Bouncing Breasts, Why??

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I ain't gonna lie and say I object to seeing a pair of bouncy boobies; I am a man after all. I do think that they are totally inappropriate to this forum though (kids use it and people like to browse at work so boobies would get them in teh shit) and, unlike some of the fucktards on this forum, I realise that women don't appreciate having bouncy titties shoved in their face.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Seeaira_Tempest said:
Its simple, its degrading. Woman are not sexual objects.

If women did not want to be sexual objects they would not pose for the pictures, (with the exception of the one-drawn avatar).

Sorry but the sexual object argument is old and false, if you don't want to be seen as a sexual object then feel free not to go bouncing your breasts around, but whilst theres plenty of women happy to pose and be seen in a sexual way there will be plenty of men happy to enjoy the view.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kagato said:
If women did not want to be sexual objects they would not pose for the pictures, (with the exception of the one-drawn avatar).

Sorry but the sexual object argument is old and false, if you don't want to be seen as a sexual object then feel free not to go bouncing your breasts around, but whilst theres plenty of women happy to pose and be seen in a sexual way there will be plenty of men happy to enjoy the view.

because some women dont mind being seen as sexual objects, all of them must not mind it??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kagato said:
If women did not want to be sexual objects they would not pose for the pictures, (with the exception of the one-drawn avatar).

Sorry but the sexual object argument is old and false, if you don't want to be seen as a sexual object then feel free not to go bouncing your breasts around, but whilst theres plenty of women happy to pose and be seen in a sexual way there will be plenty of men happy to enjoy the view.

That is the most retarded thing I have ever read on this forum.


And I spent most of my time in eOT!! :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Driwen said:
because some women dont mind being seen as sexual objects, all of them must not mind it??

What he's saying is, if you don't want to be frowned upon as a sexual object, don't go bouncing your chest around. However some women feel the opposite and don't mind it at all. It's all your choice, but let every individual have their own choice of what they want to do and don't tell others what is right and wrong. You obviously think that showing a dressed chest (in a sexistic way though) is degrading for women. But please do remember that there's a woman on the each of those pictures doing what she has chosen to do. If you walk along the street dressed normally then 99% of the decent guys won't see you as a sex symbol. But if you decide to walk down the street in a mini bikini and strutting around laughing and smiling at all the men, then well... you'll probably be seen as a sex symbol, but that's your own choice.

I think you're really missing the point that just because someone decides to pose like that, every single man will see every single woman as a sex object. You know what? Every day I see well built muscular men that a lot of women find attractive. And a good looking muscular man walking around in his underwear is at least as sexistic as a pair of dresse female breasts... In my opinion ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Seeaira_Tempest said:
Woman are not sexual objects.
Wrong. You wear makeup? You wear tight tops and short skirts? Its all to please/attract men, you know?

You sound like those girls who wear skin-tight white blouses, no bra and the top 3 buttons undone and then give guys a dirty look when they stare...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Danya said:
Oh come off it. Find me one (straight) man who doesn't like bouncing breasts and I'll buy you a pint. It's hardly restricted to pre-pubescent boys, you're trying to belittle most of the forum, it's pretty pathetic really.

First off I don't drink so you can shove the pints down your throat and save your money on spending it on me. I have met many men who are repulsed with woman who show themselves as sexual objects and who prefer tasteful woman( no pun) and don't enjoy seeing avatars or porn sites. You need to get out more if you haven't met one.

And no you are right, its not restricted to little boys, there are lots of adult men here who haven't had a real woman ever and are best friends with their hand, and some who get it once every 2 years who might enjoy it. I never said it was ONLY for a certain type I said that's the impression I get.

And I hardly find it pathetic to say I find it offensive to see breasts everytime I open up the forum.

Im really surprised at sisy =X by the way did i mention that im a real woman to you.. tee hee hee :p ( old joke)

Anyhoo Kagato.. I knew you would defend bouncing breasts.. but this is a pretty lame reason or excuse.

If women did not want to be sexual objects they would not pose for the pictures

come on, are you going to tell me that is how you really see it? Im not out on the street prostituting myself or accepting money for degrading myself. So comparing me or any other decent woman to some slut who wants 50 buck for flashing her breasts is just out right silly.

Sorry but the sexual object argument is old and false, if you don't want to be seen as a sexual object then feel free not to go bouncing your breasts around,

Need I state the obvious that im not going around bouncing my breasts in mens face? lol If I dooo however its in the privacy of my own home! There are some woman who don't mind being looked at as a sexual object, I however do mind. End of story.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol and who is comparing? you say my excuses are lame but your argueing about something that has sod all to do with my point.

My point is some women choose to be viewed as sexual objects, some don't, why should men feel bad or ignore it if a woman is showing her breasts around? if she wants to be viewed sexually then we men will go ahead and enjoy it, if you don't like it thats tough, so long as we not looking at yours what problem is it for you? Theres plenty of male porn out there so don't give me that equality crap.

People make a choice to be seen sexually or not, its their right to show it and our right to enjoy it if they do, if you don't want to look or don't want to be seen sexually then you don't have to be, but having a go at people for showing it or enjoying it is just being petty.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Yes you do, but others don't. Please to and rethink the false assumption that just because some like to pose that means ALL women are looked upon as sexual objects. These women have chosen to be looked upon as sexual object and there's no doubt about that. Who are you to tell people what they should or should not do? And I don't really get why you call a girl a slut just becuase she doesn't mind posing in front of a camera. For all I know, I can call you fat and say you smell bad because some who play compter games don't care about their hygien. Don't call people slts because they see to such things lighter than you.

Calling people such names when they have a different view on a matter is either due to:
* The person calling names is way too narrow minded to realise everybody doesn't think like her/him.
* The person doesn't understand the meaning of insulting people
* Jelousy

However, I don't think bouncing breasts (nor half naked muscular men) belong as a forum avatar for reasons that have already been stated in previous posts.

Oh as a side note, do you think every man goes out on the street and kills people just because a whole bunch of movies show that?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Seeaira_Tempest said:
Its simple, its degrading. Woman are not sexual objects. Its not that I get so offended its more of a case of frustration. I don't understand how that sort of avatar is allowed yet others are not. I don't know if you are a male or female, but I would go out on a limb and say 90% of the woman population on this forum probably don't like watching an avatar of bouncing breasts being played over and over. While men don't understand what the fuss is all about.

I simple just said, if that is allowed where do we draw the line? Am I allowed to find an avatar with a guy bouncing around his testicles covered with like nylon or spandex so you can still see what it is?

I just don't get the fascination with bouncing breasts, but then im not a boy who is severely lacking in the sexual department. I guess it doesn't take much to amuse you

Im male and for all i care you could use an avatar with a big fat naked dick or so bouncing up and down or some testicles getting pierced with needles over and over again.. :p
But i know some ppl do care and get very offended by stuff they see on the internet so i guess its up to you :p
Write pms to the ppl that got the power to change it :p
Nothing else you can do really if they feel that it's ok.
The bouncing breast thing doesnt really fascinate me and i dont think its cool or anything but i really dont care if they are there or not either :p

Oh btw isn't there an option wich allow you to chose if you wanna watch ppls avatars or not ? think i saw it once

Something they should change is the number of smilies allowed each post tho : p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
its bullshit really, you women dont mind if you see men strip etc, you look at men you find attractive and you have the same fantasies men do. cut the crap about "but but its degrading"


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Raven said:
its bullshit really, you women dont mind if you see men strip etc, you look at men you find attractive and you have the same fantasies men do. cut the crap about "but but its degrading"

You woman? Dont think you can lump us all into one cup. I have never been a strip bar, never watched a male strip unles it was to get in bed with me.. I dont surff for naked men on the internet nor do I dream or think of naked men with bouncing balls lol. but but but... your post is crap.

Watch it as much as you want, rent porn make your own porn watch 100's of woman running down the beach bouncing breasts all over the place for all I care. I just dont like seeing it on the forum.

But its nice to see all you boys come out of the closet to defend the bouncing breasts, have your fun while you can, eventually women will rule the world and your stupid opinions wont matter anymore :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Bleh, why is that 'bouncing balls' video not working for me ...

Finally some fun for women and then the link isn't working ;)

Oh and yus, I totally agree with Seeaira!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I have to agree with Seeaira on this one....i am a 34yo man with 3 children, 2 of them are 1 male aged 10 and 1 female aged 9. And, i dont let them near this forum incase they see any of the type of avatar that some people use. And for those people who say " why should they come to the forum"..because they play the game. if somebody has a rude or offensive name ingame then they are told to change it. While, in normal life i dont find boobs offensive and have on many accasion put my neck out trying to turn my head too fast for a better look. I do not like it on a forum where young children can see them . Hopefully the forum mods will put a restriction on them. And, i can see the odd few people saying "so, are you going to stop your children going out in the sun or to the beach where they can see them in rl"...ofc not. But, in the real world what people wear is up to them. These are mod controlled boards, and hopefully the mods will control certain aspects of them as they do the others.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Well Seer if your only problem is that the avatars are on the forums then I agree with you. But you degraded yourself by calling one of the posing girls "slut". That means you do mind girls posing. I say, let them do it if they want to but keep it off public places since it's not appropriate!

Sorry if I misunderstood you Seer, I've just seen way too many of the "womens right" kind of girls trying to forbid people from doing things they actually want to do.

Also, ending a comment with "women will rule the world and your stupid comments won't matter anymore" is a really really stupid way of trying to reach a society with a good balance between men and women ;) I'm all for equal rights, but I wouldn't ever praise for a "woman power" campaign. Treat us equal and I'm fine. If you think it would be ok to "rule" over men, then well... I don't think you'll get many men to support you. And beleive it or not, we're in this together. To lift up women you need men. Just the same as men need women to succeed.

But I don't know what you stand for ;) Not equal rights. Not free thought.

Cheers ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Bullitt said:
Bloody women, stop pimping your self righteous moral high ground campaign and chill the fuck out


Its like telling them to stop moaning about every little thing. They cant help it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
maybe my post was a bit harsh but the point is, most women couldnt give a toss about female nudity, the women that do it (in most cases) get paid well for it and are quite happy.
I dont like porn, it doesnt do anything for me but there is nothing really bad about it. If you are worried about your kids seeing one or two pictures of bouncing boobs (not nude) then you really shouldnt let them on the net, you can get full frontal nudity with a simple google picture search. or how about TV, carefull they dont watch any pop videos. its the society we live in. i agree kids shouldnt be exposed to things like this but at the end of the day it cant be avoided.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I may sound horrible for saying this, but I'd rather have a society that accepts some nudity (to a degree of course) than one where you aren't allowed to show anything and walk around in huge dresses and hoods. Just my opinion of course :)


Prince Among Men
Dec 22, 2003
Well, This got to deep for me, Just a pic tbh, Time to move on so spongebob's back for a bit.

Seeaira_Tempest said:
I know everyone has a right to post a unique avatar that they enjoy or like.
Few questions for poster above tho before i leave.

Whats your ava a pic of ?
Is she clothed ?
Does she pose in that way to appeal or appear sexy to here male counter part ?

Kind of easy to take the morale high ground, But look around at yourselves before you preach onto others.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
TBH its they arent even full naked shots of breasts with nipples showin etc. I KNOW!!!! Lets ban women from running down the street aswell!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Das_Hibbie said:
Well Seer if your only problem is that the avatars are on the forums then I agree with you. But you degraded yourself by calling one of the posing girls "slut". That means you do mind girls posing. I say, let them do it if they want to but keep it off public places since it's not appropriate!

Sorry if I misunderstood you Seer, I've just seen way too many of the "womens right" kind of girls trying to forbid people from doing things they actually want to do.

Also, ending a comment with "women will rule the world and your stupid comments won't matter anymore" is a really really stupid way of trying to reach a society with a good balance between men and women ;) I'm all for equal rights, but I wouldn't ever praise for a "woman power" campaign. Treat us equal and I'm fine. If you think it would be ok to "rule" over men, then well... I don't think you'll get many men to support you. And beleive it or not, we're in this together. To lift up women you need men. Just the same as men need women to succeed.

But I don't know what you stand for ;) Not equal rights. Not free thought.

Cheers ;)

Please dont tell me you took my comment that was oozing with sarcasm to be something I meant literally? Maybe you didn't notice the smiley with the tongue protruding from its mouth, to me that's a sign that it was meant in a humorous manor.

I don't care about equal rights crap, im not going to go out and picket if that's what you mean. If woman wanna pay for there own food, open their car doors for themselves and climb the corporate ladder that's great! But my post has nothing to do with woman's equal rights so lets stay on topic. My post is about WHY BOUNCING BREASTS??? And I asked a simple question about it..

Now not to get on your subject too much as I will be persecuted for my "light hearted fun" comments about it but I just cant hold back! NEED women to survive, but women DON'T NEED men to get up. Sperm can be created artificially, men don't really NEED to exist. well except to kill bugs and take out the trash ofc. Women can self produce, and make only female.We dont need joo
So that really isn't true. Sure we like to have men around, but we don't need you. So back to what I was saying.. Thanx for coming out and posting. One day it wont matter when only woman rule the world. Im going to start getting stock right now in double A batteries.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Bob007 said:
Well, This got to deep for me, Just a pic tbh, Time to move on so spongebob's back for a bit.

Few questions for poster above tho before i leave.

Whats your ava a pic of ?
Is she clothed ?
Does she pose in that way to appeal or appear sexy to here male counter part ?

Kind of easy to take the morale high ground, But look around at yourselves before you preach onto others.

Come on! We are talking about BREASTS! Not a look on a face that could be taken as sexual.. bouncing breasts showing nipples IS SEXUAL! lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Seeaira_Tempest said: NEED women to survive, but women DON'T NEED men to get up. Sperm can be created artificially, men don't really NEED to exist. well except to kill bugs and take out the trash ofc. Women can self produce, and make only female.We dont need joo
So that really isn't true. Sure we like to have men around, but we don't need you. So back to what I was saying.. Thanx for coming out and posting. One day it wont matter when only woman rule the world.

Didn't know such things could happen :O

Im going to start getting stock right now in double A batteries.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
It's quite funny how women allways give us men a fuss about morality and how we are suppose to act. Then usually when it comes down to the end, women usually aren't much different from men.

That women will rule the world crap is just a truly silly comment and just shows us how you think of men out there and put us all in the same spot, regardless if we agree with you or not, it doesn't seem to matter.

Im sick and tired of listening to you women (not everyone, but a lot) whine about the differences between a man and a woman and want equal rights, it's funny that you want everything and give nothing.

For instance, why is it expected of men to allways pay for the dinner bill on a date? Because were supposed to act as gentlemen? Why should we pull out the chair for you? If were suppose to be so equal, why don't you pull out the chair for us? Or run around the car and open our doors?
You allways talk about equal standards, and get enraged when a woman strips on tv before midnight, yet it's okey for men to strip on any kind of show without any problem at all. Because its degrading? Well guess what, it comes to both sexes, not just women. If you soooo badly want it to stop, then stop everything. I myself don't mind. I love sex, and I allways will. So maybe I have an easier look on this than you do (As I love sex more than most :) ) So I can't really understand you're point about finding it degrading as it's such a wonderful thing were talking about.

As for these avatars, I find them amusing and wouldn't care less about seeing a naked mans frame on the avatar instead, however. I do care that there are younger people watching the forums. And that should be respected from everyone, even the pigs (Such as myself) should have the common desency to realise that the forums should be a bit more safe from these kinds of things. I find it funny however that you women get so enraged by it, it's a picture that moves a little bit, its not like it's a hardcore movie being showed in you're face. I'm rather sure that if u saw a male frame that were muscular and decent looking, you wouldn't mind at all.

Maybe I'm a pig, I've heard it before, and I'll prolly hear it again and again during my lifetime, but guess what? I don't care. This is my oppinion and you have yours. I respect you even aldo I do not agree with you in some aspects.



Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
I ain't gonna lie and say I object to seeing a pair of bouncy boobies; I am a man after all. I do think that they are totally inappropriate to this forum though (kids use it and people like to browse at work so boobies would get them in teh shit) and, unlike some of the fucktards on this forum, I realise that women don't appreciate having bouncy titties shoved in their face.

Well put sissy :)
I think that is the main problem that the forums really isnt the place for things like that. It doesnt have any effect on me that men like bouncing boobs but it does effect me when I am browsing through the forums and have to be careful when my kids are looking over my shoulder :mad: after all if porn is put on the forums it is quickly covered up so no one sees it so why allow it in avatar?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
dual said:
That women will rule the world crap is just a truly silly comment and just shows us how you think of men out there and put us all in the same spot, regardless if we agree with you or not, it doesn't seem to matter.

Can we say this together please.. JOKE IT WAS A JOKE! COME ON ... read what I say and dont get your panties in a bunch over one freekin line that was meant as a joke. I wouldnt want woman to rule the world.. it would be too much work. lol

Im sick and tired of listening to you women (not everyone, but a lot) whine about the differences between a man and a woman and want equal rights, it's funny that you want everything and give nothing.

I never said crap about equal rights other then replying to someone.. get off your high horse.

For instance, why is it expected of men to allways pay for the dinner bill on a date? Because were supposed to act as gentlemen? Why should we pull out the chair for you? If were suppose to be so equal, why don't you pull out the chair for us? Or run around the car and open our doors?
You allways talk about equal standards, and get enraged when a woman strips on tv before midnight, yet it's okey for men to strip on any kind of show without any problem at all. Because its degrading? Well guess what, it comes to both sexes, not just women. If you soooo badly want it to stop, then stop everything. I myself don't mind. I love sex, and I allways will. So maybe I have an easier look on this than you do (As I love sex more than most :) ) So I can't really understand you're point about finding it degrading as it's such a wonderful thing were talking about.

Dude, im sorry you have some issues about paying for woman and being a man, its your calling in life. GET OVER IT!

As for these avatars, I find them amusing and wouldn't care less about seeing a naked mans frame on the avatar instead, however. I do care that there are younger people watching the forums. And that should be respected from everyone, even the pigs (Such as myself) should have the common desency to realise that the forums should be a bit more safe from these kinds of things. I find it funny however that you women get so enraged by it, it's a picture that moves a little bit, its not like it's a hardcore movie being showed in you're face. I'm rather sure that if u saw a male frame that were muscular and decent looking, you wouldn't mind at all.

Maybe I'm a pig, I've heard it before, and I'll prolly hear it again and again during my lifetime, but guess what? I don't care. This is my oppinion and you have yours. I respect you even aldo I do not agree with you in some aspects.

I think its time you sit back and breath. Im allowed to my own opinion and I dont like it. Is that ok if I dont like something? geeez.



Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Seeaira_Tempest said:
Come on! We are talking about BREASTS! Not a look on a face that could be taken as sexual.. bouncing breasts showing nipples IS SEXUAL! lol
Post pics or retract. :kissit:

Breasts are good. Breasts are for the betterment of society as a whole! :D Feel free to have pictures of manbreasts in your avatar. The pictures can even involve clamps or ice-cream if you like :eek:

"I realise that women don't appreciate having bouncy titties shoved in their face."

Dont generalise :m00:

Now youll have to excuse me, i have some hypnotic animated pictars of boobies to go watch.
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