BMs and Mercs on a strike!



Rather funny, did you come across them lol?


I think it's a shame that so many people are dissatisfied with the class they chose to play.

Yes, there are issues with DW that need addressing - but persoanlly I love my Merc and will continue to play whether or not we get the fix we need.


Originally posted by -Laand-
Rather funny, did you come across them lol?

Saw someone mention it in a celtic dual thread on vn :p


Bm are fine i dont see why ppl complain,Sure they dont kill mages as fast as a zerk but hey they can kill the zerk :)


Originally posted by talivarevil
Bm are fine i dont see why ppl complain,Sure they dont kill mages as fast as a zerk but hey they can kill the zerk :)

True Tali,

I'm not disappointed with my char either, it's a lot of fun to play. Would like to see the cd styles sorted, as they r a bag of w**k on the whole.

Maybe a reactive med stun, so i can manoevre and get my 'blades' back styles off on 1 on 1's Other tanks/stealthers seem to have some sort of stun style, which is a huge advantage in a fight.

I don't think i shld have to spec pierce to be able to do this. We are 'Blademasters' after all ;)


Bm are fine i dont see why ppl complain

are u high in kokain? hell we are fine we are the most fock upp rvr

chrater in all the tank classes. hmm sorry im not tank im focking
nerft dick



Originally posted by vratta

are u high in kokain? hell we are fine we are the most fock upp rvr

chrater in all the tank classes. hmm sorry im not tank im focking
nerft dick




Care to explain?


read this

Blademaster TL Report – v1.58 – 1/20/03

As noted in my last report, nothing has changed for Blademasters. This report is basically a re-post of my previous report, with a few minor changes/additions. Please note in the Bugs/Issues section the problems with Triple Wield.

My report could probably be summarized in two words: Celtic Dual.

The Problems

Celtic Dual

Celtic Dual is at the heart of what is missing from the Blademaster class. As a specialized skill line, it is sorely lacking. There are four major problems with this style line:

1) Lack of any style damage bonus above base weapon skill lines. Unlike other specialized skill lines, Celtic Dual styles do no more damage than regular weapon skills. The style bonuses given to Celtic Dual styles are usually equal to, and in some cases lesser than, those bonuses given when using Blades, Pierce, or Blunt styles. This makes little sense. There is currently a severe inequality between Left Axe and Celtic Dual (and Dual Wield). Left Axe base damage is reduced to compensate for both hands swinging every round. Base damage is increased as one specs in Left Axe. Celtic Dual base damage is at 100%, to compensate for the off-hand swinging only a percentage of the time. As such, the inequality occurs because Left Axe also has a much higher style bonus, due to it being a specialized skill line, while Celtic Dual does not. As a result, Celtic Dual styles are severely out-damaged by Left Axe styles, when everything is equal.

2) Lack of useful styles and style effects. There is no stun effect in Celtic Dual. There are stuns in Large Weaponry, Left Axe, Pierce, Blunt, etc. There are none in CD. When weighed against equivalent styles in the base weapon style lines, Celtic Dual styles, for the most part, hold no advantage in damage dealt, effects on target, or bonuses/penalties to defense.

3) Poor damage scaling in style chains. A lot of the style chains in the Celtic Dual line exhibit poor or no scaling in style damage bonus. As one example, Tornado/Meteor Shower/Twin Star often has little or no scaling, with Twin Star often having a lesser style bonus than its predecessors.

The result of all this is that most Blademasters have resorted to using their base weapon styles over their Celtic Dual styles. Celtic Dual styles have, in effect, become “filler” styles for when the particular reactionary is unavailable in the base weapon line.

Blades-using Blademasters (who have no stun available to them) typically choose the Blades anytime chain because of the better bonus to defense, and the attack speed reduction on Spectrum Blade. Solar Flare, the second part of the Celtic Dual anytime chain, has no effect, and has a lesser bonus to defense, and despite the fact that it is listed as being high damage, it typically does no greater damage than Spectrum Blade, which is listed as medium damage. Blades-using Blademasters typically use the after-evade and after-parry chains from Celtic Dual, due to lack of such styles in the Blades skill line. Ironically, Blades-specced Blademasters are probably the rarest, behind Shield-specced Blademasters.

Pierce-using Blademasters have even less use for the Celtic Dual styles. The 4-part anytime chain in Pierce is superior to the Celtic Dual 2-part anytime chain. It has better to-hit bonuses, lower fatigue costs, and effects on target. The Piercing line also has a 3-part after-evade chain that includes a medium-duration stun in the first part, Diamondback. The after-parry style chain from Celtic Dual is the typical “filler” for Pierce-using Blademasters.

Blunt-using Blademasters have a reversed situation, in that they have an after-parry style chain in the Blunt line that has a long duration stun in the second part of the chain.

The take-home message from this? When most Blademasters are resorting to using their base weapon styles over their Celtic Dual styles, something is wrong.

Lack of Identity

Another issue that has plagued this class for a long time is that there is currently no overwhelming reason to play this class other than personal preference. The population numbers for Blademasters reflects this. We are, and have always been, the lowest in population across the three realms (not counting the new Shrouded Isles classes). The Blademaster is a master of nothing. They do not excel at offense, nor do they excel at defense. They can bring nothing to a group that another class cannot. This leads to an identity crisis for the class. What is a Blademaster for, exactly?

What Needs to be Done

We need more damage, pure and simple. No more band-aid fixes that make us viable for one round per battle. Flurry has been a nice addition, but being on a 2-minute timer, it allows us to do once per battle (meaning not once per opponent, but once per skirmish) what we should be doing all the time. The other problem with Flurry is that it doesn’t solve the problem of Celtic Dual styles being, for the most part, useless. Blademasters need three things: increased style damage, improved styles, and an increase in off-hand swing percentage. If ALL three are implemented, the class would be significantly improved. In detail:

1) Celtic Dual styles need to give significantly better style bonuses. There is no reason for these styles to not give higher style bonuses than base weapon styles. That, or increase style bonuses slightly, and have style bonuses applied to BOTH the mainhand and the offhand.

2) Increase the chance to dual swing to 70-75%. At 50 CD spec, to have only a 50-60% chance (depending on which formula you use) to dual swing is insufficient and somewhat ridiculous. In it’s current form, it is too unreliable, especially given that it is prone to streakiness. It has been requested by many to simply replace the mechanics of Celtic Dual with those of Left Axe, which is more reliable, and has more benefits (ie, haste effect every round).

3) Make Celtic Dual styles useful. Fix the scaling issues, and put a stun in the line.

3a) Put a long duration stun in the Level 34 Style, Meteor Shower.

3b) Remove the medium defense penalty from Hurricane.

3c) Make Ice Storm the Level 4 style and make Blinding Rain the Level 18 style. This would make Ice Storm, a side-positional style that is more useful in PvE than PvP, available earlier. Make Tempest the Level 12 style, and continue to chain it off of Ice Storm. Make Blizzard the Level 29 style. Change Supernova, the Level 50 style, to chain off of Blizzard, and give it a heavy attack speed reduction effect.

3d) Styles with a bleed effect should have the bleeding damage increased.

3e) Gale should be changed to an anytime detaunt.

4) As an alternative, a fellow Blademaster, khirgoth, put together a very comprehensive outline of other possible style changes. Ideally, this would be an entirely new style line for Blademasters, separate from other classes:



What's the f*cking point of Midgard supposedly being the 'melee' realm if our main damage dealer gets brought in line with BM's and Mercs.

Alb/Hib get shit loads of casters, our only hope is to be able to hack them down before they nuke us into dust.

- Fedaykin -

If mid is the 'melee' realm WTF is albion?

our melee gets owned
our casters get owned
our g0ats read pr0n


Originally posted by MaxPower
If mid is the 'melee' realm WTF is albion?

our melee gets owned
our casters get owned
our g0ats read pr0n



Originally posted by vratta
read this

Blademaster TL Report – v1.58 – 1/20/03



Yes, CD needs some changes. But this alone doesn't make a BM a poo char. For example, my experience says that a BM holds aggro better then any other tank-class. also has defence enough, so I think they are as good as hero or champ in PvE. Infact, sometimes better.

And for RvR... let's just say that the BMs I usually group with, Alme and Tali (and Widow), aren't gimped in anyway. Ifact, if CD get some nice changes, I'd vote for a BM nerf.

I think BMs are the most underestimated class in Hibernia due to some myths that was created long ago that still lives today even tho they have been proven wrong.



BMs are definately not crap, nor are Mercs, they have their advantages, can make good defensive tanks, played and specced by the right person etc etc. The problem is that they don't live up to their class role, that their "advanced" weaponspec does little to boost their damage, that they in fact use normal weaponstyles alot of the times. Ask a zerk how often he does that?

They are meant to be the hard hitting offensive class of their realm, instead 2H/Polearm users take that position and make them some sort of utility-tanks.


Originally posted by MaxPower
If mid is the 'melee' realm WTF is albion?

our melee gets owned
our casters get owned
our g0ats read pr0n

U got l33t armor ^^

And cut the crap that Bms need loving. I already need nerfing, dont make it worse ;)


Heh, I think they're just trying to be heard since Mythic's ignored the "umm guys... these styles suck" plea since release.

BMs and mercs ain't gimps... they can do some damage..

they just don't get any advantage to speccing in their supposedly class defining line...


Originally posted by Tigerius
They are meant to be the hard hitting offensive class of their realm, instead 2H/Polearm users take that position and make them some sort of utility-tanks.

Utility tanks with no utility...

the positional styles in DW can be useful in PvE (they do decent damage... bout the same as the slash positionals ;))

But unless you ignore dual wield and spec shield you've not really got any utility (maybe if you buy prevent flight... only 14 RSPs)

On the pve note - zerkers can solo oranges consistantly at level 9 wearing blue kit... my merc was iffy on favourable yellows till late 30s.


Originally posted by vratta
read this

Blademaster TL Report – v1.58 – 1/20/03

As noted in my last report, nothing has changed for Blademasters. This report is basically a re-post of my previous report, with a few minor changes/additions. Please note in the Bugs/Issues section the problems with Triple Wield.

My report could probably be summarized in two words: Celtic Dual.

Blades-using Blademasters (who have no stun available to them) typically choose the Blades anytime chain because of the better bonus to defense, and the attack speed reduction on Spectrum Blade. Ironically, Blades-specced Blademasters are probably the rarest, behind Shield-specced Blademasters.

Pierce-using Blademasters have even less use for the Celtic Dual styles. The 4-part anytime chain in Pierce is superior to the Celtic Blunt-using Blademasters have a reversed situation, in that they have an after-parry style chain in the Blunt line that has a long duration stun in the second part of the chain.

The take-home message from this? When most Blademasters are resorting to using their base weapon styles over their Celtic Dual styles, something is wrong.


Well, well...

I hadn't seen this report b4, but this is pretty much 'nail on the head' stuff, i was referring to in my earlier post.

The whole issue for me, is the fact that there is no encouragement for new guys to invest their time in rolling a 'Blade', and this is illuminated in the population of our class across the servers. As i said b4, all i would ask for is a 'stun' line, and it would make sense to add it to 'cd', of which there is no doubt, a complete overhaul is a must <but probably not forthcoming>.
The thing that irks me the most, is that to get the most out of my char now, i'm gonna have to get my mits on one of those 'respecc' crystals, and become a 'Piercemaster', which for me, defeats the object of being a 'Blademaster'.
Tali & Alme, good players as they r, neither use the 'legitimate' spec-line. Interesting.....


Originally posted by Blade10

Tali & Alme, good players as they r, neither use the 'legitimate' spec-line. Interesting.....

yes, I agree CD is not as good as it should be. But none the less BM is a very good class.

Lots of speclines that are uniqe for the class is rather pooish. Viod, Mentalism and Enchanment aren't any uber specs RvR-wise. also I have heard that Celtic Spear dmg will be reduced so LW is better. This is Heros uniqe specc. And if the CS-nerf is pretty noticable I think a BM with CD will be rather uber compaired to a CS-hero. now I think they are equals.


Short "defensive ability" comparison...

Advanced Evade at level 35


Chain armor (27% abs) at level 10
Evade1 at level 10
Parry at level 17
Reactionary styles with parry as opening:
- 25 in Dual Wield (no effect), follow-up at 44 (7s stun)
- 39 in Crush spec (hindered effect), no follow-up
- none in Slash
- none in Thrust


Reinforced armor (19% abs) at level 1
Evade1 at level 1
Parry at level 2
Evade2 at level 15
Reactionary styles with parry as opening:
- 25 in Celtic Dual (hindered effect), follow-up at 34 (no effect)
- 39 in Blunts (slowed effect), follow-up at 50 (10s stun)
- none in Blades
- none in Piercing


Studded armor (19% abs) at level 1
Parry at level 1
Evade1 at level 5
Evade2 at level 10
Evade3 at level 20
Reactionary styles with parry as opening:
- 8 in Left Axe (slowed effect), follow-up at 15 (no effect)
- 4 in Hammer (2s stun), follow-up at 8 (3 bleed)
- 39 in Hammer (7 bleed)
- 4 in Axe (slowed effect), follow-up at 8 (3s stun)
- 21 in Sword (7 bleed), follow-up at 29 (slowed effect)

Blademasters get the best deal at start, with Berserkers overtaking them at level 10 and Mercenaries gaining slightly with chain armor at level 10, ability-wise. The situation doesn't improve greatly at 17 when Mercenaries receive Parry, as Blademasters have received Evade2 and Berserkers will soon receive Evade3. Having 8% higher Abs helps the Mercenaries somewhat, but doesn't increase their overall defense greatly compared to the higher Evade and ability to Parry of the Berserkers and Blademasters.

Reactionary style-wise, Berserkers take the lead right from the beginning (unless Sword-specced, but that's like 0.01% of them) with Blademasters and Mercenaries being equal until Mercenaries have 44 DW and they take the 2nd place, only to be overtaken by Blunt-specced Blademasters at 50 by the longest Weapon-spec based stun. Other types of Blademasters fall behind Mercenaries by a considerable amount.

All in all, Blademasters and Mercenaries are quite equal, with either one being "better", depending on Weapon spec preference.
Berserkers are the clear winners by a reasonable margin, due to them receiving the best dual wield specline in the game and gaining defensive abilities early on.


Time to redo you calculations Belth, Blademasters get evade III as their top evade.



Well, that gives them another edge then, doesn't change the fact zerkers are the best light tank and mercenaries and blademasters being pretty equal depending on their weapon of choice. Not taking Flurry/DT (rofl)/TW/Gerbil in to account, that would change the balance even more, leaving mercs behind.

Evade3 for BMs is not on the Catacombs char builder (it corresponds to about 1.56) where I dug up the levels of getting the stuff and I don't play a BM (not enough "blue" servers), but have a lowbie zerker for fun and played & talked quite a bit with some Mercs.

It's an assessment from a somewhat objective viewpoint, with a slight bias towards Albion.


Taken from 1.47 patch notes:
Blademasters now get Evade III at 25th level.



BM and mercs on strike!?!!? what a.. erm... shame! :p


Originally posted by Arnor2
but yeah, they need to fix dw/cd, but they dont need to nerf LA

Problem is, the average whinging VNboardite isn't going to be able to tell the difference. Be very, very afraid... ^^

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