Beta WoW (new info)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004

actaully read all of that lol.

looks like ill be leaving daoc for a while againwhen wow comes :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Dunno, the games only half of an MMORPG - looking at the WoW forums i'm not sure i'd want to play in a community in which people threaten to slit their wrists just because they didn't get into the beta.

Or bitch in that manner, ok DAoC isn't perfect but atleast you don't get non-beta people going out of their way to disprove everything the beta players put down even though they have no experience in the subject.

I'd want to play WoW - it looks great, but if thats the sort of person it draws in I think I might stick with DAoC for the foreseeable future.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
ppl in daoc are too greedy :/, well at least some of them are


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Archeon said:
Dunno, the games only half of an MMORPG - looking at the WoW forums i'm not sure i'd want to play in a community in which people threaten to slit their wrists just because they didn't get into the beta.

Or bitch in that manner, ok DAoC isn't perfect but atleast you don't get non-beta people going out of their way to disprove everything the beta players put down even though they have no experience in the subject.

do you read BW and think that every single person in game is like that or read vnboard and think that all people on US are whiney 12 year olds?
I dont know how bad it actually is, but with a game that is hyped it is expected that the mainboards are filled with trolls. You only need 200 people on the board to ruin it, while the playerbase will be tenthousand strong at the beginning and hundred thousand later on.
If I remember correctly there will be an open beta to stress test the servers that might be a good time to see how bad WoW will actually be.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
just read from some german beta testers(wich actualy got into the beta, even if its only for USA/canada and asia or summin) that it realy is as good as it gets hyped.
and i'll deff give it a try, so will be nice to meet u there then squal :wub:

just signed up for lineage2 beta, hope to get into that when it starts end of the week, as i will prolly be playing that game till WoW :D


Dec 26, 2003
WoW is not perfect, but man, it's really, really close. It's loyalty to friends that kept me still playing EQ, but many alpha players dropped EQ, DAoC or Final Fantasy like a bad habit and never looked back. Expect sleepless nights, calling in sick from work and lost weekends all over again.

ufffffff, not a second time


Dec 22, 2003
Can't wait for WoW, its gona rock. Wanna get into beta too, want to get into beta for tons of games actualy :p

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
i thought WoW looked a bit too cartoony in some of the sshots ive seen on sites etc, but a friend of mine was in closed beta sent me some of in game, and the graphics are alot better then i expected, so i may have to have a go on this :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Driwen said:
do you read BW and think that every single person in game is like that or read vnboard and think that all people on US are whiney 12 year olds?
I dont know how bad it actually is, but with a game that is hyped it is expected that the mainboards are filled with trolls. You only need 200 people on the board to ruin it, while the playerbase will be tenthousand strong at the beginning and hundred thousand later on.
If I remember correctly there will be an open beta to stress test the servers that might be a good time to see how bad WoW will actually be.

All true, consider my statement retracted (though my feelings towards those it represents remains true). Shame FH won't let me edit my post, but pretend it now reads

[I'm an idiot] :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
wow looks interesting, but it's a shame they aren't going to have decent PvP especially as it's perfectly set up with the two opposing factions. Although it does look interesting and I think i might give it a go for a few months, although like always games uslaly dissapoint when there is so much expectation from them.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I really do hope it's as good as everyone says it will be :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
[QUOTE='Shy]I really do hope it's as good as everyone says it will be :([/QUOTE]

I think it could well be, looks good so far, but hype can do for a game, although it could potentially be great.

Was interesting to see a report on the alpha testing which showed a large number of daoc players in the alpha and everyone getting pissed off with them as they were whining for end game RvR.....



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Was interesting to see a report on the alpha testing which showed a large number of daoc players in the alpha and everyone getting pissed off with them as they were whining for end game RvR.....


pvp was left out of alpha, but that doesnt mean it isnt going to be in the game. <-- the so how does it work part is what devs have said about their PvP on jan 2004. So I think they just left it out of the alpha for some reason.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
"When playing WoW, the vast majority of your time is spent on quests."

...and people who hate ToA are lusting after this game?

"The game is totally level-driven"

I remember some muppet on BW telling me that WoW was totally going to rock and that DAoC would always be unbalanced because WoW wasn't level driven and DAoC was. Wish I could remember that muppet's name.

"PVP may well factor into it, but there's no indication that the endgame won't be PVE – Player Versus Enemy."

Oh goody, the thing that most people on here complain about - PvE - is going to be the centre of the game. Joy.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004

oke a few things....

1) WoW will have PvP zones just like DAoC (Alliance vs Horde)
2) WoW is much less imbalanced then DAoC, for the simple reason you got less classes to balance and no needed classes in a group., yes its VERY valid to run without any type of healer or resser, as it is to run with them, or only with healers!

WoW is a new game, made by a company with a good reputation of building solid, balanced games.

And for the people who want more WoW stuff:

have fun,



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gordonax said:
"When playing WoW, the vast majority of your time is spent on quests."

...and people who hate ToA are lusting after this game?

daoc quest system sucks. Doing quests in ffxi is actually fun and if WoW goes on a similar path it will be fun aswell. Off course there are people who still dislike doing quests, but quests in ffxi are less of go to loc a and kill mob B (its either get this item/drop which you can usually buy from players or it is go to a location, but then you usually get a "movie".

"PVP may well factor into it, but there's no indication that the endgame won't be PVE – Player Versus Enemy."

Oh goody, the thing that most people on here complain about - PvE - is going to be the centre of the game. Joy.
no what that means that PvE can be the centre of the game, you can actually choose. In daoc PvP is for most the centre of the game and imo its designed to be that way. However WoW will most likely give you the choice between the two, with possibly an advantage for PvE as you will need to get lvl's/items for PvP.

Also dont judge all PvE games on daocs PvE, as they dont have to be similar(besides that in daoc there is the I need to get to 50 attitude, which can remove the joy of PvE'ing).

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
its best not to listen too all the hype, look what it did for SWG, that game has so much potential, they just cant keep up with the hype it had, hopefully people will learn soon and actually not give stuff so much hype when they cant keep up and people just get dissapointed


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gordonax said:
"When playing WoW, the vast majority of your time is spent on quests."

...and people who hate ToA are lusting after this game?

"The game is totally level-driven"

I remember some muppet on BW telling me that WoW was totally going to rock and that DAoC would always be unbalanced because WoW wasn't level driven and DAoC was. Wish I could remember that muppet's name.

"PVP may well factor into it, but there's no indication that the endgame won't be PVE – Player Versus Enemy."

Oh goody, the thing that most people on here complain about - PvE - is going to be the centre of the game. Joy.

heh in wow there is a proper story line... can u really really say the same about daoc ?:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
looks good so far, i especially like the thing that blizzard -apparantly- reacted fast to imbalances


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
Also dont judge all PvE games on daocs PvE, as they dont have to be similar(besides that in daoc there is the I need to get to 50 attitude, which can remove the joy of PvE'ing).

Well I'm probably unusual in that I can't stand PvP in any game other than DAoC. DAoC just hits the right level of PvP for me - which is why I'll stay with it.

And to be honest, I just can't be arsed to start again with another game. DAoC will probably be the last mmorpg I play.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Healer McHeal said:
its best not to listen too all the hype, look what it did for SWG, that game has so much potential, they just cant keep up with the hype it had, hopefully people will learn soon and actually not give stuff so much hype when they cant keep up and people just get dissapointed

Exactly. I've spent 6+ months of people telling me how great WoW is going to be, and how it's going to be perfect with no problems first time round blah blah blah. I don't mean to sound so down on it - I mean, I hope it's good - but you'd think it was the second coming of Christ rather than yet another mmorpg from the way people have talked about it.

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