Buff Bots rock or not?



I use my bot mostly in a different way, namely as a powerlevelling, farming and raiding bot.

To afford SC, you need to farm and farm lots. Here my shammy comes in handly as I got no trouble duoing red/purple mobs in DF for diamond seals or similar.

To level n00bs, I only really levelled my savage from 1-43 with him but it went very smooth and sure did kill some of the boreness with the level grind.

For events like TG, Raum, DF or whatever he just rocks with end5, great buffs and healing for over 400.

I very rarely use him in the frontier, and that is mainly because I can't be arsed to run the account on the laptop when he is just standing around, and I don't have any chars that can solo decently in the frontier.

All in all there are ups and downs to buffbots, I think limiting range of buffs would be nice (Just like the skald chants), wouldn't make me cancel my buffbot account since I use him for so many things.


Considering a lvl50 Necromancer can power-level and alt to the mid 40s in a couple of days /played, we'll probably see quite a few Alb people turn up in the frontier that we've never seen before.....all buffed up to their eyeballs.

The zergs and the uber-characters in RvR don't make the prospect of going to RvR very exciting. I find that many albs tend to start new alts now and xp with friends again, rather than bother with the RvR aspect of the game, because it is so difficult to get any kills.

So I wonder if these players with buffbots are shooting themselves in the foot, in an endless loop of killing each other, to the complete disinterest of the other players in the game.


I beat a buffed savage and a buffed zerker this week both yellow cons,it can be done cylian maybe their buffbots weren't that high lv :p,anyway i can see your point assasin vs assasin it's different story if they are buffed and crit their opening CS hits then it's game over already:(

Oh well to the assasins that do not use them they need the ra's really to stand a chance vs buffed ones,you are rr6(?) so you have more chance than many others...

I have been killed by buffed assasins so i feel angry too just like many assasins who fight unbuffed like many other players.


It can be done, but you need those RA's then ... won't help you anything when the feared 'You have to wait 10seconds to use this ability' shows up ;)


Originally posted by Fightersuntzu

If the playing field cant be level because people have bots, at least make it possible to kill them :p

Volley :)

Shame it would take about 500 arrows to do it tho ;)

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