Buffbot hell



Re: Re: Buffbot hell

Originally posted by Adralend

I can only say this: Buffbot users play 2 accounts and they pay for it, now I wouldnt doubble my expenses and try and be uber, knowing that i'm not (cause buffbot = noskill) Instead I will just bring my friends and 3 unbuffed vs 1 buffed = Easy Rp's :)


Buffbots do not hand out godlike powers they simply hand out buffs !!!
Anybody can go and get buffed!
without a bot you have to ask around for buffs or heaven forbid get a grp with a buffer! Using a bot in rvr is basically just paying for the privelidge of having instant access to buffs.

You spend so much time playing this game that you really should try to enjoy it :)


Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

sorry my mistake then, I always thought Minstrel was Rogue and Skald was Viking - I'm a Hib, gimme a break, I don't play any of those classes :p

A paladin is a Fighter - they're still on the same damage and hp table as skald/minstrel :)

a minstrels advantage is that they can run from just about everything :) avoid a lot of fights etc.

shame half their abilities don't work with the other ones (stealth+anything, pets+anything else...)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Pffft... seeing a l10 druid sitting around in the Mines while some l50 runs around killing choice l40 mobs is just plain sad.

Wallet bigger than a matchbox?
I could afford five accounts if I wanted to be that sad.

But that would kill the fun.
Avoiding challenges because I can afford it?

I would recommend playing Solitaire.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Pffft... seeing a l10 druid sitting around in the Mines while some l50 runs around killing choice l40 mobs is just plain sad.

Wallet bigger than a matchbox?
I could afford five accounts if I wanted to be that sad.

But that would kill the fun.
Avoiding challenges because I can afford it?

I would recommend playing Solitaire.

has it ever occured to you that maybe some people dont enjoy hitting the same uninteresting mobs millions of times for hours and hours in what is aptly named 'the levelling grind' ? Some of us want to get thro to 45+ and enjoy the end-game. So any way of speeding this up is desirable. Btw i have never been power-levelled and i dont have a buffbot :)

stop moaning about other people and just get on and enjoy the game.


Re: Re: Re: Buffbot hell

Originally posted by Tjorn


Buffbots do not hand out godlike powers they simply hand out buffs !!!
Anybody can go and get buffed!
without a bot you have to ask around for buffs or heaven forbid get a grp with a buffer! Using a bot in rvr is basically just paying for the privelidge of having instant access to buffs.

You spend so much time playing this game that you really should try to enjoy it :)

Sorry but this is total and utter bollox!

Buffbots do hand out God like powers and no, anybody can't just go out and get a full set of base+spec+resist buffs.

I respecced my cleric to full 50 enhance for the last resist buffs and the difference is totally staggering. At 46 my merc is capped on str+dex and has 1905 hits. Chaining orange mobs is easy whilst red requires a quick heal from the bot to reduce downtime. Orange cons take less than 5% of my health.

In rvr at 43 being able to dismember a 50 RM in Forest Sauvage whilst a 50 Hunter attempted to get me to less than 50% health before running off with tail between legs was great fun but had I been unbotted I would have died from the Hunter before I got to the runie.

Sorry, buffbots have a huge impact, and having faced botted opponants I am certainly going to be using mine.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Buffbot hell

Originally posted by dakeyras

Sorry but this is total and utter bollox!

Buffbots do hand out God like powers and no, anybody can't just go out and get a full set of base+spec+resist buffs.

I respecced my cleric to full 50 enhance for the last resist buffs and the difference is totally staggering. At 46 my merc is capped on str+dex and has 1905 hits. Chaining orange mobs is easy whilst red requires a quick heal from the bot to reduce downtime. Orange cons take less than 5% of my health.

In rvr at 43 being able to dismember a 50 RM in Forest Sauvage whilst a 50 Hunter attempted to get me to less than 50% health before running off with tail between legs was great fun but had I been unbotted I would have died from the Hunter before I got to the runie.

Sorry, buffbots have a huge impact, and having faced botted opponants I am certainly going to be using mine.

regardless of different opinions/views etc why feel the need to slate my post as talking bollox? i appreciate you disagree with me but i wish ppl would drop the 'aggro 14yr old' attitude :(

I concede that yes a dedicated aug bot will provide stronger buffs. :)
I mainly started posting cos i was sick of reading all the moaning which if a newcomer were to believe all they read here would prolly put them off bothering to play.


No, you were claiming that anyone has access to the same buffs and advising people to 'heaven forbid get a grp with a buffer'. I have never been in a group and been buffed to the level a buffbot can provide, ever.


Originally posted by dakeyras
No, you were claiming that anyone has access to the same buffs and advising people to 'heaven forbid get a grp with a buffer'. I have never been in a group and been buffed to the level a buffbot can provide, ever.

then i should have said 'buffed to a greater extent' rather than stronger buffs. With my warrior and sb i have been in smallish grps and had all the buffs i need, maybe not every single stat/resist buff but certainly the ones that make the most difference. I sometimes have access to my wifes shammy which isnt fully aug specced but still i hit a few caps with her medium level buffs.

You may have a slight advantage over a 'non bot' buffed player but i dont think it justifies the reactions that some people are having to bot users.


I don't think most people object to the use of buffbots as such. It just has to be remembered that a botted player has a huge advantage over a player-buffed player.

The objections, in my opinion, stem from the fact that the buffbot is invulnerable. It is possible to kill them but you have to suicide to do it. Someone who is player buffed can have those buffs dropped by killing the buffer.

Every smart group targets the clerics/druids/healers/shamans first. Not only does it prevent heals but it drops the buffs, making the damage-dealers easier to kill (and reducing their damage-dealing capacity).

When facing a botted player you cannot do this. The player doesn't have to worry about his buffer being killed. His only concern is whether or not to go back to the pk to refresh resist/end buffs.

My bot will be staying at the PK, and therefore the only way my buffs can be dropped is if my bot ld's or I am killed. That is the unfairness many see and hate so vehemently.


Originally posted by dakeyras
I don't think most people object to the use of buffbots as such. It just has to be remembered that a botted player has a huge advantage over a player-buffed player.

The objections, in my opinion, stem from the fact that the buffbot is invulnerable. It is possible to kill them but you have to suicide to do it. Someone who is player buffed can have those buffs dropped by killing the buffer.

Every smart group targets the clerics/druids/healers/shamans first. Not only does it prevent heals but it drops the buffs, making the damage-dealers easier to kill (and reducing their damage-dealing capacity).

When facing a botted player you cannot do this. The player doesn't have to worry about his buffer being killed. His only concern is whether or not to go back to the pk to refresh resist/end buffs.

My bot will be staying at the PK, and therefore the only way my buffs can be dropped is if my bot ld's or I am killed. That is the unfairness many see and hate so vehemently.

yep, thats a fair point.


well basicly if u find urself in a 1 on 1 with an enemy fighter/assassin/luri caster in combat mode, if its a fair, close fight then fine, u think good fight, i now respect that player more. but if you attack someone and you're getting 100s of -dmg and they're doing 500 extra damage to u, totaly stinking of buffs, you just think "ah thats how they got all those kills, cheating tosser"
I mean its just stupid, an unbuffed scout will switch on TS and see someone like Aada, and go well she is an assassin, sitting down, prolly afk, but it'll take so long that she could get back in time and hit me for 900 each hand and 9837 extra damage, + its about 50 gold worth of arrows

Repent Reloaded

due to buffbots it badly damaged albions expin groups from lvl 20-30, I made a post a few weeks back and alot of ppl think the same...buffbots may end exping groups if this keeps goin on


Well Mythic may not stop buffbots, but it is thier loss. The normal (I wanna play this game fair) players will stop rvring and let the rp hungry bot users fight each other all day long. Mean while the rest of us will be playing swg or something else. They are ruining thier own game, not in the short term maybe, but in the long run its finished for people who dont want/can afford a bot.
I am not blaming the bot users as the advantage is there to be had, and like in the real world morals etc dont matter to some people; just being the best. Likewise I do laugh when i read posts or hear them say on irc how they owned someone etc or they beat x number amount of people.
An example is the number of players who moved from excal to pryd cause of the RvR scene being messed up by NP buffbots, not having played there I dunno but thats just chats I have had with the people who have moved. We have that to look forward to on Prydwen now as Hibernia is the most powerful realm classwise atm they have moved there. (I suspect a move to alb sometime when 1.59 comes in)
I have a friends lvl 50 shaman account and dont use it for rvr buffs, as I would rather win fights on my own.

Just my thoughts......



Originally posted by taobitzz
I have a friends lvl 50 shaman account and dont use it for rvr buffs, as I would rather win fights on my own.

Tsk tsk .. naughty Forbitzz .. having a friend's account means you've been a very bad boy. :uhoh:


Saw a level 50 warrior today with her buffbot killing hulks in DF "solo". With totally overpowered end-buff those players dont even have the downtime due to endurance loss anymore. Can't express how annoying this is to me. And don't get me started on RVR.

Bah, give me SWG now and let this fucking game die asap!!


Originally posted by myrte
Saw a level 50 warrior today with her buffbot killing hulks in DF "solo". With totally overpowered end-buff those players dont even have the downtime due to endurance loss anymore. Can't express how annoying this is to me. And don't get me started on RVR.

Bah, give me SWG now and let this fucking game die asap!!

They could solo them without End Buff.

Downtime without End Buff was 15 seconds MAX.

Why does this annoy you? They can solo Hulks, wow.


I am going to get a buffbot, after all, I don't want to be left out, do I? :D


re: minstrels
i know it's not what the thread's about, but it's been touched on, so i'll carry on...
Minstrels really should be able to spec shield in my opinion. After getting instruments and a chosen combat style up to decent levels, the amount left for stealth is pitiful to say the least. you can either sacrifice damage on combat styles, and possibly some abilities from the instrument line, so you can avoid being seen to therefore get this advantage, or just accept that although minstrels have stealth, it's pitiful, and only useful to make yourself harder to see if you're sitting out the way afk for a bit.
also, how can a minstrels stealth be used to take advantage of a week moment? it's not like they can wait to get behind and then perf or anything... they just hit them with a sword and some dd, same as they do if they're not stealthed...
Sorry to go on, it's just annoying how dependant on others minstrels have been made. just a little tweak to the damage table and the ability to spec shield would make my day :)


Put simply, bots ruin other peoples fun. Don't worry about that though....think of the rp!!!!

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Fingoniel

A paladin is a Fighter - they're still on the same damage and hp table as skald/minstrel :)

Aren't skalds on a higher damage/hp table then minstrels?

As for buffbot users, anyone notice how most of them have Shadowblades?

You take a stronge class and double it's potential... then spend the rest of the day telling people you 'do' have skill :p


Minstrels are a ROGUE class and yes Generic they are therefore not the same as a hybrid tank, but the only difference is that they have stealth.

Rogues are on the same hp table as Paladins and Skalds and Thanes and Hunters and Infiltrators and Scouts and Rangers and Champions and Nightshades (YES NIGHTSHADES).

All rogues and hybrid tanks in this game are on the same damage tables and hp tables except Shadowblades who get mroe hp per con.

The only difference is racial attributes and Con gained from levels (aka Minstrels not getting any con at all from levelling)


Deliberate mis-quoting enabled

Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

wow you're suddenly a good player again thanks to having an unfair advantage! woohoo

<edit> When is a quote not a quote?

Rogues aren't designed to kill tanks, maybe that's where your problem is.

<edit> When you change the wording of the person you quoted to try to mislead those reading it.

Skalds are not tanks. If they were tanks they wouldn't need spells.

Either that or Minstrels and Skalds are both tanks

Deliberate mis-quoting disabled


skalds get a damage add and a two handed weapon.

They also can be trolls or norsemen (high strength) and get str secondary instead of tertiary... so will probably do more damage :)

(then again a saracen mincer has high dex... and dex secondary so might be ok with thrust... I dunno)

but it's probably the damage add and the weapon doing most of it :)


Some people are just so obsessed about being able to single handedly kill other players one on one. In my opinion this is a very selfish way to play the game. I loved playing my bard in rvr although I didn't ever kill a single person, and wouldn't even dream about leaving the portal keep alone.

Let's face it if you are in a group of 8 killing the one selfish guy with a buffbot who thinks he's uber is a peace of cake. Get in a group with a nice shaman or healer who can buff you and help you kill and mezz and stuff - much more fun than having a buffbot!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by parisienscot
Some people are just so obsessed about being able to single handedly kill other players one on one. In my opinion this is a very selfish way to play the game. I loved playing my bard in rvr although I didn't ever kill a single person, and wouldn't even dream about leaving the portal keep alone.

Let's face it if you are in a group of 8 killing the one selfish guy with a buffbot who thinks he's uber is a peace of cake. Get in a group with a nice shaman or healer who can buff you and help you kill and mezz and stuff - much more fun than having a buffbot!

*does an official SFX-freestyle*
:clap: :clap: :clap:


Buffboted solo ganker uber guy after being killed deserves a big: /laugh , too many of them nowdays have to make a macro soon.
A worthy opponent who dies but not dropping 2 pages of buffs deserves a : /bow

I dislike buffbots for assassins mostly ( anyone who fought a buffboted or not buffboted assassins knows the differences, or just see the DaocPwned Nightshade movie), couse an armsman buffed hmm k, but at least we can zerg him down and cant hide, not like an assassin. Thou same goes for other classes aswell, your char gets 2-3x times better thanks to lvl 50 buffs. This game wasnt planned like Zeus sitting in pk and Hercules owning the enemy out there. Skilled players use buff bots? Aye can happen after getting killed by blue con buffboters and you love the game :

A, you make a buffbot
B, ask someones buffbot to buff you
C, quit the game or at least the PvP part of it
Thats it , you need buffbots to enjoy rvsr (solo or not solo doesnt matter really)

Stop posting threads like this btw, sadly they are pointless, couse:
1, wanker dudes wont read it or just have a good laugh
2, ppl fed up by wanker dudes wont stop using buffbots or someones buffbots
3, Till Mythic have financial boost from buffbots ( more and more ppl buying 2nd acc instead of leaving the game) they wont do shit about buffbots. So try to enjoy the game as its current form. If you can.



Nice post :)

This whole thread did entertain me for a nice period of time during this boring evening with work. Thanks :p

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