

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
or hibs camping dc bridge with insta-rvr up, every realm does it really.

tried bledmeer this morning and killed panosbob, then he moaned at me on irc he didnt like it and caster vs shade isnt fair, so he added on me two times in a row.

and then i logged :(
gona moan on you to some day rly :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
It's is a problem atm. Non-opted and small grps get shoehorned into odins cos they can't do shit on aggramon, only to wind up duos and soloers. Then around midnight the bell tolls, aggramon closes for the night and GGs that cba to log come and annoy *everyone*.

Givf DR and player mounts and mebbe some of the other dock areas open up as solo zones as they become more accessable.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Actually the main reason mids camp dropoff is because of Bulle Reloaded. (Which has nothing to do with Bulle af Fetstryk on mid Prydwen.) :twak:

They can't kill stuff in any other way without outnumbering people and jumping on soloers. But I have got to thank them for a nice emblem I can put up in my house atleast. They are dressed in blue so those mids at Brynja will know who they are.

And I say again. BaF on mid has nothing to do with them. For starters we don't wear silly queer colors like blue. And we don't die. We just group-port when we are finished with RvR.:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Well BR is blue aswell and since I talked to PE I'd say the same about them! You cannot know the power of the darkside. *hi saitoh* :twak:


Dec 24, 2003
hehe yeah its crazy. Was out running solo, though it saw smt dive down before i had a chance to target anything. What do i see when i get down?

26+ mids cwazy


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
atos said:
Actually the main reason mids camp dropoff is because of Bulle Reloaded. (Which has nothing to do with Bulle af Fetstryk on mid Prydwen.) :twak:

They can't kill stuff in any other way without outnumbering people and jumping on soloers. But I have got to thank them for a nice emblem I can put up in my house atleast. They are dressed in blue so those mids at Brynja will know who they are.

And I say again. BaF on mid has nothing to do with them. For starters we don't wear silly queer colors like blue. And we don't die. We just group-port when we are finished with RvR.:worthy:

Wow, you are so leet.
Maybe we just use our brains and farm the easy rp - yes, we can't compete vs all the rr11 opted fotm grps, so we dont do 8v8 these days. And fyi we do enjoy our bridgefarming sessions. Making 25-30k/hr isn't too bad.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
atos said:
Actually the main reason mids camp dropoff is because of Bulle Reloaded. (Which has nothing to do with Bulle af Fetstryk on mid Prydwen.) :twak:


And I say again. BaF on mid has nothing to do with them. For starters we don't wear silly queer colors like blue. And we don't die. We just group-port when we are finished with RvR.:worthy:
For the record: the guild was started by ex-BaF:ers who wanted a change of scenery, hence the name. A name change has been discussed many times, but the members has had about the same amount of imagination as the founders. :p

Now the name has become somewhat established (even notorious :D ) and we're a bit reluctant to change it atm for that reason.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
atos said:
Actually the main reason mids camp dropoff is because of Bulle Reloaded. (Which has nothing to do with Bulle af Fetstryk on mid Prydwen.) :twak:

They can't kill stuff in any other way without outnumbering people and jumping on soloers. But I have got to thank them for a nice emblem I can put up in my house atleast. They are dressed in blue so those mids at Brynja will know who they are.

And I say again. BaF on mid has nothing to do with them. For starters we don't wear silly queer colors like blue. And we don't die. We just group-port when we are finished with RvR.:worthy:

Its nice to see that you dont die in RvR, I wish I was even half as 1337 as you so I could go and RvR without dying as well.

Now Im going to go and sit in a corner and cry some over loosing a banner that can be resummoned the next day. Ohh, the agony, the pain, how am I to get over this!

Btw, is it you who play Trollum? Ill try and remember to hug you some, you seem to need it. Though I must say I didnt remember seing you last night. Feel free to let me know what toon you play so I can hug you some.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
atos said:
Actually the main reason mids camp dropoff is because of Bulle Reloaded. (Which has nothing to do with Bulle af Fetstryk on mid Prydwen.) :twak:

They can't kill stuff in any other way without outnumbering people and jumping on soloers. But I have got to thank them for a nice emblem I can put up in my house atleast. They are dressed in blue so those mids at Brynja will know who they are.

And here i was thinking that we were allowed to feed of the clueless masses (Not you, your abviously to 1337) like everyone else...Damn!

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