Bit of info on Excal pls



Since the game was released Ive been playing on Prydwen hovering between the realms and settling in Albion.

Im not looking to move in full to Excal, there is still plenty of activity and challenges left on Pryd.Alb for me, and with the upcomming patches and addons this will be my home for a very very long time.

But i miss my days of playing Mid and Hib, so looking to start up some alts on Excal for those times when I need to escape from the torrent of SC orders flooding my main.

As we only have two english servers I need to make a stand, mid or hib and its driving me nuts.

What are the two realms like on Excal ? I may get flamed and shouted at but when I tried Alb excal some time ago the overall attitude of the players was sick - people leeching everywhere, no respect for others, please tell me this childish attitude doesnt exist in Mid / Hib :)


not sure about mid but hib isnt like that.
although depending on which class your going to make, you may be lucky to get groups.
hib exp grps consist of focus pullers everywhere.


Hib is very nice mate :) Hate too say it but its like the grown up realm imo! Not sure on Mid though :(


i'd have to say hib is nice yes but if ur a chanter u can't move without being spammed to pl everyone :/


I was starting to lean on the Hib side to be honest - I did level a character on excal hib some time ago and found it to be the urm... dare to say it.... more mature realm.

I kinda also prefer the magical side to hib than the melee side of mid, guess its time to look over the duskwave stats for hib and look for a nice character to play, but would need to be a character that can solo, althrough grouping is fun and very sociable thers nothing worse than sitting in the same spot waiting for a group invite.

And if anyone sugests a mana chanter - you WILL be shot :)


cant....resist.....must......say.....aaarhg go for a manachanter m8

<runs and hides whilst waiting to get shot> :p

edit: on a more serious note if you want a hib char that can solo and is reasonable wanted in a group go for a nature druid. if you spec in nature and regrowth you can keep a group alive and solo yellow/oj stuff with ease.


There's nothing wrong in general with Midgard on Excalibur either.

There are idiots in every realm ;)

There's plenty of small, friendly guilds on Mid that do both PvE and RvR in a semi-serious way and there's also quite a few dedicated RvR guilds that are very professional about it.

It all depends, as has been said before, on what class you'd really like to play. As you seem to be leaning towards the Hib classes, would make sense to go there ;)

I'm sure wherever you end up going you'll find people willing to help out.

If you do come to Mid, give me a shout and I can help knock up some armour for you.


Yup idiots exist in every realm on every server. Ive leveled to 40+ on all three realms on prydwen before settling for the 4th time in Albion :) and im really torn between hib and mid - why ohh why cant we have 3 english servers (yeah yeah its cus theres not enough players)

Im pretty sure ill swing over to hib side and find a character that can be grouped and has the option to solo resonably well but i've got a play a luri :) there just soooooooooooo cute.


My home is Albion/Prydwen but I also play Hib/Excal for a change of scenery. Allot of nice people on Hib.

My only complaint on Excal is when I go RvR . . . Albs are everywhere, soemthing like 43% albion / 25% Hibernia population wise.


Same on prydwen tho isn't it ? especialy within the ranks of Thid - Alb population beats the other two easiy.

Would be nice to help the 'underdog' realm out a bit anyway :) and il still looking at what luri's can be,

Mana chanter is out - full stop - ill never play one... never... you hear me... NEVER !! :)


Do a large weapon hero then :) nothing beats the sight of seeing a luri carrying around a hammer bigger than himself and turning into a minimoose ;)

(did i mention luri's can become manachanters to ?) :p


Originally posted by khaldhor
(did i mention luri's can become manachanters to ?) :p

really - i never knew that :p

If i didnt think manachanters were due for the biggest swipe of the nerf bat yet - i'd start one :) but there gona get nerfed sooner or later, its gota happen.


"Same on prydwen tho isn't it ? especialy within the ranks of Thid - Alb population beats the other two easiy."

Little boys RvR doesn't count :) From what I've experienced RvR on Prydwen seemed quite well balanced between Mid and Alb and with the recent /level 30 Hib seems to be on the up and up as well. Last Duskwave stats show prydwen population approx 33% on all 3 realms.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
really - i never knew that :p

If i didnt think manachanters were due for the biggest swipe of the nerf bat yet - i'd start one :) but there gona get nerfed sooner or later, its gota happen.

Haven't read the patch notes yet but i heard it was the next patch they get nerfed in. Not sure though, and cba to go find patch notes atm. :rolleyes:
Might just be a vicious rumour though. For attitude I prefer hibs, they are much friendlier and nicer to play with and fight along side. Last few days in bg3 on pryd have been fun with hibs spanking the albs =P :clap:


I did read some of the notes and VN whines, I just think the change is something to do with focus shield and agro, I think aslong as you use the focus shield to kill the mobs and healers heal from a distance there is no change.

I think the groups of pbaoe'ing around a focus'd pet will soon be over, but the mana chanter is not nerfed enough yet :) i sense more to come.


It wont be soon when they "fix" focus shielding. :)


doubt there going to change it that much hib would be plunged into shock they would all be on anti-depressants


Originally posted by Sharma
It wont be soon when they "fix" focus shielding. :)

well wut they have done in the next few patches hasn't "fixed" focus shielding :/ ppl won't be able to focus galla or the like because the mobs r of too high lvl, however theres still ways to focus pull and so PL will live on. :'(


Originally posted by shadybrack
well wut they have done in the next few patches hasn't "fixed" focus shielding :/ ppl won't be able to focus galla or the like because the mobs r of too high lvl, however theres still ways to focus pull and so PL will live on. :'(

Focus pulling isn't about PLing... maybe in hib but not in Alb. Me and 3 others have started a focus pull group on albion (1rejuv cleric, 1 enh cleric, 1 mincer, 1 matter cabby, 1 ice wizzy). And it's just so damn cool :p Best fun I had in PvE since my first char in daoc! We take waaaay too much risk when pulling the mobs, so we die pretty often, but it's too much fun to stop :D


Originally posted by shadybrack
well wut they have done in the next few patches hasn't "fixed" focus shielding :/ ppl won't be able to focus galla or the like because the mobs r of too high lvl, however theres still ways to focus pull and so PL will live on. :'(

the aggro is reduced so you won't be able to focus pull multiple reds without your healers getting slaughtered :)


Strange but if you jump in to use PB on a few mobs on the focus sheild and you aren't in the grp, you get aggro on your first spell.

I ld and forgot to rejoin grp before jumpin in.


dont join hib, the grass is to damn green ull get a headache, got to lvl 7 with my void eld on pry (pre /level) b4 i rerolled to mid


<waves to Nxs>

Ello - I've got a high level on Hib, and a 35 skald on Mid, both excal and I have to admit I prefer Mid, but thats partly because I feel like I've settled in here a bit better than Hib.

Everywhere there's buffbots and powerlevelling, but I've generally found Mid the more easy going and less 'leet' realm.

At the end of the day, I think it depends on the class you play and the guild you join - if you 'click' with these, then you'll most likely stay there.

I've really settled in Mid with my skald, and I'm having a great time, even if it is mainly just a break to get away from the Prydwen RvR crap going on at the moment ;)

Just make a real effort to get a char you enjoy, and stick with it - and try and get to know the people and the realms, that way I guess you're more likely to stick with it.


Mana chanter for easy mode,
Mana eld for fun mode.



Originally posted by -Nxs-
Since the game was released Ive been playing on Prydwen hovering between the realms and settling in Albion.

Im not looking to move in full to Excal, there is still plenty of activity and challenges left on Pryd.Alb for me, and with the upcomming patches and addons this will be my home for a very very long time.

But i miss my days of playing Mid and Hib, so looking to start up some alts on Excal for those times when I need to escape from the torrent of SC orders flooding my main.

As we only have two english servers I need to make a stand, mid or hib and its driving me nuts.

What are the two realms like on Excal ? I may get flamed and shouted at but when I tried Alb excal some time ago the overall attitude of the players was sick - people leeching everywhere, no respect for others, please tell me this childish attitude doesnt exist in Mid / Hib :)

you mistook alb excal for alb pry just then btw


Mid is kinda relaxed imo, altho both in exping and RvR they are very firm on using optimal setups. So without a fotm dont expect much grps unless u can play really good, or have a guild to grp with.


You have to make a perma group set up to gain exp in Midgard nowdays. Not really worth it starting here to be honest :(



Originally posted by Lumikki
You have to make a perma group set up to gain exp in Midgard nowdays. Not really worth it starting here to be honest :(


Get a good guild and this isn't a problem I've found.

True there isn't as much random grouping as before, but that's more to do with the over use of buffbots than anything else.

At the end of the day a good guild 'pwns' anything else ;)

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