Question binge britain


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
No, they are facts. Why are you so adament in saying i'm wrong?

If you can't be without something, you're addicted.

If you can't stop shooting heroin, you yourself wouldn't say "he just likes it", if the guy said "I'm not addicted, i choose to do so."

Not being able to be without drink, is alcoholism.

Every single person would look at it and go "Yup, that's addiction alright", except for one group...addicts in denial.

Having 1 drink a day is not addiction. If it is, then it's not a problem. It's when you rely on alcohol that it becomes a problem.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Having 1 drink a day is not addiction. If it is, then it's not a problem. It's when you rely on alcohol that it becomes a problem.

If you can't go a day without, it's addiction.

Christ, people aren't seriously disbuting this? :eek6:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Does it matter if it's an addiction? because having 1 drink a day is going to do you no harm at all.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Thanks Ingafgrinn.

The point is; if you can't go a day without a drink, you're addicted.

If you're addicted to alcohol, you're an alcoholic.

No ifs or buts.

Not saying "don't drink every day" or calling tris- an alcoholic, since he's not drinking every day.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
before you go saying what makes someone an alcoholic, you should read the definition of alcoholic created by EXPERTS in the medical field.
and then read up on the disease of alcoholism.

but even if i did drink everyday, i wouldnt be an alocoholic.
i couild very well say im doing it for health benefits since its proven to do it.
like i can say i drink coffee for the anti oxidents, or eat oranges for vitamin c.

alcoholism involves negative health effects.

if drinking 1 glass of red wine a day is beneficial and not negative, and the same can be said for drinking orange juice; why is the person drinking the red wine suddenly an alcoholic? surely the other person is an orangeaholic then.

as you say though,i must be an alcoholic in denial because i dont agree with your opinnion.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And i wasn't saying a THING about the benefits or not, i was saying, IF you can't spend a day without a drink, you're addicted.

Are you STILL trying to deny that's true?

And even so...

If i drink a bottle of vodka every day, and have no health effects(doesn't matter how realistic it is), i'm not an alcoholic?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
what if someones reason for not going without a red wine is "it is beneficial for my heart so i want to drink it, but i only want the amount thats beneficial and no more". and MEDICALLY they are not adiccted (according to experts), in your opinion are they an addict then?

although if someone said "im not going without red wine because i need it to feel normal" i might agree with you on them having a problem.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's not a matter of "i choose to", it's a matter of "can you be without".

If you can't, you're an addict.

You can ask any doctor, any expert, anyone, if you can't go without something, you're addicted.

It has nothing to do with if it's beneficial or not.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
It's not a matter of "i choose to", it's a matter of "can you be without".

If you can't, you're an addict.

so choosing to drink for example 2 units everyday isnt an addiction then.
thats what i said earlier.

when i mistakenly said i drink 2 units a day, you said it made me an alcoholic. even though its quite clear i was choosing to do it and not gripped in some terrible vice.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
so choosing to drink for example 2 units everyday isnt an addiction then.
thats what i said earlier.

when i mistakenly said i drink 2 units a day, you said it made me an alcoholic. even though its quite clear i was choosing to do it and not gripped in some terrible vice.

Did you really need to run around the bush that long?

Yes, if you can't be without a drink you're an addict. If you can, you're not.

Choosing or not isn't even remotely relevant.

If can, no.
If can't, yes.

And i said "probably addicted, try out and see if you are". Missed that didn't you?

But since you're not drinking, no worries eh?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
nope no worries at all. at dinner i opted for orange juice instead of wine, some alcoholic i am.
no i didnt miss that bit.

i said from the start choosing to do something isnt the same as being an addict.

""Oh i don't need a drink, i just have one daily". That's classic addiction talking."

thats what you said, but now it seems youve changed the view if im reading it right.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I never called you an alcoholic.

Get over yourself, you're not that special.

And stop twisting the point and admit my point didn't have anything wrong about it, you're being a borderline dick about it.

You, at same time, say you don't drink daily, yet use something like "Oh i don't need a drink, i just have one daily". That's classic addiction talking." as something i said about you?

So are you drinking daily or are you taking things personally that aren't about you?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
when your posting in my thread (by my, i mean, i started it) and not adressing anyone in particular, and replying to me, it would give the impression youre refering to me.
i reckon thats a reasonable assumption to make.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I work half an hour drive from where i live and there is really no other way of getting home other than a £50 cab. This means most time i go out i drive so drink nothing. But when i do drink i drink what would be called a unsafe or binge amount of drink. Only a few times have i drunk so i forget stuff do something silly, i seem to be good at catching my limit and stopping.

Going out used to be social now so many of my friends see it as go out and get pissed which i think is retarded. Why you need to get so blind drunk you have a bottle of vodka before leaving the house seems stupid. But that seems most of my friends weekend tradition now get pissed to the point of starting fights then head into town.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
when your posting in my thread (by my, i mean, i started it) and not adressing anyone in particular, and replying to me, it would give the impression youre refering to me.
i reckon thats a reasonable assumption to make.

How far off the point can you go?

First it was my fault you wrote something you didn't do, then i'm calling you an alcoholic when i didn't, when infact YOU are the one calling me one, then you take personally a comment about drinking daily, when you're not drinking daily.

Straighten your sh*t out.

Facts are: I never called you an alcoholic, you called me one, i was right about the definition i used and the point i was making, and you're being a dick about something that isn't meant towards you since you're not drinking daily.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
How far off the point can you go?

First it was my fault you wrote something you didn't do, then i'm calling you an alcoholic when i didn't, when infact YOU are the one calling me one, then you take personally a comment about drinking daily, when you're not drinking daily.

Straighten your sh*t out.

Facts are: I never called you an alcoholic, you called me one, i was right about the definition i used and the point i was making, and you're being a dick about something that isn't meant towards you since you're not drinking daily.

since you didnt adress the post to anyone, and only me and you were discussing it, then its reasonable to assume youre implying it to my situation. correct?
still, even if i was drinking daily out of desire rather than need, it wouldnt make me an alcoholic.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
since you didnt adress the post to anyone, and only me and you were discussing it, then its reasonable to assume youre implying it to my situation. correct?
still, even if i was drinking daily out of desire rather than need, it wouldnt make me an alcoholic.

That has no relevance.

You can't get pissed off at something said, if you're not the point of the matter.

If i say "you're an addict IF you drink daily and can't stop", doesn't mean i'm calling you an addcit after you say you don't drink daily.

Gees, that's like you getting pissed off personally for me commenting on a horses ass.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i think its pretty reasonable to assume you were directing the comment at me, since only us 2 were discussing it.

its like me just suddenly saying

youre an idiot

and then later saying "well im not saying you are an idiot"

i dont know, maybe its just me.
usually if there is only 2 people discussing something, and 1 of the other people is me, then i take it that the person is directing their discussion at me unless they say they arnt.

this doesnt help matters either

"Not to mention, you only started to say "i don't drink daily", when i called you on being an alcoholic. How convinient. "

you even say they you called me on being an alcoholic. so which is it - you did direct it or me or didnt?


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Having 1 drink a day is not addiction. If it is, then it's not a problem. It's when you rely on alcohol that it becomes a problem.
it is. needing and wanting when it comes to abuse of substances is addiction. wether you drink 1 a day or 10 a day, you're still addicted. a problem... Well thats not really yourself that decides that.

trying to justify if by saying you drink orange juice instead of alcohol at dinner. well i would say its one of the typical acts of an addict. (yes i know an alcohol addict when i see one, havnt seen tris tho so i cant know)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
this doesnt help matters either

"Not to mention, you only started to say "i don't drink daily", when i called you on being an alcoholic. How convinient. "

you even say they you called me on being an alcoholic. so which is it - you did direct it or me or didnt?

Bloody well know what i meant by that.

You're now grasping at straws, just trying your best to make me look bad after you've noticed i was right.

Calling you on being, and calling you, is two completely different things.

Facts are;

- I didn't call you an alcoholic.
- You called me, for having a hangover none the less.
- People who can't live without drink are addicted, thus, alcoholic.

Accept it and shut up.

Oh and about your "same as calling you an idiot" thing, no it's not, as i never called you anything. You simply took something i said, about people who need to drink being addicts, personally. It's your fault you got offended by it, not mine.

And fyi; drinking OJ with lunch instead of alcohol isn't an achievement unless you got an alcohol problem.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Brilliant. Another thread gone completely in the wrong direction. Gratz.

(That's sarcasm in case you didn't get it :)).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
alcocolism said:
a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally.

However self righteous 2 units a day does not fit in with this.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
To me, being an alchoholic would mean having it disrupt your day to day activities and/or lying about the amount you drink to people.

I drink a lot; probably what most people would see as too much but as far as I see it, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I don't get violent from alcohol, it doesn't detract me away from my work so f*** it, I'm having fun :D

This has become way too much of a 'public interest' way of thinking, drilling it into peoples heads that if they go and get drunk once a week, they all of a sudden have to start feeling guilty about it and this thread sort of sums up the power of the media in this respect... If you personally think you've gone too far at any time, cutback.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 21, 2005
Quality posting lads.

Makes for good reading :)

Is this a game to you Bugz!?!?

May i remind you that



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i drink, but i dont think im an alcoholic simply because i know that i dont need to drink, ive gone 3-4 days in a row (hell when i was on holiday with my mates i was still a bit drunk when i woke up and carried on drinking throughout day and night for about 7 days) but was then happily sober for about 4 weeks afterwards, i drink because i enjoy drinking, i like the taste of drinks, i enjoy it in many different ways, sometimes ill sit in a pub and have one or two pints then go home happy, but not drunk, other times ill go out have a wild night of singing and dancing and be a bit of a mess, but as long as i remember everything in an evening (and there have been one or two times when ive not been able to remember anything and i do consider that as a "going to far" night :p ) and ive had a laugh, i generally am not violent when drunk i tend not to be sick or cause anyone any hassle, i dont see the problem with that, but i do see what y'all mean! some people will do anything if under pressure (and if you've ever been part of a sports team social at uni you'll probably know what i mean) and go absolutely nuts simply because someone tells them to o_O

ofc i know the health risks etc but im quite willing to admit i belong to the "it'll never happen to me crowd", its on the quotes part of these very forums "Immortal until proven otherwise" ;)

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