Bug? and an aside for Carolina



I was wondering around thid for an hour this evening and didn't see a soul, even though I could see death spam. loath to run with the zerg i didn't /send anyone to see where the action was, until finally i could take no more and did a /send to discover that the action was at mb. I had been there a few minutes earlier so was quite surprised. i was about to head over there when I was attacked, apparently by a SB due to the poison and general twatting by an axe user. Problem was, I couldn't see anyone. even as I died I hadn't seen who killed me.

So it turns out I was bugged. anyone else had this one?

To carolina, sorry I couldn't give you a decent fight, though from your response you seemed to have had some fun (yet another /laugh idiot). Perhaps next time I will see you and give you a good twatting :)


Had a bug before where you can't see any mobs, players or NPCs; you probably had the same one.


I've had this problem befroe with a specific type of router being used. For some reason, player location data just wasn't getting sent to me, but damage and my outgoing data was fine. This was using a solwise router, and apparently, linksys routers have the same problem. If you are using one of these, I think you can download a firmware update for them to fix the problems...


carolina and me (xxc) are this days unics persons who plays thidranki :p (hibernia) i hope u help us when we need if u see us fight vs other realm ! :p


gotta say it -

any hib in thid deserves a /respect imo

You must be facing 30-1 odds during peak times.


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