


Im dont mind if they use a buffbot for leveling, but its not fair in RvR.

Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
If people pay for a second account and level their char, they're welcome to the advantage as far as I'm concerned.

If anybody want play with you a friendly boxmatch, but he buy a pistol, and train shooting, he can use this "adventage" ?

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by atomy
Im dont mind if they use a buffbot for leveling, but its not fair in RvR.

Life ain't fair. Wake up.

If anybody want play with you a friendly boxmatch, but he buy a pistol, and train shooting, he can use this "adventage" ?

Your analogy is severly flawed.


Well i have a lvl 33 Dr00d and i'd be anyones buffbot .. no 2nd acct and sort of intelligence behind the char :sex:

:m00: :m00:


svartalf, putting all buffs on a timer would be, to a lesser extent, TEH SUXX0R!

sure, it might mean that it's harder for buffbots to be used in RvR, as they would have to /stick to the main instead of being sat at the telekeep, but then all shammies/clerics/dr00ds would have to stop their group every 20 minutes for 5mins or more to rebuff everyone.

that would be a serious pain in the, and would deplete the craving of good buffs in RvR, meaning shammies/clerics/dr00ds would become depreseed, then whine on the boards, we would then become pissed at them and start flaming, some physcopath would get annoyed and try to wipe out all buffer-types, crashing the server and getting us so mad that we would all slit our wrists/throats or stab ourselves in the nether regions with pointy objects just for the hell uv it.

... what did i just say? :)


Originally posted by Damon Doombring

Hmmm I never said that, but how would any one know by who someone has been buff'd, Or be it that your omnipotent ???
You cant tell if its a freind or buff bot can you ?? Its not like its gonna say " so and so was kill'd by so and so and his buffbot "

Ok, i know what you meant..was a joke...like saying to someone "Suuure, i can see tommy as well." :p

[edit] Ooh..i edited something..hehe...but yeah, edit, i am omnipotent also. :D


A range on buffs would be interesting... unfortauntely it's impossible to make buffbots less useful without making legitimate buffers lives a misery.

I'm not impressed by the Snipers that get buffed to their eyeballs by their cleric sitting in the portal keep before they run off to play 'shoot the grey'... if that's what thye feel they need to do to have a chance it's pretty sad.


Having two accounts isnt illegal and isnt mentioned in CoC that way... <at least i dont think so, unless its registered under same name ?>

Since its legit we cant do anything about it but call it an apalling truth.
Does having a buffbot change the gaming experiance a lot : well not a lot but to some extent yes definately... you group less, you can be a more efficient solo unit RvR, spend time levelling more efficiently.... all in all i think it doesnt make you 'uber player' just pretty much eliminates the conceptual vision of Teamplay in my eyes at least. Which <Teamplay> imho should be considered one of the major benefits of playing a MMORPG as opposed to RPG you can play on your own.

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