Bot on stick is got to stop!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
This is got to stop!

You are destroying the game so for heavens sake stop using your DI bots on stick!
It cant be that much to ask of you can it?
So we all can have a fun and good game.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
Kill bot instead? :p No di then, and afak they will also go down pretty fast + the other one will probably have no buffs then = 2x arpee!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Azagthoth said:
This is got to stop!

You are destroying the game so for heavens sake stop using your DI bots on stick!
It cant be that much to ask of you can it?
So we all can have a fun and good game.

No I love to fight busat and his aceof(something more here) in the mornings he gives really sweet rps.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Azagthoth said:
This is got to stop!

You are destroying the game so for heavens sake stop using your DI bots on stick!
It cant be that much to ask of you can it?
So we all can have a fun and good game.
s'ironic really - that you think the reason they're on stick is the reason that bots ruin the game :|

Bots, by definition, are there to unbalance your class against others - that in itself is "ruining the game" to be honest...


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Original post translated by the local dehypocritisation software:

This is got to stop!

You didn't die immediately when I nuked/chambered/PAd/meleed you so for heavens sake stop using your DI bots on stick!
It's too much to ask me to change targets isn't it?
So I can have a fun and good RP total at the end of the day.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
I see Im all alone in here, and I would bet a copper penny that you all play casters.

I cant even understand that you can defend such things as bots on stick but its a free world.

And no I cant kill the bot and then go for the caster with my tank.
But that is irelevant if I can kill him or not, some classes are better than others thats life.
The thing I get pissed on is that so many people think that its ok to cheat and use for ex a bot on stick.

btw cant you all start using a BG bot to, so the game becomes even more fun.


Oct 26, 2004
Tell me what is the difference between having a bot on stick or someone duo'ing constantely with a DI char. Ok then.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Azagthoth said:
I see Im all alone in here, and I would bet a copper penny that you all play casters.

I cant even understand that you can defend such things as bots on stick but its a free world.

And no I cant kill the bot and then go for the caster with my tank.
But that is irelevant if I can kill him or not, some classes are better than others thats life.
The thing I get pissed on is that so many people think that its ok to cheat and use for ex a bot on stick.

btw cant you all start using a BG bot to, so the game becomes even more fun.
some allready do that, but i cant afford one :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2005
Azagthoth said:
This is got to stop!

You are destroying the game so for heavens sake stop using your DI bots on stick!
It cant be that much to ask of you can it?
So we all can have a fun and good game.

I deffo agree on this... i know we all got each our way to play the game, but having to run with ur di bot on stick due to lacking skillz thats just lame...

In the end RPS = FUN for most ppl :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 15, 2004
what about class x in duo with DI class x?

Same thing only easier to kill a "bot" duo.. ?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Depends on how the "bot" is working, recall duo'ing with Edora on my Sorc 3-4 months ago, and we usually got buff elsewhere than him, was pretty nice tho, cause edora could easilly take 3 chambers and have decent hp left, and i could eat the warlock as snack, and when i trio'ed on Sorc with Marricus and sorry but forgot the infil name, the only reason we could take Hlidskialf at 11am was thnx to Marricus bb tagging along, and doing suicidal EoY rezzes :p

How ever i agree in some ways, its rather easy to see some BB's as clearly tag alongs wich are either in background (noticeable lag on them) and their name is usually something like BuffferOfDho0m or MyBuffBot.
Ofcourse in my oppinion what people do with their buffbots is their own actions and their own choise in a game they pay for on their own.

And as already written, i dont mind the extra arpees.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Joharran said:
I deffo agree on this... i know we all got each our way to play the game, but having to run with ur di bot on stick due to lacking skillz thats just lame...

In the end RPS = FUN for most ppl :touch:
if you had "skillz" then why have a bot in the first place? :|

any one of you that owns a bot and starts bitching that anyone else has "no skillz" just think about what you're saying and decide whether you want to start that particular parsnip-slicer up...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
If ice wizards weren`t that horribly underpowered (no stealth /speed/ healing/ liefetap/ pet/ insta interupt /cc that is any good vs casters) i might try actuaaly solo and not get insta pawned by anything out there.

1800 DB`s, 2 solo kills tells a lot i guess. even my bot has more deathblows.

Some classes are better suited to solo than others.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
MaCaBr3 said:
Tell me what is the difference between having a bot on stick or someone duo'ing constantely with a DI char. Ok then.

Most people on FH cant afford friends.....



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
You can blame Mythic and people whos attitudes changed over time for Bots being the norm these days.
In the beginning when only a few had bots they were laughed at and considered cheats,Wrathofsauron(commonly known as Wrathofbuffbot in alb)
Nolbypride(the hunter) and Alpha were the first with bots on excal if I remember right and that was it.

To use a bot in those days you either had to have a second computer OR use an illegal thirdparty prog to dual log ,then mythic introduced the ability to Alt+Tab out and run 2 accounts and the Bot explosion really began,great for mythic and Goa 2x subs but not so good for those who didnt want or couldnt afford 2 accounts.

These days NOT having a bot is considered lame or mad because you stand 0 chance against someone with a bot especially as a stealther if your not fully botted ,toa'd, ML'd etc so you either have to live with it or like the majority of people have done go try classic.

I put off having a bot myself for 3 years but in the end trying to run as a solo scout unbuffed became so frustrating i gave up and joined in the madness ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Azagthoth said:
I see Im all alone in here, and I would bet a copper penny that you all play casters

Well quite frankly, it would be bloody funny watching a tank going round with a DI bot, c'mon, someone own up to doing it.....:p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
what i don't understand with some. they got bb's but they aren't willing to share the conc they got even if they have. the bb's may be out of conc when buffing an group etc. but when the char with bb runs solo. ther'es no chance the conc can be out.

when i run out to RvR with my pally i trie to use as many charge as possible. dex/qui,str/con, SoM pally is very gimp solo due to it's current template, but i'm working on it.

but with DR incoming i think alot of people without bb's will have an bigger chance agaisnt people with. due to the selfbuffs that are on different lines


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
Yes bots is a must nowdays and thats kinda sad, but the thing I want to complain about is using your bot on stick with DI.
I doubt it will be better on classic tho, I think it will be even more bots on stick there I reckon.

"Tell me what is the difference between having a bot on stick or someone duo'ing constantely with a DI char. Ok then."

Try next time you hmmm... play poker with your friend for ex.
Try give yourself 5 cards and give him 10.
Hmm no you dont like that do you, why is this diff just because this is a game?

"If ice wizards weren`t that horribly underpowered (no stealth /speed/ healing/ liefetap/ pet/ insta interupt /cc that is any good vs casters) i might try actuaaly solo and not get insta pawned by anything out there.

1800 DB`s, 2 solo kills tells a lot i guess. even my bot has more deathblows.

Some classes are better suited to solo than others."

Then please group with some people or roll another toon who fits to solo.
Please dont put your bot on stick.

I dont want to bring this post into some "who got the best classes thread" that is irelevant.

It all comes down to that you aint got no self controll and you will do just about anything to get your rps, for ex using a DI bot.(and by "you" I dont realy mean you Muylaetrix but the whole community)

And tbh I thought I would get some more posetive response on this than what Im getting now, it seams like you all think its ok so we need to discuss this thread no further.

Maby if I had written the post alitle diff and not so much as a whine thread it would have been diff, cus I wont belive that all albs mids hibs think that cheating is ok and part of the game nowdays.


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
I often run with IcewizBot-DIBot-Sorceror, and the buffbot who buffed me is not the DI bot :) It's great fun :)

Or run 3 ml7 convokers, and camp mid docks! :D

And still you cannot whine about it... Coz baseline stun > any bot army :)

Uh! Or use friarbot (heat+matter+cold resistance buff for 12:45mins) and my normal bot with energy+body+spirit resistance buff, and then run my sorc around with an ml9 templar which is fully buffed

And still... Mids and hibs can't whine... they have baseline stun, and instanukez. <3

...I add aswell!



Aug 23, 2005
Tosen said:
I often run with IcewizBot-DIBot-Sorceror, and the buffbot who buffed me is not the DI bot :) It's great fun :)

Or run 3 ml7 convokers, and camp mid docks! :D

And still you cannot whine about it... Coz baseline stun > any bot army
Uh! Or use friarbot (heat+matter+cold resistance buff for 12:45mins) and my normal bot with energy+body+spirit resistance buff, and then run my sorc around with an ml9 templar which is fully buffed

And still... Mids and hibs can't whine... they have baseline stun, and instanukez. <3

...I add aswell!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tosen again. :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Azagthoth said:
It all comes down to that you aint got no self controll and you will do just about anything to get your rps, for ex using a DI bot.(and by "you" I dont realy mean you Muylaetrix but the whole community)

repelt you evil ways `di bot users`, jezus is here. right

Azagthoth said:
And tbh I thought I would get some more posetive response on this than what Im getting now, it seams like you all think its ok so we need to discuss this thread no further.

about right.

Azagthoth said:
Maby if I had written the post alitle diff and not so much as a whine thread it would have been diff, cus I wont belive that all albs mids hibs think that cheating is ok and part of the game nowdays.

Some things are OP, some things are lame, some things are unfair, some are cheating.

di bots are not cheating. just like fighting with 2 vs 1 or fg vs 1 or zerg vs fg are not cheating.


Come on people. I can't understand some of you guys defend bb's. This server has been created to lose these stupid bb's. I hated them on normal servers, I hate em here even if I can afford one.
Thing is, I think people beginning to use a bb are these kind of people who want to win! win! win! and are afraid to lose some fights. And I even suppose they are people who can't rely on their own skills to win fights with just 1 toon.

Please you bad losers stop to use buffbots, if you don't I'll call you poor blokes. (OK, this is no real threat.:eek7: )


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 15, 2004
A guy with bb on stick is not solo, it's a duo played by 1 guy.
Having a bb standing safe and sound in a pk is more lame, when you think about it. The person gets benefits from another char (like when in a duo) except that char is unreachable, unlike if you have the bb with you on stick.

(btw i hope the threadstarter realize he's on the Pryd & Excal forum) :)

1 guy unbuffed = solo
1 guy buffed = duo
1 guy buffed with bb on stick = duo

imho ofcoz :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
If ice wizards weren`t that horribly underpowered (no stealth /speed/ healing/ liefetap/ pet/ insta interupt /cc that is any good vs casters) i might try actuaaly solo and not get insta pawned by anything out there.
No one forces you to play an ice wizard, though. For one thing, you could respec to fire and have two nasty bolts to two-shot enemy casters with, that'd be quite the improvement for your soloing abilities.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
No one forces you to play an ice wizard, though. For one thing, you could respec to fire and have two nasty bolts to two-shot enemy casters with, that'd be quite the improvement for your soloing abilities.
or run around with a bg bot aswell
after all what difference does it make if he's just playing for rp's how he gets them


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
Carnalito said:
A guy with bb on stick is not solo, it's a duo played by 1 guy.

Ever seen that vid with a guy running with 7 ice wizards and a mincer? :D

Cordless keyboard so he can controll all the 7 icewizards at once to pbaoe. That rox!

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