Yeppy Kinkster said:Why don't the rest of u nubs post pics? I'll even wear a pink dress so that it makes u guys seem normal.
Hansmoleman said:i want other ppl to post pictars, or are you all afraid?
Pinp said:You look very happy!
Were you thinking of me again?Arthemis said:Yea.. But now i just have absolutly no idea why i look so happy on that picture
Too much booze again Yeppy?Yeppy Kinkster said:i just had wirey on webcam, he looks normal i think but i'm pished anwas was tlaking to a girl thinking it was a man for ages ask him to post a pic of whatever which one i am tlaking about
Just don't go driving... then we'll all be fine.Yeppy Kinkster said:yes, sober now.. i think. any queisnts? k good.
Ame said:Were you thinking of me again?