Bit-torrent being attacked?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well if piracy stops those that only make music/movies to make money then great! Way too much crapshit beeing made these days.
Besides, when i dl stuff and find something i really like i go out and buy it to support the artist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
well, also know that alot of people download stuff because its not availible in stores...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Morchaoron said:
well, also know that alot of people download stuff because its not availible in stores...

It will be soon......


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
It will be soon......

i am talking about either really old stuff or japanese stuff (anime etc), not about just released movies which arent on dvd YET :rolleyes:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
the artists usually dont want ppl doing "illegal" copys of their music for one reason only.

its not about the money most of the times.. its about the freedom to choose "DO i wanna spread my music free of charge or not" so what if they live in 20 million dollar bathtubs. its THEIR music. THEIR property. and if they wanna charge ppl for getting their music, thats their buisniss(sp?)

could just aswell compare it to account hacking in DAoC if u so will. lets say "random1337d00d" have 4 accounts with 3+ lvl 50's that hes been putting a shitload of time and cash on (subs) and some asshat hacker decides he wants 3 of those accounts just because "hes always got that 4:th account" so it wont hurt him that bad. and i bet my arse that any of u would explode if someone stole YOUR property... be it music or what the fuck ever...

its theft pure and simple..

and yes i download music (amoungst other things) mainly coz i dont give a rats ass. but its still theft.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I would never of heard half the bands I have without downloading, and when music is good I do buy it or I will go and see a band live if I can.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ctuchik said:
could just aswell compare it to account hacking in DAoC if u so will. lets say "random1337d00d" have 4 accounts with 3+ lvl 50's that hes been putting a shitload of time and cash on (subs) and some asshat hacker decides he wants 3 of those accounts just because "hes always got that 4:th account" so it wont hurt him that bad. and i bet my arse that any of u would explode if someone stole YOUR property... be it music or what the fuck ever...

its theft pure and simple..

There is a difference between theft and preventing someone from earning money. One cant really compare software piracy with any other form of theft previously known - sure, a layman might call it theft, but in legal terms (im a law student) there has been no shifting of possession, hence in the bulky legal system there has been no theft. Truth is the legal system is still trying to catch up with the 20th centuary in most countries.

It violates copyright (if you share it), but its not theft.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Ctuchik said:
the artists usually dont want ppl doing "illegal" copys of their music for one reason only.

its not about the money most of the times.. its about the freedom to choose "DO i wanna spread my music free of charge or not" so what if they live in 20 million dollar bathtubs. its THEIR music. THEIR property. and if they wanna charge ppl for getting their music, thats their buisniss(sp?)

could just aswell compare it to account hacking in DAoC if u so will. lets say "random1337d00d" have 4 accounts with 3+ lvl 50's that hes been putting a shitload of time and cash on (subs) and some asshat hacker decides he wants 3 of those accounts just because "hes always got that 4:th account" so it wont hurt him that bad. and i bet my arse that any of u would explode if someone stole YOUR property... be it music or what the fuck ever...

its theft pure and simple..

and yes i download music (amoungst other things) mainly coz i dont give a rats ass. but its still theft.

Its not like they lose their music when someone downloads it. Very bad example you came up with, since its obviously NOT the same


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Morchaoron said:
i am talking about either really old stuff or japanese stuff (anime etc), not about just released movies which arent on dvd YET :rolleyes:

This is very true - ive downloaded some excellent anime (ghost in the shell 2, and the tv series based on the movie etc), some awesome tv series (dead like me, and Odysee 5 f.ex) that werent available where i live yet. I might well buy them when they are, and some of them will undoubtedly show up on tv in my country anyway, in which case it doesnt matter much that ive already seen them.

Its a very hard dicussion really, with many variables to consider when trying to determine if a particular share/download instance should be comsidered moraly wrong (they are probably always moraly questionable).

My personal hope is that piracy and digital media sharing *will* actually hurt the media industry some, as i hate the idea that some people make insane dollars from their often rather mediocre talents, just because they have been chosen by certain big companies to become the next big thing. Im my ideal world artists would make most of their money from touring and playing music live, performing in theaters etc. And not make 20 million dollars a movie and such. Artists need to realize that they have no fucking right beeing treated as gods, and media companies need to be content with a smaller profit marigin.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Morchaoron said:
i am talking about either really old stuff or japanese stuff (anime etc), not about just released movies which arent on dvd YET :rolleyes:
well in terms of music my present company is looking to make music much more available.
the technology would be easily translatable across to other media as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, sometimes its ridiculous...

Take Shrekk 2 for example, the money the animators get for their hard work is a joke compared to the $10.000.000 Cameron Diaz got for her: "oh after 2 hours my work was done with the voices it was really easy" (thats $139 each second!!!!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Morchaoron said:
Yeah, sometimes its ridiculous...

Take Shrekk 2 for example, the money the animators get for their hard work is a joke compared to the $10.000.000 Cameron Diaz got for her: "oh after 2 hours my work was done with the voices it was really easy" (thats $139 each second!!!!)
while this is true, you wouldnt complain at getting paid that rate ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hansmoleman said:
while this is true, you wouldnt complain at getting paid that rate ;)

Its not about the pay itself, but the companies complaining about missing 'millions of dollars cuz of piracy' while they are willing to pay some individuals such ridiculous amounts of money for that kind of work...


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Hansmoleman said:
while this is true, you wouldnt complain at getting paid that rate ;)
i wouldnt complain, but i think i actually would be ashamed, especially if someone walked up to me and asked me if i was worth it...


When it comes to software piracy; A good game/cd/movie is always worth buying... to bad they so seldom make a good game :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Morchaoron said:
Its not about the pay itself, but the companies complaining about missing 'millions of dollars cuz of piracy' while they are willing to pay some individuals such ridiculous amounts of money for that kind of work...
but having diaz do that voice, probably made some people go to the movie and it may have been worth her price.

For voice acting I cant see any other reason than to have that big name to spend so much money on an actor. I mean they only have to voice act, which probably more people can do than act and the voice is only important (the actor doesnt have to be so and so tall and look good).

I do agree that getting a million dollars (let alone 10) while you are only a minor part of it all is abit absurd, but that seems to be how hollywood works atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Driwen said:
I do agree that getting a million dollars (let alone 10) while you are only a minor part of it all is abit absurd, but that seems to be how hollywood works atm.
And that is why biggest movies are being filmed outside of US. Trying to reduce the costs. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Or take the immensly popular tv series Friends, where the 6 actors each got a million dollars per episode for the last season. And they shoot an episode in something like 2 days. Now lets compare that to say a nurse that does 10 hours a day with emotionally and physically draining work, or a postman that leaves home at 3am to deliver your morning paper etc. All for crap pay.

And then they have the audacity to get annoyed when someone downloads a pirated version of a movie/song... :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jaapi said:
And that is why biggest movies are being filmed outside of US. Trying to reduce the costs. :)
I dont really get the logic of this.
The crew isnt what cost so much and you can make a movie just as well in the US with unknown actors as you can somewhere else (atleast if your intentions are on bringing it on the US market).
Off course doing it somewhere else may result in a cheaper crew and possibly some kind of subsidy of the goverment of the country/of the city where you are shooting. However I think in most cases it is just the location they want when shooting big movies (the landscape/the architecture of a city).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
I dont really get the logic of this.
The crew isnt what cost so much and you can make a movie just as well in the US with unknown actors as you can somewhere else (atleast if your intentions are on bringing it on the US market).
Off course doing it somewhere else may result in a cheaper crew and possibly some kind of subsidy of the goverment of the country/of the city where you are shooting. However I think in most cases it is just the location they want when shooting big movies (the landscape/the architecture of a city).

most big film location decisions are financial, the area which will give them the best tax breaks or grants is the one which will win 95 percent of the time.

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