Best Albion Class? In your Opinions..



I must admit I find my Reaver incredibly good fun to play... the pbae interrupt is just killer when fighting small groups, i've soloed 3/4 enemies before just because I can keep them all interrupted all the time, and popping stealthers is quite fun too ;)

Admittedly I'm usually buffed, but there's nothing quite like the feeling of leviathianing someone for their last 25% hps :D

Grouped I personally think the "must have Det 4 teh win" attitude is unfounded - the number of times Im mezzed/rooted is far fewer than the number of times Im with the assist train doing a stupid amount of damage, or if needs be I can defend casters/tanks with high shield spec and dps debuff chant running.

My two casters are far too frustrating to play regularly in rvr - sometimes you'll do massive damage and itll be great, other times you'll be interrupted for entire fights by someone farting upwind of you... most annoying :)


Scout :p

soo funny having 50 sheild and sick amounts of dex :)

seriously hard characters to lvl tho :(


I like all my chars but would say cabalists are the most underated class in daoc and are VERY good.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Minstrel and sorc.

Minstrel because of the versatility, and a sorc because of the challenge. A good sorc really stands out, in comparison to say an offensive tank.

Second that ^

Never played a Minstrel thou but they seems quite fun, Usefull both in Standard Emain war and in the stealther war.

Sorc is an very good caster and very very very frustrating to play ( #1 target for most Assist trains :( ) thou when you get those nice mezzes it's worth a few deaths.


Well hy guys..

Having an armsman, scout, and sorcerer all level 50, and having played all albion chars at level 50 <my friends accounts>, I would have to say that my Sorcerer is the best fun by far!

Choosing a pet is very good fun also as now we can choose anything up to level 50 <even undead> BUT then again minstrels can charm pets higher than that! pfft

Sorcerers also have the amasing ability to confuse mobs which is sooo much fun you wouldnt believe :)
I once went to dartmoor and soloed the whole area which con blue mobs to purple mobs and all i did was confuse the lot, so basically everyone was hitting each other and they left me alone whilst i plodded on to do my exploring !
<shame mini's get confuse too>

I would say Sorcerers are possibly the best explorer that albion have as for a fun character by far! So versatile!!

And as far as RvR goes, Yes its fun, Yes you get targetted 1st, but this character you have made is a support caster and you have made him to help your realm m8s take out a little bit of the badness midgard have to give! If u delay a full grp of mids for 20 seconds, then thats 20 seconds you have gained to keep your realm m8s alive <even if you die>. And when you do get a mezz off and you see everyone mezzed... god it gives you a rush!!!

Roll a sorcerer imo! TOA is coming and you will want to explore it to your best potential :)

Sorcerers name: Blizard


i would say (from what i played..) sorc is great fun, prolly more fun at high level, and so is minstrel (why i'm secretly levelling one :D). pally is ok, i found that dealing no damage at all was more than frustrating to say the least though.
and who whined about insta mez (somewhere in this pots), they shouldnt be IN range, your mez has longer range blah blah...


Originally posted by Mills
If you notice ive listed down the classes that actually ahve a vote or a mention, im the only one so far i believe that has mentioned mercs.. :)

If a fotm Merc wants to post let them.. Or someone wants to post a vote for a fotm merc... Then fair enough :)

<elbows her way to the front>

I love my merc, she's my favourite Alb class to play without a doubt :)

I don't think I'm a fotm though, as I was rolled even before Mattshanes rolled his back in the dark ages ;) Although they're a pure tank class, they have plenty going for them, particularly after 1.62, the most fun I ever had was levelling Naetha up, and currently trying to get her to RR5 :) She's loads more fun than my paladin, who is probably overpowered, blah blah blah :p

I might have said my minstrel as well, but after playing a skald, they just don't compare for the fun factor, and pure survivability.


I've been playing my mercenary since the first week of retail or so and it certainly is a great class if you like fighting at the front. He's good at his job both in RvR and PvE, cool realm abilities, dirty tricks and of course using two weapons at once are good fun.

However, after playing a friar to high level I discovered the joys of healing people and have now dug out the tiny cleric again and must say that this is really the character I'm having the most fun with. You keep your group alive, everybody is relying on you to save them and in turn you rely on your groupmates to protect your bum. You can be helpful to people in numerous ways and even have some limited offensive capability (more if you spec smite).

It comes down to what you personally like to play, really. Being a fightery-type person from LARP and Pen&Paper, I never thought I'd enjoy a cleric. Shame I didn't try one earlier.

So best try them all out to find your own favourite. If you have access to /level then this shouldn't be a big problem.


the lack of armsman love from mythic and the BW public warms my soul :( . i'm told we're the least changed class since the game began :hat:


Woopie doo.. Well this thread is flying... sticky imo :lol:

Anyway so everyone is having a good say about their favourite and why... I also think this thread will help newbies and other people decide what they roll as their class...

Naetha .. Paladins overpowered?? get off the wacky backy imo ;oP he he he + My Thane Cirewen is in Realm Defenderson Excal.... il see you about some time :D

Anyway so heres roughly the classes most people are in decision on about ehri playability, likeness to play, usefulness etc etc...

Sorcerer *
Minstrel *
Friar, Mercenary, Cleric *
Cabalist, Paladin, Wizard

To me it looks like the contenders for the crown are far out in the lead... Keep the votes comming in.. Its a shame if you dont vote for your favourite class in it just misses out... and Thank you all for replying to the thread :) :cheers:


Originally posted by hrodelbert
the lack of armsman love from mythic and the BW public warms my soul :( . i'm told we're the least changed class since the game began :hat:

Its becuase the armsman is a balanced class... same as champion, last time we saw something new was 1.50 when we got the str/con buff :(
(this is ofc according to mythic)


Originally posted by Mills
Naetha .. Paladins overpowered?? get off the wacky backy imo ;oP

Chara can solo Umbral hulks unbuffed and the Ambassador in Princess room...overpowered imo ;)


hehe... Dare i ask how long it takes you? :p + what spec is she ?


best spec for pala is 50 shield, 13 parry, 48 chants and 29 slash imho (race saracen)

Paladins are amazing in PvE, if you team with an armsman (S+s) and crossguard you can kill almost anything in DF (except Legion / behamoth)


50 sheild, 26parry, 29slash 43 chants is the way to go.. aye saracen yes.. but for those of us who made paladins yonks ago.. and rolled highlanders .. me :) and who dontreally want to go threw the process of levleing another one up... that above spec is the cheesy spec ever...

Last af chant and last end... you wont hardly get hit.. and when u do a 36 heal from your heal chant is plenty... damage add of about 21 is fine and lets face it if you are hardly ever getting hit, which you wont, what differnce is 30odd af going to make.. an extra 20damage? ... The amount of times u get hit.. its worth it imo...


Made sycho in april, matt feb and firepower june two years ago heh and sycho has more played than matt :E but still playing all 3 as much as i can, i love casters the most though, theurg is a very good class when it get's the good ra's.

Don't think there is a best class in any realm really, just what you like and not anyone else.


Only tried BG alb chars tbh, but from seeing them in action and looking at specs...

I'd like a minstrel, they have the best of both worlds, normal group + stealth group to choose from, as well as being able to solo. They do ok dmg melee, DD shouts hit nice amount, insta stun on a very very short timer, the chant, I forget its name but takes 40 to 70 dmg off my hits and mach5. Does everything.

Sorc seems to have alot of abilities, and mezz range/duration is crazy compared to the dark sm I've tried. I'd personaly play a sorc as my caster if I were alb, lifedrain can be a lifesaver, in PvE, I'd imagine same within RvR.

Wiz seems to be a very nice keep offencive/defencive class imo, but I've not seen them in action, only know of specs.

Smite cleric is kinda nasty, but I hear they have to spec highly to get anything from it, which would gimp group play.

Friar seems nice, but not my thing, hits hard, can heal, can baseline buff, has some nifty spec self buffs, and n00bs, like myself always misstake them for casters, and then wacked for 4xx+ on a staff :p

Pally's seem very usefull, I'd like to play one if theres ever a 3rd server, ER on a tank is crazy, as well as other support class abilities. Hmm to play, I'm not sure, they twist chants, I hear. was hard enough trying it with a mincer doing speed+pet, just 2 while playing normal.

Theur's seems very nice with chain stun pet things, but the specline with PBT doesn't seem used at all...

But over all, I'd choose a mincer to play, for fun, groupability and able to solo.


I played a 50 shield pala when my account was locked out with the goa fiasco, and I honestly saw no benefit in speccing that highly in shield. My spec with Chara is 48 chants for the last af chant (and yes, this does make a dfference imo) 42 shield, 19 parry and 39 slash. Obviously with RR and adds, I've got 56 in shield, as well as MoB 2, and MoParry 2 - the only extra thing with 50 shield was brutalize, which is ok I suppose, but I don't use sheild styles when farming, and even still, end isn't really an issue. I noticed no difference in extra blocking from having 42+14 to 50+13. I'd rather get that extra 10 in slash, and kill things faster ;)

As for times, its taken me 7 minutes to kill a nightmare once :sleeping: :D


Your forgetting serb is gimped until he gets SC.

His sheld, parry, str and con are overcapped while dex and qui are both well under cap.

Should be able to afford it relatively soon with pharm bot on the way.

Will let you have another play after that :)

P.S. you dont use shield styles while farming? are you insane? get a brut off and you can get 3 more if the mob has a slow attack speed, 2 otherwise. That completely outdamages anything my sword can do.

P.P.S. also you have MoB II while serb only has MoB I, thats another effective 6 shield skill, so you have 42 (skill) + 11 (items) + 3 (RR) + 12 (MoB II) = 68, where as serb has 50 (skill) + 11 (Items) + 2 (RR) + 6 (MoB I) = 69 so no you wouldnt notice much difference at that point. 0.25% to be precise ^^ i.e. negligeble (sp)


Originally posted by lakih
Its becuase the armsman is a balanced class... same as champion, last time we saw something new was 1.50 when we got the str/con buff :(
(this is ofc according to mythic)

so where is the arms str/con self buff! Incidentally Mythic are making changes to the armsman in 1.65, but it AINT love...

By the way, I am going to vote for my hybrid specced armsman, despite the lunacy of having to spec that way (and also having to secondary spec in a damage type - thanks mythic). I have other chars but nothing is as satisfying as slaming someone, then jumping behind them and whiping out my strong sidipole and giving it to them as hard as possible from behind



Originally posted by punchy
so where is the arms str/con self buff! Incidentally Mythic are making changes to the armsman in 1.65, but it AINT love...

By the way, I am going to vote for my hybrid specced armsman, despite the lunacy of having to spec that way (and also having to secondary spec in a damage type - thanks mythic). I have other chars but nothing is as satisfying as slaming someone, then jumping behind them and whiping out my strong sidipole and giving it to them as hard as possible from behind


Thought Armsman was just a Warrior, pure tank?


warriors have the nice position of not having been totally overlapped and made fairly redundant by other tank classes in their realm , if i could turn hrodel into a warrior at the same RR i would go to mid without hesitation.


altho i'd have to smuggle NEEEEEEEEeeeee thru customs in my pink holdall


I htink you'll find that most mid classes >>> Alb classes in direct comparison ;) Well, thats my opinion after playing Mid pretty solidly for about 2 months.

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