Best PS moment


Galewyr Dark

Best kill or witnessed kill.

and/or best flip/roll/slid in a buggy


Persoanlly...taking a TR MAX out with my sniper rifle while running around him in circles, 15 rounds to drop a MAX and after i killed him i got 'f**king moron' as a pm from the guy...oh so nice.

Best buggy moment....doing a cartwheel in my harasser OVER and nmy AMS..landing the rightway up and continuing on my the cliff, cliping a friendly reaver on the way to the bottem.

Deady eat ur heart out!



me in my Tr cycler max in a tower all by myself as 8 NC dropped on it i killed them all dont ask how lol there was no NC maxs just troops but still they should have easily killed me


Originally posted by envenom
me in my Tr cycler max in a tower all by myself as 8 NC dropped on it i killed them all dont ask how lol there was no NC maxs just troops but still they should have easily killed me

TR Cycler Max overpowered: Oh No...;)

Yep, back then when I had a Harrasser Cert, I'd often be flipping it over and over, mostly landing the right way up.
I really felt like I was one of the Duke boys..



stabbing people...

crouching next to enemy infs, saying something like "how ya doing?" then giving them a good stabbing.

Hot dropping from a gal in a MAX scatter suit onto a Vanu tower during a TR v VS battle and killing al lot of rather confused snipers and then then scatter sniping people below :)


Four best moments for me so far:

1) Seeing a vanu MAX charging towrads me, it jumps up high to start shooting down on me, but then proceeds to take a pheonix round up between his legs, raining MAX parts around me.

2) Flying a reaver a full thrust + afterburner up a narrow and twisting canyon (which was below the surrounding ground level), just pulling up in time to launch a volley of rockets at a MAX that was walking over the bridge above me. Beware airbourne attacks from beneath you.

3) Escaping a pack of reavers in my mossie by hitting the deck and somehow managing to fly at 230 kph underwater. Really weird that one.

4) Landing an Enforcer on top of a tower, and driving round the top balcony squashing the TR infantry people.


1. Any of my bizarre sunderer accidents including driving off a bridge, driving into the second story of a tower and driving off numerous cliffs. Maybe also the time i was reporting in to my squad using the voice conference when a vanguard gcame over the hill at full pelt towards me. I screamed like a girl while still holding the transmit button down:(

2. Defending a tower from 5-6 enemies with a handfull of grenades. Man i bet they were pissed.


1) Stuck in a tower with my Squad/Outfit VS several hundred VS. Reavers buzzing around so i jump off the top of the tower onto a reaver and then proceed to ride it and blast it away with my Jackhammer and AP ammo :D I got it but as you can imagine i got blown miles.

2) In a base from side entrance with about 5 friendlies. Meet 3 TR Cycler maxs and about 8 men. We kill the men and all but 1 of the maxs im last one standing with my 24 hp and no armour. True rambo style i charge at the max expecting to be slaughtered and in true Saving Private Ryan style i fire my jackhammer and he dies me on 2 hp by now and relieved. The millions of NC on the surface had got down and a well placed rocket killed the max :D
I then proceed to get Tked by the masses of Mad Germans that follow me :(


Was busy mining a base and erecting sentry guns -- had used all but one of my mines when I moved to the other entrance. Just as an enemy MAX decided to enter the base.

Didn't have many options so waited for the MAX to enter, dropped the mine, ran backwards and hit the detonate button.

One MAX blown to hell.

Best part, though, was when the enemy player sent me "LOL GG ^^" or some such :)


i think the maxs are only really that good in doors normaly when i step outside of a tower/base in a max suit i look at the radar and see about 60007373744 missles coming to me from phenoix ppl.

and by the time u have killed 1 person u have just unloaded about 50 rounds into them counting the misses etc there not overpowered maxs are just right imo


Mad AMS drviving on Hossin.... had about 5 reavers after me in my AMS, only way to go was toward the NC controled base...

I run past the tower and spot DMW.... I run him over :D
Every NC in the tower starts blasting at me, and I do a 45 degree turn and race over some more NC

I get to the enemy base, and there's MORE NC shooting at me, so I decide to get the hell out of there
I run over Xtro :)

and then i died, taking an enemy AMS with me :D

I was gunning in a magrider, driver was a french bloke, Lorenz
Was at the bridge near Leza, on Cyssor... about 20 NC grunts on the bridge, and we run 'em all over

then we drive back, and blow up some reavers

3 Vanguards start crossing the bridge
We're in deep shit, so I just shooting madly at the first one... it blows just befote it reaches our side
The 2nd vanguard stops, and the 3rd one crashes into the 2nd one, knocking it into the water (dont ask me how)

the 3rd one drives on, pushes the wreck out of the way, and gets blown up by a minefield :D

the 20 grunts had respawned and were halfway across the bridge.... you can imagine the rest :D

ofc, killing BW peeps = good moments.... *waves to uncle sick*:D


1) Trapping Silverhood with a landmine
2) Being out of ammo and managing to stab 2 terrans camping the spawn room <some adrenaline rush that was>
3) Riding on the Jup bus ... especially that field trip .. cant recall what it was called but something along the lines of " Feel the pain of a crashtestdummy first hand" or " In the bus and down the cliff in 5 seconds"
4) many many more moments, i cant remember them all now, my memory is failing.


haha, I remember that Ivan

wasn't even your mine I think, bastard :D


Killing about 8 Vanu snipers on a clifftop with my cycler when they were all shooting at a TR base we had just captured. Then one of them /telling me "F**king cycler n00b". I thought it was quite funny.


I logged on in an enemy tower, hacked it and waited. Killed the same 4 people about 2 - 3 times each, was popping down for ammo, medkits and repairing myself inbetween. Then more and more TR started appearing and a base attack started. Was quite rewarding seeing them all zerg out of the tower i'd been keeping.


Originally posted by SilverHood
haha, I remember that Ivan

wasn't even your mine I think, bastard :D

Hehe it wasnt my mine :) at that time i was br 5 or something, so i couldnt afford anything but my trusted reinforced and a shotgun loaded with ap rounds hehe.

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