Bokkerajders Cloudsong stealers

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
look u cant camp a spot. the first person to get a fg there of any force that is capable of doing the encounter gets it, if u wanna try it with ur 1 char then gl :p . but first there first gets.

That wasnt PV´s policy when you died to Eramai 3-4 times tho, then some FoM-dude got there with a BB and killed him. You were whining like lil kids and telling em how it was a waste for someone in FoM to get the cloak etc etc.

And trust me, if you do break the CoC, GOA will act, too bad they sometimes act without it being broken too, but at least they repaired their mistake and were willing to listen to their costumers side of the story. So IF someone _steals_ (not just attack the mob first) an arti, do report it, if it was against CoC, actions will be taken.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
noaim said:
You were whining like lil kids and telling em how it was a waste for someone in FoM to get the cloak etc etc.

How is that a waste? ... Suddenly I lost all respect for PV.

Edit: Is the cloak only usuable in RvR? Damn... news for me.

Oh nevermind
1 Black Company 187,854,558 6,527,723 127 / 153 69
2 Fellowship Of Midgard 95,220,183 1,217,405 327 / 398 122
3 Nolby Pride 289,416,769 1,118,772 64 / 75 37
4 Red Guard 154,853,577 923,452 78 / 99 48
5 Aurora BoreaIis 3,336,075 823,096 14 / 16 11
6 Moon Tribe 10,137,542 734,371 24 / 30 13
7 Nazgul 65,109,399 714,591 377 / 447 123
8 White Rose 109,450,983 704,606 309 / 402 149
9 The Dark Disciples 47,232,925 691,020 112 / 165 53
10 Defiance 59,852,790 661,308 54 / 70 34


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
noaim said:
That wasnt PV´s policy when you died to Eramai 3-4 times tho, then some FoM-dude got there with a BB and killed him. You were whining like lil kids and telling em how it was a waste for someone in FoM to get the cloak etc etc.
Send me a PM next time that happens, I'll shut them up... No whining about losing arti's from PV...

Our policy has always been : the first one to get to an arti with a group that can handle it, gets it...

It's never been, nor wil it ever be : the first one that gets a camp-bot up and does a /y its mine, gets it....


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2004
U know if u rly wanna do Cloudsong and dont have a FG logged there ready to log in withing less than 1 min, u should rly reconsider tactic Yelling "camped". Personally, if some1 i didnt know was doing that, i would just dont give a damn bout him (not that i would never ever get the force to take a arti from some1 else, hardly even BoM >.<).
I now have cloudsong on my shammy, it took me 150 hours. I am a member of the now shattered guild Lost Souls of Valhalla, we couldntn even gather a balanced FG as /level chars :p
Now i still managed to get the cloak, not by yelling at others at the spot, but being polite, talking with em and even make loads of new friends there. After 2 weeks with over 10 hours a day on the spot, 9 failed attempts where the cloak would have been mine, a few fer MLXP, a few fer roll, eramai poped again... Loads of persons around, so what did i do? did i run around to every GoVcamper too yelling Camped! Got grp inc! (yeah i actually managed to find a shieldtank, had a guildm8 logged there, a skald with slash) NO! I waited, i talked to the other campers, one of which was a whole WR artigrp even if i remember right, and they stood back! (Thx again a million! /kiss) They just didnt give me TIME they bloody gave me the encounter! The warrior i had inc was faar away, and some desperate grp got scared of the WR grp and actually tried to kill eramai, got ads from town and wiped ( donno how they managed :p ) now did i go tell em i would fer safety just let em lie dead till i have finnished encounter? NO! I rezzed their BB, i helped em! Now do u think they buffed up and charged him again? aw well they buffed up, but they didnt charge him, they waited. The warrior was by the time in green glades, so i just set up fop and buffed the skald, then the warrior as he came running and killed eramai, not smoothly cuz all the pbae both tanks being slash caused, but i killed him atleast and i got the cloak, by being friendly, and having patience. It took me long time, a bit of bad luck with drop, but i did get it finally!
And wow u actually camped him 2 hours? Whole 2? can i touch you? i camped him 15, then when he poped i didnt even manage to get a force to kill, so he got killed by others. I took over after a guy that camped 16, i camped 5 more, he didnt pop. Thats when u can start to get annoyed...
If u want the cloak, u need a hand of the devil or a lill bit more patience and less whinethreads here :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Yihaa 3 years of playing Bokkerijders, 2 as an officer.
In that time we got 2 Whine threads:

1 on barry involving a misunderstanding with Keepbug
2 This one.

Can't help myself but react.

There is 1 thing sure with Bokkerijders : If u said im camping it while u were solo and IF u said it in a normal tone of voice they would have invited it for the encounter.

rest of ur story BS.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Well if the camper is polite and ask you to wait a couple of min to give him/her a chance to do an attempt on the encounter if he/she got someone inc I would consider respecting it. And I really do not see the problem with that. Just wish all could atleast have that view.

(for the once that have problems reading, this has notthing to do with this incident)


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
H4rrM said:
U know if u rly wanna do Cloudsong and dont have a FG logged there ready to log in withing less than 1 min, u should rly reconsider tactic Yelling "camped". Personally, if some1 i didnt know was doing that, i would just dont give a damn bout him (not that i would never ever get the force to take a arti from some1 else, hardly even BoM >.<).
I now have cloudsong on my shammy, it took me 150 hours. I am a member of the now shattered guild Lost Souls of Valhalla, we couldntn even gather a balanced FG as /level chars :p
Now i still managed to get the cloak, not by yelling at others at the spot, but being polite, talking with em and even make loads of new friends there. After 2 weeks with over 10 hours a day on the spot, 9 failed attempts where the cloak would have been mine, a few fer MLXP, a few fer roll, eramai poped again... Loads of persons around, so what did i do? did i run around to every GoVcamper too yelling Camped! Got grp inc! (yeah i actually managed to find a shieldtank, had a guildm8 logged there, a skald with slash) NO! I waited, i talked to the other campers, one of which was a whole WR artigrp even if i remember right, and they stood back! (Thx again a million! /kiss) They just didnt give me TIME they bloody gave me the encounter! The warrior i had inc was faar away, and some desperate grp got scared of the WR grp and actually tried to kill eramai, got ads from town and wiped ( donno how they managed :p ) now did i go tell em i would fer safety just let em lie dead till i have finnished encounter? NO! I rezzed their BB, i helped em! Now do u think they buffed up and charged him again? aw well they buffed up, but they didnt charge him, they waited. The warrior was by the time in green glades, so i just set up fop and buffed the skald, then the warrior as he came running and killed eramai, not smoothly cuz all the pbae both tanks being slash caused, but i killed him atleast and i got the cloak, by being friendly, and having patience. It took me long time, a bit of bad luck with drop, but i did get it finally!
And wow u actually camped him 2 hours? Whole 2? can i touch you? i camped him 15, then when he poped i didnt even manage to get a force to kill, so he got killed by others. I took over after a guy that camped 16, i camped 5 more, he didnt pop. Thats when u can start to get annoyed...
If u want the cloak, u need a hand of the devil or a lill bit more patience and less whinethreads here :wub:

Sorry H4rrM nothing personally here :)
Maybe its just because Im old but I cannot understand why people are deliberately misspelling words, deliberately making it harder for other people to read what you have to say ?!?
Especially since it seems like the poster quoted here seems to know just fine how to spell. :)

Oh well I dont understand nose piercings as well .... hm im old ... yeah that must be it...


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2004
Argh u got me! I am a kid! Sorry i spell like an arse ;)
If i would try to spell correctly it would've taken me 4 hours more to write that allready too long post :p
Atleast i spell english better than frenchmen/germans who allways get everything translated so they dont know any other languages than their own :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Denisée said:
Well if the camper is polite and ask you to wait a couple of min to give him/her a chance to do an attempt on the encounter if he/she got someone inc I would consider respecting it. And I really do not see the problem with that. Just wish all could atleast have that view.

(for the once that have problems reading, this has notthing to do with this incident)
But this simply would mean, the person that can put his bot up the longest time, the soonest... 'wins' ... (so to say)

So everyone else, e.g. the ones that work during the day, tough luck?

I'm sorry but I usually dont come home till 18.30 CET, means I have to eat, etc... Usually not online before 19.30 CET... So, what your saying is that because there are a lot of people that can get online sooner, I should just wait till they all have their CS/whatever ?

Now call me crazy, but thats a bit unfair...

Unless I know the person thats camping an artifact, then its the one that can get a group to an encounter the soonest gets to do the encounter... I will always allow them to get credit (if they ask), and depending on who it is/etc, might even let them roll for it if it drops...

But what I would consider 'stealing' is if a FG is buffing up to do an encounter, and another group charges in and hits the mob... That wouldnt be something I would condone...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Magmatic sounds much smarter ever since he moved to midgard :)

Agree 100% with that, hard to get artys when you work so while you need to have some manners, bottom line is what is allowed and what is not, no whining about that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Hehehe i realy cant see how one of our gm's ,officers or genral playerbase member whould act in the manner described here.
Bokkerijders is a guild of people that take pride in helping eachother and does that verry often ,al be it by orgenising artifact raids ,farm raids or pl'ing new players (not to 50,just a healthyboost).

Other then just that is Bokkerijders a well known and respected guild ,thats why i find it verry sad to have our good named dragged tru the mud over something like this.
There is a point over politeness ,and if you showed even the smallest sign of that toward that grp of bokke you whould have most defenatly been handled with the same amount of respect ,thats why i find your explenation verry doubtfull.

Truely to try and make other people look bad (and fale imo) becouse something that happend in a GAME ,something of wich we have nothing but your word to go on ,no evidence ,no screenshots or chatlogs.

Perhaps bokke could use that cloudsong cloak and make you a nice diaper you big baby :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
1st of all i am sure that Calo is the one to blaim for this./slap him wherever ya find that noob.
2nd Mundokar will even steal a baby's lollypop so Chaky hun don't say both your GMs are nice ppl ;P
3rd Stone when ya accusing such a respected guild as the Bokke with so many honourable ppl it's obvious you don't know what you are talking about.Play the game more imo and whine less :)

Btw Bokkerijders might mean sheep riders but calo is usually doing something else with those poor sheeps :x :flame::twak:


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
tbh CoC say that unless the mob is pulled then it belongs to no one until it is pulled. Camping it may be giving the intention that you are going to pull it but yes it aint yours till you pull it.

Yes it seems that among us there seems to be an unwritten rule that if you camp something then the spot is yours. Doesn't mean any one has to abide by it no matter how angry you get about it - don't mean crap till you pull it :p

So perhaps this new spirit of midgard is already fucked up anyway due the fact that peeps expectations of others are not equal to that of what everyone else thinks. If this were camlann then you wouldn't have a leg to stand on and this is nothing but QQ

Who cares, i am just gonna be patient and get what i need over time and won't bother QQ if someone else pulls a mob that i aint pulled. Waiting for the right moment at a time that suits me to get myself kitted seems to be the right option. If something's up and i am there with a group to pull and will pull if it aint been pulled to get what i need.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Wel if you want to get into detail...

Bokkerijders means GOAT riders as a Bok is the dutch name for a male goat.

If you want to say that calo is abusing animals ,plz make sure you got the right ones :twak:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
firegird said:
1st of all i am sure that Calo is the one to blaim for this./slap him wherever ya find that noob.
2nd Mundokar will even steal a baby's lollypop so Chaky hun don't say both your GMs are nice ppl ;P
3rd Stone when ya accusing such a respected guild as the Bokke with so many honourable ppl it's obvious you don't know what you are talking about.Play the game more imo and whine less :)

Btw Bokkerijders might mean sheep riders but calo is usually doing something else with those poor sheeps :x :flame::twak:

someone needs a bit more slapping :twak:

and yes holy, if wanna make a joke, plz do it right u gimp


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Bokke has been camping cloudsong for ages before.. like 2 days straight a couple of days ago..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Ok thnx for clearing out guyz...
So calo is having sex with male goats and not sheep ..ok got it ;):twak:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
firegird said:
Ok thnx for clearing out guyz...
So calo is having sex with male goats and not sheep ..ok got it ;):twak:

is that u on the avater ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I'v heard of bokke camping cs but i dont think i ever heard of any trouble with this or ppl bitching around.

@calo I think its a repesentation of his onetrack mind ;)

@firegird How do you happen to know this of calo ,seeking some action around the stable and cauth him ? :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
Battusai said:
@firegird How do you happen to know this of calo ,seeking some action around the stable and cauth him ? :touch:

he has a inside informant... :wij:

that calo... is just a dirty boy... taking pics of me when i am naked with me warrior...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
People, please ignore all those horny teenagers

:clap: It's about time school starts again :clap:

Oh and btw...not everybody in our guild has 1track minds :flame: that is reserved for those hotblooded southerners...those Greeks!

I wuve you guys!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2004
OMG this thread is getting as dirty as our /gu chats =s



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
camping=know when mob pops first to be able to bring group there fast.
the one who get item is who can get people there to do it first.
enough about this


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
Maghica said:
People, please ignore all those horny teenagers

:clap: It's about time school starts again :clap:

talk to the hand... :mad:

Marieke said:
OMG this thread is getting as dirty as our /gu chats =s


just for ower english readers:
vetzakseuhs = something like dirty guys

calo his goat ride wasn't dirty, he used protection :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2004
OMG close this threat pls :s immagine the ALF is reading this!!! what is gonna happen than? =OO
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