Best moments in DAoC?



My personal favourites:

Gaining one RP(yes 1) in a keepraid with a level 10 char. Proudest moment of my life to have an RA with a lowlevel like that. Wasn't much help in the fight but's the thought that counts :p

Evading a level 30 mob in Muspelheim with a level 9 shadowblade. Has to be the best "WTF?!" moments also. Saved my life though.

Running from Vasudheim to Gna Faste werewolves with my healer(no money, zip), only to get instaganked by Drakul(?) at the gates. Not a best moment but sure as hell the funniest.



A sad momment but never the less my most memorable.

The guys wake in Emain last year, sorry i forget his name, but was truely a thing to see a total seisefire between the 3 realms as we gathered in a large circle around his guild.

Happist moment, seeing the Dragon up close for the first time.


My missus hitting 50 down in the Princess room in DF.
Leading my first - and first succesful - keep take against a defended keep.
Inviting some of my best friends into my guild.


When I had a trollshammy lvl 7 that got plvled in DF and got away with 2 diamondseals! :D



not sure but think...

lvl 15 Guild group in emain, we spotted and killed a purp celt behind a tree... maybe he was a ranger but not sure
was kinda new to the game n first rvr time mmm think was feb 2002...

and later 208 PA and 68 Cd at lvl 35 on a 50 Warior in odins :)

(and no he didnt kill me, got nailed by 2 zerk an a skald wile he was still stunned ;P )

mmm dont know...


It's a no brainer, my first character, logging into Connia and running round for the first time.

Nothing so far has beaten the excitement and anticipation of that moment.

Oh yeah and soloing a Finn with my 45 Chanter with mana to spare :)


Finally hitting 50, completing the epic and then the following day, wife at work, kids in school, sitting down for some pve and easily soloing oranges and soloing reds with the right armour, thinking this is so cool, all the enemies are yellow and I can kill reds.
Going to emain and being ganked by a blue con stealther, :rolleyes: stunned, diseased, screwed, I think I got one DD in :D
Well I enjoyed myself



Originally posted by old.job
It's a no brainer, my first character, logging into Connia and running round for the first time.

Nothing so far has beaten the excitement and anticipation of that moment.

same with my first fighter.

logging in running around humberton

oh and the timea round level 5 where I got lost and ended at CS valley..... purple con mobs everywhere, bloody scary.

also 3 weeks of bartending last summer (2002) with Troryn while training tailoring and roleplaying in The Stone.


1st time in Thidranki with Infil standing in middle of mids grp thinking wow they cant see me.

1 hitting a yellow con Luri outside of Beno with my scout at lvl 43.

Getting Bane at lv 46 with scout last week after successful 24 man Sidi raid getting to Host and taking him to .001% of life.


Hitting 50 and getting my epic... And running around the first time around atla and the beaches... was fun :)


i once evaded a level 60 mob when my inf was lvl 12


Not the best but certainly my most memorable moment is back when I was playing Mid and we were xping in DF .

Our runie Galthor was pulling (I cant remember the mobs) but he manged to pull about 15 who then proceeded to wipe us, wipe the two grps who responded to our calls for help and wipe out anyone else anywhere near the place - must have killed close to 40 mids:p

The grief that Galthor took and the good humoured comments that flew across DF that day when we let everyone know what had happened and who had pulled these mobs had me falling off my chair with laughter.


killing 8 vgn+vf, then a gg of LA then a gg of TB right after another with our runie group, gaddamn that rawked :great:

Duoing a lvl 33 Zana with Xarr in gorge when he was lvl 20 and me lvl 19

and killing fg Ig/vgn +4-5 alb stealthers(who jumped us! damn bishes) with Arnor+meekur+citrin ^^

and soloing a buffed(dont quite remember if he was or not, lets just say he was for my CV :p ) mallus with my zerker while unbuffed

killing Yog (both unbuffed) when he got in pa+cd and I didnt purge and had 50%hps after the fight

soloing alpha when I was lvl 46 with Arnor

soloing 5-6 alb stealthers at once with Arnor, with a chanter to open the ball

soloing a nightmare in df with an unbuffed Arnor and having 60% hps left

those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head atleast :)


1st Day of daoc of course,
Also when i dinged 50 after 11 months playing my Hero and got messages from whole hibernia prydwen to say me gratz well done etc.


killing 8 vgn+vf, then a gg of LA then a gg of TB right after another with our runie group, gaddamn that rawked

Is this a new language?


Dinging 50 with my first char (I say that as I hope to get 50 with my H2H Savage soon)...

Getting randomly invited by a mate to join a DF hunt which turned into an all-3-Princes-the Princess-and-Legion-himself hunt...

My first solo RvR kill out in Uppland...

Getting about 50 'ROFL's in a row on /as with one daft comment during a lull in the fighting at Caer Benowyc...


Taking two hours exploring and finally arriving at the scary place of Ft Veldon from Mularn (can run there in 1min with my skald) at level3.

First getting to wear an emblem like the big purple con people (at the time this was The Clocker Knighrs emblem and I really disliked it but wore it anyway).

Sitting on the pad with a lvl17 Zerker, most people around being red and orange con, everyone cheering and chanting various things about midgard being great just before we ported to emain. Then all charging as we met both hibs and albs in a fight that lasted a good 5mins. It was my first time in RvR and I killed nothing yet no rvr since has come close to beating it.

I didnt particularly enjoy it when I dinged 50 but then I had been playing 10hours solid as the puller at lair.

<sigh> In my case it certainly proves that ignorance is bliss.

Cavex ElSaviour

At lvl 15 or so I was exping with a fg of guildies in CS, suddenly a purp con dwarf appears and kills us. After that we tried to hunt the dwarve (never found him but it was damn exciting 30 mins:p)

First time emain ofc, couldnt kill anything, but was able to get my first 50 rp's :)


Watching as Kragma did YMCA on the bindstone in Hagall with one of his little alts.

That was the funniest moment of my DAoC career so far. Have had plenty of great times in this game but agree with most of the guys that the first time you logged into a realm and just stood there gaping for about 5 minutes - in my case it was Lethantis in Albion with my soon to be sorcereress in closed beta.


Think I had one of my best moments tonight. Actually killing a bonedancer with a scout - Critshot and rapid shot and she keeled over.

I don't think I'm ever going to run unbuffed again.


Proudest moment..

Lvl 24 in Thid not so long ago. Albs had the CK and we were just hovering by the bridge. An Alb was down on the slope and was waiting for a rez. I saw the rezzer come and just as he started casting I unleashed a shitload of AoE bombers at him. He got the rez off and started running back to the CK but it was too late. The 1500 range on the bombers turned into 3000 range with AoE and killed 'em both :)


when Dryden , Visit, gwendel, hito, Vayasen, leala,Krillin and Hrod all helped to take a defended hib keep vai the walls.
The lord was on 5% as teador n co found us in the lord room, with me on 5% hits and everone else dead i resisted 3 PBAoE's and eveaded the lord twice to get the final hit in and kill him. Never laughed so hard in my life, watchin the hibs in the courtyard go wtf as the alb gaurds attacked :p

Also the first time Dryden 1 shotted a lvl 50, he was lvl 44 at the time to. ^^


Levelling my First Thane back in Dec 2001 (totalled 4 of them since Closed Beta started) and getting my first ever Mez Breaking Hammer of Doom spell.

He was the Charismatic, Intelligent, Robust, Empathetic, Strong, Pious Silver Bearded Dwarven Thane (aka +5 Str/Con/Int/Pie/Cha/Emp startign stats)

I honestly believed I would have a better faction with the Monsters due to my Empathy and be offered Quests earlier due to my Intelligence :D


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
A sad momment but never the less my most memorable.

The guys wake in Emain last year, sorry i forget his name, but was truely a thing to see a total seisefire between the 3 realms as we gathered in a large circle around his guild.

Happist moment, seeing the Dragon up close for the first time.

Yep, that was v good, then some dick thane ae'ed them and all hell broke loose


My best moment was when one time me, a BD (Taika) and 2 healers defended Surs against almost 30 albs that attacked it, such a feeling trying to hang in there, half dead, out of mana in the lord room and praying that I'd get a few more pbae's off and the albs would back off to rest for a bit... eventually we won, it felt so great to win against such odds (not to mention the deathspam) :)

Was a perfect day for this little kobbie ;)



Last night when I dinged 50 (Yay :D ) one guildie sittin crafting sumwhere on SI went out in /broad and asked everyone to congratt me!
Got about 10 "Gratts on 50 m8!" in 2 mins! :D Became quite overwhelmed! :)
Cheers to all that pmed me! :cheers:


The funniest thing ever must've been when my old guild, Imperial Dwarven Army (RIP), had guildhunts naked in Emain. Picture 20 nude dorfs, highest one being level 37 or something, running around Emain dancing with people. We actually took 3 albs down on the run, by accident. Never underestimate the power of naked dorfs :viking:

Also some of the moves Ardamel planned were really fun. Once we hid in Benowyc in the room right of the entrance to tower, and then crushed the albs as they rushed to the lord :lol:

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