think this game isn't aimed at younger children.

How many 10 year olds play GTA? I'd say quite a few.

Also to another Point bullying just doesn't happen in school, it can happen in work and so on, the sort of ill-educated person playing this game would properly think it's cool* and try and imitate the behaviour from the game.

*im guessing you will be rewarded for beating up your class mates?

Moving Target

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
The reason I'm concerned is that as this would be very violent etc bla bla it would be slapped with an 18 certificate. The game wouldn't be such a problem if only adults were playing it but if it falls into the hands of our increasingly impressionable youth it could cause a problem...and I'm quite sure there would be a high demand in that age range, compared to others.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Mey said:
Sir Frizz, you are very naive if you think this game isn't aimed at younger children.

How many 10 year olds play GTA? I'd say quite a few.

Also to another Point bullying just doesn't happen in school, it can happen in work and so on.

I'm fairly sure the game is themed in schools.

I don't know of any projects that have attempted to correlate data as to how many 10 year olds play adult rated games, but a game with 18 slapped on it kind of tells me it's not aimed at children. A bit like the porn industry.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
The problem you have then is parents having no clue about the content of video games buying these games for there 10 year old children. They wont buy them porn because it is porn. But a game for a computer is just a game.....


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Waaaaa, someone call the Daily Mail, this will result in the end of the world.

Banning this sort of thing is not an acceptable solution to the problem of moronic irresponsible parents. If an 18 certificate is deemed enough for films (which it is, regardless of whether kids see them or not) then it should be good enough for games.

I do love the way spokesman for nanny state organisations are happy to provide soundbites for the BBC article despite not having taken up Rockstar's invitation to see the game theyre commenting on. Actually knowning what they're whining about clearly isnt required.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To me it looks like Rockstar is now just picking themes for their games that they KNOW are going to cause controversy. And thats a road i dont want to see a good company like rockstar going down.


Loyal Freddie
May 13, 2004
Personally i dont see any problem in a game that you could chase a teacher down and bludgeon them with a staple gun/ruler/fire extinguisher/penknife.
it would probably be a good release of pain for the kids that are the victims of bullying, rather than the bullies themselves. Rather have them viewing images of extreme gore and violence than slashing their own wrists and smelling like the inside of a cows infected anus.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Obviously it wont be aimed at kids from Rockstarts point of view.

But which sad deluded fuck at the age of 18+ wants to play this? If this game isnt some kind of joke - thats just pathetic.

Actually thinking about it, I have an idea for RS games. I will charge 50p for this concept so if any of you dev's are reading this remember me. Anyway it's called Teenage Mum. The premise is simple, to fill your council flat full of sprogs. At the age of 15 you are booted out of your house and go into squalid living conditions where the only way to make money is by shagging a variety of chav scum well over your age. The money you will be making will come from the government in the form of child benefit. Bonus games will involve wiggling the stick in rhythm to you being pounded by well endowed teenagers, Bust A Move stylee. Bonus cash will come in the form of 'special moves' and obviously if you do well in this you will have repeat visits. Cash can be spent on making your flat look nice, sexy clothes and bling AV equipment. Obviously STD's will play a part here, you have got to learn who to trust, the whole concept of juggling who you wear contraception with and who you dont will have a bearing on who comes back! Some people like wellies, some dont! The more kids you have the richer you become!

Seriously tho, I like Rockstars games mainly but I can see the subject matter proving to be too much of an issue here.

Its probably some kind of PR spin anyway, if it isnt 'Hey Rockstar, my idea is better'.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Seanpaul said:
Personally i dont see any problem in a game that you could chase a teacher down and bludgeon them with a staple gun/ruler/fire extinguisher/penknife.
It was done long ago.

Ok, so it was done with pea-shooters and catapults, but its close enough.

Remembering how that title was spelt was the awkward part, I knew it wasnt just School Days, but ...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Deady said:
To me it looks like Rockstar is now just picking themes for their games that they KNOW are going to cause controversy. And thats a road i dont want to see a good company like rockstar going down.

Rockstar are known for violent games... i can't remember the last game they made that wasn't violent.

I love GTA i just think this game will be too much as someone said its not just kids that bully it can happen at work too.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Stupid title. Emotive word that'll be picked up in the wrong context. Of course Take 2 seem past caring what anyone thinks these days. Should have called it 'Scum' by the looks of things.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
these people really get up my rectum.
why dont they-
ban need for speed because it promotes illegal street racing?
ban games based on real life events because it is making light of a serious matter?
ban C&C based games as it trains people to be commanders in a war?
ban shooting games at arcades cos it trains you be a shooting guy?

ive coverd most areas there, i would love for someone who supports these people to come and answer my questions.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
The nature of bullying is that someone beats up someone smaller because they enjoy being cruel and dominating them. Bullying is about cruelty and sadism. If that's what this game is about then it's a bit different to war games and even fighting games. At least in most games there is some element of a fair fight. For that reason I don't think bullying is a fitting subject.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well no, if you play C&C against AI who are set to easy then you kick their ass.
being set to easy is like saying they are smaller, weaker etc.

playing a fighting game against someone who sucks is the same. if i play MK against my friend cos i know he sucks then that is also cruel cos i know he cant win. and remember, this against another human being. who im only playing cos i know i will beat him.

yep, you can pull stuff from thin air and so can i :p


Dec 17, 2003
Would a film about bullying be bad? Would you ban it, even if it was an 18 certificate already?

The problem is that people seem to assume games will get into childrens hands. Surely that is a problem with access to the product, rather than the product itself?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Will said:
Would a film about bullying be bad? Would you ban it, even if it was an 18 certificate already?
People are more worried by games because they're interactive.

Based on what little info there is about 'Bully' currently, it would seem that it encourages you, playing the role of a kid, to beat up other kids. I think it's that element that is creating the controversy.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
"People are more worried by games because they're interactive."

which is a load of knee jerk dog fetus, but hey someone has to stick up for them. i salute you reactor!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
tris- said:
"People are more worried by games because they're interactive."

which is a load of knee jerk dog fetus, but hey someone has to stick up for them. i salute you reactor!
"knee-jerk dog fetus" is not much of an argument. If that's where we're at then we'll leave it there.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well you actually skipped over my previous post so i assumed you either didnt see it or didnt want to reply. i will paste it again here for your viewing pleasure -

first post (for the sake of it) -

these people really get up my rectum.
why dont they-
ban need for speed because it promotes illegal street racing?
ban games based on real life events because it is making light of a serious matter?
ban C&C based games as it trains people to be commanders in a war?
ban shooting games at arcades cos it trains you be a shooting guy?

ive coverd most areas there, i would love for someone who supports these people to come and answer my questions.

second post (the one you skipped over) -

well no, if you play C&C against AI who are set to easy then you kick their ass.
being set to easy is like saying they are smaller, weaker etc.

playing a fighting game against someone who sucks is the same. if i play MK against my friend cos i know he sucks then that is also cruel cos i know he cant win. and remember, this against another human being. who im only playing cos i know i will beat him.

ive added the bit below now i know you want to reply -

the above is in relation to this -
The nature of bullying is that someone beats up someone smaller because they enjoy being cruel and dominating them

i have demonstrated that you can do this in games that dont have media attractive titles.

views on that?


Dec 17, 2003
ReActor said:
People are more worried by games because they're interactive.

Based on what little info there is about 'Bully' currently, it would seem that it encourages you, playing the role of a kid, to beat up other kids. I think it's that element that is creating the controversy.
I don't think that arguement really holds much water, but it is one that will be used. Counterstrike didn't make me shoot anyone in the head, GTA didn't make me nick a car.

And I think you've hit the nail on the head. All we have to go on is that one picture. Well played, Rockstar's PR department.

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