Bot on stick is got to stop!

Alpha Male

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
swifteagle said:
....Wrathofsauron(commonly known as Wrathofbuffbot in alb)
Nolbypride(the hunter) and Alpha were the first with bots on excal if I remember right and that was it.

Jazhara was one of the first BB users, Celissa was the bots name! (He inspired me to play Mincer and to later use my 50 Smite cleric as a bot!) but i was not amongst the first batch to use a BB!!

IMO if you have the concentration to play 2 toons stuck on each other then good luck to you. I played 2 in pve for a long time and its not as easy as it looks or sounds; in RvR to play them both properly would take a lot of practise and dare i say it "skill". :eek6:


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 15, 2004
crispy said:
Ever seen that vid with a guy running with 7 ice wizards and a mincer? :D

Cordless keyboard so he can controll all the 7 icewizards at once to pbaoe. That rox!

hehe aye. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
crispy said:
Ever seen that vid with a guy running with 7 ice wizards and a mincer? :D

Cordless keyboard so he can controll all the 7 icewizards at once to pbaoe. That rox!

its only 4 if you are talking about teamwizzy ;) 4 icewiz,mincer an cleric i think it is :D "only" 6 :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
Tosen said:
I often run with IcewizBot-DIBot-Sorceror, and the buffbot who buffed me is not the DI bot :) It's great fun :)

Or run 3 ml7 convokers, and camp mid docks! :D

And still you cannot whine about it... Coz baseline stun > any bot army :)

Uh! Or use friarbot (heat+matter+cold resistance buff for 12:45mins) and my normal bot with energy+body+spirit resistance buff, and then run my sorc around with an ml9 templar which is fully buffed

And still... Mids and hibs can't whine... they have baseline stun, and instanukez. <3

...I add aswell!


you forgot BG bot and radar, window drag and hmmm.... I dont know anymore... prolly is some more cheats out there which I dont know of.
(btw my friend, I see no mids or hibs whining in here)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
crispy said:
Ever seen that vid with a guy running with 7 ice wizards and a mincer? :D

Cordless keyboard so he can controll all the 7 icewizards at once to pbaoe. That rox!

its 6 chars actually and only 4 wizzies.

go watch the fun on

Blame that guy for abusing stick-bots. For those people that run with their bb on stick; be my guest. I'd love the extra Arpees.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
If the people with DI bots actually had to PLAY them I'd consider it a duo, but just having another toon stuck up your arse doesn't require much skill.

In the end it's their accounts and their subscriptions, and as long as Mythic is happy about the situation people will continue using them.

I know it's not an option for me, I have enough trouble controlling one toon :/


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
dont like BB's personally, played a stealther for a while and found i def needed one. Had a few friends for buffs and a nice guild but then TOA killed any resemblance of balance.

Now you need so much to even get a nice fight it simply isnt worth the time invested.

See you on glast imo.

Maoix lvl 40 SM
"I didnt know mids were gonna be the overpopulated realm :/"


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
Azagthoth said:
you forgot BG bot and radar, window drag and hmmm.... I dont know anymore... prolly is some more cheats out there which I dont know of.
(btw my friend, I see no mids or hibs whining in here)

aye... run sorc/bg bot/Di bot from time to time... but never used radar... my crappy killspam etc should tell :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Phoebee-v- said:
No I love to fight busat and his aceof(something more here) in the mornings he gives really sweet rps.

Hehe, atleast i dont run with a DI bot =) i have to use aceof(something more here) since i wasnt made in this world with the gift of speed... :/

Can agree that a DI bot is a little bit overkill... :p And its pointless since u have to have another random dude in grp... witch leeches rp's :(

Lemme guess phoebee.... wl or bd ? =)

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Demon2k3 said:
what i don't understand with some. they got bb's but they aren't willing to share the conc they got even if they have. the bb's may be out of conc when buffing an group etc. but when the char with bb runs solo. ther'es no chance the conc can be out.

when i run out to RvR with my pally i trie to use as many charge as possible. dex/qui,str/con, SoM pally is very gimp solo due to it's current template, but i'm working on it.

but with DR incoming i think alot of people without bb's will have an bigger chance agaisnt people with. due to the selfbuffs that are on different lines

in other games ppl pay for get buffed by other players but in this game buffs is for free and have a certain limit dont complain there is always worse that can happen :) ah btw buff selling is on lineage :p so ur lucky that u dont play that game :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Yet another whine thread about BB's I could not be bothered to read.....


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Cant see why people get wound up about a single player running around with a bb on stick. I dont do it, it seems more trouble than it's worth. In a world where everyone is solo it might be considered cheating and giving a significant advantage, in a world where the soloer is relatively rare then some people may view it as a requirement to at least have a fighting chance.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
ophone said:
Come on people. I can't understand some of you guys defend bb's. This server has been created to lose these stupid bb's. I hated them on normal servers, I hate em here even if I can afford one.

Which server is this? Excalibur or Prydwen? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I can't remember who stole it from me and used it as their sig for ages (yeah, you know who you are!!) but relying on a buffbot is the online equivalent of not daring go near your girlfriend until your best mate has got you horny first... :|


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
If i meet a player with a di-bot stuck to his ass while im soloing i will strafe, kite, runthrough and do whatever lame-ass crap it takes to kill the bot, then concentrate on taking down the unbuffed player.

Using a di-bot is lame, hence i will use my own lame tactics to even the playing field, fair's fair imo.


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
Well... look at it like this:

RR4 scout comes running...
Stinkbox sees him, and attacks.
Strafing, running thru, using what ever dirty trick there is... and amazingly enough, wins! time that RR4 scout logs on his cabby or sorc, or even mincer, don't you think he wanna make life hard on the other mo-fo's from the opposit realm?

/ps. I still add!


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Eh, what the fuck are you on about? So an RR9 assassin winning against an RR4 archer in a fair solo fight is grounds for you bringing out your DI bot and putting it on stick? Look at it like this: since you claim to "still add", perhaps it does not have anything to do with "making life hard" for your enemies, but simply to stack as many "unfair" advantages in your favor so you can rake in the RPs?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
It amuses me that people went to classic thinking everything would be perfect ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
where do you draw the line between a bg bot on stick and a cleric on a 2nd computer you try run as good or as bad as it goes ?

42 enhance 30 rejuv 16 smite doesn`t seem like the standard di bot template.

Half of the time when TMM runs it usual gimpy `anybody from guild is welcome` groups, my cleric is the only healer. damn tought job running an ice wiz and being the only healer in group actually. trying to actually kill stuff in between healing, removing ns, poison, disease and stuff has driven me into a headache more than once, lol

some of the people i group with never even notice my cleric is not a fully independantly played person. (although, when i group here and invite someone else, i try to always make it clear in advance that the cleric is run by me too)

Half of the times tmm puts a group in the field in the past, healing was done by a bot and a friar or tic...

the DI bot picture is not as black and white as some people would make you believe.

would a reall cleric be better ? probably, there are just not enough of them tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Tosen said:
/ps. I still add!

Nothing wrong in that ... all what count = the enemies die !

Ps ... can t run with my bb on stick ... need ot get my sorc R before :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Belomar said:
Look at it like this: since you claim to "still add", perhaps it does not have anything to do with "making life hard" for your enemies, but simply to stack as many "unfair" advantages in your favor so you can rake in the RPs?

Oh dear .. here I was thinking that the whole point in RvR was to get as many RRs as possible. :m00:

Ps. I add too!



Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
Bots aint the problem, its autopilot RA's like DI and such what are the problem.

But in saying that , Mythic are to blame not the people, as it is human nature to get the edge in whatever way they can, with the tools they have been given.

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