blademaster or champion ? Any addvice will be great :P



blademaster or champion ? Any addvice will be great :p

hi peeps
im a noob starting the game after x-mas
i know that my first and main char is either one of these two !
but i cant decide on which, i would love a duel welder ! but i would love to have to do some magic !

if i was going to make a bm, it would be... ]
a celt
pierce ,

and champ ,
valor ,

i know race dosnt matter,
can any one help a little noobe on some speccing tips and the pros and cons of these's two classes



Hmm, if you wanna RvR later on I would make a Blade Master.
They are a real tank and not a hybrid.
And they got really cool style-animations.

But in the end it comes down to what YOU want to play.
Not what I or someone else say you SHOULD play :D


Race does matter, your starting stats can effect you a great deal. Sorry for my examples, as Im a mind and try to know as little about hibs as poss:

Example: Midgard Warrior

Troll - low dex (poor defence) but high str (me smashem good)
Valkyn - High dex (blocks everything) low str - (Might as well use a toffee hammer)
Norseman - average dex (does ok) - average str (better than a tickle)

The rest is up to you, sounds to me like you want a hybrid.


not much idea on the type of classes. but it sounds pritty much the same as either going a Mercenary or 2 handed armsman
i'd go witht the blademaster myself :)


I play a Lvl 50 Champ.

So my advice would be to go with the BM. I love my champ and will only stop playing it when i stop playing the game, but as it is atm BM will do a lot better in RvR (a BM is in the hib version of a gank grp setup) and occasionally better then a LW champ in PvE aswell (there is no way someone can convince me that a BM can outPvE a s/s champ)


when u level it dosn't matter if u play champ or balde master but
it 100% sure that a blademaster will be much better if u wanna rvr


det or no det?

harsh demands of the modern game :(

Elric IA

RAs are the thing that makes the BM shine over a champ in RvR currently. Not only do you get IP/Purge cheap but you get determination meaning you are much more mezz and root imune than a champ who's only mezz reduction is the magic resistance to the mezz/root type he has at that time and whether Purge is up. BMs also get access to prevent flight which is a 35% chance per attack (2 attacks per weapon with dual wield) to proc a snare to prevent opponents fleeing. Whilst champs have a snare spell it is broken on a hit, once cast the opponent has immunity so it cannot stick again (unlike PF) and can only be cast once per 20s and uses mana and end.

Also, looking at armour tables, Alb and Mid support (Clerics/ Shamans, Healers) all have armour weak to thrust damage. Unless you spec a pierce/shield specced champ, LW is at best neutral to these armour types whereas with the BM you can spec pierce.

Race does matter but at level 50 with +75 from items and buffs the difference is less than at lower levels but it gives each race slight advantages and disadvantages.

Dual wield circumvents PBT but these days it is rare that Alb or Mid groups use PBT anyway (Hib groups are more common for that).

BMs only get 19% absorb armour compared to 27% on champs but reinforced armour is slash resistant and slash seems to be the preferred weapon on mids/albs. Despite the lower absorbtion the damage is less from slash than it would be on a scale wearer (which is slash vulnerable).

One v one rvr champs still are quite good but groups these days will tend to look for BMs over them.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Race does matter, your starting stats can effect you a great deal. Sorry for my examples, as Im a mind and try to know as little about hibs as poss:

Example: Midgard Warrior

Troll - low dex (poor defence) but high str (me smashem good)
Valkyn - High dex (blocks everything) low str - (Might as well use a toffee hammer)
Norseman - average dex (does ok) - average str (better than a tickle)

The rest is up to you, sounds to me like you want a hybrid.

I knew you were racist towards kobolds but to not even include us?!

You'll be releasing next time you need a rez off my shammy young man :p


Blademaster tbh, for reasons stated above. Very nice class... :D


BM no doubt unless you want to see about as much action i rvr as an s/s armsman.


oh and btw play prydwen not excal , we have more MaDsKiLlZ


nice response :)
keep them coming :p

what are RA's


Realm Abilitys

You get realm points for killing people. For these points (rps) you can buy different realm abilitys which enhance your value in RvR. A BM has all the better RAs at a cheaper cost (also some very valuable RAs champs don't even get. Like determination for example)


Most of the posts so far have assumed you'll be L50 tomorrow and want to RvR over PvE.

For today's small scale RvR I'd agree that classes with Determination (Heros and Blademasters) are strictly the better choice just for that 1 ability. In the larger and longer zerg raids it really doesn't matter... maybe the champion's magic gives them the nicer ranged options of the two. Also a nice RA Champions get that Blademasters do not is Avoid Pain, which on top of scale armour lets them absorb a lot more punishment.

L50 is a long way off though and you'll be fighting lots of monsters first as you learn your character... if you really really want a magic wielding knight then to hell with the Blademaster and go with a Champion, but if you want a samurai-alike then ok, the Blademaster it is :)

Choices, choices :p


It really depends what sort of class you prefer more. Sure, it may be harder for Champs to get good RvR groups nowadays and the fact that Purge costs a shitload more for Champs than any other tank and that they dont get Determination sure is a kick in the nuts.
Nevertheless, if played properly Champions can be a powerful and efficient weapon (and I dont say that just because I love to hear myself talk). Their debuffs are quite efficient and the DD sure can annoy a caster to death (literally).

BM's may be the current Hib-fotm but I wouldn't trade my Champ for a BM-equal.

Anyways...if you wanna be on the safe side: Get a will be much easier for you to find groups in the end (both PvE and PvP). If you are up for a challenge, dont wanna run with the stream and really wanna deal some magic, roll a Champ. :)


At the present time roll a Bladesmaster.

A memeber of my guild has leveld a couple of champions to 50, and now plays a BM, cant get better recomendation than that.

Determination is the biggest factor. Even a rr2 BM can get determination 3+ and be far stronger against root and mezz spells than a champion.

Most tank groups win by the tanks running around killing people fast, champs cant do this if they have been mezzed for 30 seconds, but heros and bms just shrug it off when sufficient RR and nothing stops them but death itself :)


Regardless of my last post i would just like to say that i would love to see growth in the champ department (was the least played char in hib/excal the last time i checked). And if Mercine is right and you would prefer PvE then a s/s champ is the way to go.


hmmm.. tricky one this u know.. aint as straight forward as u might think peeps..

if u looking to go rvr pure and simple and as tank.. then BM.

if u thinking balance between pve and rvr.. and acting as support.. then champion.

HAHA! got u there didnt i? yes.. SUPPORT peeps.. not as front line tank.

lurikeen shield/pierce spec is gonna be the mutts nuts. ( i am shield/blunt but been that way from day one and aint gonna change now)

as a shield champ u have all sorts of options.. got dd.. debuffs, snare, slam, can even use your wpn if u remember :)

now.. there's something else to bear in mind.. and that is ToA master levels. might all be crap u know but.. champions gonna get bodyguard ability? no good if u deaded is it?

a champ using this ability on a vital grp member would be awesome thanks to all the additional crap a champ can throw at someone as opposed to a hero.. and played defensively.. u dont die as fast, therefore keeping the aforementioned ability going.

u prolly all thinking yeah yeah ilaya.. u would say that since u got a lurikeen champ. but..

i dont know of many erm.. tanks in hib that can solo purple mobs.. i can. and i can still be useful in rvr if grp is setup so i can do my thang.

a lot of attitudes are gonna have to be changed soon about champions.. even more specs :) but.... i guess... still BM atm.. go with flow and be like the rest... ;)


Blademaster (fotm piercemaster) is the way to go nowadays. The champion is a fun char to play but has nothing that makes it viable in rvr groups. Add to that the lack of determination (and prevent flight) which is a must for a tank in rvr.


I don't think the lack of Prevent Flight is really an issue for Champs, after all, PF is 35% chance for a 50% snare for 10s, Champs get a 40% snare for 103s every 20s!

The DD is a nice way to deal damage to a fleeing target who's out of range of the snare, (killed a hunter last night when 3 dds slowed her down enough for me to catch her up and snare :clap: ) and the debuffs can be a real annoyance to any opponent.

What does hurt champs is the lack of Det, and no cheap Purge/IP. AP is a nice ability for Champs though, and one I'm likely to take before FA or IP :)

I also feel champs suffer slightly from no rising Con, balanced solo by the self buff, but in standard RvR most players will be spec buffed (druid buffs in Hib) which nulifies this benifit.

Still enjoy playing my champ, though I tend to use him more for PvE than RvR, and with the impending RA review there will hopefully be some balance returned to the hybrid class!

(hopes that this doesn't start the 'nerf det/don't nerf tanks' argument!)


cool !!! :)
i have decided to make a Elf Blademaster specced in pierce,
chees peeps :p


Originally posted by gunner440
det or no det?

harsh demands of the modern game :(

gunner is right.

But is it not sad that one RA can effect game so much.


Defo LW champ for PvE, could take down high reds quite easily at 50, but was a slow struggle when soloing before....Celt champ at that, Elph have too low con, and see Ilayas response in regards to Luwi. (just respecced miy champ to Pierce Shield and am not 100% happy with dmg output, but block rate is insane)

At one point I would have said Champ for RvR also, but atm, theyre just not as viable as a "tank" due to lack of Determination, more of a stay at the back with the healers and guard, engage and intercept...fumble around a bit etc...
Dont bother going to the front unless you wannna play observer.

I'd have to say BM for rvr, very fun class to play, with good RA's and a good reportoir of styles at your disposal. But forget PvE, unless specced in slash/crush, as thrust just doesnt hit the mark imo....


well elf looks gay and celt more evil but if you want the pointy ears , go ahead :>


Im more on the "take what you like" side....

No doubt Blademasters RAs (determination over all) make that a good choice now.

But I dont think DaoC is a short term game.

With long pauses most of the people I know keep playng it for years.
And after 2, 3, 4 lvl 50 you probably will like to go deeper on those chars (higher RR, crafting, ML etc) that spawn tons of others 50s useless and low realmranked

This means that, in the long run, the only good choice is to take the char you feel easy to take.

My BM is 2 years old.
At the beginning BMs were THE gimps in this game. Who cares? I liked them I rolled one of them. Now are fotm. Who cares? ToA, Frontier, 1.70 patch can change fotm to gimps very easly.... but your char will always be your char..... and the first char you will make, for me anyway, will always be THE char :)

...and a good player can always get the maximum from his char.
Only need to love him a bit....


/hug Ilaya :>

Champ snare can in no way be compared to PF tho. PF is teh shiznit :eek:

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