Breaking News - Shuttle Lost



I just assume that people pay attention to whats been talked about on a thread and can put 2 and 2 together to get 4. silly me.


My apologies, I skimmed through thinking it was all posts about the different speed of sound at different altitudes...

I really don't understand why we let this cunt live in our country. He is blatently against us and any other non Muslims, and yet we let him remain.

...because we don't live in a police state or a dictatorship perhaps?


Originally posted by granny
My apologies, I skimmed through thinking it was all posts about the different speed of sound at different altitudes...

...because we don't live in a police state or a dictatorship perhaps?


One point is why would anyone who hates us so much want to remain here? Second point is why do we allow someone who preaches terrorism against us to stay?
Not really in the mood for deep political issues :) just seems strange.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by ~YuckFou~

One point is why would anyone who hates us so much want to remain here?

aha! why indeed ;)


Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
One point is why would anyone who hates us so much want to remain here?
Because our leaders are cunts that have thier prioritys wrong, and because they dont give a shit about the citizens who pay taxes.


Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
Second point is why do we allow someone who preaches terrorism against us to stay?

Britain has always been a haven for extremists, it is in the liberal nature of the (non-existant) "constitution".

That sounds strange, especially describing Britain as "liberal", but the original British Empire was built on the strength of allowing the idealists to voice their opinion in the hope some of it may actually be useful, that stream of thinking exists today "give the guy a break, lets hear him out" kind of attitude, unlike other colonial countries who were rather more tyrannical.

Karl Marx was persecuted in most european countries, both for his religion and his politics, he only found a safe haven in Britain, you may not agree with his eventual influence on the world in the form of communism, but he was a great social thinker, remember he promoted many aspects of modern capitalist societies, like education and healthcare.

Britain gained a distinct advantage in the Industrial Revolution simply by allowing its innovators room to explore, the Brunels of this world would have been subjugated in any other country at the time.

Unfortunately you get the good with the bad, but for every nutcase there are dozens if not hundreds of unseen achievers of both social and technical sciences benefitting from this attitude.


Fair enough, and eloquently put.
Still think we should kick his big ass out though :)


Kicking him out would suit his ends, it would probably turn 100's of normal muslim idealists into fanatics ready to wear Nike Semtex trainers for the cause.


Here is a supposed picture taken out the window at the damage, it was shown in an Israeli paper, and has recently been shown on BBC News 24 so I hear.


DISCLAIMER: This may not be a real picture, it is shown in the Israeli paper, but I personally haven't seen it on BBC News 24

//EDIT - Ok I have now seen it on BBC News 24, also its video footage not just a photo


Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
I really don't understand why we let this cunt live in our country. He is blatently against us and any other non Muslims, and yet we let him remain.

They should get him with the laws covering incitement of racial hatred.

BTW the shuttle speed was relative, and the mach figure derived from the speed of sound at sea level. Oh and no I don't know what the nominal temperature would be. :)


Originally posted by prime1
abu hamzar,

Kick the fat cunt out, they want him in syria for terrorists charges I believe.

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