Bluetooth Problem



Today i got myself a USB Dongle so i could "connect" my phone (Nokia 7650) to my PC.

I installed what i needed from the Driver CD but now i have an icon (which is similar to the 2monitors on XP saying you're connected to the internet) but it has a red cross going thru it.

I dont know why it has, when i look at why it says "Network Cable Unplugged" but what confuses me is, there SHOULDNT be a network cable right? because its bluetooth?

I wanna gain access to Nokias software (Called PC Suite for Nokia7650) but it wont allow me because i get this message from it: "Please attach your nokia phone to the PC and click OK or pres ESC to cancel". If i click OK it just repeats the message over and over but if i click ESC it takes me back to windows.

Anyone know how to sort this?

Big G

Ah ha,

S-Gray, my mate has the exact same problem when he had two dongles: one for his laptop and one for his desktop.

He couldn't get it working, so i had a rummage and this is what i did to get it working.

When you install the bluetooth software, it installs a little icon in the systray as well as the "network cable unplugged" bit (just means there aint a connection). I right clicked on this bluetooth icon and there was a pop-up menu with some options, one of which was something like "network access". I selected this and choose to make a new connection. It searched for all bluetooth devices in the area and picked up the laptop (called 'matt_laptop' in this case). I chose that and created the connection.

The red cross disappeared from the "network cable unplugged" area and it more or less looked like a LAN connection (but with a singal strength meter). Moving files to and fro was just the usual fashion.

Hope this is of some help.




ah, right well ive just had a look round and seen what i seen before, but still wont work...

I found what you said about the network access. I want to access my Phone as i say, but when i click on the NokiaPhone Icon and click on next it gives me a message saying "Device Nokia7650 does not support 'Network Access'".

Now im hoping this doesnt mean i cant actually connect them together coz if it does im gonna scream :/

Panda On Smack

if you bought a cheap blueooth usb thing i dont think it will work.

the Nokia 7650 requires a certain type of connection from the dongle and yours probably doesnt support that.

im talking from experience here as i have a 7650 and i bought a dongle and it never worked with the 7650 software :)

i could only connect with the software that came with the dongle but that was shite.


i thought they was all the same?

ffs :/

Altho im thinking if i can get this cross away from my taskbar i think it may work



I made a sort of "breakthru" after trawling all over the net to find something.

I eventually found this which helped me hurdle over the getting the COM Ports to work correctly.

Only problem now is, even tho "they" are connected, and it says so, PC Suite still refuses to open... fuckin thing :/

I have read its a way Nokia done the phones which is why its causing so much shit this is the same im going thru atm... but i havent read too much because im too knackered now... tomorrow :/


I have a Ericsson T68i, so this wont be totaslly relevant.

However, I too get a "Disconnected" network connection icon in the tray. This is - I believe - actually for a specific feature of the phone, in that it can be used as a dial up modem.
The icon is the icon for the network connection that the BT software has installed, rather than the software itself.

What I find is that the software I'm running - (I forget the name, it isn't installed right now) - proivides everything within itself - kinda infiltrated into Windows Explorer. The transfer files you use a "Serial Connection", and it has various built in modules for transferring PIM data and running the computer as a handsfree. As to whether the Nokia works the same way, I don't know I'm afraid.

However, I hope this helps a little.

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