Blade temp :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Sneakers|Matriarch said:
Yah you got valid points here Ivy :)

But when i mean faster swing speed win fights its more or less if i have a higher swing rate I can more easily ruin the other guys styles with strafes and run through, and I do that all the time - and I noticed on my minstrel lots of shades do this to me and it's fucking annoying since I have a slower to hit spd then they do so I get alot of "out of view" every hit.
Also 25 value end aint that much, most ppl got 5-10 bonus in fatigue ( end ) and the base value is 100 fatigue ( so u debuff 20-15% of thier end ) and if the proc only goes off once a fight I think it will be meaningless ( in an assassin fight atleast ) since you will probably have killed eachother b4 ur end is out.
And if this statement was to be argumented against then the loss of time pressing in my case f6 f2/f3 to get out of combat and drink a bot wont take as long as 2 rounds ( wich should be rougly 4 seconds when using 4.1/4.0 weapons @ 250 qu + haste buff + 10% toa bonus ) but mearly 1 round. ( wich ofc could be noticable if u just stand still while drinking and not strafing, trying to make the other person go OOV, wich atleast I do. )

Still you got valid points and iam not sure yet on what offhand to go for. :p

you've answered your own question really.

My changing to blades from piercers and changing my qbars screwed me around, though i thought it was down to my swing time (use malice/ctd) hence nmes getting more swings in and beating me (when i would expect to win if on old setup). I noticed I was getting haste debuffed from AH, and that I wasn't getting in AH myself therefore leaving them with better swing speed than me.

Getting back to your off hand choice, for stealthers its getting in the attack arounds and debuffing them to oblivion, which means the only combo can be malice/ctd IMO. 250 quick - 75 quick from malice and then another debuff of 40-50 quick from ctd (can't remember the amount) then you add in AH, and you've killed their swing spd. While at the sametime your using an artifact + faster off hand, therefore better hit bonus using an artifact over another weapon, which means more chance of hitting with both weapons, which inturn means more haste effect for you.

In doing this you also decrease their defense (evade/shield/parry) though against high pd classes your probably better off firing your malice2, and changing to lgm swords
Apr 26, 2006
Yurka said:
you've answered your own question really.

My changing to blades from piercers and changing my qbars screwed me around, though i thought it was down to my swing time (use malice/ctd) hence nmes getting more swings in and beating me (when i would expect to win if on old setup). I noticed I was getting haste debuffed from AH, and that I wasn't getting in AH myself therefore leaving them with better swing speed than me.

Getting back to your off hand choice, for stealthers its getting in the attack arounds and debuffing them to oblivion, which means the only combo can be malice/ctd IMO. 250 quick - 75 quick from malice and then another debuff of 40-50 quick from ctd (can't remember the amount) then you add in AH, and you've killed their swing spd. While at the sametime your using an artifact + faster off hand, therefore better hit bonus using an artifact over another weapon, which means more chance of hitting with both weapons, which inturn means more haste effect for you.

In doing this you also decrease their defense (evade/shield/parry) though against high pd classes your probably better off firing your malice2, and changing to lgm swords

I think you and i reason quet alike but still the question is what is the best option, sure one of them is better, there always is cant be "equally good" etc :)

I like the idea of 4.1 + 3.5 +250 qu, +in my case 7% melee spd ( qq ) and 26% haste buff ( heard buff bonus works on this but i donno 20 or 26% )

But iäm no roleplayer either, i want what is the best possible :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2006
Aloca said:
What weapons are you using then?
Im mostly planning on ML10 and Malice, But Malice and CTD/CW is good also.

Im using Malice and Champ weapon :) and battler on my back for the ability ofc :flame: :fluffle: :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
the buff bonus doesn't work with haste, so its 20%

i quickly tried champ off hand, and the speed does suck compared to 3.5. Nice for PA's though...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Sneakers|Matriarch said:
26% haste buff ( heard buff bonus works on this but i donno 20 or 26% )

Buff bonus doesn't work on haste, but for the life of me i cant remember where or how i found it out.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Neffneff said:
Buff bonus doesn't work on haste, but for the life of me i cant remember where or how i found it out.

Equip your slowest weapon in main hand, no offhand.

Buff with buffbonus and do 3 swings, buff without bonus and do 3 swings DONE!
Apr 26, 2006
Aloca said:
Equip your slowest weapon in main hand, no offhand.

Buff with buffbonus and do 3 swings, buff without bonus and do 3 swings DONE!

Aye do 100 swings each, take the time
if there is a diffrance then u probably hit 6% faster :p wich isnt alot but should be noticeable after 100 swings


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I've just tested the champ weapon out, on my bot and then on a ranger. The resistance debuff actually debuffs for 10%. Strange cause delve says 7% to item resists. I dont have the logs to back up what i say but I did a 100 swings and it feels like the two procs are proccing on the same level as a legendary weapon. It procs often :)

10% boost to your own DPS vs 40-50 dex/qui debuff and closer to cap swing speed. After hearing both sides of the arguement I've become undecided too :/

I guess it boils down to play style, whether you want to do as much dmg as possible or focus on reducing your enemies ability to fight (via debuffing his quick and then doing run through with your superior swing speed)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Just tried a random template generated and got a funky template :)

Aloca - 50 Nightshade
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   84  (88)    Strength       	   25  (26)    Body Resist    	   15  (10)    Style Damage
   78  (80)    Constitution   	   25  (26)    Cold Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Damage
   51  (75)    Quickness      	   24  (26)    Heat Resist    	   7  (10)     Melee Speed
   240  (240)  Hits           	   25  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   9  (11)     Envenom        	   23  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   25  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Stealth        	   24  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   24  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
   11  (11)    Celtic Dual    	   25  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   72 / 72 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Body: 9 Matter: 7
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   66 / 66 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 34.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 3 Blades: 3 Body: 9 Cold: 9
   64 / 64 Spellcrafted Gloves - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Spirit: 9 Heat: 9 Body: 7 Crush: 7
   64 / 64 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Spirit: 9 Cold: 9 Heat: 7 Slash: 7
   64 / 64 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Matter: 9 Energy: 9 Spirit: 7 Cold: 7
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   80 / 80 Volurgon Locks - 89% qual 
	 Envenom: 5 AllMelee: 4 MeleeDmgBonus: 2 AllDual: 3 StyleDmgBonus: 2
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   80 / 88 Jewel of the Dread-stalker - 0% qual 
	 CD: 4 CritStr: 4 Stealth: 4 Dex: 12 Envenom: 4
   75 / 75 Leviathan Tail Belt - 100% qual 
	 Heat: 8 Energy: 8 Thrust: 8 Slash: 8 Hits: 44
   65 / 65 Warlord Omega Bracer - 100% qual 
	 Con: 24 Qui: 24 Thrust: 6 Hits: 44 ConCap: 5
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   52 / 60 Ring of the Seven Souls - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 4 Hits: 40 Crush: 6 Con: 15 Dex: 13
   70 / 70 Ring of Silent Oblivion - 0% qual 
	 Str: 24 Con: 24 Hits: 32 Matter: 7 Energy: 8


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   93  (94)    Strength       	   25  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   74  (80)    Constitution   	   20  (26)    Cold Resist    	   11  (10)    Melee Damage
   42  (80)    Quickness      	   27  (26)    Heat Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Speed
   328  (320)  Hits           	   27  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   26  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   11  (11)    Stealth        	   20  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   25  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   11  (11)    Celtic Dual    	   26  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   26  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   73 / 73 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Heat: 9 Stealth: 3
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   74 / 74 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 CD: 4 Con: 22
   80 / 80 Maddening Scalars - 94% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Con: 15 Qui: 15 MeleeSpeedBonus: 3 MeleeDmgBonus: 3 ConCap: 5
	 QuiCap: 5
   66 / 66 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 34.0 Imbue pts
	 CD: 3 CritStr: 3 Cold: 9 Spirit: 9
   65 / 65 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Con: 22 Matter: 9 Energy: 9 Blades: 3
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   74 / 74 Necklace of Rapture - 0% qual 
	 Slash: 8 Thrust: 8 Body: 7 Heat: 7 Energy: 7
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   84 / 84 Eerie Stone of Darkness - 100% qual 
	 Body: 5 Cold: 5 Heat: 5 Energy: 5 Matter: 5 Spirit: 5
	 Crush: 4 Thrust: 4 Slash: 4
   66 / 66 Belt of Oglidarsh - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Crush: 4 Thrust: 4 Slash: 4 Hits: 40 StrCap: 6
	 HitsCap: 40
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   61 / 71 Zahur's Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Hits: 60 Heat: 6 Matter: 6 Crush: 6 HitsCap: 40 AFBonus: 10
   63 / 63 Ring of the Tempest - 100% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Body: 7 Hits: 48
   75 / 75 Zahur Ring - 0% qual 
	 Hits: 60 Matter: 6 Cold: 6 Energy: 6 Body: 6 Spirit: 6


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   96  (88)    Strength       	   26  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   77  (75)    Constitution   	   27  (26)    Cold Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Damage
   46  (75)    Quickness      	   26  (26)    Heat Resist    	   9  (10)     Melee Speed
   280  (280)  Hits           	   24  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   24  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   13  (11)    Stealth        	   20  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   27  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   8  (11)     Celtic Dual    	   26  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   26  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Qui: 19 Cold: 9
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Spirit: 9 Con: 19
   60 / 60 Spellcrafted Gloves - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Body: 5 Heat: 5 Spirit: 11 Cold: 9
   64 / 64 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 36.0 Imbue pts
	 Con: 19 Matter: 11 CritStr: 3 Blades: 3
   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 Energy: 9 CD: 4 Cold: 9 Matter: 7
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   74 / 74 Necklace of Rapture - 0% qual 
	 Slash: 8 Thrust: 8 Body: 7 Heat: 7 Energy: 7
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   56 / 56 Bastet's Whiskers Gem - 100% qual 
	 Con: 24 Crush: 10 MeleeDmgBonus: 2 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   75 / 75 Leviathan Tail Belt - 100% qual 
	 Heat: 8 Energy: 8 Thrust: 8 Slash: 8 Hits: 44
   61 / 71 Zahur's Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Hits: 60 Heat: 6 Matter: 6 Crush: 6 HitsCap: 40 AFBonus: 10
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   63 / 63 Ring of Tempest - 0% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Hits: 48 Body: 7
   63 / 63 Ring of the Tempest - 100% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Body: 7 Hits: 48


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   102  (88)   Strength       	   28  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   78  (80)    Constitution   	   27  (26)    Cold Resist    	   11  (10)    Melee Damage
   70  (80)    Quickness      	   26  (26)    Heat Resist    	   8  (10)     Melee Speed
   244  (240)  Hits           	   26  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   27  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   11  (11)    Stealth        	   24  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   27  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   9  (11)     Celtic Dual    	   30  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   26  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   68 / 68 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 35.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Energy: 5 Spirit: 9
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   72 / 72 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Cold: 9 Heat: 7
   80 / 80 Maddening Scalars - 94% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Con: 15 Qui: 15 MeleeSpeedBonus: 3 MeleeDmgBonus: 3 ConCap: 5
	 QuiCap: 5
   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 35.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 3 Blades: 3 Stealth: 3 CD: 5
   60 / 60 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 Matter: 9 Qui: 28 Cold: 7 Crush: 5
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   80 / 80 Paidrean Necklace - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 10 Thrust: 10 Body: 10 Spirit: 10
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   84 / 84 Eerie Darkness Stone - 0% qual 
	 Heat: 5 Matter: 5 Crush: 4 Cold: 5 Body: 5 Slash: 4
	 Energy: 5 Spirit: 5 Thrust: 4
   75 / 75 Leviathan Tail Belt - 100% qual 
	 Heat: 8 Energy: 8 Thrust: 8 Slash: 8 Hits: 44
   60 / 60 Ebon Hide Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Cold: 6 Body: 6 Heat: 6 Slash: 6 Matter: 6
   64 / 64 Wormskin Wrap - 89% qual 
	 Con: 24 Crush: 8 Thrust: 8 Slash: 8
   70 / 70 Ring of Silent Oblivion - 0% qual 
	 Str: 24 Con: 24 Hits: 32 Matter: 7 Energy: 8
   63 / 63 Ring of the Tempest - 100% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Body: 7 Hits: 48


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   88  (88)    Strength       	   27  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   80  (80)    Constitution   	   14  (26)    Cold Resist    	   11  (10)    Melee Damage
   42  (80)    Quickness      	   26  (26)    Heat Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Speed
   328  (324)  Hits           	   20  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   22  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   12  (11)    Stealth        	   23  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   27  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   9  (11)     Celtic Dual    	   30  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   27  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Con: 19 Spirit: 9
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   65 / 65 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 35.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Hits: 60 Con: 16
   80 / 80 Maddening Scalars - 94% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Con: 15 Qui: 15 MeleeSpeedBonus: 3 MeleeDmgBonus: 3 ConCap: 5
	 QuiCap: 5
   66 / 66 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 34.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 3 Blades: 3 Spirit: 9 Cold: 9
   63 / 63 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 Slash: 5 CD: 5 Str: 10 Matter: 11
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   74 / 74 Necklace of Rapture - 0% qual 
	 Slash: 8 Thrust: 8 Body: 7 Heat: 7 Energy: 7
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   84 / 84 Eerie Darkness Stone - 0% qual 
	 Heat: 5 Matter: 5 Crush: 4 Cold: 5 Body: 5 Slash: 4
	 Energy: 5 Spirit: 5 Thrust: 4
   75 / 75 Kraken Tem Belt - 0% qual 
	 Thrust: 8 Heat: 8 Body: 8 Energy: 8 HitsCap: 44
   61 / 71 Zahur's Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Hits: 60 Heat: 6 Matter: 6 Crush: 6 HitsCap: 40 AFBonus: 10
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   63 / 63 Ring of Tempest - 0% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Hits: 48 Body: 7
   52 / 60 Ring of the Seven Souls - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 4 Hits: 40 Crush: 6 Con: 15 Dex: 13


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   93  (88)    Strength       	   25  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   84  (80)    Constitution   	   23  (26)    Cold Resist    	   11  (10)    Melee Damage
   42  (80)    Quickness      	   25  (26)    Heat Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Speed
   252  (240)  Hits           	   26  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   21  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   12  (11)    Stealth        	   21  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   29  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   9  (11)     Celtic Dual    	   30  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   30  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   72 / 72 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Spirit: 9 Heat: 7
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   72 / 72 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Energy: 9 Spirit: 7
   80 / 80 Maddening Scalars - 94% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Con: 15 Qui: 15 MeleeSpeedBonus: 3 MeleeDmgBonus: 3 ConCap: 5
	 QuiCap: 5
   65 / 65 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 Energy: 5 CritStr: 3 Cold: 11 Matter: 9
   68 / 68 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CD: 5 Cold: 7 Matter: 7 Blades: 3
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   74 / 74 Necklace of Rapture - 0% qual 
	 Slash: 8 Thrust: 8 Body: 7 Heat: 7 Energy: 7
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   84 / 84 Eerie Darkness Stone - 0% qual 
	 Heat: 5 Matter: 5 Crush: 4 Cold: 5 Body: 5 Slash: 4
	 Energy: 5 Spirit: 5 Thrust: 4
   55 / 55 Lava Warped Belt - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Body: 6 Heat: 6 Hits: 44
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   64 / 64 Wormskin Wrap - 89% qual 
	 Con: 24 Crush: 8 Thrust: 8 Slash: 8
   52 / 60 Ring of the Seven Souls - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 4 Hits: 40 Crush: 6 Con: 15 Dex: 13
   63 / 63 Ring of Tempest - 0% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Hits: 48 Body: 7


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Remember that If the Left number is Higher than the (Right number) the Right number count

Think the one in #40 is the best sofar :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Aloca said:
Remember that If the Left number is Higher than the (Right number) the Right number count

Think the one in #40 is the best sofar :)

Jesus Christ meight ... Download Korts Sc calculater ... my EYES !!! ><


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Punishment said:
Jesus Christ meight ... Download Korts Sc calculater ... my EYES !!! ><

I cant pop out a template in 1min with Korts :)

And give comments on templates, any of those worth building?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aloca - 50 Nightshade
   100  (98)   Strength       	   27  (26)    Body Resist    	   13  (10)    Style Damage
   76  (80)    Constitution   	   16  (26)    Cold Resist    	   11  (10)    Melee Damage
   42  (80)    Quickness      	   26  (26)    Heat Resist    	   10  (10)    Melee Speed
   328  (324)  Hits           	   20  (26)    Energy Resist  	
   11  (11)    Critical Strike	   18  (26)    Matter Resist  	
   11  (11)    Stealth        	   20  (26)    Spirit Resist  	
   11  (11)    Blades         	   26  (26)    Crush Resist   	
   9  (11)     Celtic Dual    	   30  (26)    Thrust Resist  	
                              	   27  (26)    Slash Resist   	

   70 / 70 Spellcrafted Head - 100% qual 35.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Stealth: 3 Hits: 60
   82 / 92 Guard of Valor - 100% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Str: 18 Dex: 15 StrCap: 5 DexCap: 5 MeleeDmgBonus: 4
	 StyleDmgBonus: 4
   68 / 68 Spellcrafted Sleeves - 100% qual 35.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 4 Blades: 4 Slash: 5 Spirit: 9
   80 / 80 Maddening Scalars - 94% qual 
	 Hits: 40 Con: 15 Qui: 15 MeleeSpeedBonus: 3 MeleeDmgBonus: 3 ConCap: 5
	 QuiCap: 5
   66 / 66 Spellcrafted Leggings - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 CritStr: 3 Blades: 3 Str: 22 Cold: 11
   63 / 63 Spellcrafted Boots - 100% qual 37.0 Imbue pts
	 Crush: 5 CD: 5 Con: 22 Matter: 7
   65 / 65 Malice Axe - 100% qual 
	 Str: 15 Con: 15 Hits: 40 HitsCap: 40 StyleDmgBonus: 5
   92 / 92 Nightshade Champion Weapon - 94% qual 
	 CD: 4 Str: 12 Qui: 12 StrCap: 8 MeleeDmgBonus: 4 StyleDmgBonus: 4
           Two Handed - Not used.
           Ranged - Not used.
   74 / 74 Necklace of Rapture - 0% qual 
	 Slash: 8 Thrust: 8 Body: 7 Heat: 7 Energy: 7
   60 / 78 Shades of Mist - 0% qual 
	 Stealth: 3 Str: 15 Qui: 15 FatigueBonus: 4 AFBonus: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 5
   84 / 84 Eerie Stone of Darkness - 100% qual 
	 Body: 5 Cold: 5 Heat: 5 Energy: 5 Matter: 5 Spirit: 5
	 Crush: 4 Thrust: 4 Slash: 4
   75 / 75 Kraken Tem Belt - 0% qual 
	 Thrust: 8 Heat: 8 Body: 8 Energy: 8 HitsCap: 44
   61 / 71 Zahur's Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Hits: 60 Heat: 6 Matter: 6 Crush: 6 HitsCap: 40 AFBonus: 10
   72 / 72 Cyclone Bracer - 0% qual 
	 Crush: 11 Thrust: 10 Slash: 10 MeleeSpeedBonus: 2
   63 / 63 Ring of Tempest - 0% qual 
	 Str: 18 Stealth: 5 Hits: 48 Body: 7
   58 / 58 Ring of the Heavens - 100% qual 
	 Con: 24 Spirit: 6 Hits: 40 StrCap: 10


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sneakers|Matriarch said:
whats CODE :)?
Dont know how to not have it enabled but this is how my temps look for me and its easy reading.


  • temp.JPG
    64.4 KB · Views: 29


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
looks like that to me too, but Im just not happy with the the unfamiliar formatting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ivynoxia said:
looks like that to me too, but Im just not happy with the the unfamiliar formatting.

Anyway what you think of last temp?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Nice resists :) and nice DPS from 10/10/10.

I think the temp I posted is still better tho with similar resists but max hits and max CD, but it does use 1x zahur & 3x levi/kraken items. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Just ran this thru a DPS calculator and your temp out damages mine by a very small amount, 281.519 per sec compared to 279.664 per sec.

It's definately viable, and you dont need to buy/farm a Levi ring.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ivynoxia said:
Just ran this thru a DPS calculator and your temp out damages mine by a very small amount, 281.519 per sec compared to 279.664 per sec.

It's definately viable, and you dont need to buy/farm a Levi ring.

I get 288,173 DPS from mine. and 287,605 from your :)

But then you have 2 more Str how much is that in %? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
25 str is 5% extra dmg.. so 2 would be 0.4% :p

starting to get the feeling we spend too much time over small percentages.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ivynoxia said:
25 str is 5% extra dmg.. so 2 would be 0.4% :p

starting to get the feeling we spend too much time over small percentages.

That means that my template does 0,2% more dmg than your! :)
You have RoD and i got some resists higher.

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