Best savage Race



Troll best

Troll is best!

Using a troll to start the game, with 35 Quickness. We then take him to level 50, adding 23 Quickness by way of autoraising (if Quickness is Secondary stat). Then buff him up with capped +75 QUI gear. Give him a Shaman Dex/Qui buff for another 70 points.

That gives Mr. Troll 203 Quickness.

6 points of Quickness over 60 are about equal to 1% Haste, this 203 Quickness gives the troll a natural haste of 23% ( (203-60)/6 ).

So then we take his weapons, the slowest available HTH at 3.2s and apply his natural haste to the weapons. This results in a weapon delay of 2.4s. If this troll were to get Savagery up to the 39% Haste buff, he'd then have weapons whose delay is 1.5s, which is right at the speed cap.

Let's then say Mr. Troll can't find a Shaman to help him. He's got a Quickness of 133. That's a natural haste of about 12%. That gives him a natural weapon delay of 2.8 and a Hasted weapon delay of 1.7.

So you see, even a troll, starting with the lowest Quickness possible, is able to get near the weapon speed cap at level 50 with the slowest HTH weapon available.

And on top of that they have the highest weapon skill.


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