Bugged Bowman--maybe



Interesting bug i encountered in Thid the other night......standing at the hib bridge on OUR side of it, i got 1 shotted by a Bowman?!?!?!?!?!

I have no explanation for this AT ALL. Mids have the keep for one.

If anyone has any idea what is goin on, pls enlighten me


the central keep has WEAK bowmen, so even if alb had the keep, and somehow one of them shot you it wouldnt have one hit killed you by any measure.

which means that it was a tk guard, so one of them has probably wandered out into the woods or something and found his way over to where you got shot, bad luck :D


i was buffing bowmen with my shaman the other day but i doubt that was it


My lvl 26 kobbie warrior has just logged on outside vendo cave, sits down, does a couple of /who's... And gets one-shot by... A bowman. I heard someone else talk about the same thing... Lvl 46 hunter, on horse in vale of Mularn, get hit for 600ish dmg. Again, a bowman. But this is the good bit: My lvl 18 SB on Pryd was sitting on the roof of the house in Gna, doing some tailoring at some ungodly hour... And some isalf one-hits him... We're talking a mob here, not a realm guard... Xp loss, money to buy con back AND time wasted getting back to Gna... Plus those tradeskill bars move sooo slow, not funny dying when one's 90% full.

But hey, things like this makes me think those who claim this game to be boring don't have a clue what they're talking about... Not sure this is the kind of fun intended from Mythic's side though.


When i used to play mid/excal it wasnt a rare thing to be killed or see someone randomly dying because of "A bowmen". Ive never seen it on any of the other realms though, nor in thid.

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