What will be the ranger specc?
Originally posted by tildson
Ill save us both some time Xest and paste Quivna's specguide here:
It has everything!
Originally posted by Crashtje
if ure gunna do taht stun / shoot combo u _need_ haste becos by the time youve drawn you bow etc the stun will have worn off as i have noticed on countless occasions, rangers cant do that slam/shoot imo :/ scouts get a 10second stun in which they pull and shoot, diamondback = 6seconds i thnk with a 3sec draw time 3 secs gettting out out etc
Originally posted by marius_hib
yr full of shit rev so stfu
str = draw time
Originally posted by shatar
Why does almost every spec with a ranger have low CD? I would find a spec like this interesting: 40 bow 39 blades 38 cd 35 stealth, and leftover points into pathfinding(4 I belive), Unfortunatly not even first speed.
Why so little CD on all your templates, doesn't it lead to loads of missed second hand blows and a low dmg if it does hit? I am though not in any way an expert at hib classes and spec lines, but I would love some nice input from just such experts
Originally posted by Falcon
Over 40 spec bow is a waste no matter what the conditions. 35 optimal unbuffed, 27 is optimal buffed. I still cap frequently with 27 recurve when fully buffed.
Can't remember the last time I encountered PBT with bow on Pryd/Hib now, must've been at least 9months ago now.
Originally posted by VidX
fyi: bring stealth above 50 if you are going high bow.
50 stealth means you don't unstealth when drawing a normal shot, 60 is when you remain stealthed upon drawing a critshot.
That's why I am 51 stealth and rising
Originally posted by vintervargen
where did you get that imformation from?
for me, i sometimes unstealthed, and sometimes now. seemed to work a bit if you didnt have a target when drawing.