Blowing up Spike turrets etc



how about loosing a frag if you destroy a turret


Originally posted by garland
how about loosing a frag if you destroy a turret


Its sometimes quicker to shoot a damaged turret to make way for another than repair it.

and the lamers use it as an excuse.

I say personal points should be a server side on/off toggle.

Then lame point grabbers would gather on those servers and keep the real players where they belong.


Originally posted by Swordsman
I saw this discussion on another thread before, but this weekend it happened to me again.
I had a few turrets around the base which seemed to be working ok, they were picking off the nme before they were spotted, then I came out of my base to find someone on my team (?) destroying them all, and then put their own in the same places!!!
B**tard, I thought. Any way this can be stopped? I just moved to a server with some wiser people on it.

I think I also saw someone try to destroy the turrets and then change to the other team once they were gone !

again, bast**ds.

Well it just pissed me off as the server was actually running smoothly for me and I had to go.

There's a simple solution to this:

Remove point's for turrets.

If someone is going out of their way to destroy teammates turrets then (this part is important) replace them with their own in the EXACT same posistion. It's quite clear that they need a few lousey point's on the screen to make them feel good.

That's just one solution, the only imho.

The problem with TD off is that, TD sucks, why sacrafice that just so people's turrets cant be destroyed?
The other problem is, if you get some newbie planting turret's in the middle of no-where and you want to make them effective, you cant destroy them because of the TD off.

Way's to avoid this, dont play on server's where newbies WILL go, typically, Barrysworld.. Why not? it's a well known place, most likely the newbies will gather, that's fair enough.. but if you want better games where people dont care about score. look for servers which hold clanned players.

Other than that, explore T2, Dont JUST do Defence like 90% of the T2 pubbing community. If you find placing turrets fun, why not do the opposite and destroy turrets.. hehe, nothing like wiping out a turret farm. they put so much effort into placing them too.. Bless'em :p


Spot on m8.

Im an offence player and its sooooo cool laying waste to their hard work.

and then adding insult to injury by capping their special little flag :)


Do not worry me old son, the quakers will soon bugger off when they learn that teamwork is required and that points don't matter. Then it will be all the nice ppl left.


The only score that counts is the final score.
Individual points in a team game? pointless :p


I think we should get a point for destroying enemy turrets. But then again I dont really care, but it would be nice :D

Would incourage heavies to go out and cause havoc.


Yes and no...

Originally posted by karmadt
The only score that counts is the final score.
Individual points in a team game? pointless :p

Yeah that is true, but some people want to know how they do compared to the others, and not only because of a number of kills...

I remind all you guys that there are also points for repairing a generator, or defending it, or defending the flag... Meaning some dude that is not that good tactically (Spinfusor jumpin' duel) can still earn points because he's a bit clever strategically...

I think that is why we should keep the points... It encourage people to do "nice" :p actions...


Also some of us who are stupid enough to walk on mines :rolleyes: replace them since they must be there for a reason... i've tried to remember to put a beacon on my mines but that dont seem to help a lot :D


You all leave my turrets alone!

Or I'll....I' more up.

Personally I don't care much if people destroy and replace my turrets. As long as they stick around to maintain them afterwards (yeah, like that'd happen :rolleyes: ).

The score is nice, but, I could live without it being there. Maybe there's a chance an option can be made so that personal scores are switched off?


Let's compare Offense to Defense, I notice that theres hardly any Offense in pub games, just a bunch of pussy defenders who think they're r33t, anyway.

Playing D:

Point for making kill on flag carrier.
Point for returning flag (This HAS to go imho.. people just return flags for the point, pathetic.)
Point for defending flag (you get issued this WAY too often)
Point for defending gen.
Point for repairing gen.
Point for turret kill.

Potentially there is a total of 6 way of obtaining points in Defense.

Playing O:

2 Points for killing gen.
3 points for a cap.

Thanks to skace for telling me this:

If you get killed by an nme player turret, you loose a point. now that's balanced.

5 point's .. hardly an "incentive" is it? not to mention there are only a number of times you can cap in a game.

I mean you get points for killing someone who was near a gen and you get a poxy msg on screen "well done bla bla 1 point for you my little pussy D friend".

same with flag.

I've played defence on pubs before, not exactly hard to rack up 40 points from killing flag carriers and just generally defending stuff.

But D is so god damn boring imho I play O. This game requires so much teamwork on the offense side to actually suceed in having a decent game, and everybody is just content of trying to be Mr. Hero D ..

dynamix need to remove some points.. I dont like the point for killing a flag carrier, or for returning the flag. And I dont see why the hell you should get one for "defending" the flag .. you already get points for flag carrier kills as I already stated many times.

So it's not really surprising that joe blogs Mr quaker is playing D.. All I can say is thank god I'm in a tribe. Otherwise I would just quit T2 all together. What's the point in having a game if you cant pub with this kind of attitude towards offense. Enough said, think what you will.


Think it was done to counter the T1 situation where everyone went after the flag..
Unfortunately, like Rico said, and like a lot of things that have been done to counter T1 situations, they went a tad overboard. Scrap the lot I say, play pubbies cos you want to play, not to see who can get the most points when no one really cares how many you managed to get..
Maybe BWAdmin could adress this?
/me looks at Crunchy, Deathace and Poker
Hmm, where is Pokes anyway, ain't seem him for awhile..


Yeah. That's got my vote. :clap:

Make it voteable in BWAdmin- turn the glory points off !!

Actually, you could replace point scores with 'team'

Total Kills 52

Off. Kills 5
Def. Kills 29 (by players)
Turret Kills 14

NME Generators Destroyed 4
NME Flags capped 2/7

+anything I've missed

That way you'd still know how the team performed as a whole but nobody would have their name up in lights at the top of the scoreboard. :D


Originally posted by karmadt
Think it was done to counter the T1 situation where everyone went after the flag..
Unfortunately, like Rico said, and like a lot of things that have been done to counter T1 situations, they went a tad overboard. Scrap the lot I say, play pubbies cos you want to play, not to see who can get the most points when no one really cares how many you managed to get..
Maybe BWAdmin could adress this?
/me looks at Crunchy, Deathace and Poker
Hmm, where is Pokes anyway, ain't seem him for awhile..

I'm interested in exactly how you came to determin that people played too much offense in T1. As far I see it (And I played T1 a DAMN long time) . It was one of the most enjoyable pubbing game I've ever played, There was always ample people playing O and D. So I think what you're saying doesnt make sense, dynamix are just too stupid to come out with a good balance. If they think a stupid Point-per-touch system will figure out the problems on pubs I can tell you that it hasnt effect gameplay in a positive way, instead a tournment game can be decided by a single grab. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.


From the first, Tribes was offense orientated. I'm sure you can rememeber when on a pubby, peeps would rush off and go flag grabbing, leaving no-one at base? It still goes on to some extent, especially with the new players who've come to the game.
So I think what you're saying doesnt make sense, dynamix are just too stupid to come out with a good balance.
they made T1, didn't they? :)

old.D R E ad


I posted about this a while ago, anyone remeber "THE SCORING SYSTEM SUCKS"?. I noticed people doing that to thier own turrets (and gens) 2 days after the game came out. I thought, oh dear this is going to be a problem. People should lose a couple of points for destroying thier teams own turrets. The people who care about points would not do it and the people who care about the good of the team would still do it if it helped the team.

As I have said before I like the idea of having a points system in T2, just not this one because its crap. Its not an ego thing, I just like to see how well im doing for my team. Unfortunately, the current system only shows how good you are at deathmatchy playing. All team sports keep and publish stats on thier players. Its not that we have personal points that is the problem, the problem is that the personal points system is very unbalanced and encurages people to not play in a team role. If the points system was more balanced, spread out and everyone got points for all the little things, like shooting down vehicles etc, then people would be more willing to play as a team member and not go looing for easy kills that don't really benifit the team so much. People should be rewarded for good team play, I just wish they were.


Originally posted by karmadt
From the first, Tribes was offense orientated. I'm sure you can rememeber when on a pubby, peeps would rush off and go flag grabbing, leaving no-one at base? It still goes on to some extent, especially with the new players who've come to the game.

they made T1, didn't they? :)

But you seem to forget WHO made T1.. T1 would have been dead without skiing and the community evoling the game. so no.. dynamix didnt make T1 as it is today, because if it was how they planned, we'd all be playing CS.


...ok back now.

S'not bad.

Pretty funny when drunk. :D


bwadmin is supposed to make things easier for admins. If we muck around with things like the scoring system it will effect gameplay so it will be not-quite-base which we've been avoiding.


Fair enough...

Any chance of a bwscores variant? :D


Re: Solution

Originally posted by D R E ad
If the points system was more balanced, spread out and everyone got points for all the little things, like shooting down vehicles etc, then people would be more willing to play as a team member

No offence, but on sunday last time i played the game, there was allways about 5-6 cretins with missles just locking onto anything that came in view of the nme base. I doubt very much it was anything to do with teamplay. Ever tried avoiding 6 people just locking onto you everytime you go anywhere near the nme base? It's like f'ing imposable, there's no way yo tell if you have flared the missle or what, either way you run out of flares, and is shot down the first time u jet:p IMHO don't encourage anyone to actually take up a missle launcher, there's enough lamers out there who do nothing but stand there just spoiling peoples fun anyway:p

Btw the worst for point lamers out there are the prick heavys that setup a turret camps in crap positions nowhere near anything usefull, just to get either a point for the kill, or a lucky frag.


Originally posted by Aaad
Actually, you could replace point scores with 'team'

Total Kills 52

Off. Kills 5
Def. Kills 29 (by players)
Turret Kills 14

NME Generators Destroyed 4
NME Flags capped 2/7

+anything I've missed

That way you'd still know how the team performed as a whole but nobody would have their name up in lights at the top of the scoreboard. :D
IMO, that should be the default base scoring system. Get rid of individual points and use that system which shows how the teams did, but doesn't glorify anyone in particular. Nice one.

Getting rid of individual points wouldn't be such a bad thing. For one, it'd drive away the selfish barstewards who play just to have their name in lights, knowing it's a team game. It would also reinforce the point that it's a team game and that "there's no "I" in "team"". (Something my old ice hockey coach used to say :) )

People keep forgetting that, even with the history behind T1, T2 is still a flourishing game. Changing stuff like this is better done early than later on in the game's life when people are used to (and happy with) the status quo.


I totally agree with Aaad and Zaccix - I originally posted on the Sierra T2BB in April that something like this would be an improvement.

Most of the diehard T2BBers liked the idea but a lot of the lurkers/newbies hated the idea because they said they wanted to know how well they were doing.

This also has it's plus points - and T2 does track kills/deaths as a separate stat - T2 could be modded so that this was visible to you but not publicly displayed - then only the most extreme
would point-harvest - what would be the point if nobody else could see?

I like PJs stat scripts for this - they are starting to show a good breakdown of personal strengths and weaknesses - this helps me know where I need improvement.

Anyway - I can hear you all snoring :sleeping: so I'll bugger off now.


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