Buffbot hell



Ok all.
As RvR is atm its really no point doing it if you dont have a buffbot. Fighting based on your stats and and skill dont mean shit as it is now. This is as I see it the biggest threat to this game right now, and will kill it if nothing is done in time. Range on buffs would be a good start to avoid people having "gOD" parked at their pk.
From a provider/devolopers points of view is is great. Having people with 2, 3, 4 accounts is good income for them of course, but for the future of this game its not.

Im going to park my charactor from now on and only play from time to time till something is done about this.

Teh Krypt

Tell me about it... do as I and make a bot. :)


Yup a limited range would be good, long range but say not long enough to reach from portal keep to mile gate :)


it says nothing about the people who use buff bots. all the people who you thought were "just good" becuase they had a good spec or spent time getting the right items for stats etc is all shit now. you were on par with everyone else when you didnt have a buff bot, now your only a little bit above them but all these people below you are now getting bots of their own meaning its basically the same as before because everyone is now on par. maybe it makes the users think that was a fucking waste of time, im just the same as everyone else.


I think they are putting range on buffbots, i think its about roughly to distance from APK to MG or something, so ppl might have to trench around their buffbots with em and have a large likelyhood of gettin em killed, might disencourage them.


Originally posted by sharma
I think they are putting range on buffbots, i think its about roughly to distance from APK to MG or something, so ppl might have to trench around their buffbots with em and have a large likelyhood of gettin em killed, might disencourage them.

I was thinking about this subject too, range on buffs was only thing I could come up with too.
Atleast then people would need to take their buffbots with them and give opponents possibility to kill them and lose buffs.

I can't say it's ruined my rvr but sometimes I do find it annonying and I don't have much respect for buffbot users as good opponents (even if they kill alot). Many buffbot owners sure are good players and fight well but it's still there and bothers me somewhat.

I can't imagine anyone to play buffer class just to sit at pk and buff people after all :) Also, they couldn't possibly to be able to give such many buffs for one person.

I don't mind people having buffbots, that's not the thing. But they should need to take them with them to their trips and not just park them at pk miles away.

PS. Thank god they didn't make resist buffs concentration buffs :)


They have not said that they are doing anything to buff bots, good or bad they are here to stay, 1/3 of US accounts are bot's you really think they are going to nerf that and throw all that cash away.

Shame they didnt do anything sooner, but i think they have left it too late


What about making /afk last a much shorter time before the game automatically logs the character off? Buffbotters would then at least have to make the effort to actually play both their characters, and I'm thinking that this would not be popular with such players, as they have already demonstrated their laziness/wannabeuberness by refusing to play the game as it was intended, i.e. 1 player, 1 character logged in at a time.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Nacabuta
Ok all.
As RvR is atm its really no point doing it if you dont have a buffbot. Fighting based on your stats and and skill dont mean shit as it is now.

That's so not correct.
No, I'm not using a buffbot all the time, very limitedly I would say.


Ahhh stop whining , if you dont like bot's dont make one , peopel who use one dont give a a flying turd about what ya think


well, this is a very pointless thread, not like ANYONE of importance is reading it.

If you really want buffbots to be fixed/removed, talk to mythic, they are the only ones that can do anything about it, here its just another whine in the sea :wall:


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Ahhh stop whining , if you dont like bot's dont make one , peopel who use one dont give a a flying turd about what ya think
Quite. :p


I could kill skalds before minstrels got nerfed.
Then I couldn't anymore.
After levelling a buffbot, I can again.
Where was this huge unfair advantage I have, remind me?


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I could kill tanks before with my rogue class.
Then I couldn't anymore.
After levelling a buffbot, I can again.

wow you're suddenly a good player again thanks to having an unfair advantage! woohoo

Rogues aren't designed to kill tanks, maybe that's where your problem is.


Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

wow you're suddenly a good player again thanks to having an unfair advantage! woohoo

Rogues aren't designed to kill tanks, maybe that's where your problem is.

Rogues aren't designed to not kill tanks.

Oops wrong account

- Meatballs


Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

wow you're suddenly a good player again thanks to having an unfair advantage! woohoo

Rogues aren't designed to kill tanks, maybe that's where your problem is.

since when is a skald a tank.

both minstrel and skald = hybrid.


omg b4 i got a buffbot my poor enchanter sometimes died when a shadowblade PA CD SSed it and that was unfair but now i got a buffbot and i can melee it and now its fair ye


Originally posted by kedal

since when is a skald a tank.

both minstrel and skald = hybrid.

sorry my mistake then, I always thought Minstrel was Rogue and Skald was Viking - I'm a Hib, gimme a break, I don't play any of those classes :p


minstrels are worse fighters than skalds, skald aren't rogue classes, they start as vikings


This is true

Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

sorry my mistake then, I always thought Minstrel was Rogue and Skald was Viking - I'm a Hib, gimme a break, I don't play any of those classes :p

And you would be quite correct Elft0r, a skald does start off with a viking baseline class, therefore giving said player the option of being a skald, berserker, thane or warrior - ie a tank ;)

The Midgardian rogues are shadowblades and hunters.

Wassisface is right tho though, the skald is also a hybrid class the same as the thane and isn't an out and out tank like the warrior or zerker.


Buffbots r mythics excuse now for encouraging everyone to get more than 1 account, mythic will never sort it.

Moan scream even cry at mythic = end of day its worthless MONEY TALKS

old.Trine Aquavit

Each of the three realms' 'bard'-style hybrid comes off a different base class. The 'bard' classes share the same set of hybrid abilities - speed, a bit of melee, a bit of spell damage, a bit of crowd control, a bit of healing, etc.

Midgard: Skald - Tank/Bard Hybrid - Beefed up melee
Albion: Minstrel - Rogue/Bard Hybrid - Stealth
Hibernia: Bard - Support/Bard Hydrid - Support

Each of these would win out over the others in situations appropriate to their base class.

Skald would win out in a straight melee
Minstrel would win out if he stealthed and waited until enemy was vulnerable
Bard would win out in a group


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Minstrel would win out if he stealthed and waited until enemy was vulnerable
Oh if only that were true. :p


Originally posted by bishibosh
minstrels are worse fighters than skalds, skald aren't rogue classes, they start as vikings

Minstrels are on the same damage table as paladins (who are a hybrid fighter class). I tested this with Asori, with us both using the same weapon and same weapon style on a level 1 fluffyThing to test the damage caps.

It was identical.

Skalds have the advantage of being able to use 2-handed weapons and a damage chant, so you'd expect them to be able to do more damage. But it isn't because of the rogue/fighter thing.

(Now can I talk about how cool sorcerers are? :) )


Originally posted by Elft0r !!1

Rogues aren't designed to kill tanks, maybe that's where your problem is.

Rogues aren't designed to kill anything,because if they do they are overpowered.


Originally posted by Nacabuta
Ok all.
As RvR is atm its really no point doing it if you dont have a buffbot. Fighting based on your stats and and skill dont mean shit as it is now. This is as I see it the biggest threat to this game right now, and will kill it if nothing is done in time. Range on buffs would be a good start to avoid people having "gOD" parked at their pk.
From a provider/devolopers points of view is is great. Having people with 2, 3, 4 accounts is good income for them of course, but for the future of this game its not.

Im going to park my charactor from now on and only play from time to time till something is done about this.

I can only say this: Buffbot users play 2 accounts and they pay for it, now I wouldnt doubble my expenses and try and be uber, knowing that i'm not (cause buffbot = noskill) Instead I will just bring my friends and 3 unbuffed vs 1 buffed = Easy Rp's :)


Re: Re: Buffbot hell

Originally posted by Adralend
(cause buffbot = noskill)


If you really think only unskilled players use buffbots your either very ignorant or very very stupid or just plain blind.

There are dozens of players, very skilled players, that went for 8-10 months without a buffbot and proved their skill in RvR, just so happens they have a wallet bigger than a matchbox and can afford to use a buffbot.

Yes I use a bot, make of that what you will, I have never claimed to be a super skilled player and I see no need to justify the use of a bot, I can kill things pretty well without it as well.

Bottom line is Buffbot makes my life that much easier for RvR, Farming cash, PvE epic hunts, Legion Hunts, PL'ing my lowbies, etc etc.

2 words:


Roo Stercogburn

Not got a buffbot, no intention of getting one.

I don't turn down spare buffs from someone's buffbot when I'm setting off to bring harm to the forces of ewul.

So that would make me a bit of a hypocrite if I then start slagging off buffbots.

How many others have been at a PK or somewhere when someones lil buffa shares out their spare conc with them?

Do you turn down the buffs?

I'm betting the answer is no ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Actually, if support classes were given ability to boost swim speed then I might get one. Mastery of Water is Teh Uber and would make this already feared RA even more powerful.

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