I love this mod and just thought i'd share some tips as many people i play against seem to not understand the rules, considering the length of time the map takes to load you'd think people would have nothing better to do than read the instructons on the screen but hey
At the beginning of each level you are assigned ONE target and you only get to see his position as a waypoint for a few seconds (unless he is within your sensor distance or has just respawned in which case you get a new waypoint for a few seconds).
When you kill that target another is assigned and the mission is over when someone has killed all the players on the server.
If you accidentally kill someone you have allready killed they are returned the "pool" of players you have to kill.
More points are scored for the more people you kill without dying! BUT your consequetive scoring will not be reset if you kill someone who is assigned to kill you! (usually someone up your arse with a chaingun ).
NOTICE - I said mission is OVER when someone kills all players. This DOES NOT mean that the person who kills all their targets first WINS!!!!! Extra points are gained for finishing first but this probably won't end up winning you the match.
A good tip i've found (if your big headed enough to try) is to deliberately return some people to the "pool" if your initail sequence is messed up (if after killing a "below average" player you get killed) then go kill that player again to return him to your targets therefore increasing the chance of getting more consequetive kills .
If you are on a good run try not to use wepaons with a large damage radius (grenades, Grenade launcher, mortar(but what fool would go heavy) as they can often kill unwanted people. I have found the best loadout for the more outdoor maps to be (disc, chaingun, elf, concussion grenades, energy pack) and on the moor indoor maps (disc, chaingun, plasma, concussion grenades, cloak or energy pack). I favour concussion grendes mainly because it knocks weapons out of hands and packs off backs so as not to kill "non-targets" but still disrupts your target.
Hope this helps out some of the people that don't understand the mod and maybe gives tips to those that do but don't seem to do very well at it.
btw, my record for consequetive targets is 12 atm (and shaz was on server as witness(if he remembers the game). anyone got any higher? (honestly please)
[Edited by Ego on 19-04-01 at 09:12]
At the beginning of each level you are assigned ONE target and you only get to see his position as a waypoint for a few seconds (unless he is within your sensor distance or has just respawned in which case you get a new waypoint for a few seconds).
When you kill that target another is assigned and the mission is over when someone has killed all the players on the server.
If you accidentally kill someone you have allready killed they are returned the "pool" of players you have to kill.
More points are scored for the more people you kill without dying! BUT your consequetive scoring will not be reset if you kill someone who is assigned to kill you! (usually someone up your arse with a chaingun ).
NOTICE - I said mission is OVER when someone kills all players. This DOES NOT mean that the person who kills all their targets first WINS!!!!! Extra points are gained for finishing first but this probably won't end up winning you the match.
A good tip i've found (if your big headed enough to try) is to deliberately return some people to the "pool" if your initail sequence is messed up (if after killing a "below average" player you get killed) then go kill that player again to return him to your targets therefore increasing the chance of getting more consequetive kills .
If you are on a good run try not to use wepaons with a large damage radius (grenades, Grenade launcher, mortar(but what fool would go heavy) as they can often kill unwanted people. I have found the best loadout for the more outdoor maps to be (disc, chaingun, elf, concussion grenades, energy pack) and on the moor indoor maps (disc, chaingun, plasma, concussion grenades, cloak or energy pack). I favour concussion grendes mainly because it knocks weapons out of hands and packs off backs so as not to kill "non-targets" but still disrupts your target.
Hope this helps out some of the people that don't understand the mod and maybe gives tips to those that do but don't seem to do very well at it.
btw, my record for consequetive targets is 12 atm (and shaz was on server as witness(if he remembers the game). anyone got any higher? (honestly please)
[Edited by Ego on 19-04-01 at 09:12]