Best Move



How about worst move then ?

Last night I was playing on a pacific map , maybe Iwo Jima ?
Anyway, I spawned pn this big ship, actually in the drivers seat as it were. Ohh I thought, thats handy, Ill drive it near to the shore, then I wont have far to drive the landing craft. So I do this , cant find a landing craft, so jump into the water and swim to the shore. I look back to see the ship Ive "parked" under attack from countless aircraft, and sinking.
It was the aircraft carrier .... whoops.

Scooba Da Bass

Mine are normally comedy variants on the 'spray whole clip and get killed whilst reloading' affair.

Alternatively in a match on Monday I rolled a Priest up to the edge of the allied base on Bulge, sat waiting for a target, saw the dust of a tank on the very edge of the fog rolling pretty fast, I lead and opened fire, hit it dead on, up popped [G] Scooba da Bass has killed [G] Adams901, great shot, shame it was a TK.


Not exactly done in a match or game situation, but my best move to date has to be the flying down the road on the Market Garden bridge (info can be found elsewhere on the forum - the 'Oh my' topic).


Same match Scoobs is talking about. I drive my shiny axis tank upto the far bridge and as I get just into the middle this tank pops out from the behind the ruins and takes a shot at me. Annoying little blighter! I ended up sitting as he started to drive out, hitting him in the side of the tracks through the doorway in the ruins and then dodging each shot he took. That doorway is so useful! ;)


Hmm just had one where I was in a destroyer and saw an allied destroyer, I rammed it and then fired upon it without them able to fire back as they had tilted to one side :)

Quite funny watching them throw grens at me ;)


We were playing Wake (U Shaped Island) and I got on the AA gun near the allies base, I was Jap, and a Jeep passed which I destroyed then a Sherman Tank, again I destroyed it, and then finally a APC which I also destroyed and killed the one person who death toll 6-7 with in a few seconds :)


I seen that Embattle :) I couldn't work out how you got all them kills in a row, I was jealous :p


It was perfect since none of them realised what was happening, although about 4 of them then respawned and ran up the hill to get me :)


heh both happened yesterday in my First game online....

Think the map was called Market Garden (One with Bridge crossing Rhine River)... well, i was Axis, along with Scooba etc.


Scooba decided to hitch a ride with me in a Jeep (lucky him!) anyway, he said go towards the far end bridge... because i didnt know where i was goin pretty much, he was directing me... over bumps etc which where damaging the Jeep... anyway, just as we get to the Bridge a plane comes, drops a bomb, the bomb missed us, but i swerved into the bridge like a bloody ping pong ball hittin each side of the bridge... then the Jeep exploded... i fuckin laughed my arse off :D


On the main bridge on the same map, someone (i think) Daveh was gonna come to and drop a bomb on me, i, at that time was an Anti Tank guy, so i waited for him to just get close enough, and i bazooka'ed him... Brown Bread in mid air :D

God, if i get more games like that i will be a very happy chappy heh


One of my clan mates :)


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